The accomplisht cook Part 20

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Sometimes for variety you may thicken the broth with eggs.

_Pottage otherways in the Italian Fas.h.i.+on._

Boil a rack of mutton, a few whole cloves, mace, slic't ginger, all manner of sweet herbs chopped, and a little salt; being finely boiled, put in some strained almond-paste, with grape verjuyce, saffron, grapes, or gooseberries; give them a warm, and serve your meat on sippets.

_Pottage of Mutton, Veal, or Beef, in the _English_ Fas.h.i.+on._

Cut a rack of mutton in two pieces, and take a knuckle of veal, and boil it in a gallon pot or pipkin, with good store of herbs, and a pint of oatmeal chopped amongst the herbs, as tyme, sweet marjoram, parsley, chives, salet, succory, marigold-leaves and flowers, strawberry-leaves, violet-leaves, beets, borage, sorrel, bloodwort, sage, pennyroyal; and being finely boil'd, serve them on fine carved sippets with the mutton and veal, _&c._

_To stew a Shoulder of Mutton with Oysters._

Take a shoulder of mutton, and roast it, and being half roasted or more, take off the upper skin whole, & cut the meat into thin slices, then stew it with claret, mace, nutmeg, anchovies, oyster-liquor, salt, capers, olives, samphire, and slices of orange; leave the shoulder blade with some meat on it, and hack it, save also the marrow bone whole with some meat on it, and lay it in a clean dish; the meat being finely stewed, pour it on the bones, and on that some stewed oysters and large oysters over all, with slic't lemon and lemon peel.

The skin being first finely breaded, stew the oysters with large mace, a great onion or two, b.u.t.ter, vinegar, white wine, a bundle of sweet herbs, and lay on the skin again over all, _&c._

_To roast a Shoulder of Mutton with Onions and Parsley, and baste it with Oranges._

Stuff it with parsley and onions, or sweet herbs, nutmeg, and salt, and in the roasting of it, baste it with the juyce of oranges, save the gravy and clear away the fat; then stew it up with a slice or two of orange and an anchovie, without any fat on the gravy, _&c._

_Other Hashes of Scotch Collops._

Cut a leg of mutton into thin slices as thin as a s.h.i.+lling, cross the grain of the leg, sprinkle them lightly with salt, and fry them with sweet b.u.t.ter, serve them with gravy or juice of oranges, and nutmeg, and run them over with beaten b.u.t.ter, lemon, _&c._

_Otherways the foresaid Collops._

For variety, sometimes season them with coriander-seed, or stamped fennil-seed, pepper and salt; sprinkle them with white wine, then flower'd, fryed, and served with juice of orange, for sauce, with sirrup of rose-vinegar, or elder vinegar.

_Other Hashes or Scotch Collop of any Joint of Veal, either in Loyn, Leg, Rack or Shoulder._

Cut a leg into thin slices, as you do Scotch collops of mutton, hack and fry them with small thin slices of interlarded bacon as big as the slices of veal, fry them with sweet b.u.t.ter; and being finely fried, dish them up in a fine dish, put from them the b.u.t.ter that you fried them with, and put to them beaten b.u.t.ter with lemon, gravy, and juyce of orange.

_A Hash of a Leg of Mutton in the _French_ fas.h.i.+on._

Parboil a leg of mutton, then take it up, pare off some thin slices on the upper and under side, or round it, p.r.i.c.k the leg through to let out the gravy on the slices; then bruise some sweet herbs, as tyme, parsly, marjoram, savory, with the back of a ladle, and put to it a piece of sweet b.u.t.ter, pepper, verjuyce; and when your mutton is boild, pour all over the slices herbs and broth on the leg into a clean dish.

_Another Hash of Mutton or Lamb, either hot or cold._

Roast a shoulder of mutton, and cut it into slices, put to it oysters, white wine, raisins of the sun, salt, nutmeg, and strong broth, (or no raisins) slic't lemon or orange; stew it all together, and serve it on sippets, and run it over with beaten b.u.t.ter and lemon, _&c._

_Another Hash of a Joynt of Mutton or Lamb hot or cold._

Cut it in very thin slices, then put them in a pipkin or dish, and put to it a pint of claret wine, salt, nutmeg, large mace, an anchovie or two, stew them well together with a little gravy; and being finely stewed serve them on carved sippets with some beaten b.u.t.ter & lemon, _&c._


Cut it into thin slices raw, and fry it with a pint of white wine till it be brown, and put them into a pipkin with slic't lemon, salt, fried parsley, gravy, nutmeg, and garnish your dish with nutmeg and lemon.

_Other Hashes of a Shoulder of Mutton._

Boil it and cut it in thin slices, hack the shoulder-blade, and put all into a pipkin or deep dish, with some salt, gravy, white-wine, some strong broth, and a f.a.ggot of sweet herbs, oyster-liquor, caper-liquor, and capers; being stewed down, bruse some parsley, and put to it some beaten cloves and mace, and serve it on sippets.

Divers made Dishes or _Capilotado's_.

_First, a Dish of Chines of Mutton, Veal, Capon, Pigeons, or other Fowls._

Boil a pound of rice in mutton broth, put to it some blanched chesnuts, pine apple-seeds, almonds or pistaches; being boil'd thick, put to it some marrow or fresh b.u.t.ter, salt, cinamon, and sugar; then cut your veal into small bits or peices, and break up the fowl; then have a fair dish, and set it on the embers, and put some of your rice, and some of the meat, and more of the rice and sugar, and cinamon, and pepper over all, and some marrow.

__Capilotado_, in the _Lumbardy_ fas.h.i.+on of a Capon._

Boil rice in mutton broth till it be very thick, and put to it some salt and sugar.

Then have also some Bolonia Sausages boil'd very tender, minced very small, or grated, and some grated cheese, sugar, and cinamon mingled together; then cut up the boil'd or roast capon, and lay it upon a clean dish with some of the rice, strow on cinamon and sausage, grated cheese and sugar, and lay on yolks of raw eggs; thus make two or three layings and more, eggs and some b.u.t.ter or marrow on the top of all, and set it on the embers, and cover it, or in a warm oven.

__Capilotado_ of Pigeons or wild Ducks, or any Land or Sea Fowls roasted._

Take a pound of almond-paste, and put to it a Capon minc't and stamped with the almonds, & some crums of manchet, some sack or white-wine, three pints of strong broth cold, and eight or ten yolks of raw eggs; strain all the foresaid together, and boil it in a skillet with some sugar to a pretty thickness, put to it some cinamon, nutmeg, and a few whole cloves, then have roast Pigeons, or any small birds roasted, cut them up, and do as is aforesaid, and strow on sugar and cinamon.

__Capilotado_ for roast Meats, as Partridges, Pigeons, eight or twelve, or any other the like; or Sea Fowls, Ducks, or Widgeons._

Take a pound of almonds, a pound of currans, a pound of sugar, half a pound of muskefied bisket-bread, a pottle of strong broth cold, half a pint of grape verjuyce, pepper half an ounce, nutmegs as much, an ounce of cinamon, and a few cloves; all these aforesaid stamped, strained, and boil'd with the aforesaid liquor, and in all points as the former, only toasts must be added.

_Other _Capilotado_ common._

Take two pound of parmisan grated, a minced kidney of veal, a pound of other fat cheese, ten cloves of garlick boil'd, broth or none, two capons minced and stamped, rost or boil'd, and put to it ten yolks of eggs raw, with a pound of sugar: temper the foresaid with strong broth, and boil all in a broad skillet or bra.s.s pan, in the boiling stir it continually till it be incorporated, and put to it an ounce of cinamon, a little pepper, half an ounce of cloves, and as much nutmeg beaten, some saffron; then break up your roast fowls, roast lamb, kid, or fried veal, make three bottoms, and set it into a warm oven, till you serve it in, _&c._

__Capilotado_, or Custard, in the Hungarian fas.h.i.+on, in the pot, or baked in an Oven._

Take two quarts of goat or cows milk, or two quarts of cream, and the whites of five new laid eggs, yolks and all, or ten yolks, a pound of sugar, half an ounce of cinamon, a little salt, and some saffron; strain it and bake it in a deep dish; being baked, put on the juyce of four or five oranges, a little white wine, rose-water, and beaten ginger, _&c._

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The accomplisht cook Part 20 summary

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