Dragon Life Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

The alarming plight which threatens an upheaval, and my circ.u.mstances.




My hand is touched by something warm and moist.

Opening my heavy eyelids and glancing over, a tawny hair ball was licking my hand.

“Ah- …Hana?”

With a ‘Nyaa’, the tawny hair ball which is our home’s pet, Hana, drew closer to me when she noticed I was awake. While I stroke her throat charmingly, she lets out a pleased voice as she purrs.

“That too, was that a dream?”

When I’m within the dream I also feel that that’s a dream sometimes. Sometimes because of the colors, sometimes it’s just a sensation. (1) But, it’s still too realistic to be a dream. And it’s also strange that the me within the dream believes that this reality is a daydream. If this had happened only once then I’d certainly leave it at being nothing more than a dream. But as a consequence of repeatedly losing my consciousness and looking back at this reality as a daydream, I can’t help but feel that it is not possible to categorically a.s.sume this is a dream.

“Could it be I have some sleep disorder or I’m a sleepwalker. …Hey, I’m not Heidi.”

Probably, I’m seeing these dreams because last night I was forced to listen to oniichan’s delusive tales. I’d like to think so.

At that instant, a certain mahou shoujo ringtone rings grandly, and panicking, I stretch over my bed to pick up my mobile. This embarra.s.sing ringtone is not my own hobby, but by the time I noticed oniichan had set it up on his own accord. Because it’s too embarra.s.sing I keep it in silent mode at school. By the way, the mail tone for my otouto is KaSASU’s and the one for my parents is the theme from Abarenbou Shougun. (2 -3) Even I think these are tasteless. But I like the impact they have.

The e-mail’s t.i.tle is “PLEASE LOVE.” (4) Even without looking at it I can roughly guess the content so I close my mobile without reading it. And besides I can’t stay lying down forever. As I raised my my upper body Hana got on my lap. She claws at my legs with a scratching sound like she’s demanding something, and inclining her neck in a cla.s.sic tilt, she looks up to me. Too cute.

“Ah, that’s right. Your breakfast, right,  I’m sorry, after I change my clothes I’ll immediately—”

When I tried to stand up I was attacked by a sudden dizziness and collapsed onto the floor.
As I was enduring the pain of hitting my face against the floor, Hana anxiously came to snuggle against my cheek but, just like that — with a poof, my  consciousness was interrupted.






This time I was standing at the battlefield rather than at the tent. By my side was Madeleine, sporting a quiet countenance.

“The enemy side looks odd. I wonder what’s the meaning of that.”

To me it’s me the one who’s odd. I wonder what’s the meaning of this.

I have the sensation that my memories are being fast-forwarded in an intermittent manner. And I keep seeing again and again daydream-like things like back then. I don’t know which is a dream and which is real.

Heck, I wonder what is happening to me.

Are the human memories mine? Or do they belong to the girl from the daydream? Are her and me the same person? Geez, I don’t understand. However, the me from the daydreams simply owns memories of being human, which is to say, she doesn’t have a mixed-consciousness of a Dragon like I do. I can’t help but think, if my Dragon self was gone, maybe I would become her. If so then, what is called my present existence wouldn’t exist without her? I also don’t understand our time line. (5) I don’t know —- which is the world she exists in, and within which time, does she exist before or after me, or are we coexisting. I’ll stop thinking for now. I must concentrate on what is in front of my eyes at the moment. I take a deep breath and search within my memories the sequence of events until I arrived here. Indeed, because the enemy’s state seemed unusual Madeleine and I proceeded to the frontlines together.

Good, I remember. It should be fine.

“You said something’s weird, but it looks normal to me.”

Though I’m looking from afar, on the land there are warring humans, in the skies Fire Drake are flying about, and the few sorcerers are helping out from the rear. The enemy is the same, although they don’t even have Dragons. I wonder if it’s for the sake of taking down the Fire Drakes, but they are going into the offensive by shooting arrows and something that looks like magic.

“Look well, their leaders.h.i.+p is not taking command at all.”

Paying attention at her words, certainly Tiruzoto’s soldiers are fighting while scattered all over the place, and I feel that their numbers are fewer than I thought. Going by the present condition it can be seen clearly that Alvina is superior.

“It’s odd, that that Tiruzoto would fight in this manner. Yes it’s just like… They are, sacrificial pieces… — !?” (6)

— With a bang, a great vibration makes the air tremble.

My body was. .h.i.t by something like a shockwave and I almost fall over, but I managed to stand firm on my legs and remained standing.

“This is, the Unicorn’s…!?”

Madeleine is looking up at the sky in astonishment. When I followed her lead and looked up as well, something thin and sparkling gold was raining down on us, numbering in the dozens, hundreds, thousands. The thin lights cover everything in the vicinity and I can no longer open my eyes, so I can’t confirm what they are, yet meanwhile the great vibrations and the shockwaves that made the air tremble continued to arrive, forming waves, and I stand in place with all my might although I can’t even move.

Could this be, that maybe this was the Unicorns’ Light magic that Timo mentioned previously. But I hadn’t thought it could have such a wide range.

— What the heck is this? What’s going on?

In the distance, I can hear screams and heartbreaking yells, making me afraid. I wonder what’s going on, I can’t understand the situation. Spouting curses while enduring these shockwaves, I wonder if Madeleine, who is by my side, is the same.

Finally the light subsides and my sight clears up.

Staring at what is in front of my eyes, I become speechless.

Just a few meters in front.

Ahead of me, had been reduced to h.e.l.l.

“… No way.”

Though there were so many people over there, not a single person remains standing. On the contrary the vicinity had been dyed bright red by a sea of blood.

What came flying down together with the shockwaves were big, s.h.i.+ning golden arrows, with the thickness of an arm. In several tens, and even several thousands, they fell on the earth without leaving a single gap uncovered, did these fall from the skies? And, as if the duty of those things was accomplished by piercing through the human bodies, they disappear like sand; only the bodies that remain on the ground after having been pierced through are claiming that those things existed. (6)

If, I had been standing further ahead than this, I might be dead. Horrified about it, my legs end up cowering.

“Madeleine, this, what does this mean…?”

Madeleine is biting her lips with a desperate look.

“… My judgment was wrong. The opposing country is serious; they are trying to end everything in this one battle.”

“That is, they are coming at us at full strength?”

“I do not know why, but that’s it. They want to “win” quickly even if they have to sacrifice their own allies.”

Why. How come. The reason why their leaders.h.i.+p did not come forward and that there were only a handful of their troops was, in order to fire the Unicorns’ attack? It’s better if there are less sacrifices, only for that reason? What sort of people are they.

“If  we don’t do something before the next attack arrives…!!”

‘I’m sorry, I’ll return first!’ Saying that, Madeleine run off. Going to meet the Prince or her Father, whichever it is, if we don’t possess a powerful magic it will be impossible to defend against the Unicorns’ attack, so at the very least Madeleine’s strength is necessary, right? Even if we decide to do a physically attack, we don’t even know where the Unicorns are. If we take a gamble on attacking a certain place where they might be, we’d first have to break through the enemy’s encampment. But that kind of thing is too unreasonable. It’s an extremely suicidal act.

In such a situation… what should be done?

I have been standing in place, dumbfounded.

Terrible. Such a terrible scene.

A considerable number of people had been done in by that attack. Allies, enemies, all of them.

As there are people for whom it’s already too late and they have already died, there are also people who have had their limbs torn off. There are people screaming in pain, and there’re also people still trying to hold their swords and fight spite being wounded. As I continued to be dumbfounded, several Fire Drakes flew past from behind me, and a new battle had started on the ground. Even though the Unicorns’ attack had happened indeed, they are continuing to move forward without hesitation.

This, is war.

How cruel. How tragic.

It’s not just one or two people. They die in the scale of tens, of hundreds of people.

I should have been prepared for this. But when I actually witnessed it, there is a force that ends up making me hesitate. Madeleine, I wonder why you are so strong. Because you partic.i.p.ated in the previous war? Because you are accustomed to it? So, is that why you and Chiffon have a different air? Either way, there’s no way that a girl of such an age would withstand a scene like this.

But, this kind of things is useless.

Taking a step forward, I advanced.

The viscous sensation of blood is transferred from the sole of my feet, and the smell of blood fills everything to the point of making me throw up. The surroundings are littered by dead bodies and pieces of meat, and I continue to walk as I avoid them.

I couldn’t possibly have thought, that this scene looked delicious. There is no way I could think that. Rather, how comfortable I would feel if I vomited all the contents of my stomach.

As I was walking like I was in a daze, I spot a familiar figure and hurry over there.

“Vice-Captain…! Are you all right!?”

Although his Fire Drake was by his side unhurt, the Vice-Captain had suffered a terrible wound in one leg. He avoided the full extent of the shockwave by a hair’s breadth it seems, but apparently he was unable to avoid it completely. The bleeding is severe, and though he is pressing down on the wound, the momentum of the blood flowing through the gaps of his hands doesn’t stop. I take out from my pocket the bandage cloth I had received from Madeleine just in case something happened, and hurry to stop the bleeding by tying it around it.

“Miss Vito? …It’s dangerous here, quickly escape.”

He must be also wondering why am I here. Because I didn’t tell anyone. But he says that instead, seemingly more worried about my well being than about that, and more than his own well being. I stopped the bleeding but his face is ghastly pale as if devoid of blood. Thinking that this is the worst as he will collapse from anemia at this rate, …to shake off that idea I yell.

“I’ll go call someone over right away!”

“No, it’s fine.”


The Vice-Captain rises while staggering, shaking off the hand I had stretched out trying to stop him, and with an unreliable gait he straddled the Fire Drake by his side and flew away. He was holding a spear in his hands.

I wonder if he still intends to fight. We don’t know when that attack will come again, and yet he flew away.

— Are you really returning alive?

Looking at the direction in which he flew, I can see that there are some pitch black things crowded at the other side, and I became horrified.

Those are, people. And what’s more, it’s a countless number of people heading this way.

…There is no way we can win against such a large army!!

Definitely, Tiruzoto Kingdom intends to end everything in this one battle. Why do they need to rush it so much.

My head becomes dizzy and my consciousness is spontaneously — cut off with a Pzzzt.






“What’s all of this, already!!”

The inside of my head feels messy. Like my brain was stirred up inside of a food processor or a mixer, or even a was.h.i.+ng machine. My face hurts where it remains stuck to the floor, but as I stand up while opening my eyes and shaking my head in denial, it made me feel worst.

Thinking that this is useless I slowly sit on a chair and take a deep breath.

“Ca, calm down, me. That is a dream. Yes, it’s a dream so the war and everything are just that.” (7)

If I think of it as a dream I calm down a bit.

But I wonder why, I also feel like that is not a dream. The scenes were too realistic and that smell of blood. To me who was raised as a pacifist the stimulus from those scenes was too intense. It’s also no wonder that the me within the dream was dreadfully frightened.

“But, I wonder why the me from the dream did not become a dragon.”

If she had become a Dragon, wouldn’t she have been somewhat helpful? And from there she could have flown into the enemy headquarters and search for the Unicorns who launched that powerful attack and defeat them, or if that was futile, persuade them, or it might even be possible to defeat the enemy’s leaders and leave them in chaos.

But the me within the dream will not do it.

“… As expected, because it’s scary, isn’t it.”

I know myself well. A me who won’t feel fear in a war where people kill each other doesn’t exist. Rather it’s amazing enough that decided to go over there. I can’t comprehend why, this me whose motto is to do my best to avoid troublesome things, would go so far in order to go to the front lines. Was it because there are things she wanted to protect, is something the real me can’t understand.

While I was deep in thought my mobile’s ringtone resounds. It’s an  e-mail from oniichan again. Since the mental damage I received from watching a dream about a realistic war is too big I don’t have the willpower to check it out.

Now there is no energy to confirm a large psychological damage that had a dream of realistic war. I’m sure it’s an e-mail to demand a reply to the one I didn’t respond to. Do your work, oniichan.

“War, huh.”

It’s something unrelated to me who grew up in this peaceful j.a.pan that abandoned its military might. Although I read about it in history books or novels and I’ve seen it in movies, I wonder what I would do if I experienced it first-hand. No, the answer is already set, the only choice would be to escape without thinking. It’s obvious that one’s body is the dearest there can be. It’s also natural as a human being to run away while turning one’s back to the unpleasant things. Swinging in the chair that makes a creaking sound, I look up at the ceiling with a wry smile, thinking ‘what a rotten person I am.’ Spotting a stain that looks like a cat face made me think, ‘which reminds me, Hana is?’ so I over the room but she is not here. After all since her feeding keeps on getting on hold, she might have gone down and asked my brother to feed her. I laugh with a ‘she did such a pitiful thing,’ and the moment I decide to get changed and go down, cold sweat comes out at a headache and the sandstorm that distorts my sight.

“Hey, again–!?”

If I collapse now I will fall down together with the chair. This time too I won’t be given the time to do an ukemi and will fall back and hit the floor with my back. (8) Somehow I tried to stand up with the intent of collapsing onto the bed, but mercilessly, — my consciousness was cut off with a pzzzt. (9)







I was running through the battlefield looking for Madeleine.

Not caring about the matters about the daydream, right now the important thing is, only what should I do in this situation.

To become a Dragon now should be fine. I might be able to fly to the enemy headquarters and search for the Unicorns who launched that powerful attack and persuade them, or even to defeat the enemy’s leaders and leave them in chaos. But… I’m afraid. I was afraid of become their target once I take on a Dragon’s form. Even if a little, rumors about me have reached the other kingdom, so they will surely enter a special offensive once they see my figure. And it is impossible to confront such a large army. Sure I might be strong, but I won’t win against the strategy of piling up dust to make a mountain. (10) The final result would be to receive an all-out attack.

I’m pathetic. To think I’d be so scared now that I’m at the battlefield, even though it was me myself the one who said that I wanted to come. I’m really pathetic. I’m so pathetic that it makes me laugh.

“… That is”

As I was still unable to exit the frontline, and I was running towards the battling frontline which wasn’t within the scope of the Unicorns’ attack, I become aware that there are several Fire Drakes present in the sky, and by spotting a familiar figure my feet come to a stop.

It was, the Fire Drake riding Captain.

He is pulling the reins of the Fire Drake, and leading skillfully while annihilating the enemy. There’re also some few other Knights, it’s like their human foes are being pushed back by their Fire Drake Dragons. (11)


Their overwhelming strength is breathtaking.

Above all, I couldn’t remove my eyes from the Captain. The clothes of his left arm are torn from the elbow down, and his arm is covered with closely packed white scales up to the tip of his fingers. He is of course also wielding a spear, with that same hand. There’s n.o.body amongst the enemies that could stand an attack from that foreign left arm, is there.

However, when one of the enemies’ attacks grazes the Captain’s Fire Drake that had been flying close to the ground, it breaks the Fire Drake’s balance and it falls to the ground. And another enemy comes at him mercilessly wielding a large sword. But the Captain nimbly descends on the ground and fixing his posture he draws the twin swords he carried by his waist and fights off the attack. He doesn’t have something like a s.h.i.+eld. The sword he used to parry off the enemy’s attack, was the one on his left arm. With faster movements than when I watched a practice match, the enemy is being pushed back. But the number of opponents was too many. Even if he defeats them and defeats them there’s no end to it. Eventually the sword he held in his right hand is sent away, yet he switches the one in the left hand to the right hand, and uses his left arm to catch the enemies’ swords and break them. And when the enemies become surprised and become full of openings he uses that left arm to pierce though their torsos. He receives a blood spray at point-blank range, but without wiping it off he decides on the next opponent, and moves agilely.

He mastered using the left arm I gave him. It could also be used like that. His left arm itself has become a sword.

— This side of the Captain which I don’t know.

Even though he is always warm and fuzzy, in the him right now there’s no gap, there’s fighting spirit only.

In his dark pupils there’s a dull glint, as he is ascertaining the enemy. He’s totally like a beast hunting its prey.

Suddenly, my sight met those pupils. And when those eyes stop on my dazed figure, those pupils open up wide.

At that moment, again — the vibration that goes off with a boom.

The air trembles, and something similar to electricity runs though my whole body with a tingling feeling. I even began to hear a ringing in my ears.

I wonder, if it’s that shock wave again.

— No way, because, there still are some of Tiruzoto Kingdom’s soldiers here…! !

What are they really thinking? Once they throw that over here, it can be said that they’ll even end up involving a large number of allies together with us. I believe that maybe they have some sort of plan and glance at them, but as they are escaping in a panic they were surely not informed of this attack from the Unicorns.

A battle you want to win even if you have to sacrifice your allies. Where’s the merit in such a thing.

Although earlier I had miraculously been outside from the attack’s range, this time by the magnitude of the vibration I should be within its range. Looking up at the sky, its number was fewer than before, yet doubtlessly the brilliant golden arrows that bathed in the sunlight were there.

It could be said that the danger was reaching the immediate vicinity, however, as if my feet were sown to the ground, I was just standing in place in shock, watching at them.

— Oh, will this hurt? I’m sure, it will hurt. But, my legs, won’t move —

“— Vito!!”

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Dragon Life Chapter 34 summary

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