Dragon Life Chapter 19.2

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Part 2

Do you mean this is a FLAG for me to get healed and quickly leave this place? And once I leave they will have their important conversation. It ‘s not like it’s in exchange of getting healed, but isn’t it good if I can receive treatment and immediately leave this room? It’s okay because I can read the atmosphere. Please let’s definitely go with that.

I stepped closer before Madeleine could push me forward.

—- It was at that moment.


Sir Cleric looked at me, flas.h.i.+ng a meaningful smile which contained a piece of his thoughts.

–A-a-a-a c-chilling cold runs through my spine, my hair stands on end. Going by my instinct, I had to bare my wariness.

Deepening his smile at my reaction, with those silver pupils which seem to see through everything, he smiles. …What’s with that? Heck, what’s this? dangerous. This is dangerous! Too dangerous!! I want to run away right now!! I want to run away from here!

My instinct was warning me that it was dangerous.

It is a feeling like meeting a very dangerous predator.

“Come here.”

He reached out a slender hand. I stretched out slowly my faintly trembling hand.

I must take his hand. If not it would be suspicious to the Prince and Madeleine who are behind. But, I don’t wanna go near him. Idon’twannagoIdon’twannagoIdon’twannago. It feels worst than earlier when that odd feeling was burning in me. I break out in cold sweat. But being pushed from the back by Madeleine, I come stumbling forward like before.

And while thinking of taking his hand with this hesitant hand that I was about to extend, his face comes closer.

In those close up silver pupils”I” had been reflected. I, take a breath.

— … That, “appearance” was.

Inside those pupils, only for a moment “my appearance” which I intently searched for was reflected, that “human me”.

With black hair, black eyes, wearing a black uniform, it was “me”.

But it disappeared in an instant, the me inside the pupils went back to having my actual form. My face, too, couldn’t be seen very well.

But no doubt. It was “me”.

“Ooh, this is unusual.”


“Please do not be wary. Because I won’t eat you no matter what.”

As if being said ‘Like you would’, inside of my head every kind of alarm was resounding.

Police cars and ambulance, fire truck siren, the sound of the railroad crossing, the sound of a train gate ticket that got stuck, the chime of a house and school’s first bell, the sound of a ringing telephone and mobile phone ringtones, cars’ back sound, the alarm clock sound. All of them were sounds from my human memories.

They were resounding within my head from the depths of my soul (tn: no idea if this sentence’s right, because idk wth is ketatamas.h.i.+ku, i’m a.s.suming it has something to do with her soul, but… それが頭の中でけたたましく鳴り響いていた)

— This person, he knows? I, that I’m … a dragon?

Why? How come? Is it because he has lived for 1000, it’s that kind of ability?

“It will already have been 100 years. The flow of time is fast. But it is really strange. … “Who” are you? In the future that I’ve read “you” do not exist. But this might also be fun. It seems it will become something interesting. Aah, how fun. Right? Yeah, right.”

The fingers stroking my trembling hands are cold. Making a moonily laughing face, he has completed a monologue on his own. What’s wrong with this person. Is he a PIN entertainer that can cross tsukkomi? (tn: no idea what a pin entertainer is, nor no idea if the sentence s right as a whole xD: ノリツッコミができるピン芸人か)

“But, yes. I see.”

Still it is a stare at the inside of my pupils.

Again those silver irises, such that can see through all that there is, approach until our noses might into each other; I was still in place, my whole body could not move as if it solidified into stone. I wonder what the others are talking about, because it seems that they are having a secret talk. I want them to notice, yet I do not want them to notice.

If it was going to turn this way then I wouldn’t have eaten so much!

It’s too late to regret now.

Erasing his smile, Sir Cleric said.

“There’s only one thing that I can tell you. –The day will come where you will die.”

What are you saying!! Are you my s.h.i.+nigami?! The truth is you are actually not something like a Cleric but a s.h.i.+nigami, right. If I was told so I’d believe it.

“O- of course I’ll die someday. Because, I’m a living being.”

Turning his words around I was finally able to let my voice out.

“Hehehe, that’s not what I meant. Maybe my choice of words was bad. Will you die, will you live, it will be such that you will have to follow one of these paths. That is what I wanted to say.”

Isn’t the whole content different! Isn’t this Sir Cleric way too playful! It’s a matter of life-or-death for me! “In either path there awaits you despair, in both paths hope is s.h.i.+ning. To decide between them, is up to you.”

I’ll choose the path to live by all means. The way things were said is too vague though. It is said he’s like a prophet, but the things he said can be said to anyone, and can be said by anyone.

“I-if you are going to read the future, then reading the future of this country, during war, would be good to win.”

“That’s right. But the future is something that changes. Even the things I’ve read are naught but a consolation. In short, they also didn’t come true many times until now.” (tn: not sure about this one: 今までも何度も外れて来ましたし)

“You are not omniscient.” (tn: it says universal, but where in the world does that make sense…)

He is like a weather forecaster.

“Well it’s like that however, it is said that the future is something that depends on oneself, after all.”

Sir Cleric, despite his appearance when saying something serious like ‘the future that pertains me is not universal’, smiles wrily. (T/N: it took me a while to understand this. resuming, he means 2 things: he can’t perceive every possible futures because the future he sees is dependant on himself and, the actions he takes won’t affect everybody even if he intervenes, which explains a bit of why he hadn’t seen Vito in his readings. besides that, the whole paragraph might be wrong).

Saying that, is it that there’s no meaning in doing those readings? My life is determined by my choices. Somehow it feels strange to be told that again.

I feel that I have been deceived by a fortune-teller.
In short, it depends on ourselves.
In short, it depends on one’s own feelings.
That is, it wasn’t said as an advice.

“But you have the resolution to do it, right.” (said by Vito, probably xD)

Well, yes but.

Mmh, the feelings that have been forcibly rounded up are undeniable.

“Hehehe, it is okay. I’m very friendly to ‘you guys’.”

Who are those “you guys”. I do not want to hear it. I do not want to hear it but it makes me anxious. If this man has really been alive for a 1000 years, doesn’t he know those from the past?

It arises some suspisions in me, but if I ask about it it will be a confirmation of me being a dragon. I’d hate that.

“They too decided by their own will so, I don’t know what will become of you but so that you don’t regret it.”

At last he placed a kiss to my cheek.

“Eating too much, you should do it in moderation.”

Now I know why I was feeling so bad…! it’s too embarrasing!!!

At the sensation on my cheek, within my heart a scream was raised, but I was surprised at discovering that the mysterious and wrong feeling was getting better.

“Please come to my place at any time if there is anything that you want to know.”

His face goes away. The rigidity of my body fades, and I quickly retreat away from the spot I was at.

As I was worrying about ‘what if he talks of this to the prince’, Sir Cleric brings his index finger towards his lips while laughing brightly, saying,

“I won’t tell anyone.”

It made my mouth open and close like a fish’s. (tn: it says it made her mouth go pakupaku, lol)

… What is his purpose. I can’t think of anything else other than there being another side to this! Is it a bribe!? I am not that rich!

“Vito, are you alright now?”


My health became alright but I’m mentally tired. But I pump myself up since I won’t show that kind of image.

“Thank you. I got better, so I’ll return. And besides you’ll have an important talk, right? So I’ll go since it seems I’ll just be a bother.”

“It’s fine. Since the talk will be over soon, if you wait for me outside I’ll send you back to your room.”

Saying ‘It’s fine already’ to the still worrying Madeleine, I start leaving by skimming through the room of the water that doesn’t wet.

“Prince LeBlanche, I’m sorry to have bothered you.”

“Don’t mind it.”

My real meaning is, I did not want to stay here. Sooner by even one second I wanted to be out of this room. I felt on my back Madeleine’s worried gaze, but I left the room like fleeing.

People like Sir Cleric are mysterious people. You can’t tell wether they are actually human or not. And he’s a weirdo. I’m tired.

It looks like it was known that I’m a dragon, and to that he said, “I won’t tell anyone” yet, it’s not like I can know what will happen from now on. I wonder if it will it become a situation where I’ll live everyday in fear while worrying about it… I get the feeling that he got a hold on an unthinkable weakness.

But, wait.

Even if it is discovered that I’m a dragon isn’t it fine if I just play dumb?

‘Eeeh what’s that I don’t know. Me, a dragon? Ahaha there’s no way that’s posible, right?’ Like that. No, no, but I don’t know how much how much weight do Sir Cleric’s words have, there’s the posibility of being suspected. …What the h.e.l.l should I do. For the sake of thinking about the things to come made want to sigh. …and what’s more, Sir Cleric was kinda… not a target for eating. It’s more like it’s me the one who is an edible target. That’s the feeling it gave me. Aah, I’m afraid.

Somehow I wanted to meet the Captain very much.

I wonder why.


Someone comes walking from the front as I return to the room.

It’s the vice captain’s daughter.

…Why is this? After meeting with Sir Cleric I feel like I’ll be healed by any person. She’s cute with that peach colored hair that is so girly. After being told those curse-like words, my heart feels refreshed like meeting the first wind of a spring storm.

But her figure is dispirited and her face color looks a little bad. She went past with a nasty face while keeping her eyes on me.

“Wait” (tn: she said ‘Ano’, which is a way to call out to someone, but it’s not as rude as ‘hey’…)

She kept walking a few steps and stopped at hearing my voice. The only good thing is that she did not ignore me even when making a grumpy face.

“What. Don’t talk to me if you have no reason.”

I talked to you because there’s a reason, I take out the small pink bag from my pocket in a hurry. It is a bag with drawstring mouth that is squeezed shut. It’s because I’m ardently feeling like being kind to someone right now.

“This, please.”

“… Huh?”

“It’s a scent bag. Please, if it’s take it if it’s fine with you, because it will be completely different even though it’s just hanging from the neck.”

I’m sure the reason her complexion is bad is due to the specific ‘that’ from the fourth Knight Corps dorms. In particular, it seems today was terrible or because it was a flight training. But I did not mind as I always wore and looked at this. Rather, that person who was making that delicious smell over there… The one saying that was my dragon brain.
and most recently, in order to encourage me, the vice captain who wouldn’t immediately take a shower and even had a bad hygiene over-all wasn’t as terrible as before.

I held it out to her because I do not use it anymore, but she repelled it with the back of her hand.

“I do not need it. Who is would want to get some hand-me-down from you.”

“Is that so? Even so your complexion looks fairly bad.”

She might collapse with things as they are. I’m a little worried.

Because the vice captain was certainly of n.o.ble origin this child probably also had a reasonably good living. In the first place she is a person who would do a more flashy work, unlike the lowly work we do or a maid-like work. (tn: this may be all wrong, lol そもそも私達のような下の仕事ではなくメイドさんのようなどちらかというと目立つ仕事をする人なのだろうが.) But just for her to say that she wants to work at her father’s workplace, it’s a place that is full of tough jobs for an adolescent girl, isn’t it?

A father-con, is that it? Well let’s say the vice captain is doting on her. It is not that I do not understand his feelings. She’s sssso cute. To the point it’s not an exaggeration to eat her.

“…How insistent. I got it already.”

Even when I’m still holding out the scent bag, maybe to cut through the stillness, she went and took the scent bag from my hand like she was wresting it off. That’s great. I don’t know if she will use it but she has accepted it for now it seems.

“Don’t talk to me anymore, please. You are annoying.”

‘Hmph’, she snorts and walks away towards the back in the same manner as before.

Would it not be better for her to go see Sir Cleric? She doesn’t look good.

…Recalling that, I shuddered.

I do not want anymore to meet him again if possible. I found the reason why everyone is scared to meet with him.


_________________ ☆

Translator’s lair:

ufufufufu, I found a nice page to translate complicated terms which google sensei translates a bit off~

発言力 – those kanji, google sensei says they are “to say”. To say, my a.s.s. “forcefulness of speech, influential voice”, is what it should be. (and then i went and transformed it to fix the context, lol).

I hope that page helps a lot of people!

also… how come that last part about the father-con daughter was harder to translate than the whole old-lolishota-cleric-sama part?!?!?! and just where is she cute? i wanna hit her for being mean to dragon-chan. dragon-chan is cuteness.

…and d.a.m.n j.a.panese grammar. i bet they made their grammar this way just so that you were foced to translate everything word by word. ;_;”

sorry for there being so so many translator notes. that’s just the way things are~☆

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Dragon Life Chapter 19.2 summary

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