Bahaism and Its Claims Part 20

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[498] "Trav.'s Narr.," pp. 356-358.

[499] "Bahai Proofs," p. 51.

[500] Ma.n.u.script "Life of Beha Ullah," p. 20.

[501] Professor Browne, afterwards in Persia, found the att.i.tude of the Bahais towards the Azalis "unjust and intolerant" and reprimanded them for "their violence and unfairness." They cursed and reviled in the presence of Professor Browne ("A Year Among the Persians," pp. 525-530).

[502] "New Hist.," p. 200, Note 4.


[503] _Jour. Roy. As. Soc._, 1892, p. 296, by Professor Browne. Also "Trav.'s Narr.," p. 359.

[504] "Trav.'s Narr.," p. 369.

[505] Phelps, "Life of Abbas Effendi," pp. 40-44.

[506] "Brilliant Proof," p. 11.

[507] Chicago Edition, pp. 20-23; and "Trav.'s Narr.," pp. 368, 369.

[508] Phelps, _Ibid._, p. 40.

[509] "Trav.'s Narr.," p. 359.

[510] Phelps, p. 39.

[511] Phelps, p. 38.

[512] "Trav.'s Narr.," p, 361.

[513] _Ibid._, p. 362.

[514] "Trav.'s Narr.," p. 361.

[515] _Ibid._, p. 361.

[516] _Ibid._, p. 371.

[517] "A Year Among the Persians," pp. 513-517.

[518] Possibly he counts those who afterwards left their allegiance to Baha.

[519] "Haifa, etc.," p. 107; "Trav.'s Narr.," p. 370.

[520] Phelps, p. 75.

[521] _Jour. Roy. As. Soc._, 1889, p. 519; "Trav.'s Narr.," pp. 94, 370.

[522] "Brigham Young," by Cannon, p. 271. "Brigham failed to punish or even condemn those criminals who served him too well."

[523] Ma.n.u.script, pp. 41-48.

[524] "Trav.'s Narr.," p. 362.

[525] "Trav.'s Narr.," p. 359; _Jour. Roy. As. Soc._, 1889, p. 519; 1892, pp. 995-996.

[526] "Trav.'s Narr.," p. 363.

[527] _Ibid._, p. 332. Also "New Hist.," p. 391.

[528] "Trav.'s Narr.," p. 363.

[529] _Ibid._, pp. 357, 365.

[530] "Religions et Philosophies dans l'Asie Centrale," pp. 277-278.

[531] _Jour. Roy. As. Soc._, 1889, p. 996.

[532] Page xxiii.

[533] "A Year Among the Persians," p. 530.

[534] The Bab asked his fellow prisoner to kill him ("Mirza Jani," p.


[535] "New Hist.," pp. 274, 275; "Trav.'s Narr.," pp. 198, 199, 311.

[536] The "Kasas-ul-Ulema," the s.h.i.+ah history, says, "Certain Babis, stung by his words, fell upon him early one morning as he was praying in the mosque, and with knives and daggers inflicted on him eight wounds from which he died two days later" ("Trav.'s Narr.," p. 198).

[537] Pages 61, 62.

[538] "New Hist.," pp. 82, 278.

[539] "New Hist.," p. 115 and note, p. 411.

[540] _Ibid._, p. 73; "Trav.'s Narr.," p. 178.

[541] _Ibid._, p. 323.

[542] "The Brilliant Proof," p. 11.

[543] "Trav.'s Narr.," pp. 100-101.

[544] Phelps, p. 50.

[545] Ma.n.u.script Life, p. 36.

[546] Compare "History by Mirza Jani," p. xvi.

[547] "Notes taken at Acca," by Mrs. C. True, p. 27.

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