Dragon Life Chapter 18

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Light entertainment and sweet atmosphere. Unbelievable.

Even after that incident, it was very peaceful, to the point of questioning. Is it really okay for it to be this peacefull?
It seems that the Tiruzoto Empire’s messenger doesn’t come for a while, so it was really peaceful. Yup, as I thought, peace is the best.

“Today there’s a once-in-a-month practice match!”
I was taken to the knight’s training grounds by Chiffon. Apparently she was here to watch Stefano. No, not him, Chiffon. Absolutely not him. Mom won’t let you!
Anyway, I couldn’t stop Chiffon as she tugged me along with glittering eyes, and in the end I was practically dragged to the training grounds. Its actually break time right now, so we invited Ariade as well but she cut us down with a ‘not interested’. Unn, so cool. I want to be cool too.
The training grounds were a short walk away from the dorms, and was crowded with people. Wha, wait, is this all women? From what I can tell by their clothes, they’re all maids and servants. There are even some n.o.ble ladies watching from the balconies. Wait, isn’t that the prince at the very top over there? Is this actually some sort of country approved event that only I didn’t know of? Is that it?
So this becomes my first time seeing a practice match. But.

W h a t  i s  w i t h  t h i s  P L A C E ! !

It’s almost as if some traveling troupe arrived, full of noise and excitement. Well, the knights probably won’t be able to endure training day in and day out while living with similarly sweaty guys if they didn’t have something like this. They’ll become more enthusiastic if they’re being watched by women. It only happens once a month, so I guess it’s okay. I have no interest in things that have nothing to do with me. Ah stop. You though I sounded like Stephano, didn’t you?
But I never thought that there would be so many women coming to watch the practice matches, since I was always cleaning the dorms at this time. I guess they’re really popular because they protect the country.

High pitched cheers of ‘kyaa!’ was heard. It seems like the previous match ended and knew knights had come into the arena.
“Ah! Look, look, up next is someone from the fourth knight corps!”
After saying that, chiffon dives through the ma.s.s of maids and servants to the front. I was surprised as how she had shrewdly ended up in the very front. It’s only times like these that chiffon can be so calculating.
I decided to watch the match from a tree a distance away from the arena, even though I couldn’t see very well but there’s less people there. I am actually taller than the average woman around here, so if I forced my way to the front like Chiffon it would be bothersome, and even if I got to the front I would be subject to a lot of booing. Besides, even from here I can clearly see who’s in the training grounds.
―――okay, so the next match is…
Its Stefano and the captain. ―――captain?
Eh? Sama?
“You’re as gallant as ever!! Please do your best!!”
Eh? Gallant?
“Kya! He looked my way!”
“No he looked at me!”
Wha, don’t wink Stefano. What are you, the prince?
… What’s with this cheering.
I was watching these girls with a dazed look, but it seems that the captain is being cheered on as well.
“Your hair is as lovely as ever! How did you braid it so nicely!?”
Apparently he does it himself.
“Please let me use your lap as a pillow!!”
Lap pillow?
“Let me touch your smooth skin–!”
… Aren’t these turning into personal desires?
“Please wear my dress–!!”
Un, that one I agree with. If he cross-dressed he would be cute. …eh? Dress?
“Lutoria-sama!! Do your best!!”
That, that. When you talk about cheering that’s the norm. Wait, the captain, Lutoria? Ah, yeah. The prince called him that too, didn’t he. I had forgotten again. To me the captain has the mental image of ‘the captain’ and I can’t exactly think of him as anyone else.
But hrm, so the captain was quite popular as well. …Somehow I begin feeling a complex feeling. Ah, I should have eaten him. [1]
Anyway, should I be cheering someone on? If I’m going to root for someone, it’s definitely going to be the captain. Why should I cheer on the stupid womanizing Stephano? Captain-! Please beat him to a pulp!! I cheered for the captain internally.
Ah- I really want to eat Na.s.sau’s food… maybe I’ll go there later today.

Dragon riders normally use a long-reaching spear or longsword, but this is a match between humans. They’ll probably use the weapon they are most used to.
Stephano has chosen to wield a thin sword. I thought the captain was using a dagger, but if I looked closely he had a blade in each hand so it’s probably a pair of short-swords. So he’s ambidextrous. You learn something new every day. [2]
Both partic.i.p.ants got into position, and the knight serving as the referee sent up the sign that both sides were ready, starting the match immediately. At the call of the referee, the previously silent arena exploded into a squealing cheer, and I instinctively covered my ears. It was a miracle as to how the two of them could still go about their match in this noise. While I was thinking this, I followed their movements closely, and quickly became absorbed in the match.
Especially since Stephano’s heavy handed attacks are contrasted by the captain’s light movements, almost as if he grew a pair of wings. The ‘kyaa-kyaa’ screaming isn’t all that bad. With cool men [3] comes high pitched cheering, it’s the same in any world.
―――I probably won’t be able to see those eyes up close anymore.
Probably because they’re moving a lot, but occasionally I would see those eyes from behind his bangs. [4]
Even his hair, which used to be my job to braid, has been taken over by someone else. Even talking to him will become hard now. Thinking back about it now, all that happened feels as if it was all a lie.

Even though we had come into contact so casually before, now there is so much distance between us.
…what is this. It’s almost like I’m a maiden in love! No, no. It just that the captain looks so delicious――― … ah- the captain is so distant, is what I was thinking.
Stephano’s blade grazes the captain’s head and his hair comes undone. One of the captain’s braids slips apart quickly. The captain ignored his now free-flowing hair and instead struck Stephano’s now un-guarded chest with his sword. Stephano quickly tried to block, but probably because of the strength in the captain’s attack, he was blown backwards.
Ooh, nice. I was very impressed.

―――B l o w n   b a c k ?

Stephano was blown away brilliantly. Yup, he was blown away to an impossible distance. It even caught some people nearby.
Stephano is slammed against the castle wall, a few meters away from the training grounds, with a loud sound. If he landed badly it could have broken his back, but it seems that Stephano is pretty tough, seeing how he was already up on his own two feet before any of the knights could help him. The fact that I thought ‘serves you right’ is a secret.
If you try really hard you might be able to get someone to move about 3, 4 meters but he flew about 10 you know? That’s not a normal human’s strength. The entire area is dead quiet. The captain is also staring at his left arm, as if he doesn’t understand what happened either. I also noticed that he was consistently opening and closing his hand.
Aah, dammit…! I shouldn’t have given him that arm!!
It’s originally a part of my body. It wouldn’t be weird even if it could exert that kind of strength.
Since I’m trying to blend in with human society, I’ve been maintaining my stamina and strength at human levels. That’s why I can live normally amongst humans. But the captain knows that it’s an arm given to him by a dragon, something that has powers beyond human limits. That’s probably why such a large amount of power came out.[5]
The onlookers finally snap out of their dazes and begin murmuring ‘as I thought the contract—‘ and I soon gain the overwhelming urge to sigh. I didn’t make a contract. I don’t even want a contract in the first place, it’s too troublesome and a heavy burden.
Please stoopp–.

Suddenly the captain turns his head and looks my way. Our eyes met perfectly.
Even though the captain’s eyes were hidden by his bangs as usual, I definitely felt our eyes meet. I somehow ended up taking up a defensive posture. I have a very bad feeling. The captain tilts his head a little bit, but when he realizes it’s me, beckons me over.
Eh, why?
Me? Through this horde of women? Go there? Is that what you’re saying? NoNoNoNoNoNo-Impossible!![6]
I don’t have that kind of courage! I don’t want to get involved with relations.h.i.+ps with women under normal circ.u.mstances!! If I go out there now, I’ll definitely be added to their Black-list!!
I felt bad, but I shook my head from side to side and bowed deeply, before escaping with lightning speed. If it’s the captain, he would probably forgive me. Or more like forgive me dammit! And let’s also pray that you’ll forget about me quickly.

Even so, that arm is really troubling. What to do.
I have never regretted the actions of my instinct-influenced self as much as I am regretting it now. …It was really delicious though.

While I was grumbling about the stupidity of my actions, huh?
—-My right arm is strongly tugged backwards. Surprised, I immediately turn around.
“Vito, why did you run.”
Uhya. When did you even get behind me?!
I look up at the captain, who pulled my arm, in surprise. I haven’t seen him face to face in a while and one of his braids have come undone, but it’s definitely the captain. I didn’t think he would come chasing after me, and I had let down my guard. The captain looks at me curiously, as if not understanding why I had fled that place at such a speed. Wait, seriously? You don’t know why?
“Uhm you know, because I’ve been transferred to a different a.s.signment.”
“Nn-… ah, that’s right.”
You forgot? And don’t speak like you’ve just remembered.
—– Really, what a slow person. [7]
It makes me, who was thinking about how distant we’ve become, seem idiotic. The captain talks to me as usual, and there’s a part of me which is relieved by this.
Its kind of complicated. Emotions are difficult.
“So did you need something from me?”
“Hair, came undone, so.”
By chance, did you call me over back then just for that? …You should be able to do that much by yourself. Well, I’ll do it anyways since you came all this way and there’s no one else here, but still.
I have the captain sit on the bench, and go behind it, accepting the hair tie from him. The captain’s hair is soft and nostalgic to the touch, and my mouth is— not salivating. It’s not. …it really isn’t, okay?
Ah, I’ll take this chance to properly give him my greetings. [8]
“Captain, I’m sorry that I didn’t properly give my farewells before the a.s.signment change”
“Nn-“ [9]
“I wanted to go, but I couldn’t get the time to do so.”
“It was only for a short while, but thank you.”
I complained a lot, but it was really fun. Even waking up the captain every morning, braiding his hair, watching him talk happily about dragons, casually chatting with the vice-captain, worrying about Reina’s wounds, watching Stephano get scolded by Rance, and especially Na.s.sau’s food.
It was fun. Every day had a sense of satisfaction to it.
Again, I come to realize that I really liked it there. I really felt at home there.
Since I’ve gotten used to braiding long braids, it was finished quickly. When I tell him ‘it’s done’ he turns around and looks up at me. I caught a glimpse of his black eyes from behind his bangs. In a distantly nostalgic manner, he curls his fingers around my hair and trails his fingers downward, stroking my cheek. It tickles.
“Vito, doesn’t say anything”
“…about what?”

“About my eyes.”

The captain moves aside his bangs and showed me. The sudden appearance of the captain’s eyes is bad for my heart. Out of all the people I’ve met so far, the captain is the only one that has the black eyes I yearn for. Those very eyes are now reflecting my appearance. However it’s not “my” appearance but rather the appearance of “the village girl I ate”. I don’t remember my true appearance. Knowing that the “me” that is reflected is all but a fabricated lie, I feel a bit depressed and fall into silence. I wonder where the real me is.
…Even so, it looks like I have to say something. He’s been remaining silent, waiting for my answer.
“Well, uh, it’s beautiful.”
Really, it’s pretty to the point that it’s bad for my heart. Its so nostalgic, it makes me want to hold on to it.
The captain, as if he was suddenly in a good mood, chuckled.
It probably because he blew Stephano away. I can understand. Eh, that’s not the reason?
“You’re the only person who says things like that, really, Vito.”
“Eh? Really?”
It feels like déjà vu.
“I mean, black eyes are rare, right? So people, always curious. Lots of people don’t like.”
So that’s why the captain hides his eyes with his bangs. It’s amazing how he can move so well with such narrow visibility. Although he does trip sometimes.
But… it seems the captain has things he worries about too. The captain gave such a sad smile that I was reminded that the captain really was human, too.[10]

“Well… I love…” [11]

What I was thinking came out of my mouth, and I startled myself.
Eh? EH? Wha, wait that’s a confession! No! That’s not what I meant!! I just really love that color black! I like it too much! Th-The eye! The irises! The black! I ended up shouting that nonsensical gibberish in a panic.
The captain listened with a blank expression, but smiled softly and gave me a soft ‘thank you’
Aah how embarra.s.sing. I want to crawl into a hole and disappear! What’s with this sweet atmosphere! Agh my red face! Calm down!! And like that I was panicking on my own.
“Strange. Your eyes, very similar.”
Apparently he was observing me while I panicked.
I don’t want to hear who I’m similar to! If I hear it, I feel like everything would end. I earnestly felt that it really was a good idea to change my a.s.signment.

Aah, dammit.
Whenever I talk to the captain I always end up acting up.
Seriously, what’s with that.

So, SUPPRISEEE!! I did it all in one night, are you proud of me? Hahahaha you don’t need to be, but I felt like I owed you guys this much. I’ll get to answering comments after this. Also this is a new format for the s.p.a.cing! What do you think? Bad? Good? Tell me and if its bad, I’ll go change it back.

Especially tell me if its hard to read. Please. Feedback is always good. Also, what should I have for the front page, is the current fine or should I put the Active projects page first? … or you know, since I only have Dragon Life up I could just have the Dragon life page as the front page….

[1] there was a sentence after this that said “なんて思ったりなかったり” which roughly translates to “I might have thought” which didn’t seem to make much sense in an English sentence so I left it out.

[2] It actually said “I never knew” but “you learn something new every day” sounded better, haha.

[3] Ikemen always comes with fangirlish screaming.

[4] There’s a part added that says that it caused her to feel “shock” or “startled”

[5] basically the captain knows it’s a dragons arm, and so that the ‘limiter’ really isn’t there. If he thought it was a human arm, there would be a sort of… mental ‘block’ I guess? Kind of like how Vito knows she’s a dragon but sees her form as human, and maintains the average human strength.

[6] It actually was a line of the repeated kanji 無理 which means impossible, but it could also mean ‘no’ depending on the context… kind of. No also sounded better than repeating ‘impossible’ six times.

[7] dull or slow-witted. She doesn’t mean it in a bad way, really. It just… exasperated, in a kind of friendly way.

[8] greetings as in a proper farewell, to formally give thanks and things.

[9] basically the equivalent of hmm… but I felt that nn was good enough.

[10] Probably human in a sense that he has feelings/emotions, seeing how the captain is normally portrayed as either dozing off/sleepy or with his emotions under tight control. He really doesn’t express his feelings that openly.

[11] the original text is 「私は・・・好きですよ」 which directly translates to “Well… I like it.” But since the next paragraph is about how it overlaps with a confession, I had to replace it with a half-a.s.sed English sentence. SO sorry if it doesn’t seem to make much sense.

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Dragon Life Chapter 18 summary

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