The Radio Amateur's Hand Book -
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Marshall-Gerken Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Michigan Paper Tube and Can Co., 2536 Grand River Ave., Detroit, Mich.
Murdock (Wm. J.) Co., Chelsea, Ma.s.s.
National Carbon Co., Inc., Long Island City, N. Y.
Pittsburgh Radio and Appliance Co., 112 Diamond St., Pittsburgh, Pa,
Radio Corporation of America, 233 Broadway, New York City.
Riley-Klotz Mfg. Co., 17-19 Mulberry St., Newark, N. J.
Radio Specialty Co., 96 Park Place, New York City.
Roller-Smith Co., 15 Barclay St., New York City.
Tuska (C. D.) Co., Hartford, Conn.
Western Electric Co., Chicago, Ill.
Westinghouse Electric Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Weston Electrical Instrument Co., 173 Weston Ave., Newark, N. J.
Westfield Machine Co., Westfield, Ma.s.s.
A. ..............Aerial
A.C. ............Alternating Current
A.F. ............Audio Frequency
B. and S. .......Brown & Sharpe Wire Gauge
C. ..............Capacity or Capacitance
C.G.S. ..........Centimeter-Grain-Second
Cond. ...........Condenser
Coup. ...........Coupler
C.W. ............Continuous Waves
D.C. ............Direct Current
D.P.D.T. ........Double Point Double Throw
D.P.S.T. ........Double Point Single Throw
D.X. ............Distance
E. ..............Short for Electromotive Force (Volt)
E.M.F. ..........Electromotive Force
F. ..............Filament or Frequency
G. ..............Grid
Gnd. ............Ground
I. ..............Current Strength (Ampere)
I.C.W. ..........Interrupted Continuous Waves
KW. .............Kilowatt
L. ..............Inductance
L.C. ............Loose Coupler
Litz. ...........Litzendraht
Mfd. ............Microfarad
Neg. ............Negative
O.T. ............Oscillation Transformer
P. ..............Plate
Prim. ...........Primary
Pos. ............Positive
R. ..............Resistance
R.F. ............Radio Frequency
Sec. ............Secondary