Out with Gun and Camera Part 19

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"Maybe he'll scare off intruders---if any come," said Shep.

It was decided that Snap and Shep should go up the sh.o.r.e and Giant and Whopper down in the direction of the river leading to Lake Cameron. All started off briskly, anxious to catch sight of their craft as speedily as possible, or learn what had become of it.

It was comparatively easy to walk along the sh.o.r.e of Firefly Lake, and Snap and the doctor's son made good progress. They pa.s.sed the camp, receiving a joyous bark from Wags, and then skirted a small bay leading to a fine, sandy beach.

"Fine spot for a swim," remarked Snap. "We ought to have one before we go to the mountains."

"Yes; but let us find the boat first."

"Of course."

Half an hour's walking brought the two churns to another bay. They were walking behind a fringe of bushes, and now the doctor's son stepped forward, parted the branches and peered eagerly out on the bosom of the lake.

"h.e.l.lo!" he cried, with something of joy in his voice.

"Is it the boat?"


And now Snap came forward.

"There it is, just rounding yonder bend of the sh.o.r.e. Hurry up!

We'll catch the rascal who is running off with it!"

They had seen the craft, piled high with their outfit. A single person was at the oars---a boy, by his size. He was pulling leisurely.

"Maybe he won't come ash.o.r.e; and we can't follow him out on the lake,"

said Snap.

"We won't have to follow him."

"But if he won't come in?"

"We'll make him," and the doctor's son raised his shotgun significantly.

"That's so; I forgot about our guns. Of course he'll come in if we threaten to shoot him."

The boys quickened their footsteps and soon reached a point opposite to where the rowboat was moving along.

"Hi, you, stop!" yelled Shep loudly. "Stop, I say!"

At the command the boy in the boat ceased rowing and looked around curiously.

"Who called?" he asked in a low but distinct voice.

"I did," went on the doctor's son. "Turn in here with that boat and be quick about it. What do you mean by running off with our property?"

"Why, I declare!" gasped Snap as he caught a good look at the face of the lad in the rowboat. "Shep, do you recognize him? He's the lad from the circus---the young acrobat who ran away!"



Snap was right; it was indeed the youthful circus performer. He looked as thin as ever, but his face bore a far more healthy color than when the young hunters had seen him before.

"I say, what do you mean by running off with our boat?" repeated the doctor's son wrathfully.

"Is this your boat?" asked the circus boy calmly.

"It is."

"I didn't run off with it. I found it drifting along the sh.o.r.e, and I took off my shoes and socks and waded in after it."

"You didn't run off with it?" asked Snap.

"I give you my word of honor," replied the boy quickly. He ran the boat to sh.o.r.e and stepped out. "If it's your property, I'm glad to hand it over to you. I---Say, didn't I see you somewhere before?" he demanded excitedly.

I rather guess you did---at the circus, replied Shep.

"Oh! You were the fellows who---who talked to Jones, the ringmaster."

"Exactly. And you're the chap who ran away."

"That's true, I did run away. Can you blame me? They half starved me and beat me, and wanted me to go up on the trapeze after I had had a spell of sickness."

"We saw you on a freight train leaving Rallings."

"Oh, did you? Yes, I left town on a freight. It was the easiest way to go---and the cheapest." And the boy smiled quietly.

"Now give us the truth about our boat," said Shep sternly. "You ran off with it last night, didn't you?"

"No, sir!" And the boy looked the doctor's son squarely in the eyes.

"I never took any property that didn't belong to me in my life."

"And where did you find the boat?"

"About half a mile from here, along the sh.o.r.e. I made up my mind it had broken loose somehow, and I thought if I found the owner he might---er---that is-----"

"Give you a reward?" suggested Snap. Something about the lad's manner pleased him.

"Well, he might give me something to eat."


The boy nodded.

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Out with Gun and Camera Part 19 summary

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