Bahaism and Its Claims Part 3

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[28] "Bahai Proofs," p. 78.

[29] Chase, "The Bahai Revelation," p. 178.

[30] _S. W._, March 2, 1913, p. 10.

[31] See _S. W._

[32] Addresses in New York and Chicago, 1900.


[33] _S. W._, p. 10, March 2, 1913.

[34] _S. W._, 1913, p. 267.

[35] Prof. E. G. Browne has translated various books of the Bahais; among them are "The Episode of the Bab," or the "Traveller's Narrative,"

and the "New History." His investigations and comments have given offense to the Bahais, while his praises of them often wound the Christian reader. I have been kindly permitted by Doctor Kheiralla to examine his English translation of the "Kitab-ul-Akdas" in ma.n.u.script.

[36] _S. W._, July, 1912. See Chapter X.

[37] See "Sacred Mysteries," p. 100.

[38] _S. W._, Sept. 8, 1913, pp. 170-174.

[39] See "Facts for Behaists."

[40] Dr. H. H. Jessup in N. Y. _Outlook_, June, 1901.

[41] "A Year in India and Burmah," p. 10. Compare the Trinities of the Nusaireyah, as given in "The Asian Mystery," p. 111. The first is Abel, Adam and Gabriel: after others, comes Simon Peter, Jesus and Rozabah; Ali, Mohammed and Salman the Persian. The first of each group, for example Peter and Ali, is the supreme manifestation, the _maana_, meaning or essence of G.o.d; the second of each group, Mohammed and Jesus represent the _ism-azim_, the Greatest Name: while the third, that is, Salman is termed the Bab. Baha is the Greatest Name. The place of Peter remains for Abbas.

[42] "Facts for Behaists."

[43] "Ten Days in the Light of Acca," p. 105.

[44] _S. W._, Nov. 23, 1913, p. 242.

[45] See Chapter IV.

[46] "Tablets of Abdul Baha," Vol. I, p. 10.

[47] "Some Answered Questions," pp. 129-131.

[48] _Ibid._, p. 148.

[49] "Beha' Ullah," by Kheiralla.

[50] "Trav.'s Narr.," pp. xlv, 62-63.

[51] "Trav.'s Narr.," pp. 359, 368-369.

[52] See _Ibid._, Index word ""; "New Hist.," pp.


[53] _Ibid._, pp. 82, 278; "Trav.'s Narr.," pp. 361, 371.

[54] _Jour. Roy. As. Soc._, 1889, p. 516; 1892, pp. 994-995.

[55] 2 Thess. ii. 4 and 11.

[56] "Bahai Proofs," by Abul Fazl, p. 42.

[57] "New Hist.," p. 112.

[58] _Ibid._, p. 209.

[59] "Trav.'s Narr.," p. 289.

[60] "Bahai Proofs," pp. 67-68, 72.

[61] "Ighan," Chicago Edition, pp. vii-viii.

[62] "Proofs," pp. 258-259.

[63] "New Hist.," p. 381; "Trav.'s Narr.," pp. 353-354.

[64] _S. W._, Nov. 4, 1913, p. 224.

[65] "Life of Abbas," by Phelps, p. xxii.

[66] "Bahai Proofs," p. 93.

[67] Phelps, p. xvii.

[68] "New Hist.," p. xiii.

[69] _Ibid._

[70] Phelps, p. xviii.

[71] "A Year Among the Persians," p. 307.

[72] "Bahai Movement," p. 1.

[73] "Life of Abbas," p. 148.

[74] Remey, _Ibid._, p. 39.

[75] Phelps' "Abbas," p. 254.

[76] _Ibid._, p. xxi.

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