Colonial Records of Virginia Part 9

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[298] Capt., Bancroft.

[299] lewd, McDonald.

[300] Governour, McDonald and Bancroft.

[301] get, McDonald.

[302] General, McDonald.

[303] ag^{st}, McDonald.

[304] losse, McDonald and Bancroft.

[305] wantonnes, McDonald; wantonness, Bancroft.

[306] Governour, McDonald and Bancroft.

[307] McDonald omits the &; Bancroft, nor and.

[308] McDonald omits the all.

[309] certifie, Bancroft.

[310] failed, McDonald, Bancroft.

[311] himself, McDonald.

[312] stande, McDonald, Bancroft.

[313], Bancroft.

The same morning the lawes abovewritten, drawen out of the instructions, were read, and one by one thoroughly examined, and then pa.s.sed once again[314] the general[315] consente of the whole a.s.sembly.

[314] againe, McDonald, Bancroft.

[315] generall, McDonald, Bancroft.

This afternoon the committies brought in a reporte, what they had done as concerning the third sorte of lawes, the discussing whereof spente the residue of that daye. Excepte onely the consideration of a pet.i.tion of M^r John Rolfes againste Captaine John Martine[316] for writing a letter to him wherein (as M^r Rolfe alledgeth) he taxeth him both unseemly[317] and amisse of certaine thinges[318] wherein he was never faulty, and besides, casteth some aspersion upon the present government, w^{ch} is the most temperate and juste[319] that ever was in this country, too milde, indeed, for many of[320] this Colony, whom unwoonted[321] liberty hath made insolente and not to knowe[322]

themselves. This Pet.i.tion of M^r Rolfes' was thought fitt to be referred to the Counsell of State.

[316] Martin, McDonald.

[317] unseemingly, Bancroft.

[318] things, McDonald, Bancroft.

[319] just, McDonald.

[320] in, McDonald.

[321] unwonted, McDonald.

[322] know, McDonald.

WEDENSDAY, Aug. 4^{th}.

This daye (by reason of extream heat, both paste and likely to ensue, and by that meanes of the alteration of the healthes of diverse of the general a.s.sembly) the Governour, who[323] himselfe also[324] was not well, resolved should be the last of this first session; so in the morning the Speaker (as he was required by the a.s.sembly) redd over all the lawes and orders that had formerly pa.s.sed the house, to give the same yett one reviewe[325] more, and to see whether there were any thing to be amended or that might be excepted againste. This being done, the third sorte of lawes w^{ch} I am nowe coming[326] to sett downe, were read over throughly[327] discussed, w^{ch}, together w^{th} the former, did now the laste and finall consente of the General[328]


[323] who, omitted by McDonald.

[324] who, inserted by McDonald.

[325] review, McDonald.

[326] cominge, McDonald.

[327] thoroughly, McDonald.

[328] generall, McDonald.

A third sorte of lawes, suche as may[329] issue out of every man's private[330] conceipte.

It shalbe free for every man to trade w^{th} the Indians, servants onely excepted, upon paine of whipping, unless the M^r will[331] redeeme it off w^{th} the payment of an Angell, one-fourth parte whereofe to go[332] to the Provost Marshall, one fourth parte to the discoverer, and the other moyty to the publique uses of the Incorporation.[333]

[329] maye, Bancroft.

[330] privat, McDonald, Bancroft.

[331] will, omitted by McDonald.

[332] goe, McDonald.

[333] where he dwelleth, added in McDonald copy.

That no man doe[334] sell or give any of the greatter howes to the Indians, or any Englishe[335] dog of quality, as a mastive,[336]

greyhound, bloodhounde, lande or water spaniel, or any other dog or b.i.t.c.he whatsoever, of the Englishe race, upon paine of forfaiting 5^s[337] sterling to the publique uses of the Incorporation where he dwelleth.

[334] do, McDonald, Bancroft.

[335] English, McDonald.

[336] mastiffe, McDonald.

[337] 5^b, McDonald; 5, Bancroft.

That no man do sell or give any Indians any piece shott or poulder, or any other armes, offensive or defensive, upon paine of being held a Traytour to the Colony, and of being hanged as soon as the facte[338] is proved, w^{th}out all redemption.[339]

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