Chapters in the History of the Insane in the British Isles Part 36

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1. Inscribed "Hospitium Mente Captorum Londinense. Frontispicium Hospitii (vulgo Bedlam dicti) mente captis destinati, sub auspiciis colendissimi viri Gulielmi Turner Equitis aurati Senatoris non ita pridem Praetoris Londini Praesidis dignissimi nec non Beniamini Ducane Armigeri Thesaurarii fidelissimi; caeterorumque ejusdem Hospitii Gubernatorum A.D. MDCLXXV mense Aprili fundati, anno sequento mensi Juli consummati." R. White sculp. Printed by John Garrett, 1690. 47 in. by 22 in. Crace Collection, 26/3; Guildhall Library.

2. A New Prospect of y{e} North Side of y{e} City of London, with new Bedlam, and Moorefields (showing New St. Paul's). 1710. 58 in. by 22 in.

This print is a later edition of one by J. Nutting, 1689, in which old St. Paul's is shown. Crace Collection, 26/1.

3. On a scroll, "Hospitium mente captorum Londinense." New Bedlam in Moorefields. Soly fec. Sold by H. Overton, cir. 1730. 22 in. by 16 in.

Gardner Collection; British Museum.

4. Painting of Bethlem Hospital (fresco) in one of the rooms of the Foundling Hospital, by Haytley. 1746.

5. The Hospital of Bethlem (L'Hospital de Fou). A view showing also Moorgate. J. Maurer del.; T. Bowles sculp. 1747. 16 in. by 10 in.

Gardner Collection; Crace Collection, 26/6; Guildhall Library.

6. Hospital of Bedlam. Smaller copy of Bowles's print. Gardner Collection.

7. Interior of Bedlam, by Hogarth. 1735. Gardner Collection.

8. Bethlehem, a Poem, with a view of Bethlehem. By J. Clark. 1749.

9. Bethlehem in Moorfields. 1752. By B. Cole.

10. The Hospital called Bedlam. 1754. Gardner Collection.

11. View of Hospital of Bethlehem. 6 in. by 10 in. Robert Sayer, cir.


12. Visit to Bedlam. R. Newton. 1794.

13. Mezzotint of Bethlehem, by Malton. 1798. 11 in. by 9 in.

14. Bethlem Hospital as it appeared in 1811 (proof). Arnold del.; Watkins sculp. Guildhall Library.

15. London Wall and Bethlehem Hospital. Etching by J. T. Smith. 1812.

16. South-west View of Bethlem Hospital and London Wall, 1814. Smith del. et sculp. Guildhall Library.

17. Two clever water-colour drawings of Bethlem. Gardner Collection.

18. Water-colour drawing of gate with the rec.u.mbent figures by Cibber.

Richardson. Gardner Collection.

19. The two figures on the pediment of the gate by Cibber. Stothard del.; Sharp sculp. 1783. Guildhall Library.

20. The same. Burell sculp. 1805. 6 in. by 4 in. Crace Collection.

21. The same engraved by Warren in Hughson's "London," vol. iii. p. 81.

Gardner Collection.

22. A portrait of William Norris as confined in Bethlem Hospital. Arnold fec. 1814.

23. New Bedlam in Moorfields, 6 in. by 9 in., and another 5 in. by 6 in. No date or name of artist. Gardner Collection.

24. Das Narren Hospital Bethlehem. Dutch print. No date. Gardner Collection.

25. Plan of Moorfields and Bethlem Hospital. Gardner Collection.

26. New Bedlam in Moorfields. 10 in. by 7 in. Very early view. No date.

Gardner Collection.

27. The New Prospect of Bedlam, Moorfields. By John King. 10 in. by 4 in. No date (costume cir. Will. III.).

28. The Hospital of Bethlehem. 9 in. by 14 in. No date. Gardner Collection.

29. Curious and quaint drawing of Moorfields and Bethlehem. 13 in. by 21 in. Gardner Collection.

30. Bethlehem Hospital, by Toms. 7 in. by 15. Gardner Collection.

31. Three views. Hospital de Bethlem; New Bedlam; Bethlehem. Gardner Collection.

32. Bethlehem in St. George's Fields. Ground Plan of New Bethlem Hospital. Basire sculp. 1819. This, with five other views by Shepherd, etc., are in the Guildhall Library.


1. "Enthusiasm displayed." The Rev. John Whitfield preaching under a tree in Upper Moorfields, with view of "St. Luke's Hospital for Lunaticks" in the background. J. Griffiths pinx.; R. Tranker sculp.

1750. 19 in. by 15 in. Gardner Collection; Crace Collection, 33/19.

2. Elevation of St. Luke's Hospital in a pamphlet ent.i.tled "Reasons for the Establis.h.i.+ng, etc., of St. Luke's." 1765. Guildhall Library.

3. Another elevation. J. Dance arch. et sculp. 1784. 15 in. by 4 in.

Gardner Collection; Crace Collection, 33/15.

4. Front view of the New St. Luke's Hospital, lately erected in the City Road. Deeble del. et sculp. 1785. Gardner Collection; Guildhall Library.

5. St. Luke's Hospital, Old Street Road. A coloured print from a drawing by F. A. Shepherd. 1814. 8 in. by 5 in. Original drawing in the Gardner Collection; Crace Collection, 33/16.

6. Lunatic Hospital of St. Luke's. Aquatint. Gardner Collection.

7. Front View of the New St. Luke's Hospital. No date. Gardner Collection.

8. Ditto. Ditto. 15 in. by 5 in. Gardner Collection.

9. Sepia drawing of St. Luke's. Gardner Collection.

10. Two original drawings by John Carter. Gardner Collection.

11. Lunatick Hospital of St. Luke, published by Ackermann. 1815.

Gardner Collection; Guildhall Library.

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Chapters in the History of the Insane in the British Isles Part 36 summary

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