The Luck of Gerard Ridgeley Part 15

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That trek, too, of nearly forty-eight hours over a parched land, where each expected water-hole was a mere surface of cracked and baked mud, and the oxen with hanging tongues and saliva-dropping jaws could hardly pull half a mile per hour, and the night was as as the day, and their wanderings and divergences far and wide in search of the necessary fluid was rewarded with greater exhaustion than ever, and the red surface of the burning _veldt_ stretched grim and forbidding to the sky-line, mocking them now and again with a fair mirage--that terrible time when they sat together on the waggon in silence and wondering what the end would be, or rather when it would be, then, too, no word of complaint had escaped Gerard.

Of dangers too he has borne his share. He can recall the horde of turbulent and aggressive natives crowding round the waggon of which he was in sole charge, when during a whole day his life and the lives of the two "boys" seemed to hang upon a hair,--nights spent in lonely watches, in an insecure and semi-hostile land, expecting the spears of predatory savages in the treacherous darkness. That other night, too, when he was lost in the _veldt_ and had to lie out in the open, with hardly time to construct a hurried enclosure and collect sufficient firewood ere darkness fell, and to this slender protection alone had he been forced to trust for the safety of himself and his horse. Hardly till his dying day will he forget those terrible eyes flaming red in the light of his scanty fire, as a pair of prowling lions roared around his frail breastwork the long night through. These are but some of the dangers, some of the privations which have fallen to his lot. Yet as he looks back upon them all it is regretfully. He cannot feel unqualified satisfaction that the trip is drawing to a close.

For it is drawing to a close. With all its perils and hards.h.i.+ps it has been a very fairly successful one, as the sheep and cattle which they are driving before them serve to show. So also do such other articles of barter as can be carried in the waggons, which latter, however, are travelling light; for nearly all the stock-in-trade has been disposed of.

Rumours have from time to time reached them in Swaziland and beyond, with regard to the state of Zulu affairs, and the latest of such reports has moved Dawes to decide to avoid the Zulu country, and re-enter Natal by way of the Transvaal. So to-morrow the southward course will be changed to a westward one, and the trek will be pursued along the north bank of the Pongolo.

During the months our friends had spent up-country, diplomatic relations between the Zulus and the British had become strained to a dangerous tension. Both parties were eyeing each other and preparing for war.

Seated on the waggon as aforesaid, our two friends are talking over the situation.

"We had better give them a wide berth, Ridgeley, until we get all this plunder safe home," Dawes was saying. "Even now we are nearer the Pongolo than I like, and in the north of Zululand there's a pretty thorough-paced blackguard or two, in the shape of an outlying chief who wouldn't think twice of relieving us of all our travelling stock, under colour of the unsettled times--Umbelini, for instance, and that other chap they're beginning to talk about, Ingonyama; though I don't altogether believe that c.o.c.k-and-bull story about the blood-drinking tribe--the Igazipuza. It's too much like a Swazi lie. Still, I shall be glad when we are safe home again."

Gerard made no answer beyond a half-absent affirmative. His thoughts were far away. In point of fact, although he looked back regretfully upon his past experiences and adventures, yet he was not entirely sorry that the trip was over. For he had not ceased to think of May Kingsland's blue eyes and bright winsome face--had not ceased to wonder how the latter would look when he should see it again. And that would be very soon now.

"My word, Ridgeley, but you'll have some yarns to spin to old Kingsland when we look in upon him on our way," went on Dawes. "Why, he'll hardly believe you're the raw Britisher he was with on board s.h.i.+p! I never saw a fellow take so kindly to roughing it, and things. And you've filled out too, and become twice the chap you were all round."

"I feel that I have," answered Gerard, with something of a guilty start at the queer coincidence that Dawes's thoughts should have been located on the same spot as his own. "And whatever this trip has done for me it's thanks to you. Well, Dawes, I don't mind telling you that I'm your debtor for life."

"Tut, tut, man! Why you've been worth it all to me. We've had a rough time mind--a rougher time by far than I expected, or than a trip of this kind's got any business to be--and I never want a better mate than yourself, and I've known a good few fellows in that line, too. I say though, I wonder how your friend Maitland would have got on in your place. Not over well, I fancy. Too much of a masher--collars and cuffs kind of a bandbox chap, you know--not even good enough for a store clerk."

"He thinks himself many removes too good for me, I can tell you,"

laughed Gerard, remembering the lofty contempt with which Harry had reproached him for "turning counter-jumper," as he was pleased to put it.

"He's a chap who won't come to over much good, I'm afraid," said Dawes.

"I wonder what has become of him."

"So do I," said Gerard.

We don't see why the reader should share the enforced, ignorance of the two; wherefore we may as well state that Harry Maitland was at that moment seated on the counter of one of the most fifth-rate bars in Maritzburg, swinging his legs and bawling out a not over-refined song for the benefit and amus.e.m.e.nt of an audience of loafers a trifle less drunk than himself; for, without wis.h.i.+ng inordinately to moralise, the incident throws a suggestive side-light on the contrast of the divergence of the ways of these two English lads, each stranded on his own hook in a far-away colony.

"Let's saddle up and ride on ahead, and find a good place to outspan,"

suggested Dawes.

This was done, and the two were soon cantering further and further from the waggons. The country, which had hitherto been bushy and rolling, now began to a.s.sume a somewhat different aspect. High conical hills rose on either hand, their slopes streaked with black, forest-clad kloofs, and the two hors.e.m.e.n, wending their way beneath, noticed that the long winding valley they were pursuing was carpeted with a smooth, green, meadow-like sward.

"I'm rather uneasy about those Swazis of ours," said Dawes, as they rode along. "They're brewing some dog's trick, I know. My impression is that they mean to desert. I can see by their sulky and hang-dog manner what it all amounts to, and this morning while they were sitting round their fire I happened to pa.s.s near enough to catch a word or two of their conversation. I heard 'Igazipuza' mentioned more than once. It's quite wonderful how this form of funk has sprung up along this border, and in fact it was a long way inside Swaziland that we heard it."

"Yes. The wonder is that we got a single Swazi to go with us. But is there really such a chap as Ingonyama? You know the Zulu country pretty well."

"I never heard of him till lately," answered Dawes. "Still he may be some petty chief, who has suddenly sprung into fame, and has gathered around him all the ruffians of the Zulu nation. Well, a few days more will show. But I don't like our Swazis turning rusty. If they make off we can't replace them, for this strip of country seems absolutely uninhabited. Hallo!--quick--jump down, Ridgeley!"

This in harried _staccato_. For in rounding a spur, there, in front of them, right out in the open stood a fine bush-buck ram. Roused by the tramp of the horses' feet he stood, his head thrown back, gazing curiously upon the intruders. The last idea apparently that occurred to him was that of flight.

"Two hundred yards sight, not too fine," whispered Dawes, as Gerard dropped into a sitting posture.

But before the latter had time to press trigger the back was seen to leap high in the air, and fall over kicking; then, after another plunge and a kind of gasping bellow, it lay still.

"By Jove! What does that mean?" cried Gerard.

"It has been a.s.segaied," said Dawes. The buck was lying some thirty yards from the edge of the bush. Out of the latter there now emerged a tall savage, who without deigning to take any notice of the presence of strangers, walked straight up to his quarry and proceeded to cut its throat with the blade of a huge a.s.segai.

This man, as the pair rode up to him, growled out a sullen "_Saku bona_," and proceeded with his work of cleaning the buck, just as if they were not there. Seen face to face he was unmistakably a Zulu, and though of fine frame and splendid proportions, both agreed that he owned about the most villainous countenance they had looked upon for many a long day. His shaven pate was crowned with the usual black s.h.i.+ny ring, and he wore round his loins the usual _mutya_ of cats' tails. But they noticed that he was armed with several broad-bladed, close-quarter a.s.segais, as well as two or three lighter casting ones, also a huge k.n.o.bkerrie, and a full-sized war-s.h.i.+eld of red and white ox hide.

"It was a fine shot--or rather couple of shots," said Dawes, as they stood watching the process. "Look, Ridgeley. The first a.s.segai half ham-strung the buck just under the shoulders, the second must have gone through the heart, or very near it. Yes, it's powerful throwing."

To Dawes's suggestion that he should sell them the buck which he had so deftly slain, or at least a part of it, the Zulu returned a surly refusal. All the while he was cleaning the carcase he was devouring what he considered tid-bits raw--the heart, the liver, and part of the entrails. Then making a cup of his two hands, he scooped up a quant.i.ty of blood which had collected in the hollow of the carcase, and deliberately drank it. Gerard could hardly conceal his disgust, but there was something in the action that struck Dawes.

"Who are you?" he asked. "Of the people of Zulu?"

"Of the people of Zulu? _Au_!" returned the savage in a sneering tone, as he flung the carcase of the buck across his shoulder. Then standing drawn to the full height of his almost gigantic frame, his villainous countenance--rendered more repulsive still with the smears of blood from the bits of raw meat he had been eating--wreathed into a most evil grin, he shouted--

"Where have you dwelt, _abelungu_ [white men], that you have never heard of Vunawayo? Of the people of Zulu? _Ou_! Igazipuza. _The people who drink blood_."

The last words were uttered almost in a roar--a roar of defiance and hatred and wild beast ferocity. The huge barbarian turned and disappeared among the bush.

"We had better get on and find our outspan," said Dawes, after the momentary silence which had fallen upon the pair. The apparition, coming as it did, had been rather startling. Zulus are by nature well-mannered people, and the brutal rudeness of the man they had just met could betoken nothing less than the most undisguised hostility, but, worse than all, his last words were an abundant confirmation of the ugly rumours which had been taking shape of late with regard to this mysterious and redoubtable clan.

"Well, if this fellow is a specimen of them all, the Igazipuza must be a lot of picked men, both in the matter of physique and character," said Gerard. "I never saw a finer built chap, nor a more utterly irredeemable-looking villain. And he choused me out of my shot."

"We may as well keep the affair dark as regards the other boys, but we'll take Sintoba into counsel," said Dawes. "The Swazis would hook it at a moment's notice if they got wind of it. This is a good spot to outspan, and--here come the waggons."

The rumble of wheels, and the sound of voices and whip-cracking drew near, and already the cattle and sheep came into view, scattering over the meadow-like valley bottom, and soon the waggons. Then, having reached the spot, a broad level, which Dawes had selected, the waggons were outspanned, and the oxen turned out to graze, and all hands who could be spared from the duties of herding were despatched to the adjacent hillside to cut thorn bushes. With these a fairly substantial kraal or enclosure was built, the two waggons forming one side of it, and into this the cattle and sheep were driven for the night. There was a lion or two still frequenting that broken and desolate hill-country, and any number of hyaenas or wolves, as they are called in South Africa--and against such the thorn fence, frail as it was, const.i.tuted a fairly efficient protection; for wild animals are desperately suspicious of anything in the nature of a fence, and will hesitate to leap within it, fearing a trap.

Hardly were these precautions completed than the night fell, and then the cheery glow of the camp-fires shone forth redly upon the darkness, and the savoury contents of cooking-pots gave out a welcome aroma. But somehow a damp seemed to have fallen upon the spirits of all. The ordinarily light-hearted natives conversed sparingly and in subdued whispers, and even Dawes and Gerard could not altogether feel unaffected by the general depression. It was as though some hidden danger were hanging over them, the more terrible because mysterious. The night wore on, and soon all sounds were hushed but the rhythmic champ champ of the ruminating cattle, and the occasional trumpet-like sneeze of a goat, and, beneath the dark loom of the hills against the star-gemmed vault, the tiger-wolves howled as they scented the flock which they dare not approach. But it was upon the first faint streak of dawn that all the alertness of those two watchers was concentrated, for that is the hour invariably chosen by the savage foe for the sudden, swift, demoralising rush, which shall overwhelm his doomed victims before they have time so much as to seize their weapons in order to sell dearly their miserable lives.



At the time when Dawes and Gerard were commencing their return journey from Swaziland--having achieved, as we have said, a fairly successful enterprise--there began to get about rumours with regard to a certain tribe, or rather clan, which was credited with strange, and, to native ideas, most gruesome and repellent practices. The of these was a custom, or a rule rather, that each member of this weird confraternity should drink a portion of the blood of some human being slain by him. It need not be an enemy slain in battle, or even an enemy at all. Any one would do, whether man, woman, or child. From this practice the clan was said to take its name--Igazipuza--"blood-drink,"

i.e. "Blood-drinkers."

Rumour could not yet quite locate its habitation nor its numerical strength. Whether, again, it inhabited the grim natural fastnesses of the Lebombo range, or the hill-country just south of the Pongolo, was equally uncertain. What was certain, however, was that its sporadic raids, and the ruthless ma.s.sacre of all who fell in its way, had about depopulated the strip of debatable borderland between the Swazi and the Zulu countries. Kraals were deserted, and crops left standing, as the inhabitants fled northward in blind panic at the mere rumour of the approach of the Igazipuza, so complete was the terror inspired by the very name of this ferocious and predatory clan.

Its chief was one Ingonyama, a Zulu, to which nationality belonged the bulk if not the whole of its members. Indeed, on this consideration, if on no other, would Dawes have scouted the imputed blood-drinking custom as absolutely mythical, for no one has a greater horror of coming in contact with human blood that he has not himself shed than the Zulu, and even when he has shed it, he takes the earliest opportunity of undergoing a very elaborate series of purifying rites. True, he is far from unwilling to render himself liable to the latter process, but he is scrupulously particular on the point of the observance. The clan was far more likely to owe its weird name to the war-cry of its members than to any such legendary practice. But, however sceptical John Dawes, and, through him, Gerard, might be upon the point, certain it is that the Swazis were firm believers in the lurid and repulsive legend; and, as Dawes had said, the wonder was that any of that race had been induced to enter into their service at all; indeed, they had only done so as part of their bargaining. The cattle they had acquired would need herds and drivers, and these the Swazi chiefs had agreed to supply as a portion of the barter.

Now the said chiefs, talking matters over quietly with Dawes, had given their opinion that the existence of such a predatory clan was an undoubted fact. Ingonyama was a Zulu of rank, and a man of the Qulusi tribe. He was known as a skilful and das.h.i.+ng fighter, and had gathered around him, in his mountain stronghold, an increasing number of kindred spirits, and now had rendered his name and theirs a terror to the whole northern border. That Cetywayo should allow such a growing power to spring up within the pale of his own rule was accountable perhaps by the consideration that, pending his quarrel with the English and the probable invasion of the country, he could not afford to alienate so valuable an ally as this influential va.s.sal; also, it might be, by the fact that Ingonyama, over and above his skill and valour as a war-chief, was accounted a witch-doctor or magician of no small cleverness and renown. Such, then, was the nature of this new form of terror which overhung the return path of the trading expedition; and gazing up at the fantastic contours of the succession of conical hills, and the gloomy belts of forest around their base--the wild fastnesses of this fierce horde--every man who took part in that trek was fully capable of appreciating the peril of the situation.

The night pa.s.sed without disturbance; so, too, did the somewhat dreaded hour of dawn. While making up the fire for the early cup of coffee, Sintoba took the opportunity of saying to his master--

"There is going to be trouble, _Inkose_. Those Swazi dogs intend to run away."

"So?" said Dawes, as calmly as though the other had told him the fire was rather difficult to light.

"I heard them talking it over, and Fulani says they told him all about it. They are coming to you in a body to ask for their pay, and then they are going to leave."

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The Luck of Gerard Ridgeley Part 15 summary

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