The Boy's Playbook of Science Part 38

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VII. _Duration of the Impression of Light._

If a circular disc is painted with the prismatic colours taken in the same proportion with respect to each other in which they are exhibited in the spectrum made by the prism, and the wheel is turned swiftly, then the individual colours disappear, and nearly white light is apparent.

The cause is due to the same principle that creates the appearance of a complete circle of fire when a burning squib is moved quickly round before it is thrown away to burst, and as it is evident that the burning squib cannot be in every part of the circle at the same moment, there must be some inherent faculty belonging to the human eye which enables it to retain for a definite period the impression of images that may fall upon it; and this principle has been so far pressed, as it were, beyond its limits, that it is gravely a.s.serted the image of a man's murderer "might be discovered on the retina of the eye-ball if that could be examined sufficiently quick after death." The fixture of the picture is said to be due to a sort of natural photographic process; but such fanciful statements often lead the mind into dream-land only, and so we will return to the fact of the duration of the impression of light on the eye as evidenced by several ingenious optical instruments, and especially by the scientific inventions of Dr. Faraday, Dr. Paris, and of Mr. Thomas Rose of Glasgow.

By careful experiment M. D'Arcy found that the light of a live coal moving at the distance of 165 feet, maintained its impression on the [Page 312] retina during the seventh part of a second. Hence the cause of the recomposition of white light when the colours on the disc are quickly rotated. Each colour at any point succeeds the other before the impression of the last is gone from the eye, and provided the colours move round within the seventh part of a second, they are all impressed together on the eye, and meeting on the retina, produce the effect of white light.

VIII. _The Phenakistiscope._

This amusing instrument consists of a turning wheel upon which figures appear to jump, walk, or dance. The disc or wheel is of cardboard, upon which are painted (towards the periphery) figures in eight, ten, or twelve postures. Thus, if it is desired to represent clowns turning round in a circle, twelve different positions of the figure in the act of turning are painted on the disc, and above each of the figures on the wheel a slit is cut about one inch long, and a quarter of an inch wide in a direction corresponding with the radii of the circle. This simple form of the instrument is used by placing the figured side towards a looking-gla.s.s and then causing it to revolve at a certain speed, which is ascertained by experiment; and as the spectator looks through the slits into the looking-gla.s.s, the clowns appear to turn round. At the Polytechnic Inst.i.tution there are two of these wheels with, and although the same designs have done duty for many years, they still attract the public attention. (Fig. 304.)

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 304. Design for the phenakistiscope. The spectator is supposed to be looking towards a mirror through the slits. It is supported by a handle through the centre, round which it is twirled by the other hand.]

In the "Journal of the Royal Inst.i.tution" Mr. Faraday has described some very interesting experiments and optical illusions produced by the revolution of wheels in different directions and velocities. The wheels are made of cardboard, and by cutting out two cog wheels of an equal size, and placing one above the other on a pin, the usual hazy tint when the cogs are acting is apparent when they are whirled round; but if the two cog wheels are made to move in opposite directions, there will be the extraordinary appearance of a fixed spectral wheel. If the cogs are cut in a slanting direction on both wheels, the spectral wheel will exhibit slanting cogs; but if one wheel is turned so that the cogs shall point in opposite directions, then the spectral wheel will have straight cogs. A number of such wheels set in motion in a darkened room, and illuminated suddenly with the light from the electric spark, appear to stand perfectly still, although moving with a great velocity. An expensive instrument has been constructed by Duboscq, for the [Page 313] purpose of showing the usual phenakistiscope effects on the screen with the magic lantern; a very limited picture, however, is shown, and there is still great room for the improvement of the apparatus. (Fig.


[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 305. Phenakistiscope made by Duboscq, of Paris. No.

1. Apparatus in elevation with the condensers. No. 2. Section of the apparatus. A. The light. B. Condenser, or plano-convex lens. C. Round gla.s.s disc with design painted on it. D. Wooden disc with four double-convex lenses placed at equal distances from each other, so as to coincide with C, whilst rotating. Both the latter and C rotate, and the picture is focussed on the disc by the lenses F. No. 3. Gla.s.s plate, with device painted thereon.]

[Page 314]

IX. _The Thaumatrope._

This very simple toy was invented by the late Dr. Paris, who gave it an appropriate name, compounded of the Greek words, [Greek: _thauma_], wonder, [Greek: _trepo_], to turn. The duration of the impressions of light on the eye is very apparent whilst using this toy, which is usually made of a circular piece of cardboard, having on one side a painting of a man's head, and on the other a hat; or a picture of a lighted candle on one face of the cardboard, and an extinguisher on the other; or a gate, and a horseman leaping it. Each pair of designs painted on opposite sides of the cardboard appear to be one when twisted round by strings tied to the opposite edges of the cardboard circle. The _rationale_ of this experiment being, that the picture of one design--such as the head and face--is retained by the eye until the hat appears, and being mutually impressed upon the nerve of vision at very nearly the same instant of time, they appear as one picture.

X. _The Kalotrope._

This is an optical arrangement by Mr. Thomas Rose, of Glasgow, primarily designed for showing the illusions of the phenakistiscope and kindred devices to a numerous audience; but more remarkable for its presentations of very beautiful spectra, composed of the multiplication, combination, and involution of simple figures disposed around a disc.

The arrangement consists of a movement for giving considerable velocity to two concentric wheels, working nearly in contact, and moving in contrary directions. But the only part of the apparatus that requires special explanation and ill.u.s.tration is the device disc and the disc of apertures; the first of which is placed on the hinder wheel, and the second on the front wheel. We give figures of the two discs, premising, however, that each is capable of an almost infinite variety of characters. No. 1 (Fig. 306) presents in its four quadrants the perforations for four distinct discs of apertures; and No. 2 is a device disc, consisting of twelve equidistant black b.a.l.l.s. Under _a_ the b.a.l.l.s will be presented as twenty-four ovals; under _b_, as forty-eight involved figures, beautifully variegated; under _c_, as an elaborate lacework; and under _d_, as a rich variegation of form and colour. Every fresh disc of devices and disc of apertures of course opens up a new field of effect. Thus, if we take a disc bearing twelve repeats of a ball in the interior of a ring, each repeat being so painted that its position is advanced in the ring until it reaches in the twelfth ring the point whence it started, and place this on the back disc of the kalotrope, having previously removed the first one, no effect is observed when the wheel is rotated beyond the spreading out of the design and general appearance of hazy black circles. When, however, the disc, with twelve slits or apertures, is now placed on the front wheel, and the two rotated in opposite directions, then the whole figure starts as it were into existence, and each ball apparently moves round the interior of its circle. [Page 315] The apparatus was produced at the Royal Polytechnic Inst.i.tution by the author, and excited much interest.

(Fig. 306.)

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 306. Nos. 1 and 2 are the discs. No 3. Kalotrope in elevation. No. 4. Side view of kalotrope, showing the multiplying wheels and the perforated and painted discs moving in opposite directions.]

XI. _The Photodrome._

This is a second optical arrangement by Mr. Rose for showing spectral illusions; and it is superior to the last, inasmuch as it offers to the public lecturer a most effective means of presenting these deceptions to a large audience. It differs from the kalotrope in several important points. It dispenses with the discs of apertures, and leaves the device disc with its face fully exposed to the spectators. The effects are produced by a powerful light, thrown through the tube of a lantern, and broken by a wheel working across it. The apparatus, as it at present stands in the inventor's possession, consists of two distinct parts; the one a movement for the device discs, and the other for the light. A wheel four feet in diameter is connected with a train of movement capable of giving it five hundred or six hundred revolutions per minute.

On this wheel the device disc is placed, in full view of the spectators, and set in motion. From an opposite gallery the light is thrown, and [Page 316] broken by a wheel of such diameter and number of apertures as will admit the velocity of the _photodrome_ (or light-runner) to be at least _six_ times the velocity of the device disc; whilst the apertures are of such width as to restrict the duration of the light-flash to about one-two-thousandth of a second. The wheel working across the light has a train of movement for raising the velocity to two thousand revolutions per second. The management of the apparatus is very simple.

The device-wheel is brought to a steady, rapid rotation, and the operator on the light then works his wheel with gradually increasing velocity, until he overtakes the figures of the device, where, by mere delicacy of touch, he is able to hold them stationary or give them motion, at pleasure.

Theories of light and colour still agitate the scientific world, although that man must be bold who will a.s.sert that his hypothesis is fitted to explain every difficult point that arises as our experimental knowledge increases. Mr. G. J. Smith, of the Perth Academy, has propounded a very ingenious theory of light and colour, supported by some clever experiments. But, as Solomon says, "there is nothing _new_ under the sun," and in an able paper Mr. Rose, of Glasgow, lays claim to the antic.i.p.ations of Mr. Smith's theory as follows:--

"My attention has been directed to a paper ent.i.tled 'The Theory of Light,' by G. John Smith, Esq., M.A., of Perth Academy. I think it is now nearly two years since I communicated an interesting fact to Professor Faraday, and to a member of our local Philosophical Inst.i.tution, which may fairly claim to have antic.i.p.ated Mr. Smith's theory. The fact was this: that if a piece of intensely white card be held in one hand, with the light of a powerful gas-jet falling upon it, and if the other hand has command of the gas-tap, as the light is gradually reduced, the card will a.s.sume the prismatic colours down to intense blue, and as the light is restored the colours will present themselves in inverse order. The experiment showed, very conclusively to my mind, that light is h.o.m.ogeneous, and that what we name colour is only the various affection of the optic nerve by a greater or lesser radiation of light from a focal point in an imperfect reflector--say, in the instance, a white card. I apprehend that Mr. Smith confuses his theory when he speaks of alternations of light and shadow producing colour. Shadow, or darkness, is mere negation of light. We do not see mixtures of light and darkness, or blackness and whiteness, but light in its several degrees of intensity. Mr. Smith's experiments present only what my kalotrope has done, and what my later device, the photodrome (now nearly three years old) is doing in a much more perfect manner. It is one of the mysteries intelligible only to the initiated, that whilst Mr. Smith's paper seems to have been received with great favour by the British a.s.sociation, my communication relative to the photodrome was voted 'not _sufficiently practical_.'

"Since I have come before the public with an experiment, which in any view is an interesting one, permit me to reproduce it under several distinct conditions, and to add a brief narrative of remarkable presentations of colour that have come before me, and which, so far as I am [Page 317] aware, are perfectly novel, or known only through the more recent experiments of Mr. Smith. Professor Faraday very courteously acknowledged my communication of the experiment with the card, but said that it only partially succeeded with him, and added that probably this was owing to some decay of sensitiveness in his eyes. More likely I failed to state with sufficient clearness the conditions of the experiment, since I have always found nine persons out of ten perfectly agreed as to the effects produced when they have been at my side. The transitions from white to yellow, orange, red, and thence to intense blue, are, I may say, invariably admitted. Success depends on a very slow and regular reduction and restoration of the light. I have given one method of performing the experiment, and will add other two. Allow the light to remain undisturbed, and begin by holding the card near to it; then keep the hand steady and the eye intently fixed upon the card, and retire gradually with your back to the light, and the colours will change in the order of the prismatic spectrum from yellow to intense blue. On returning backwards towards the light the colours will again present themselves, but in inverse order. In this form of the experiment we are certain that the light remains precisely the same throughout. The third method is this: Place a circle of white card, about three inches in diameter, in the centre of a black board, and let a spectator stand within twelve inches of the board, with his eyes fixed upon the card.

Let an operator be provided with a light so covered that it shall not fall on the eye of the spectator; then, as he retires with the light or returns with it, the spectator will see the colours as before. This arrangement evidently subjects the experiment to a severe test, since the black board enhances the whiteness of the card, and tends to preserve it.... Whilst pursuing my object, I frequently noticed most remarkable presentations of colour; but, as the conditions were for the most part unsuitable to the lecture-room, I gave them only a pa.s.sing regard. Allow me to instance a few of the experiments.

"The first refers to the kalotrope, which may be briefly described as an arrangement of two concentric wheels, working nearly in contact and in contrary directions. Discs of various devices are provided for the hinder wheel, and a number of perforated black discs for the one in front. When a disc charged with twelve _black_ radii is placed on the hinder wheel, the six spokes of the front wheel, in pa.s.sing rapidly across it, convert the twelve black radii into twenty-four apparently stationary _white_ radii upon a tinted ground. Here is a remarkable presentation of the complementary, inasmuch as it is placed permanently before the eye by persistence.

"The second experiment is performed with the photodrome, which consists of an independent wheel to receive the device discs, and an apparatus (altogether apart, and, if desired, out of sight) by which flashes of light are thrown upon the disc in rapid and regular succession. Now, if a disc charged with twelve dark blue b.a.l.l.s, nearly in contact, be placed upon the wheel, and a little natural light be allowed to fall [Page 318] upon it, so soon as it is thrown into rapid revolution, and flashes of artificial light (insulated in a lantern) are duly measured out upon it, we see twelve apparently stationary light-blue b.a.l.l.s upon a zone of bright orange. Here, again, there is nothing for which we are not prepared; the complementary is suddenly presented, and it is maintained permanently before the eye by persistence.

"A third experiment may prove interesting in its relation to Mr. Smith's ingenious theory. Place the kalotrope opposite a bright northern noonday sky, remove the front wheel, and affix to the hinder wheel one of the perforated black discs used for the kalotropic effects. The experimentalist stands at the back of the instrument, and can see the sky only through the apertures in the black disc. Cause these apertures to pa.s.s the eye at intervals varying from one-half to one-sixth of a second, and very remarkable presentations of colour are seen. Under the lower velocities the sky flashes, and a.s.sumes an unnatural brilliancy, and the intervals of the fourth and fifth of a second give it sometimes a crimson, at others a deep purple colour. Now, what are we to infer from this experiment? Certainly _not_ that the pulsations have absolutely produced variety of colour. At every pulsation the full natural light falls upon the eye, and the intervals between the pulsations give time for the reaction necessary to the suggestion of complementary colour, and that under manifold modifications arising out of the ever-changing condition of the eye during the experiment. If the apertures pa.s.s the eye with a velocity exceeding one-sixth of a second, the effect ceases. There is then perfect persistence, and the eye apprehends nothing but the ordinary light of the sky, reduced in intensity, with nothing to break its uniformity or give it a chromatic character.

"A fourth experiment is kindred to the last. Place the kalotrope under the same adjustment and management as before, in front of a brilliant sunset, and the spectator will see, with more than a poet's vision,

'The rich hues of all glorious things.'"

XII. _The Kaleidoscopic Colour-top._

This invention by John Graham, of Tunbridge, is designed to show that when white or coloured light is transmitted to the eye through small openings cut into patterns or devices, and when such openings are made to pa.s.s before the eye in rapid successive jerks, both form and colour are retained upon the nerve of the visual organ sufficiently long to produce a compound pattern, all the parts of which appear simultaneously, although presented in succession. The instrument forms, therefore, a pleasing ill.u.s.tration of the law that the eye requires an almost inappreciably short s.p.a.ce of time to receive an impression, and that such impression is not directly effaced, but remains for an a.s.signable though very limited period. The results are obtained by rotating two discs on a wheel, the lower disc containing colours, and the upper one the [Page 319] openings; this latter disc is made to vibrate as well as to rotate, thus allowing the eye to receive the coloured light reflected from below, which light a.s.sumes, at the same time, the forms of the patterns through which it has been transmitted.

The instrument serves also to ill.u.s.trate most of the important phenomena of colour.

XIII. _Simple Microscopes and Telescopes._

The Stanhope lenses are now sold at such a cheap rate, and are so useful as simple portable microscopes, that it is hardly worth while to detail any plan by which a cheap single-lens magnifier may be obtained.

Eloquent vendors of cheap microscopes are to be found in the streets, who make their instrument of a pill-box perforated with a pin-hole, in which a globule of gla.s.s fixed with Canada balsam is placed; and the spherical form of the drop affords the magnifying power: or a thin platinum wire may be bent into a small circular loop, and into this may be placed a splinter of flint-gla.s.s; if the flame of a spirit-lamp is urged upon the loop of platinum wire and gla.s.s by the blowpipe until it melts, a small double-convex lens may be obtained, which will answer very well as a magnifying-gla.s.s. Practice makes perfect, and after two or three trials, a good single lens may be obtained, which can be mounted between two small pieces of lead, bra.s.s, or cardboard, properly fixed together, with holes through them just large enough to retain the edge of the tiny lens. A prism can be made of two small pieces of window-gla.s.s stuck together with a lump of soft beeswax, and if a few drops of water are placed in the angle, they are retained by capillary attraction. The prism is used by holding it against a large pin-hole or small slit in a bit of card, and directing them towards the sky, when the beautiful colours of the spectrum will be apparent if the card and prism are brought close to the eye.

The most simple form of the refracting telescope is made with a lens of any focal length exceeding six inches, placed at one end of a tin or cardboard tube, which must be six inches longer than the focal length of the lens; the tube may be in two parts, sliding one within the other, and when the eye is placed at the other end, an inverted image of the object looked at, is apparent. By using two double-convex lenses, a more perfect simple astronomical telescope is obtained. The object-gla.s.s, _i.e._, the lens next the object looked at, must be placed at the end of a tin or pasteboard tube larger than its focus, and the second lens, called the eye-gla.s.s, because next the eye, is a smaller tube, termed the eye-tube; and if the focal length of the object-gla.s.s is three feet, the eye-gla.s.s must have a one-inch focus, and of course the eye-tube and gla.s.s must slide freely in the tube containing the object-gla.s.s. An object-gla.s.s of forty feet focus will admit of an eye-gla.s.s of only a four-inch focus, and will, therefore, magnify one hundred and twenty times. A tube of forty feet in length would of course be very troublesome to manage, and therefore it is usual to adopt the plan originally devised by Huygens, viz., that of placing the object-gla.s.s in a short tube on the [Page 320] top of a high pole with a ball-and-socket joint, whilst the eye-gla.s.s is brought into the same line as the object-gla.s.s, and focused with a tube and rack-work properly supported. In an ordinary terrestrial telescope there are four lenses, in order that the objects seen by its a.s.sistance shall not be inverted; and whenever objects are examined by a common telescope, they are found to be fringed, or surrounded with prismatic colours. This disagreeable effect is corrected by the use of _achromatic_ lenses, in which two kinds of gla.s.s are united; and the light decomposed by one gla.s.s, uniting with the colours produced by the other form white light, thus a double convex lens of crown gla.s.s, C C, may be united with a plano-convex lens of flint gla.s.s, F F, which must have a focus about double the length of that of the crown-gla.s.s lens. The concave lens corrects the colour or chromatic aberration of the other, and leaves about one-half of the refracting power of the convex lens as the effective magnifying power of the compound lens. The French opticians cement the lenses very neatly together, and use them in ordinary spy and opera (Fig. 307.)

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 307. A compound achromatic lens, composed of C C, the double-convex lens of crown-gla.s.s, and F F, the plano-concave lens of flint-gla.s.s.]

XIV. _The Stereoscope._

This instrument has now attained a popularity quite equal to, if it does not surpa.s.s, that formerly enjoyed by the kaleidoscope, and without entering upon the much-vexed question of priority of discovery, it is sufficient again to mention with the highest respect the names of Sir David Brewster and Professor Wheatstone as identified with the discovery and use of this most pleasing optical instrument.

The principle of the stereoscope (meaning, _solid I see_) is copied from nature: _i.e._, when both eyes are employed in the examination of an object, two separate pictures, embracing dissimilar forms, are impressed upon the retinae, and produce the effect of solidity; if the pictures formed at the back of the eyes could be examined by another person with a stereoscope, they would come together, and also produce the effect of solidity.

Stereoscopic pictures are obtained by exposing sensitized paper in the camera to the picture of an object taken in two positions, or two cameras are employed to obtain the same result. If the latter mode is adopted, the stereoscopic pictures must not be taken from positions too widely separated from each other; or else, when the two pictures are placed in the stereoscope, they will stand out with a relief that is quite unnatural, and the object will appear like a very reduced solid model, instead of having the natural appearance presented by pictures which have been taken at positions too distant from each other.

Sir David Brewster says, "In order to obtain photographic pictures mathematically exact, we must construct a binocular camera which will [Page 321] take the pictures simultaneously, and of the same size; that is, by a camera with two lenses of the same aperture and focal length, placed at the same distance as the two eyes. As it is impossible to grind and polish two lenses, whether single or achromatic, of exactly the same focal lengths, even if we had the very same gla.s.s for each, I propose to bisect the lenses, and construct the instrument with semi-lenses, which will give us pictures of precisely the same size and definition. These lenses should be placed with their diameters of bisection parallel to one another, and at a distance of 2 inches, _which is the average distance of the eyes in man_; and when fixed in a box of sufficient size, will form a binocular camera, which will give us at the same instant, with the same lights and shadows, and of the same size, such dissimilar pictures of statues, buildings, landscapes, and living objects, as will reproduce them in relief in the stereoscope."

Thus with a single camera provided with semi-lenses, or two lenses of the same focal length, stereoscopic pictures can be obtained.

To bring the images of the two pictures together, and produce the effect of solidity; either of two instruments may be employed. The reflecting stereoscope is the invention of Professor Wheatstone. The refracting or lenticular stereoscope that of Sir David Brewster.

The former is constructed by placing two upright boards on a wooden stand at a moderate distance from each other; the stereoscopic pictures are attached to these boards, which may be made to move up or down, and if the pictures are held in grooves, they may be pulled right or left at pleasure, and thus four movements are secured--viz., upward, downward, right, or left. Between the two stereoscopic pictures are placed two, so adjusted that their backs form an angle of ninety degrees with each other. (Fig. 308.)

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 308. Wheatstone's reflecting stereoscope.]

The pictures are illuminated at night by a lamp or gas flame placed at the back of the mirrors, which, when fixed together, have the same shape as a prism; indeed, Professor Wheatstone subst.i.tuted a prism for the mirrors, and thus paved the way for the invention of the lenticular stereoscope.

[Page 322]

The stereoscopic effect is obtained by bringing the eyes close to the inclined mirrors, so that the two reflected images coincide at the intersection of the optic axis; the coincidence of the images is further secured by moving either picture a little to the right or left, and if the upright boards move bodily in grooves to or from the centre mirror, the greatest nicety of adjustment is procured.

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The Boy's Playbook of Science Part 38 summary

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