Stevenson Memorial Cook Book Part 17

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Wash and wipe the desired number of medium-sized tomatoes. Cut a slice from the blossom ends, scoop out pulp, sprinkle with salt in the inside, invert on plate, let stand one hour. Melt two tablespoonfuls b.u.t.ter, add two tablespoonfuls flour mixed with one-half teaspoonful salt, one-fourth teaspoonful paprika and few grains cayenne. Stir until blended, then pour on slowly one-half cup cream. Stir until smooth and add one cup green corn, cut from cob, and mixed with one-half tablespoonful each red and green pepper, finely chopped. Flavor delicately with onion juice. Fill tomatoes, cover with b.u.t.tered crumbs and bake in moderate oven until tomatoes and corn are tender.


Mrs. R. McNeil

Cut tomatoes in half without peeling. Place them in baking dish. Put in a piece of b.u.t.ter on each, and dust with salt and pepper. Put in oven and cook until tender. Have ready squares of toasted bread. On each place a half tomato and pour around white sauce and serve hot.


Mrs. W. O. King

Select nice smooth tomatoes; slice off top and remove pulp and seeds.

Rub this through collander. Add one-half cup of each bread and cracker crumbs, pepper, salt and minced onion to tomatoes with a little b.u.t.ter.

Stuff tomatoes, place top on, using toothpicks; bake one hour in a moderate oven.


Mrs. C. S. Junge

Green or ripe tomatoes may be used. Slice and dip in flour. Place in skillet with plenty of bacon fat and a little b.u.t.ter. Fry until brown and lift carefully onto a platter. In the remaining fat stir a tablespoonful of flour, then pour a cup and a half of milk. When creamed, turn over tomatoes and serve.


Mrs. E. Lewis Phelps

One box of home made noodles, boil until tender then drain. b.u.t.ter a baking dish; put in a layer of noodles; sprinkle with grated cheese and seasoning; then another layer of noodles; then two cups of cooked boiled ham chopped fine; chopped green pepper and chopped onion; put the remainder of noodles on top and add cheese, etc. Beat up four or five eggs; add milk enough to cover all the noodles. Set pan into pan of water and bake slowly until eggs are done. Can add b.u.t.tered cracker crumbs on top if liked.


Helen M. Bailey

Six ears corn; two eggs; one-half pint milk; pinch salt; pinch pepper; cut corn from cob, beat eggs, and add milk, eggs and seasoning to corn.

Bake until light brown.


Mrs. E. S. Smith

Mix one pint of grated corn; three tablespoonfuls of milk; one teacup of flour; a piece of b.u.t.ter the size of an egg. Drop by dessertspoonfuls into a little hot b.u.t.ter. Fry on both sides.


One cupful of stewed or canned corn; one-half cupful of dried bread crumbs; one-half cupful of milk; one beaten egg; one teaspoonful of salt; one teaspoonful of baking powder; one tablespoonful of flour. Chop corn, mix with bread crumbs, milk and other ingredients. Drop from spoon into deep fat and fry until light brown.


Cut a slice from the stem ends of six medium-sized mild, green peppers; remove seeds and veins; parboil in boiling water eight minutes. Drain.

Have ready one and one-half cups hot boiled rice; mix with three-fourths cup thick tomato puree; add one cup chopped English walnut meats. Season with salt, pepper and a few grains of cayenne; add one teaspoonful each finely chopped parsley and chives or onion. Fill peppers. Arrange on b.u.t.tered dripping pan; cover with b.u.t.tered cracker crumbs and bake in oven until heated through and crumbs are brown.


Parboil six green peppers eight minutes (discarding seeds and veins) in boiling water to cover. Drain, keep warm. Cover one-half dozen silver skin onions with boiling water, heat to boiling point and drain. Cover again, with boiling salted water and cook until tender, drain and finely chop, mix with one cup soft bread crumbs, add three tablespoonfuls melted b.u.t.ter, season highly with salt, pepper and one-half teaspoonful finely chopped parsley. Fill prepared peppers (if too dry add one tablespoonful cream) with mixture, cover with b.u.t.tered crumbs, set them in b.u.t.tered gem pans and bake in oven until peppers are tender and crumbs are brown.


Mrs. T. D. Caliger

Select sweet green peppers of medium size; cut a thick slice from stem ends; remove seeds and veins. Soak in salt water one hour, drain, and fill with following mixture. Put three cups of canned corn into a saucepan, with two tablespoonfuls finely chopped green peppers, b.u.t.ter and one tablespoonful of onion juice. Simmer slowly fifteen minutes, stirring often to prevent burning. Cover tops of peppers with b.u.t.tered bread crumbs, and bake one-half hour in moderate oven.


Mrs. Ada Woods

Boil a whole egg plant, cutting off the stem end. When done take off skin and put the inside to drain. Put a cup of stale bread crumbs, a grated onion, salt and pepper, tablespoonful parsley and a clove of garlic minced fine, in a skillet with two tablespoonfuls bacon drippings, and fry until brown; add this to the egg plant, put in two dozen shrimps, broken up, and when all is well mixed put in the oven and brown.


Mrs. A. M. Cameron

Prepare egg plant in the usual way; drain and cut as you would potatoes for French fry; sprinkle with salt, pepper and flour; place in a frying basket and fry strips until crisp and a pretty brown; drain on brown paper.


Cut slice from stem end; reserve for cover, scoop out inside, leaving a wall one-fourth inch thick, sprinkle inside with salt and pepper, finely chop pulp. Cook one-half onion, finely chopped, in one tablespoonful b.u.t.ter three minutes without browning, add three fresh mushrooms, finely chopped, four tablespoonfuls finely chopped lean raw ham, season with salt, pepper; cook five minutes, stirring constantly. Add egg plant pulp, three-fourths cup soft bread crumbs, one-half teaspoonful finely chopped parsley. Mix well, refill sh.e.l.l, cover with b.u.t.tered crumbs.

Bake in moderate oven forty-five minutes.


Mrs. W. D. Hurlbut

Cut two thin slices of bacon crosswise in narrow shreds, using shears for this purpose. Saute to a delicate brown. Add two cups hot, cooked, well-drained string beans and one-half tablespoonful grated onion or onion juice. Shake the frying pan to thoroughly mix the ingredients, season with salt and pepper. Turn into hot serving dish.


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Stevenson Memorial Cook Book Part 17 summary

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