Era of Disaster Chapter 91-93

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Chapter 91: Forest

Not long after the beginning of the change in New Zealand, they met Martin and got to know of the original form drug, and it had been their goal to go to Tongariro National Park after that. Along the way, many things happened, and things got even more b.l.o.o.d.y and desperate in the research facility. They lost precious friends, and finally managed to get the Prototy drug in the end. Even while they were recuperating inside the research facility, planning how to escape, they had never thought about what they were going to do after that.

Because, there was no point!

If they couldn't even get out, then what was the point in thinking about things afterwards? However, everyone had to start to carefully plan what they were going to do from now on. Actually, they should have started discussing about this earlier, but because everyone wanted to seriously experience what would happen after they consumed the Progenitor's meat and the changes in their bodies, they didn't have the heart to discuss this.

After Bai Yi finished speaking, he looked at everyone and smiled.

"Let's discuss this tomorrow, and rest for tonight." After escaping from the research facility, they immediately started to find a place that they could rest temporarily, so everyone was already very tired.

After hearing Bai Yi's words, all of them immediately relaxed and leaned against the rocks behind them lazily. Momo came to Bai Yi's side and looked at him, while Bai Yi smiled to Momo and stretched out his hands. After getting Bai Yi's approval, she immediately jumped into Bai Yi's arms happily. Momo laid inside Bai Yi's arms, breathing softly and slowly fell into a deep sleep. Sharpei walked over as well at this time, quietly lying on the ground beside Bai Yi.

In this open rocky outcrop, everyone gazed at the bright and clear moon, feeling tranquil and full of hope.

During the night, more than 10 evolved lifeforms came to this area over this time. These were all animals attracted over here by the smell of the Progenitor's flesh. These lifeforms weren't too big, but were all extremely weirdly shaped. When the first lifeform approached them, Bai Yi had already opened his eyes. All of their senses now were incredibly sharp as compared to before.

Just when Sharpei wanted to pounce on it, Bai Yi placed his left hand on Sharpei's head and looked over there with his eyes.

Mimicry Eyes - Intimidation!

The lifeform that had wanted to continue approaching immediately jumped in fright, and after jumping backwards cautiously it realized that the group of them hadn't actually moved at all. Looking at them carefully for a while, it then slowly backed away cautiously. After this unwelcome guest left, Bai Yi closed his eyes again.

On the second day, everyone woke up very early.

"I suddenly miss the times inside the research facility a bit now." Heloise ma.s.saged her stiff body and said. She wasn't actually wrong, although they were trapped inside the research facility, the place still had water and electricity, and overall it was quite tidy as well. It wasn't like the wild, the wild wasn't just messy, but many unwelcome guests came to visit over the night. Although they were scared off by Bai Yi every time, but everyone else had sensed it too actually.

"There's really nothing much to miss over there. Anyway, let's discuss what to do next." Bai Yi said.

"From the start, all we thought about was getting the original form drug, so we headed towards this research facility. Now that we've accomplished our goals, it's time to think about what do we do next."

Bai Yi continued. "We need to understand the situation in New Zealand now, as well as the entire world. Only after understanding the entire situation in detail can we set our future path, whether we continue staying in New Zealand or head to some other place."

"Why would we stay in New Zealand?"

"Because we can't be sure if the drug we received would be effective. If it's ineffective, what kind of treatment do you think we will get with our appearances now in human society? If we aren't able to turn back into humans, and the rest of the human world is still more peaceful, then it isn't possible for us to go to other countries. If that were the case, we still have to look for the solution to turn back into humans in New Zealand. Of course, I don't hope to become somebody else's research materials as well." Bai Yi slowly said. Apparently, Bai Yi had already done some planning in his heart.

"Other than that, the things that we understood from Yeye like the LV1-2 Brutal Phase, if we aren't able to manage it well we might become completely mindless monsters. Based on what Yeye told us, normal drugs won't have any effects on lifeforms like us. If we want to find a solution, then we have to use animals or plants that similarly a.s.similated with activated cells."

"In conclusion, we have to find other living humans first and understand the overall situation, then we can make our decision."

"Then, where do we go now?"

"Let's continue heading south back to the urban area, first towards w.a.n.ganui, the port city."

"I remember you saying before that there weren't many people in the city, because of the production problem or something like that, right?" Woolf suddenly said.

"It's the producers and consumers. During the Binging Phase, all lifeforms need a large amount of food, and there were usually only consumers inside a city. The food inside could only last everyone for only around a week to a month, and it was only because of the constant replenishment and flow of goods that it didn't seem like things were lacking." Heloise added. They could still remember what Bai Yi explained to them before.

"That's right, but that was just at the start. At this point in time, I think almost everyone should've adapted to the environment by now. Have you guys realized, although at the start when we a.s.similated with the activated cells we had a huge appet.i.te, by now the appet.i.te is slowly stabilising. Also, think about our own experiences, while we were camping outside and yesterday, we weren't uncomfortable at all. After being able to find sufficient food, those who were originally humans would definitely want a quiet place to rest. What other environment would better for resting than the city?" Bai Yi explained.

"Moreover, if we want to obtain information about the outside world, it's still better to do so in the city. The modern facilities like telecommunications are still more easily found in cities."

"Let's go!" Bai Yi decided at the end.

Everyone else nodded as well, but they also knew the other reason for staying in New Zealand that Bai Yi did not say… Yu Han. Now everyone wanted to find Yu Han and murder him, cruelly and viciously!

n.o.body else had any objections, and they started to head towards w.a.n.ganui.

Along the way, everyone finally understood how hard it was to walk. If they were to say that during the initial stages of the change they could drive a car, by now they couldn't even see the road at all. They could still find cars occasionally, but most of them were already irreparably damaged. Moreover, along the way they could see other lifeforms both big and small frequently through the forest, making the place seem full of life.

"I thought that the food chain in New Zealand would completely break apart." Mavis said in surprise, looking at a 30 plus centimeters long six-winged centipede lying on the tree root and sucking its sap.

"I thought so at first too, but from the looks of it now the adaptability of living things is really too powerful. Under conditions of extreme hunger, there wasn't much that they wouldn't eat, and plants were also the most widely available food. The rapidly growing vegetation also happened to support the new food chain in New Zealand, allowing all these lifeforms to survive." Bai Yi said, stretching out his right hand.

The six-winged centipede had changed to be able to live on sucking tree sap, but it still had not forgotten its carnivorous nature. After seeing the group of them, it immediately pounced towards Bai Yi, who didn't dare to underestimate this thing. Now they weren't too afraid of large sized evolved lifeforms anymore, but it was these small insects that they were more wary of.

A short and small willow leaf knife appeared in Bai Yi's hand, and he used the back of the knife to knock on the exoskeleton of this six-winged centipede.

'Dang!', Bai Yi instantly felt a large force coming from his hand. Apparently after a.s.similating with activated cells, they couldn't underestimate any lifeforms that were still alive. Unfortunately for the centipede, the difference in their size was still too big. This was just like how an ant could carry something hundreds of times heavier than their weight, but it would still get squashed by a single finger when facing humans.

The six-winged centipede flew backwards, bouncing a few times on the floor, and rapidly ran back towards the bush with a hiss and disappeared inside.

Seeing the centipede disappear, they continued on their journey again.

When going through the forest, they actually found a house, and looking from the style of the house it seemed just like the kind of private houses commonly seen in New Zealand. However, looking at this house now it was hard to imagine that just two months ago there was somebody living in this place. Bai Yi carefully pushed himself through the branches covering the house and entered it, hoping to find something useful. As for the others, they didn't join in the fun as this house really wasn't suited for many people to be in it now.

After a long while, Bai Yi came back with a dusty face but carrying a smile.

"What did you find?"

"Compa.s.s!" Bai Yi said.

Everyone's eyes lit up, as this was really a good thing. None of them expected that New Zealand now would become so difficult to cross, it was just like a primordial forest. They had been walking for a few days and had long lost their way. Now that they had this at least they wouldn't walk in the wrong direction.

Bai Yi fiddled with it for a while, and then smiled helplessly. The direction that they had been walking in just now was actually the southeast direction, that is to say, they were walking in nearly the complete opposite direction from w.a.n.ganui in the southwest. As for where they were now, really only a genius would know.

After looking at the compa.s.s, all of them stared at each other again.

"So, anyway, let's find a place with people first and ask them about the general situation in New Zealand." Bai Yi said.

Chapter 92: To Brook No Delay

After the group of them found the house, they used the environment and landmarks around them to find the general direction of the path they were on before. They tried to walk along the direction with lesser vegetation, and sure enough after a while, they found the original road. Although they couldn't tell that it was a road from far away, after they came closer it wasn't possible for them to be mistaken. After all, the signs of human activity couldn't be completely covered up so easily.

They walked along the road for a full week and finally found a 'city'. Honestly speaking, they all felt quite shocked that the place where humans initially stayed at could completely be labelled as a 'ruin' after only two months. Countless weeds grew all over the cracks, vines climbed all over the walls and only the floors higher up escaped this. Moreover, some large trees even emerged from inside the buildings.

"Wow~, this is really some rare scene, just like a city that had been abandoned for more than 10 years." Heloise said.

"Rare, is it? We would probably see this often in the future though." Bai Yi said, and he suddenly looked towards the left side of the city.

"What is it?"

"No, nothing." Bai Yi shook his head. In that direction was a three-story house, from the second level of it a sharp head poked out from it, and it looked just like a rat. After seeing Bai Yi's group, it immediately ran back inside quickly. Bai Yi did not keep this on his mind, it was probably the rats that were in this city before. After the humans left they became even more active.

The group of them walked towards the center of the city. At the center, there were lesser and lesser signs of the forest and it finally looked somewhat more like a city. At this time, everyone including Momo held the weapons in their hands tightly. Everyone could feel that at this moment, they had been surrounded. Some living things were hiding in the shadows of the buildings around them.

Bai Yi stopped and held his kitchen knife. His broadsword had been lost inside the lift, and he only had his kitchen knife left. As a chef, Bai Yi would of course never leave this behind.

After a while, those things hiding in the shadows finally started to reveal themselves.

It was really the rats!

When everyone saw these organisms, this thought suddenly flashed through their minds. Although they could tell roughly from all the lifeforms standing in front of them now that their origins were of rats, there were no two lifeforms that looked the same now. Their appearances differed randomly, and the smallest one of them were at least half a meter tall, while there were actually two that were the same size as Woolf. Most importantly, there were at least 80 - 100 of these lifeforms.

"I seem to remember that rats are the most abundant mammals on Earth?"

"Oh, is it? I thought it was humans!" Heloise said lightly.

"However, in the New Zealand now, I think it's right to say that the most abundant mammal are the rats." Mavis smiled and looked at the 'rats' surround them.

"Not really, do you think they're still rats?" Heloise said cheekily.

Apparently, when humans abandoned their initial homes, these rats took the chance to completely occupy this city. Under the strengthening of the activated cells, ordinary animals like rats had gained decent intelligence and strength, completely treating the humans remaining in the city as their prey. These bunch of rats probably treated Bai Yi's group too as preys that wandered into their nest.

"Chi chi!" Suddenly, a sound came from within the ma.s.s of rats, and in the next moment all of them immediately charged at Bai Yi's group.

When these strangely shaped rats charged towards them, Bai Yi's group also smiled immediately.


That was an arrogant laugh, after facing all the powerful monsters that fused with activated cells inside the research facility earlier, these rats really didn't seem like much. They evolved at the same time as all the humans, and their fusion choices were random and up to chance, so they wouldn't even treat them seriously. Even Momo didn't have the timidity or weakness that a small child would normally have, but took out her own short sword and stood on the front lines.

Over there, everyone's hearts and spirits had become strong!

Nearly 100 monster rats pounced at Bai Yi's group, but they did not dodge but even took the initiative to bring the battle to them. Once the two sides contacted, in almost a split-second there were more than 10 rats killed. One must know, Bai Yi's group chose their genes to fuse with purposefully. No matter in strength or agility, they had the absolute advantage now among the other lifeforms that randomly evolved in New Zealand.

Even the usually lazy Pupu seemed very fierce and courageous now, but anyway there was probably nothing that could pierce that thick skin of it. It just had to run around and charge at things randomly. Sharpei was even more fierce, its figure moved and jumped around rapidly, while its large jaw and sharp claws took away the life of a rat with every strike.

In a short time which only took dozens of seconds, these 100 rats died by almost a third, and at this time from high up in the sky came a cry. Bai Yi turned around and made eye contact with a rat monster, his kitchen knife instantly chopping off the head of this guy and looked at the two rat monsters in the sky.

How should one describe them?

One of those rat monsters seemed to have fused with something that could fly, while the other one stood on the back of that monster. The one standing was more than 1 meter tall, and actually wore human clothes on him and held a walking stick. If they said that the rats before were just monsters that only randomly fused with any other animal genes, this rat was a true 'ratman'. That's right, not too different from the ratmen they saw in the movies, and didn't have bad intelligence as well.

After this ratman cried out again, those rat monsters that were fighting vigorously started to retreat backwards. While leaving, these guys didn't forget to bring parts of their comrades' corpses with them.

When they realized that they could not beat Bai Yi's group, this ratman immediately gave the order to retreat.

"Ahahaha, a bunch of rats want to do something to me, this is more like looking for death!" Woolf held up his greatsword excitedly. The 1.5 meters long greatsword in Woolf's hand seemed more like a short sword, and the dense and heavy greatsword swung around nimbly. With just a few clashes, one of them rat monsters that was as tall as Woolf got hacked into half with one strike. That brashness and bloodiness was just completely indescribable.

Just when these rats retreated, Woolf immediately chased after them, and even an abandoned car blocking in front of him got flung away with a kick of his, squas.h.i.+ng another few rat monsters.

"Woolf, don't chase them!" Bai Yi said.

However, Woolf ignored Bai Yi's voice immediately, and became even more impulsive and excited. Bai Yi frowned again. Woolf, this guy is entering the berserk state more and more easily, if he still can't find a way soon then eventually we would not be able to pull him back, and he would completely lose his rationality. However, not only Woolf but Sharpei chased after them as well. When Sharpei ran past Momo, she grabbed onto Sharpei's tail and with a delicate flip she landed on the back of Sharpei who was rapidly running.

These three guys!

These were the same few people who lost control in the research facility. Apparently, Yeye's words before weren't a joke. Once they fell into the berserk state for the first time, it would become easier and easier into that state afterwards. Once they fell into that state too many times, they would truly lose their rationality, only knowing to fight and eat… truly becoming wild beasts.

Bai Yi saw the few of them chasing and couldn't help but abruptly increase his own speed, running towards the direction that the rat monsters escaped in. The rest of them of course followed after Bai YI immediately.

They didn't run too far before Woolf stopped, because after killing another rat monster he found that there were suddenly no more enemies. These rat monsters were apparently very familiar with this messy city, after a few turns they completely disappeared within this place. Sharpei and Momo's situation weren't too different, and they very quickly lost their opponents.

After losing their opponents, Woolf and Sharpei looked at each other and madness flowed from their eyes. Woolf tightened his grip on the greatsword in his hands and slowly walked towards Sharpei. Sharpei wasn't willing to show any weakness too and walked towards Woolf as well. Even Momo gripped her short sword and revealed her sharp little canines viciously.

"All of you quieten down!" Bai Yi suddenly dropped down in between two of them, and the patterns in his eyes immediately appeared.

They were all just somewhat excited, and weren't considered having lost their rationality completely yet. After hearing Bai Yi's voice and getting influenced by his mimicry eyes, Woolf, Sharpei and Momo gradually started to quieten down, and suddenly realised in horror what they were about to do. They actually almost fought with their own companions! One must know that with their level of ability now, even if they didn't kill each other, it would still result in heavy injuries once a battle broke out.

At this time, all of them understood the seriousness of the matter.

Based on Yeye's information, an ordinary experimental subject would experience the onset of its Brutal Phase after four months to half a year of a.s.similating with the activated cells. This Brutal Phase would last for at least three years usually. Inside the research facility, the one with the shortest Brutal Phase was a human, an old man that was well-versed in the Chinese Tai Ji fist. His Brutal Phase only lasted for three years plus, and he very rarely lost his rationality completely as well. The result that Tai Ji Fist could pa.s.sively bring about the cultivation of the soul was also proved from him.

In truth, it had only been two plus months since Bai Yi's group a.s.similated the activated cells. Unexpectedly, Woolf and Sharpei had already started to lose control. This was apparently due to that desperate battles inside the research facility stimulating them too much.

Seeing what Woolf, Sharpei and Momo were like, the rest of them suddenly felt the seriousness of the matter. For now, other things had to be set aside, and they had to prioritize controlling and managing their conditions, or else it might really be too late.

Not fusing with any genes from other lifeformsDrugs to calm and soothe the mind (Normal drugs in the world were useless, so only drugs made from plants or animals that a.s.similated with activated cells as well). However, only G.o.d knew what these initially ordinary plants would change into. Even if they wanted to test all the plants one by one they didn't have the luxury of time now.Soul Nouris.h.i.+ng Physical Arts, pa.s.sively bringing about the cultivation of the soul through training the body.

The group of them were rus.h.i.+ng along in their journey all the time, and did not really practice the Tai Ji Fist. However, from the looks of it now this thing really couldn't be put off anymore.

Chapter 93: Why?

Under the pacification of Bai Yi's mimicry eyes, the few of them finally calmed down slightly. At this time, Bai Yi only wanted to quickly leave and find a safe place to seriously study the Tai Ji Fist they had gotten from Yeye.

"Let's get out of here and find a safe place."

"Why do we need to leave? What's wrong with the city?"

"We can't stay here; the rats just now weren't completely killed. Also, do you guys know just how many rats are there living in this city? It's unimaginably dangerous if you guys engage in battles continuously right now." Bai Yi said, and brought everyone towards the outside of the city. However, just when they had been running for 10 plus minutes, they suddenly realised that the rat monsters were here again, and in much greater numbers than before.

If there were about 100 of them last time, then this time there were at least 1000 rat monsters gathering from all over the city. Everyone looked at the ma.s.s of rat monsters crawling out from all over the city, their eyes turning serious and solemn. They weren't afraid that they couldn't win the battle, but that Woolf, Sharpei and the few others would lose control completely.

"How are there so many rat monsters? Isn't it the Binging Phase, how did they pa.s.s that stage?" Heloise asked.

"It's because rats are more suited to this world than humans. Humans and rats are both omnivores. If we say that humans are pickier towards food due to our habits developed over time, rats in comparison are willing to eat anything. Meat, plant stems, leaves, wood… They have the habit of gnawing on all of these. Now that the vegetation in New Zealand is growing so quickly, they're definitely not lacking in food. However, they're probably thirsting for meat after such a long time of not eating any." Bai Yi explained solemnly.

 As if proving Bai Yi's words right, a group of the rats that left just now were chewing on something in their mouths. On a closer look, it was actually the corpses of their fellow rats that they brought away earlier. Rats didn't have as many rules as humans, and their original companions looked so much more different from them now. After death, they could completely serve as the meat that they had not enjoyed for such a long time.

With so many rats, there must be a leader. Bai Yi looked towards the sky and immediately found that ratman directing the ma.s.s of rats before, was it this guy?

Anyway, it was better to kill that guy first.

After this ma.s.s of rats appeared, they seemed to receive some order and paused for a moment before ferociously charging towards Bai Yi's group again. At this time, they couldn't care so much either, they couldn't not retaliate just because they were afraid of losing control. If they did so, they would probably get torn into pieces by the rats in just seconds.

The moment the battle started, Bai Yi looked at the rat monster in the air, his pupils rapidly expanded and bright colored patterns swiftly appeared in his eyes.

Mimicry Eyes - Intimidation Hypnosis!

Bai Yi's eyes slowly changed, although his limbs never stopped moving while in battle, his eyes never left that direction either.

The two rat monsters in the sky were apparently observing the battle carefully as well, as their gazes immediately crossed with Bai Yi's the moment they looked. It was a strange hard to describe feeling, that flying rat monster stunned for a moment after looking at Bai Yi's eyes, and started flying towards Bai Yi. The ratman on its back fell into a daze as well.

Come here, come here!

Bai Yi slowly said in his heart, and suggested to the two rat monsters through the hypnosis in his eyes. However, all of a sudden, an immense force came from Bai Yi's kitchen knife. A 3+ meter tall rat monster stood on its legs like a human, and a huge metal rod that it picked up from somewhere collided with Bai Yi's knife.

'DANG!', an immense sound of the impact rang out, Bai Yi's kitchen knife instantly broke, and he also got sent flying by this huge impact. Bai Yi didn't suffer much damage, but his heart dipped when his body started spinning and his gaze involuntarily s.h.i.+fted away from the two rat monsters in the sky.

Not s.h.i.+fting your sight even while in battle was really an extremely difficult thing to do, and not even Bai Yi could do it.

At this moment, Mavis had swiftly intercepted Bai Yi's opponent, and Bai Yi immediately turned around and looked towards the two rat monsters in the sky again. He then discovered that the two rat monsters flying did not pause their actions at all, but the ratman standing up recovered his consciousness and pulled on the hair of the flying rat to make it fly back. Under the hard pulling of the ratman, the flying rat monster stopped as well and prepared to turn around.

It would be bad if I really let you turn around.

Bai Yi thought ruthlessly in his heart. So far, Bai Yi realised that they power of his eyes was maximised when he had direct eye contact with his opponents. In a split-second, Bai Yi completely stopped everything that he was doing and just used his eyes to seriously look at the flying rat monster, the colored patterns in his eyes ever changing and s.h.i.+fting, just like a world inside a kaleidoscope.

The rat monster that Bai Yi looked at paused in the air again, and even the ratman whacking his head with its walking stick did not wake this guy up.

Heloise saw Bai Yi's actions and the ratman in the air, she immediately spread her wings and flew towards that direction.

Just when Heloise was about to contact the two rat monsters, Bai Yi finally could not endure the pain in his eyes anymore and closed them. I can leave the rest of it to Heloise, she probably can handle those two rats. Bai Yi's ability in his eyes was really not bad, but he didn't want to use it to the point where it bled every time. Mavis even said that Bai Yi hadn't actually recovered fully, and just like the berserk state of Woolf and the others, the more times he overused his eyes, the more likely he would lose his sight forever.

After Bai Yi closed his eyes, the flying rat monster got hit on the head by the ratman heavily again, and it instantly woke up. Apparently, with its simple brain it still hadn't understood how it got here. At this time, Heloise's transparent wings vibrated and came right in front of this guy.

The ratman holding the walking stick reacted in fear, but Heloise did not care so much and her long sword cut down heavily from the sky.

'Clang!', they could hear a clear ringing sound and her sword broke apart the walking stick that the ratman used to block with. Her sword then continued to hack into its head, body, and the flying rat monster below it.

Heloise and the rest were different from Bai Yi, as they had all fused with the genes of an ant. Although ants could be easily killed by humans with a press of their fingers, it was just because of the huge difference in size. Now when this kind of strength manifested in Heloise and Woolf's body, it could completely display the terrifying power of this level of physical strength.

'Kacha!', Heloise's sword sliced the ratman and the flying rat monster in half at the same time, and they both fell bloodily towards the ground.

There was immediately a great commotion in the ma.s.s of rats, and the rest of Bai Yi's group immediately grabbed hold of the chance and killed some. However, these rat monsters still hadn't retreated.

It wasn't effective, or?

Looking at the ferocious ma.s.s of rats, Bai Yi's brain quickly spun and thought about the situation. In this brutal world, it was probably not easy to sit on the position of rat king with just brains. That is to say, the ratman in the air was probably an 'advisor' at best. The real rat king was probably at a different place.

At this time, the weaker rat monsters in their surroundings were either killed or retreated towards the rear. The rat monster surrounding them now were all at least the size of a normal human and relatively more powerful. With their great numbers, there would definitely be some rat monsters that fused with more useful genes by chance.

At this time, Woolf and Sharpei were being very cautious and apparently restraining themselves. The simple clash just now already caused them to fall into the berserk state, so they didn't dare to continue battling with no worries. However, this kind of restraining caused them to fall into dangerous situations multiple times, and an oppressed feeling slowly gathered in their hearts.


Bai Yi thought as he saw the increasing brutality in Woolf and Sharpei's eyes.

"Woolf, Sharpei, no need to hold back, charge out in the direction we entered the city from!" Bai Yi suddenly said. At this time, they couldn't continue to worry about so many things, as the important thing was to leave this rat nest city now. As for things in the future, they would think about them later.

After getting Bai Yi's approval, Woolf and Sharpei paused for a moment and raised their heads. The wide open mouths of these two guys revealed the savagery and excitement inside. Almost instantaneously, the two of them charged out fiercely and the rat monsters blocking them were instantly ripped apart by the greatsword or sharp fangs. The flying limbs and splattering blood immediately caused a layer a red to slowly appear in their eyes.

Momo seemed like she wasn't willing to fall behind as well, she bared her sharp little canines just like a small ferocious tiger, charging towards her opponent.

However, Bai Yi followed closely by Momo's side, deeply afraid that something would happen to her in this state.

"Daddy, I'm fine!" Momo suddenly said.

"En?" Bai Yi was suddenly taken aback.

Bai Yi looked at Momo's expression and suddenly recalled something. In the laser pa.s.sageway in the research facility, Momo also seemed to enter into this state but she didn't really lose her rationality, she just seemed more excited than usual.

Why though?

This question was apparently very important, if they could think of the answer to this question then perhaps they would be able to find the solution to the Brutal Stage. Bai Yi pondered in his heart, slowly looking at his teammates' changes. Woolf, Sharpei and Warner descended into the berserk state around the same time, and only knew how to kill their way through that direction. Only Momo seemed to be able to maintain her consciousness, but from the looks of it, it didn't seem like she could last for long either.

"Momo, are you still ok?"

"Still… ok!" Momo turned her head and looked at Bai Yi irritably.

Sure enough, Momo had not completely overcome the brutality inside her, but only seemed to fall into the berserk state less easily than the others. However, why was it like this?

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Era of Disaster Chapter 91-93 summary

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