The Theory and Practice of Archery Part 11

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Other scores of 700 and upwards have been--

MRS. HORNIBLOW MISS BETHAM MRS. b.u.t.t MRS. P. F. LEGH 1871 746 1864 735 1876 752 1882 750 1873 733 1867 733 1879 744 1879 743 1873 719 1866 701 1876 730 1881 723 1872 712 -- 1870 722 1883 712 1863 706 -- 1877 718 1884 701 1870 700 -- 1871 713 -- -- -- 1877 707 --

The summary of Public Meetings is--

43 Grand National Archery Meetings.

31 Leamington Archery Meetings.


28 Crystal Palace Archery Meetings.

24 Grand Western Archery Meetings.

7 Grand Northern Archery Meetings.

2 Alexandra Park Archery Meetings.

1 Hastings Archery Meeting.

2 Aston Park Archery Meetings.

6 Royal Toxophilite Society's Archery Meetings.

---- 144 Meetings.

When attention is turned towards the meetings at which most gentlemen have made more than 600, and most ladies have made over 500, it is found that in 1860, at Bath, seventeen gentlemen reached or pa.s.sed the score of 600, but at the same time only two ladies pa.s.sed 500. This still remains the largest meeting which has yet been held, two hundred and eight shooters having been present. At the Alexandra Park Meeting in 1864, sixteen gentlemen and six ladies attained the same amount of excellence. At Brighton, in 1867, seventeen gentlemen and seven ladies pa.s.sed the same levels. But, in 1882, at the Crystal Palace, the corresponding numbers were ten gentlemen and nineteen ladies, and at Leamington in the same year, fourteen gentlemen and sixteen ladies; whilst in 1883, at Cheltenham, nineteen gentlemen pa.s.sed 600 and fourteen ladies pa.s.sed 500, though the shooters competing at this meeting were only one hundred and thirty-one. At Windsor in 1884, thirteen ladies scored more than 500, and twelve gentlemen more than 600. This shows clearly that, although the number of attendances has diminished since the extraordinary start given to archery by Mr. H. A.

Ford's book (and this is possibly due to the multiplication of public matches), yet the average of excellence, particularly amongst the ladies, has made considerable progress. This is a most encouraging symptom for the future of archery.

The First Grand National Archery Meeting was held on August 1 and 2, 1844, at Knavesmire, near York.

+-------------------------+----------+----------+----------+-----------+ 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards TOTALS GENTLEMEN +----+-----+----+-----+----+-----+-----+-----+ Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score +-------------------------+----+-----+----+-----+----+-----+-----+-----+ Rev. J. Higginson 18 66 21 93 14 62 53 221 Rev. E. Meyrick 15 65 24 76 19 77 58 218 +-------------------------+----+-----+----+-----+----+-----+-----+-----+

Sixty-five gentlemen shot, and no ladies appeared at the targets.

The single _York Round_ (72 arrows at 100 yards, 48 arrows at 80 yards, and 24 arrows at 60 yards) was shot first on this occasion.

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The Theory and Practice of Archery Part 11 summary

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