News Writing Part 39

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Last night Sheriff Kuhn and Coroner Hopf of Ellis county went to Dawson Grove and a.s.sumed personal charge of the case.


_A._ Write a feature story on the different ways students in your college make money. Get statistics of the number of students earning their way wholly or in part and the amount of money earned during a college year.

_B._ The following statement was made by Dr. Martin Frederick of the city medical staff, Cleveland, Ohio: "Milady's dimples are defects caused by faulty construction or weaknesses of the cheek muscles."

Interview several ladies who have dimples and write the story.

_C._ The following statements were made by Colonel G. O. s.h.i.+elds, president of the League of American Sportsmen:

"The cotton growers are suffering a loss of one hundred million dollars a year by reason of the ravages of the boll weevil. Why?

Because the quails, the prairie chickens, the meadow larks and other birds which were formerly there in millions have been swept away by gunners. The grain growers are losing over one hundred million dollars a year on account of the work of the chinch bug. They are losing another two hundred million dollars a year on account of the work of the Hessian fly. Both of these are very small insects, almost microscopic in size. It takes over twenty-four thousand chinch bugs to weigh one ounce. A quail killed in a wheat field in Ohio and examined by a government expert had in its craw the remains of over twelve hundred chinch bugs it had eaten that day. Another quail killed in Kansas and examined by another government expert had in its craw the remains of over two thousand Hessian flies that it had eaten that day. The farmers of the Northern states are paying out sixteen to seventeen million dollars a year for paris green to put on their potato vines. A quail killed in a potato field in Pennsylvania and examined by a government entomologist had in its stomach the remains of one hundred twenty-six bugs. The quail is one of the most valuable insect-eating birds of its size in the world; and yet there are so-called sportsmen all over the land, thousands of them, who insist on having legal authority to kill every quail they can find during at least three months of each year. Then there is a whole army of game-hogs who go out and kill them when they are half grown and when there is no game warden in sight."

Write a feature story about the value of birds.

_D._ The following bill of fare for fifteen cents was found in a restaurant at 1615 Austin Avenue: two eggs cooked any style, one cup of coffee, two slices of bread, b.u.t.ter, potatoes, toothpicks. Steak instead of eggs made the price twenty cents. Pie was five cents. The proprietor, Christ Terss, a Greek, has supported himself and wife for two years on this priced menu and in addition has put $200 in the bank. Make a feature story of the details.

_E._ In the court of domestic relations yesterday, Willie Preber, 19, 1848 Ontario Street, was accused by his stepmother, Mrs. John Preber, of fighting her. Willie pleaded not guilty, saying he could not fight with her much, as he had a weak heart and might die if he got excited. He declared he never touched her more than once a day. He was sent to the house of correction for sixty days.

_F._ The _Seattle Star_ got a good story by interviewing a number of men and women about the book they had liked most when children. _Tom Sawyer_ and _Robinson Crusoe_ led the list. Try the story in your town or in your university.

_G._ A similar story to that in _F_ may be had by interviewing a number of persons about their favorite sacred hymn. "Onward, Christian Soldiers" led the list in Columbus, Ohio.

_H._ Inquire of twelve or fifteen college men and women what favorite remedies they use for colds. Their varied replies will be startling.

Make a feature story of their answers.

_I._ Question a number of persons in your town, or in your university, about their favorite hobbies, and feature the story as "Riding Hobby Horses with _Blank_ Men and Women."

_J._ Inquire of the members of the senior cla.s.s what kinds of husbands or wives they expect to marry. If they do not intend marrying, get their reasons and feature them in a separate story.

_K._ Spend an afternoon in the kitchens of the university dormitories and write the story.

_L._ How strictly is the honor system observed in colleges to-day?

Interview undercla.s.smen in your college and make a feature of their replies.

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