The Luck of Gerard Ridgeley Part 6

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Gerard, the recollection fresh in his mind of the dismal room and foetid atmosphere, and the generally depressing aspect of all connected therewith, replied, with an inward shudder, that he hardly thought he would care about it. He would much prefer farming. This was greeted as a huge joke.

"Pooh!" said Anstey. "Farming is a beggar's trade compared with this.

Why, bless my soul, a farmer's a slave to all the seasons, to every shower of rain, or the want of it, even if his place and stock ain't mortgaged up to the hilt. Again, the diseases among cattle are legion.

Now, in a neat little store like this of mine, you can just coin money hand over fist."

His listeners thought this last statement hardly borne out by the aspect of the surroundings in general. The other, quick to see this, went on.

"Ah, you think it don't look much like it, eh? Well, I don't wonder.

But, you see, it isn't worth my while bothering about tinkering up this place. Here it doesn't matter how one lives. But I'm just waiting till I've made my pile, and then--" And the concluding blank left scope for the most magnificent, if somewhat vague possibilities.

They returned indoors, and Anstey made the heat and the walk an excuse for another gla.s.s of grog. Then a native knocked at the door to announce that the missing steed had been found and brought back. Harry suggested that it was time to start on their return ride to Maritzburg.

But of this their host would not hear.

"Stay the night, anyhow," he said. "That is, if you don't mind roughing it. I can knock you up a shakedown of some sort. I meant to have had the spare room arranged when I first heard you were coming out, Gerard.

But I dare say you can manage without white sheets."

Gerard, of course, declared that, if anything, he rather preferred it.

That point settled, Anstey became even more the effusively genial host; but, with all his desire to be entertaining, both were sensible of a want of something--a difference between the perfectly frank and self-possessed geniality of John Dawes, for instance. They were joined at supper by the wispy-faced youth, who came straight in from his duties in the store--now closed for the night--without going through any such superfluous ceremony as was.h.i.+ng. Afterwards, when the talk was in full swing, Anstey would constantly appeal to his subordinate for confirmation of his statements or anecdotes--"Isn't that so, Smith?"

"Didn't I, Smith?" and so forth; whereupon the latter would remove his pipe from his mouth, and spit and remark, "_Ja_, that's so." Which was the full extent of his conversation.



"Why not stay on here a bit, Gerard, and help me in the store?"

Thus Anstey, on the following day, after dinner. The two were alone.

Harry Maitland had returned to Maritzburg, disgusted with the exceeding roughness of his night's quarters, which together with the booming snores of Smith, who slept in the adjoining store, had effectually hindered him from getting any sleep to speak of. Gerard, however, had yielded to his relative's urgent invitation to stay a few days and talk matters over. He, too, found his quarters none too comfortable, and he did not like Anstey--indeed, he feared he never should like him; but, he reflected with something of a sigh, beggars cannot be choosers. He was a stranger in a strange land, and after all this man was his relative, though a distant one, and showed every desire to help him.

"It is very good of you," he replied. "But I know nothing of that sort of business."

"Pooh! You don't want to know anything--at least--that is--I mean,"

correcting himself hurriedly, "there's nothing very technical about it.

You only want a little commonsense and ordinary smartness, and of that I should say you had plenty. Well, then, we'll consider the matter settled. Smith is leaving me soon, and until he does I'll give you ten s.h.i.+llings a week and the run of your teeth. Afterwards I'll give you more. You see, you'll be learning a useful business all for nothing--a very paying one, too--and getting a trifle of pay for it besides. The fact is, Gerard, I want a decent kind of fellow-countryman about me, an educated chap like yourself. One falls into rough ways all by one's self."

There was such a genuine ring about this speech, that Gerard felt quite ashamed of his former mistrust. What a sn.o.b he had been to dislike the man because he was a bit wanting in polis.h.!.+ The thought moved him to throw an extra warmth into his expressions of thanks.

"Pooh! my dear fellow, don't say another word," said Anstey.

"By-and-by, when you are thoroughly up to the mark, I might leave you here in charge, and open another place somewhere else. Extend the business, don't you know--extend the business. Storekeeping's the most paying thing in the world if you only know what you're about. I've always intended to extend as soon as I could get hold of some decent fellow, and that lout Smith's of no good," sinking his voice. "I'm getting rid of him. Then, when you know your business, I might take you into partners.h.i.+p, and we might run houses all over the Colony."

To a practically penniless lad, who had just come out there to seek his fortune, this was very glowing, very tempting sort of talk. Gerard began to see himself already coining wealth, as the other had said "hand over fist," and again he felt ashamed of his first unfavourable impressions of the man who was now so freely holding out to him a helping hand.

But when he set to work in real earnest, he discovered, as many another had done before him and will do again, that the royal road to wealth, if sure, was desperately slow, and to one of his temperament intolerably irksome. The whole day, from early morning till long after dark, was spent in the close atmosphere of that stuffy room, rendered foetid by the chronic presence of uncleanly natives, and such unsavoury goods as hides, sheepskins, etc., handing things over the counter in exchange for the hard-earned sixpences and threepenny-bits of his dusky customers.

Now and then, too, a white traveller or transport-rider would look in to make a purchase, and the short, offhand manner of some of these would try his temper sorely. Was it for this he had come out to Natal? Where was the free, healthy, open-air life he and his young companions at home had so glowingly evolved? He remembered the envy with which his schoolfellows had regarded him when they knew he was going out to a colony. Would he be an object for envy if they could see him now? Why, he was more of a prisoner than ever he had been when chained, as he thought, to the school desks. He had, in fact, become nothing more nor less than a shopkeeper.

Smith had in no wise seemed to resent the presence of his supplanter.

He was even impa.s.sively good-natured, and in his stolid way would give Gerard the benefit of his experience. He put him up to all the little tricks of the native customers, and showed him innumerable dodges for lightening his own labour. As for books, why, there were none to speak of, or at any rate they were precious queerly kept, he said. Anstey would just clear the till when he thought there was enough in it, or when he wanted to go away anywhere; then it would fill up again as before, with like result.

"I suppose you know," said Smith, in his wooden, expressionless manner, "I've got the sack on your account?"

Gerard started.

"On my account! Surely not. Why, I thought you were going anyhow."

"So? Well, I wasn't. Soon as you came, Anstey gave me notice to clear."

"Good heavens! But that would be beastly unfair to you," cried Gerard, in great distress. "I'll tell him I won't agree. I'll go and tell him now at once."

"Sit still, Ridgeley. That wouldn't help me any. You're a good fellow, I believe, and if it was any one but Anstey, I'd say it was kind of natural to want to stick in his own relation. Still, I've done very well for him, and for less pay than most chaps would ask. But, to tell the truth, I'm sick of the berth, dead sick of it, and had made up my mind to clear anyhow. Don't you get bothering Anstey over it. I say, though. He was pretty boozy last night, eh?"

Gerard shrugged his shoulders with a look of mingled distress and disgust. He had noted with some anxiety that his relative was too much addicted to the bottle, but he had never seen him quite so bad as on the occasion just alluded to. Anstey himself had referred to this failing once or twice, declaring that the sort of life was of a nature to make any man feel "hipped," and take a "pick-me-up" too many, but that now he had got a decent fellow for company he reckoned it might make a difference. He seemed, in fact, to have taken a real liking to his young kinsman, and would sit at home of an evening on purpose to talk to him, instead of riding off to the nearest bar. Gerard had begun to think he might even be instrumental in getting him out of his drinking habits.

One day Smith, while absent for some minutes from the store, was attracted back again by something of a hubbub going on therein.

Returning, he beheld Gerard confronted by three natives, the latter haranguing and gesticulating wildly in remonstrance, the former gesticulating almost as wildly, but tongue-tied by reason of his inability to master more than a few words of their language. The natives were holding out to Gerard two large bottles filled with some liquid, which he was as emphatically refusing to accept.

"What's the row, Ridgeley?"

"Row?" answered Gerard, in a disgusted tone. "Row? Why, these fellows asked me to fill their bottles with paraffin, and I did so. Now they won't pay for it, and want me to take it back."

Smith opened his head, and emitted as large a guffaw as he ever allowed himself to indulge in. Then he went to the front door and looked out over the _veldt_, and returning took the two bottles and emptied their contents back into the paraffin tin. Then he gave the bottles a brief rinse in a tub of water, and filling them up from another tin precisely similar to the first, handed them to the natives. The latter paid down their money, and stowing the bottles carefully away among their blankets, departed, now thoroughly satisfied.

"Didn't I give them the right kind?" said Gerard, who had witnessed this performance with some amazement. "Ah, I see!" he broke off, as an odour of spirits greeted his nostrils.

"You just didn't give them the right kind. Look here. When a n.i.g.g.e.r brings a bottle and asks for paraffin, and goes like this--see?" making a rapid sort of drinking sign, "you fill it out of this tin."

"But why don't they ask for it outright? Isn't there a word for it in their language? Those fellows distinctly said 'paraffin.'"

Again Smith emitted that half-hearted guffaw.

"Look here, Ridgeley. I'd have put you up to the ropes, but reckoned it was Anstey's business. Don't you know the law of the Colony doesn't allow grog to be sold to, even in licenced houses, but there's a sight of it done for all that. This isn't a licenced house, but we've got to run with the times."

"And what if you're caught?"

"Mortal stiff fine. But that would be Anstey's look-out, not yours or mine. And I tell you what. It's lucky for him I ain't a chap who's likely to bear a grudge or cut up nasty, or I might round on him properly for giving me the sack."

This incident had set Gerard thinking, and in fact it added considerable weight to his dissatisfaction with his present position. Honest trade was one thing, but to be required daily to break the laws of the land was another. After Smith's departure, he put the matter fairly to his employer.

"Oh, hang it! every one does it," was the characteristic reply. "You'll never get on in life, Gerard, if you carry all those scruples along with you. Too much top-hamper, don't you know--capsize the s.h.i.+p. See? Eh, what? Against the law, did you say? Well, that's the fault of the law for being so rotten. Meanwhile, we've got to live, and if the fellows don't buy grog here they will at the next place. We may just as well get their custom as the other Johnny. Besides, it's good for trade all round. They will always deal for choice at a place where they know they can get a gla.s.s or a bottle of grog when they want it."

Apart from being in itself an abstraction, the "law" is a thing which stands in much the same relations.h.i.+p towards the average respectable citizen its the schoolmaster does towards even the best-disposed of boys--to wit, there is about it a smack of the "natural enemy." This being so--we record it with grief--Gerard, who was young, and though a well-principled lad, very much removed from a prig, allowed his conscience to be so far seared as to accept and indeed act upon this explanation. We further regret to add that he filled many and many a subsequent bottle with "paraffin," as set forward in Smith's instructions, receiving the price therefor without a qualm.

He was now in charge of the whole place, and his sense of authority and responsibility had gone far towards reconciling him to the irksomeness of the life. He was able to write home with some pride, saying that he had found employment from the very first, and not only employment, but fair prospects of advancement--thanks to Anstey--which entailed upon that worthy a more grateful letter of acknowledgment than he deserved, as we shall see. He had mastered a good many Zulu words--that being the language of nearly all the natives of Natal, whether of pure or mixed race--and was getting on well all round. He had made his rough quarters as comfortable as he could, having sent over to Maritzburg for his outfit. Still, the life, as we have said, was terribly irksome. Day after day, the same monotonous round. He had no acquaintances of his own age or social standing. Now and again some friend of his employer's would drop in and literally make a night of it, and then his disgust and depression knew no bounds. Then, too, his prospects seemed to vanish into clouds and mist. Would he, too, become one day like Anstey, stagnating out his life in a dead grey level, without a thought or interest beyond the exigencies of the hour? And he would gaze wearily out upon the open level flat of the _veldt_, which surrounded the place, and the dusty monotonous riband of road, and it would seem, young as he was, that life was hardly worth living at the price. Still, he was earning his own livelihood, and the novelty and independence of the feeling went far to counterbalance all other drawbacks.

One day Anstey said to him, "Wouldn't you like to have some interest, some share in the business, Gerard?"

"Some interest!" he echoed, thinking that he had rather too much of that, seeing that his employer left all the burden of it to him and pocketed all the advantages himself.

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The Luck of Gerard Ridgeley Part 6 summary

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