Hypochondriasis Part 5

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138. [Catherine Trotter], _Olinda's Adventures_ (1718). Introduction by Robert Adams Day.


_After THE TEMPEST_. Introduction by George Robert Guffey.

Next in the continuing series of special publications by the Society will be _After THE TEMPEST_, a volume including the Dryden-Davenant version of _The Tempest_ (1670); the "operatic" _Tempest_ (1674); Thomas Duffet's _Mock-Tempest_ (1675); and the "Garrick" _Tempest_ (1756), with an Introduction by George Robert Guffey.

Already published in this series are:

1. John Ogilby, _The Fables of Aesop Paraphras'd in Verse_ (1668), with an Introduction by Earl Miner.

2. John Gay, _Fables_ (1727, 1738), with an Introduction by Vinton A.


3. Elkanah Settle, _The Empress of Morocco_ (1673) with five plates; _Notes and Observations on the Empress of Morocco_ (1674) by John Dryden, John Crowne and Thomas Shadwell; _Notes and Observations on the Empress of Morocco Revised_ (1674) by Elkanah Settle; and _The Empress of Morocco. A Farce_ (1674) by Thomas Duffet; with an Introduction by Maximillian E. Novak.

Price to members of the Society, $2.50 for the first copy of each t.i.tle, and $3.25 for additional copies. Price to non-members, $4.00. Standing orders for this continuing series of Special Publications will be accepted. British and European orders should be addressed to B. H.

Blackwell, Broad Street, Oxford, England.


[18] Milton's Penseroso.

[19] Biberg.

[20] Reaumur.

[21] asplenon

[22] Silente Luna.

[23] Pulvis Aureus.

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