The Brain, A Decoded Enigma Part 6

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Story-type models can be used as a source of information to make or develop, off-line, normal models. Any element of such models can be developed as a normal model later.

Although many people use this type of interaction with the external reality, this mode of interaction is not efficient and uses a lot of the limited resources of the brain.

Indeed, a story-type-model records the information in an explicit way, about the same way as it is recorded on a tape-recorder. This mode is a very primitive way of recording data. A normal model can generate a huge quant.i.ty of information by simulation. Such information is not recorded there in an explicit way.

Even more, a story-type model introduces non-normal relations between some elements. As we know, a story-type model is made by elements connected between them in the order of occurrence. So, two elements, which could have no connection between them, could be recorded with a relation between them if they occurred together. Anyway, there is no control and no long-range model to control the recording of a story-type model.

Unfortunately, such models are very spread out all over the world, due to the fact that there is too much information, and due to some big deficiencies of the education policy.

So, an education based on normal models will reduce very much the quant.i.ty of information, which has to be processed by a brain. The present education policy is based on a.s.similation of external models. That is, the capacity to build models is not used. So, faced with a huge quant.i.ty of information, the population is forced to make story-type models. This will reduce even more the capacity of the population to make normal models.

Example: a taxi driver must know any route in a city. There is a huge number of such routes and he has to learn each, both directions. If the normal model of the city is learned, then that taxi driver is able to find a route in any conditions. Except for the normal model of the city, it is not necessary to learn anything else. By story-type models (to learn routes) he has to increase the quant.i.ty of information with every new route. This is an example, but the situation is met in almost any field of activity. In practice, both methods are used.

Story-type models developed as long-range models are very dangerous, because they can stimulate induced-paranoia (XIP) or a schizophrenic-paranoiac complex (XSPC). This is so because a story-type model has special relations between its elements. Such relations are generated by the arbitrary occurrence of the elements and thus, to transform the story-type model into a family of normal models becomes difficult (the brain has to build from scratch several new normal models, based on the information generated by a story-type model, and this is not easy).

The story-type models are integrated in the normal structure of models and they are controlled by that structure.


We already saw that any model evolves independently, by itself, based on the information taken from external reality or from others models. The aim of any model is to gain its stability. Once a model has a problem, it will continue to be active up to the moment when it regains stability.

There are some problems without solution. The model will continue to look for a solution forever. This activity can produce negative effects on the overall stability of the structure of models of the brain (it consumes a lot of energy).

The main problem without solution is death (human beings only).

This is a basic problem. So, there is a model which predicts the death of a person and that model has no solution to the problem. When there is no model to solve a problem, the PSM is activated. The PSM has no solution too and so it will make a specific model to solve the problem. But the new model has no solution either, and so, a dangerous loop is activated. This activity could be very dangerous for the stability of the structure of models of any mature human being.

Since the oldest times, the human beings found a solution: s.h.i.+elding models.

A s.h.i.+elding model is a model, which is made to prevent a normal model from activating the PSM and also to transmit to the model with problems some information to stabilize it.

The best-known s.h.i.+elding model is religion.

Observation: as a person becomes older and older, the prediction of death is more and more precise. The person has the tendency to become more and more religious. Also, when a population is under stress, it has also the tendency to become more and more religious.

A s.h.i.+elding model is a.s.sociated to a normal model which has problems. A s.h.i.+elding model is not based on external reality. It cannot be included in a normal model, as the normal model cannot include a model which is not based on external reality.

The reality generated by a s.h.i.+elding model can be called "illusion".

The s.h.i.+elding model can be made for any problem without solution. Such models reduce the nonsense activity of a brain and so, there is more energy to solve the normal problems. But, such models could be also very dangerous. The activation of a s.h.i.+elding model also deactivates the protection structure of a person or at least some section of it.

The s.h.i.+elding models are the main models, which can pa.s.s from 'normal-to-PSM' zone to PSM. Such changes could be very dangerous for that being, because some protection models are deactivated forever.

The s.h.i.+elding models are partially integrated in the normal structure of models and so, the structure can, partially, control them.


A ZM could predict a future situation of the external reality, which has no a.s.sociated model. Such a situation can activate the PSM. To prevent this, the ZM can make a would-be active-type model (WBAM). Such a model is not created by direct interaction with the external reality. Such a WBAM acts as a s.h.i.+elding model up to the last moment before the activation. After activation, it becomes a normal ZM model.

A normal ZM is built in direct interaction with external reality. WBAMs can be a.s.sociated with the external reality without previous interaction with it.

Note: the emotion is defined in MDT as a transient situation between the activation of the PSM and the moment when a normal suitable model is activated. The activation of the PSM can be prevented by a good WBAM (of course, if that situation was predicted by a main ZM).

WBAMs are included in the normal structure of the models and they are controlled by it.


All types of models described up to now are normal models. They are included in a harmonic/logic way in the structure.

There are some models, which are not included in the normal structure of models, or they have lost their normal connection to the structure. Such models are called "illegal models" or XZM.

There are many situations which can produce illegal models. A case is when a new model is not finished because the specific external reality, which produced it, is no met anymore.

For instance, somebody has been involved in a car accident. A new model is started, but because such situation will not be met again in the near future, the model is not finished, because there is no external reality to finish it. Such model could evolve as an illegal model.

Observation: there is an empirical method of the "cla.s.sical" psychiatry to stimulate or even to force a person (mainly children) to tell everything which is a.s.sociated with a traumatic situation. MDT says that such a method is very good because, in this way, a possible illegal model will be forced to connect to the normal structure of models and so, the long-range negative effects are prevented. As we see, MDT can explain exactly why this psychiatric empirical procedure is good, as MDT was not even created specifically for the psychiatric field!

Another situation when an XZM could be created is when a model is too large. Such a model could be fragmented and some components can lose the normal connection with the structure. The fragments can evolve as illegal models.

The story-type models are also candidates to become XZM (at least some parts of them).

A major cause of the occurrence of illegal models is technological problems. As we know, a normal structure of models is made of many models, which are connected together in a harmonic/logic way. The models communicate between them but, if the communication is not good due to technological problems, some models can become illegal.

Such process can also generate half-XZM models. Such models have little communications with the other models, or the communication can be only in a.s.sociation with some other models, or only in a.s.sociation with some specific situations of the external reality.

Because such models are no controlled anymore by the normal structure of models, they can contain anything. They can obtain information from the external reality or from other models, or they can create and activate models which can act on the external reality (ZAM and AZM).

XZM models could be dangerous, or even very dangerous, because a person can do some things outside his/her consciousness. A person that has such models does not know that such models exist in his/her brain. Some of these models can be detected during hypnosis practice.

XZMs can explain somnambulist-effect, double-personality, and many illogical or bizarre activities. They can also explain some crimes, including the serial-killer phenomenon or terrorism-related crimes. Such a person is just "remote-controlled" by the XZMs.

The illegal models can explain also some paranormal phenomena.


Telepathy is considered as a direct communication between two brains. Even more, this kind of communication is performed at great distance between the two brains and through any kind of media.

Unfortunately, this kind of transmission of information is not possible, based on the laws of the nature. In order to transmit information, it is necessary to transmit energy at the distance. The known fields of forces (electric, magnetic, electro-magnetic and gravitational) do not meet the requirements for such a transmission. Even more, even if there is a field of forces which can propagate at large distance through any kind of material, in order to transmit information, modulation of the energy, depending on the information, is also necessary. At the receiver it is necessary to demodulate the energy changes, in order to get the message.

Some could say that the information could be transmitted by a 'shortcut', without transmitting the energy at the distance. This interferes with the basics of the sciences of nature.

Anyways, I believe in natural sciences, and the only conclusion is that, for now and forever, telepathy, as a direct transmission of information from a brain to another, does not exist.

MDT explains "telepathy" in the frame of the laws of nature, without any kind of transmission of information at the distance. The phenomenon is based on the huge capacity of the brain to process information and on XZM models.

As we know, the basic function of any brain is to make models and to simulate the possible evolution of them. A model, which is a.s.sociated with an external reality, is able to predict the evolution of that external reality. So, at any moment, we make predictions a.s.sociated with the external reality, and the majority of them are good.

Now, let's suppose that a person has a special relation with another person, as a mother and her child, for instance. The model a.s.sociated with her child could have been active for many years. Such a model could become a XZM model. This XZM is active outside the control of the mother. Such an XZM could simulate the interaction between the child and different kinds of environments. When a negative prediction occurs, such a model can transmit a message to the local-ZM. The mother "receives" a message. The "receiver" cannot find the source and the reason for that message, because an XZM-model, not belonging to the normal structure of models, transmits the message. It is very easy to consider that such a message is transmitted by "telepathy".

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The Brain, A Decoded Enigma Part 6 summary

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