Wilhelm Tell Part 38

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How did you get the forts into your power?


Rudenz it was who with a gallant arm, And manly daring, took the keep at Sarnen.

The Rossberg I had stormed the night before.

But hear what chanced. Scarce had we driven the foe Forth from the keep, and given it to the flames, That now rose crackling upwards to the skies, When from the blaze rushed Diethelm, Gessler's page, Exclaiming, "Lady Bertha will be burnt!"


Good heavens!

[The beams of the scaffold are heard falling.


'Twas she herself. Here had she been Immured in secret by the viceroy's orders.

Rudenz sprang up in frenzy. For we heard The beams and ma.s.sive pillars cras.h.i.+ng down, And through the volumed smoke the piteous shrieks Of the unhappy lady.


Is she saved?


Here was a time for promptness and decision!

Had he been nothing but our baron, then We should have been most chary of our lives; But he was our confederate, and Bertha Honored the people. So without a thought, We risked the worst, and rushed into the flames.


But is she saved?


She is. Rudenz and I Bore her between us from the blazing pile, With cras.h.i.+ng timbers toppling all around.

And when she had revived, the danger past, And raised her eyes to meet the light of heaven, The baron fell upon my breast; and then A silent vow of friends.h.i.+p pa.s.sed between us-- A vow that, tempered in yon furnace heat, Will last through every shock of time and fate.


Where is the Landenberg?


Across the Bruenig.

No fault of mine it was, that he, who quenched My father's eyesight, should go hence unharmed.

He fled--I followed--overtook and seized him, And dragged him to my father's feet. The sword Already quivered o'er the caitiff's head, When at the entreaty of the blind old man, I spared the life for which he basely prayed.

He swore Urphede [26], never to return: He'll keep his oath, for he has felt our arm.


Thank G.o.d, our victory's unstained by blood!

CHILDREN (running across the stage with fragments of wood).

Liberty! Liberty! Hurrah, we're free!


Oh! what a joyous scene! These children will, E'en to their latest day, remember it.

[Girls bring in the cap upon a pole. The whole stage is filled with people.


Here is the cap, to which we were to bow!


Command us, how we shall dispose of it.


Heavens! 'Twas beneath this cap my grandson stood!


Destroy the emblem of the tyrant's power!

Let it burn!


No. Rather be preserved!

'Twas once the instrument of despots--now 'Twill be a lasting symbol of our freedom.

[Peasants, men, women, and children, some standing, others sitting upon the beams of the shattered scaffold, all picturesquely grouped, in a large semicircle.


Thus now, my friends, with light and merry hearts, We stand upon the wreck of tyranny; And gallantly have we fulfilled the oath, Which we at Rootli swore, confederates!


The work is but begun. We must be firm.

For, be a.s.sured, the king will make all speed, To avenge his viceroy's death, and reinstate, By force of arms, the tyrant we've expelled.


Why, let him come, with all his armaments!

The foe within has fled before our arms; We'll give him welcome warmly from without!


The to the country are but few; And these we'll boldly cover with our bodies.


We are bound by an indissoluble league, And all his armies shall not make us quail.


ROSSELMANN (speaking as he enters).

These are the awful judgments of the lord!


What is the matter?


In what times we live!


Say on, what is't? Ha, Werner, is it you?

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Wilhelm Tell Part 38 summary

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