The Boy's Playbook of Science Part 9

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[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 94. A A. Pneumatic trough, with gas jar raised to shelf; bubbles of air are rus.h.i.+ng in at B, as the level of the water is below the shelf--viz., at C C. D D. Same trough and gas jar with water kept over the shelf by the introduction of the stone pitcher E, full of water.]

The oxygen is conveyed to a square tin box provided with a shelf at one end, perforated with several holes at least one inch in diameter, called the pneumatic trough; any wooden trough, b.u.t.ter or wash-tub, foot-pan or bath, provided with a shelf, may be raised by the same t.i.tle to the dignity of a piece of chemical apparatus. The gas jar must be filled with water by withdrawing the stopper and pressing it down into the trough, and when the neck is below the level of the water, the stopper is again inserted, and the jar with the water therein contained lifted steadily on to the shelf, the entry of atmospheric air being prevented by keeping the lower part of the gas jar, called the welt, under the water. Sometimes the pneumatic trough contains so small a quant.i.ty of water that on raising the gas jar to the shelf the liquid does not cover the bottom, and the air rushes up in large bubbles. Under these circ.u.mstances it is better to provide a gallon stone jug full of water, so that when the jar is being raised to the shelf it may be thrust into the trough (on the same principle as the crow and the pitcher in the fable), and thus by its bulk (as the stones in the pitcher) raise the water to the proper level. When the gas jar is about half filled with gas the jug may be withdrawn. This arrangement saves the trouble of constantly adding and baling out water from the pneumatic trough. (Fig.


There are other solid oxygenized bodies in which the affinities are less powerful, and hence a lower degree of heat suffices to liberate the oxygen gas, and one of the most useful in this respect is the salt termed chlorate of potash. If the substance is heated by itself, the temperature required to expel the oxygen is almost as high as that demanded for the black oxide of manganese; but, strange to say, if the two substances are reduced to powder, and mixed in equal quant.i.ties by weight, then a very moderate increase of heat is sufficient to cause the chlorate of [Page 90] potash to give up its oxygen, whilst the oxide of manganese undergoes no change whatever. It seems to fulfil only a mechanical office--possibly that of separating each particle of chlorate of potash from the other, so that the heat attacks the substance in detail, just as a solid square of infantry might repel almost any attack, whilst the same body dispersed over a large s.p.a.ce might be of little use; so with the chlorate of potash, which undergoes rapid decomposition when mixed with and divided amongst the particles of the oxide of manganese; less so with the red oxide of iron, and still less with sand or brick-dust. (Fig. 95.)

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 95. Preparation of oxygen from chlorate of potash and oxide of manganese.

KO.ClO_{5} = { O_{6} { KCl.

This curious fact is explained usually by reference to what is called catalytic action, or _decomposition by contact_ ([Greek: _kata_], downwards, and [Greek: _luo_], I unloosen), _being a power possessed by a body of resolving another into a new compound without undergoing any change itself_. To make this term still clearer, we may notice another example in linen rags, which may be exposed for any length of time to the action of water without fear of conversion into sugar; if, however, oil of vitriol is first added to the linen rags, and they are subsequently digested at a proper temperature with water, then the rags are converted into sugar (the author has seen a specimen made of an "old s.h.i.+rt"); but, curious to relate, the oil of vitriol is unchanged in the process, and if the process be commenced with a pound of acid, the same quant.i.ty is discoverable at the end of the chemical decomposition of the linen rags, and their conversion into sugar.

If a mixture of equal parts of oxide of manganese and chlorate of potash is placed in a clean Florence flask, with a cork, and pewter, or gla.s.s tube attached, great quant.i.ties of oxygen are quickly liberated, on the application of the heat of a spirit lamp. Such a retort would cost about fourpence, and if the flask is broken in the operation it can be easily replaced by another, value one penny, as the same cork and tube will generally suit a number of these cheap gla.s.s vessels. Corks may always [Page 91] be softened by using either a proper cork squeezer, or by placing them under a piece of board or a flat surface, and rolling and pressing the cork till quite elastic.

Whilst fitting the latter into the neck of a flask, it is perhaps safer to hold the thin and fragile vessel in a cloth, so that if the flask breaks the chemical experiment may not be arrested for many days by the severe cutting and wounding of the fingers. After the cork is fitted, it is to be removed from the flask and bored with a cork borer. This useful tool is sold in complete sets to suit all sizes of gla.s.s tubes, and the pewter or gla.s.s being inserted, the flask and tube will be ready for use, provided the tube is bent to the proper curve. This is easy enough to perform with the pewter, but not quite so easy with the gla.s.s tube, which must be held over the flame of a spirit lamp till soft, and then bent very gradually to the proper curve. If a short length of the gla.s.s tube is heated, it bends too sharply, and the convexity of the gla.s.s is flattened, whilst the internal diameter of the tube is lessened, so that at least three inches in length should be warmed, and the heat must not be continued in one place only, but should be maintained in the direction of the bend, the whole manipulation being conducted without any hurry. (Fig. 96.)

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 96. A. The cork squeezer. B. The cork borers. C. The operation of bending the gla.s.s tube over the flame of the spirit-lamp.

D. The neck of the flask, with cork and tube bent and fitted complete for use.]

Having filled a gas jar with oxygen, it may be removed from the pneumatic trough by sliding it into a plate under the surface of the water, and to prevent the stopper being thrust out accidentally from the jar by the upward pressure of the gas, whilst a little compressed, during the act of pa.s.sing it into the plate, it is advisable to hold the stopper of the jar firmly but gently, so that it cannot slip out of its place. A number of jars of oxygen may be prepared and arranged in plates, all of which of course must contain a little water, and enough to cover the welt of the jar.

[Page 92]


This gas was originally discovered by Priestley, in August, 1774, and was first obtained by heating red precipitate--_i.e._, the red oxide of mercury.

HgO = Hg + O.

We leave these symbols and figures to be deciphered by the youthful philosopher with the aid of the table of elements, &c., and return to the experiments.

There are certain thin wax tapers like waxed cord, called bougies, which can be bent to any shape, and are very convenient for experiments with the gases. If one of these tapers is bent as in Fig. 97, then lighted and allowed to burn for some minutes, a long snuff is gradually formed, which remains in a state of ignition when the flame of the taper is blown out. On plunging this into a jar of oxygen, it instantly re-lights with a sort of report, and burns with greatly-increased brilliancy, as described by Dr. Priestley in his first experiment with this gas, and so elegantly repeated by Professor Brande in his refined dissertation on the progress of chemical science.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 97.]

"The 1st of August, 1774, is a _red-letter day_ in the annals of chemical philosophy, for it was then that Dr. Priestley discovered dephlogisticated air. Some, sporting in the suns.h.i.+ne of rhetoric, have called this the birthday of pneumatic chemistry; but it was even a more marked and memorable period; it was then (to pursue the metaphor) that this branch of science, having eked out a sickly and infirm infancy in the ill-managed nursery of the early chemists, began to display symptoms of an improving const.i.tution, and to exhibit the most hopeful and unexpected marks of future importance. The first experiment, which led to a very satisfactory result, was concluded as follows:--A gla.s.s jar was filled with quicksilver, and inserted in a basin of the same; some red precipitate of quicksilver was then introduced, and floated upon the quicksilver in the jar; heat was applied to it in this situation with a burning-lens, and to use Priestley's own words, _I presently found that air was expelled from it very readily. Having got about three or four times as much as the bulk of my materials, I admitted water into it, and found that it was not imbibed by it. But what surprised me more than I can well express was, that a candle burned in this air with a remarkably vigorous flame, very much like that enlarged flame with which a candle burns in nitrous air exposed to iron or lime of sulphur_ (_i.e._, laughing gas); _but as I had got nothing like this remarkable appearance from any kind of air besides this peculiar [Page 93] modification of nitrous air, and I knew no nitrous acid was used in the preparation of mercurius calcinatus, I was utterly at a loss how to account for it._"

(Fig. 98.)

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 98. A. Gla.s.s vessel full of mercury, containing the red precipitate at the top, and standing in the dish B, also containing mercury. C. The burning-gla.s.s concentrating the sun's rays on the red precipitate, being Priestley's original experiment.]

_Second Experiment._

The term oxygen is derived from the Greek ([Greek: _ozus_], acid, and [Greek: _gennao_], I give rise to), and was originally given to this element by Lavoisier, who also claimed its discovery; and if this honour is denied him, surely he has deserved equal scientific glory in his masterly experiments, through which he discovered that the mixture of forty-two parts by measure of azote, with eight parts by measure of oxygen, produced a compound precisely resembling our atmosphere. The name given to oxygen was founded on a series of experiments, one of which will now be mentioned.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 99. A. The deflagrating spoon, B. The cork. C. The zinc, or bra.s.s, or tin plate. D D. The gas jar.]

Place some sulphur in a little copper ladle attached to a wire, and called a deflagrating spoon, pa.s.sed through a round piece of zinc or bra.s.s plate and cork, so that the latter acts as an adjusting arrangement to fix the wire at any point required. The combustion of the sulphur, previously feeble, now a.s.sumes a remarkable intensity, and a peculiar coloured light is generated, whilst the sulphur unites with the oxygen, and forms sulphurous acid gas. It produces, in fact, the same gas which is formed by burning an ordinary sulphur match. This compound is valuable as a disinfectant, and is a very important bleaching agent, being most extensively employed in the whitening of straw employed in the manufacture of straw bonnets. It is an acid gas, as Lavoisier found, and this property may be detected by pouring a little tincture of litmus into the bottom of the plate in which the gas jar stands. The blue colour of the litmus is rapidly changed to red, and it might be thought that no further argument could possibly be required to prove that oxygen was _the_ acidifying agent, the more particularly as the result is the same in the next ill.u.s.tration.

[Page 94]

_Third Experiment._

Cut a small piece from an ordinary stick of phosphorus under water, take care to dry it properly with a cloth, and after placing it in a deflagrating spoon, remove the stopper from the gas-jar, as there is no fear of the oxygen rus.h.i.+ng away, because it is somewhat heavier than atmospheric air; and then, after placing the spoon with the phosphorus in the neck of the jar, apply a heated wire and pa.s.s the spoon at once into the middle of the oxygen; in a few seconds a most brilliant light is obtained, and the jar is filled with a white smoke; as this subsides, being phosphoric acid, and perfectly soluble in water, the same litmus test may be applied, when it is in like manner changed to red. The acid obtained is one of the most important const.i.tuents of bone.

_Fourth Experiment._

A bit of bark-charcoal bound round with wire is set on fire either by holding it in the flame of a spirit-lamp, or by attaching a small piece of waxed cotton to the lower part, and igniting this; the charcoal may then be inserted into a bottle of oxygen, when the most brilliant scintillations occur. After the combustion has ceased and the whole is cool, a little tincture of litmus may also be poured in and shaken about, when it likewise turns red, proving for the third time the generation of an acid body, called carbonic acid--an acid, like the others already mentioned, of great value, and one which Nature employs on a stupendous scale as a means of providing plants, &c., with solid charcoal. Carbonic acid, a virulent poison to animal life, is, when properly diluted, and as contained in atmospheric air, one of the chief alimentary bodies required by growing and healthy plants.

In three experiments acid bodies have been obtained; can we speculate on the result of the next?

_Fifth Experiment._

Into a deflagrating spoon place a bit of pota.s.sium, set this on fire by holding it in the spoon in the flame of a spirit-lamp, and then rapidly plunge the burning metal into a bottle of oxygen. A brilliant ignition occurs in the deflagrating spoon for a few seconds, and there is little or no smoke in the jar. The product this time is a solid, called potash, and if this be dissolved in water and filtered, it is found to be clear and bright, and now on the addition of a little tincture of litmus to one half of the solution, it is wholly unaffected, and remains blue; but if with the other half a small quant.i.ty of tincture of turmeric is mixed, it immediately changes from a bright yellow solution to a reddish-brown, because turmeric is one of the tests for an alkali; and thus is ascertained by the help of this and other tests that the result of the combustion is not an _acid_, but an _alkali_. The experiment is made still more satisfactory by burning another bit of pota.s.sium in oxygen and dissolving the product in water, and if any portion of [Page 95] the reddened liquid derived from the sulphurous, phosphoric, and carbonic acids taken from the previous experiments, be added to separate portions of the alkaline solution, they are all restored to their original blue colour, because an acid is neutralized by an alkali; and the experiment is made quite conclusive by the restoration of the reddened turmeric to a bright yellow on the addition of a solution of either of the three acids already named. Moreover, an acid need not contain a fraction of oxygen, as there is a numerous cla.s.s of _hy_dracids, in which the acidifying principle is hydrogen instead of oxygen, such as the hydrochloric, hydriodic, hydro-bromic, and hydrofluoric acids.

_Sixth Experiment._

A piece of watch-spring is softened at one end, by holding it in the flame of a spirit-lamp, and allowing it to cool. A bit of waxed cotton is then bound round the softened end, and after being set on fire, is plunged into a gas jar containing oxygen; the cotton first burns away, and then the heat communicates to the steel, which gradually takes fire, and being once well ignited, continues to burn with amazing rapidity, forming drops of liquid dross, which fall to the bottom of the plate--and also a reddish smoke, which condenses on the sides of the jar; neither the dross which has dropped into the plate, nor the reddish matter condensed on the jar, will affect either tincture of litmus or turmeric; they are neither acid nor alkaline, but _neutral_ compounds of iron, called the sesquioxide of iron (Fe_{2}O_{3}), and the magnetic oxide (Fe_{3}O_{4}=FeO.Fe_{2}O_{3}).

_Seventh Experiment._

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 100. A. Bladder containing oxygen, provided with a stop-c.o.c.k and jet leading to, B, B. Finger gla.s.s containing boiling water. C. The cup of melted phosphorus under the water. The gas escapes from the bladder when pressed.]

Some oxygen gas contained in a bladder provided with a proper jet may be squeezed out, and upon, some liquid phosphorus contained in a cup at the bottom of a finger gla.s.s full of boiling water, when a most brilliant combustion occurs, proving that so long as the principle is complied with--viz., that of furnis.h.i.+ng oxygen to a combustible substance--it will burn under water, provided it is insoluble, and possesses the remarkable affinity for oxygen which belongs to phosphorus. The experiment should be performed with boiling water, to keep the phosphorus in the liquid state; and it is quite as well to hold a [Page 96] square foot of wire gauze over the finger gla.s.s whilst the experiment is being performed. (Fig. 100.)

_Eighth Experiment._

Oxygen is available from many substances when they are mixed with combustible substances, and hence the brilliant effects produced by burning a mixture of nitre, meal powder, sulphur, and iron or steel filings; the metal burns with great brilliancy, and is projected from the case in most beautiful sparks, which are long and needle-shaped with steel, and in the form of miniature rosettes with iron filings; it is the oxygen from the nitre that causes the combustion of the metal, the other ingredients only accelerate the heat and rate of ignition of the brilliant iron, which is usually termed a gerb.

_Ninth Experiment._

A mixture of nitrate of potash, powdered charcoal, sulphur, and nitrate of strontium, driven into a strong paper case about two inches long, and well closed at the end with varnish, being quite waterproof, may be set on fire, and will continue to burn under water until the whole is consumed; the only precaution necessary being to burn the composition from the case with the mouth downward, and if the experiment is tried in a deep gla.s.s jar it has a very pleasing effect. (Fig. 101.)

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 101. A. Case of red fire burning downwards, and attached by a copper wire to a bit of leaden pipe B, to sink it. C C.

Jar containing water.]

The red-fire composition is made by mixing nitrate of strontia 40 parts by weight, flowers of sulphur 13 parts, chlorate of potash 5 parts, sulphuret of antimony 4 parts. These ingredients must first be well powdered separately, and then mixed carefully on a sheet of paper with a paper-knife. They are liable to explode if rubbed _together_ in a mortar, on account of the presence of sulphur and chlorate of potash, and the composition, if kept for any time, is liable to take fire spontaneously.

_Tenth Experiment._

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The Boy's Playbook of Science Part 9 summary

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