A Book Written by the Spirits of the So-Called Dead Part 10

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Nov. 21. Among other things during this sitting with Mrs. Green I received the following:

"Good morning friends of truth. On pa.s.sing out of the physical form and awakening to the consciousness of the perpetuity of my being, and a realization of my continued individuality, I was overwhelmed with the triumph of the spirit over the empire of crude matter, and as I gazed upon the worn, shattered and emaciated body, and in the presence of many kindred and other loving spirit friends, the first thought that occupied my mind was, is it possible that I have lived so long in the presence of this great truth and have known so little about it? Then followed a feeling of self-chiding, yea remorse, that I had neglected so many opportunities to learn that wisdom so much needed by the newly arisen spirit, and how much I had really missed by not acquiring knowledge of the spirit world, the future of the spirit, and the laws of spiritual government. Resulting from reflections like these came the impelling desire to return through whatever avenue I might find to speak to a fond mother, devoted wife, loving children, and sympathizing friends, to announce, if no more, that I not only still lived, but was fully conscious of and keenly alive to their grief and sorrow. But I would do more. Having pa.s.sed safely and gloriously the ordeal of so-called death, and crossed the dreaded rubicon, I am now employing my best energies in learning the initial and rudimentary laws appertaining to spirit life and spirit growth, which I ought to have learned on earth, in the fervent hope and desire that I may be of service to my country and countrymen. If I have a friend who would hear and heed me, I would say to him as my best counsel, see to it that you learn more of the spiritual side of life while here in the body, that when you pa.s.s to the higher life your spirit may be accelerated in its onward march along the highways of progress in the heavenly spheres.


At the seance the 7th of November, 1881, I placed a sealed letter, with no address on the envelope, on the stand, and no one in the body except myself knew the contents, as I had written it early in the morning at my home, on Mt. Auburn. I deem it best to give my letter and the answer to it in full, as it demonstrates beyond all possible controversy the ability of spirits to read and understand written matter effectually concealed from mortal view by being securely sealed up.

"To my dear exalted spirit friend, Madam Fredrika Ehrenborg: You always was on earth a valued friend of mine. Since your entrance into the spirit world I have been lead to appreciate more fully your good qualities of head and heart; and your kind spiritual ministrations to me I fear I can never repay. They have made me very happy indeed. You brought the highly exalted Swedenborg, and your angel husband to make G.o.d's truths clearer to us, and we know we can not return this loving kindness in any other way than in by trying to live up to them in our daily lives, and in making them known to others. During my whole life I have had so very few real friends outside of my family, but I now know that my good spirit friends have more than restored the loss of earthly friends, who I may have lamented. For a long time I have been thinking to send you a special offering of my sincere, heartfelt thanks, which I now do. Your sincere and humble earth friend,

"C. J. h.e.l.lEBERG."

The answer soon came in the following words on the insides of the double slate:

"To my highly respected earth friend, C. J. h.e.l.leberg: I know since my entrance upon a higher life more than before that you value my friends.h.i.+p to a very high degree, which I have tried with my spirit to reciprocate.

You need not feel yourself under obligations to me or mine, for I take great pleasure in administering to your wants, and I am exceedingly happy to be able to do so, and that you appreciate we know. We are aware that our communications to you have made you and yours happy, and it rejoices us to know that we have been the instruments in doing good, and as you say, 'You can not return our loving kindness in any other way than by trying with all your might to live up to them in your daily lives, and in making them known to others.' That is just what your spirit friends wish you to do. You need not grieve for earthly friends.h.i.+p; those ties have soon to be broken, but have your thoughts on spirit life and friends? My n.o.ble husband and Mr. Swedenborg are here with us. Accept my heartfelt thanks for your good wishes toward me, and for your kind allusion to my n.o.ble companion. Love to your dear companion, and believe me ever your friend and guide. This is in answer to your sealed letters.


The 23d of January, 1882, came the following from the former Governor of Indiana: "Good morning my dear friend in the cause of truth. I have been present at many of your sittings, and this morning I feel the power strong enough to write and give expressions to a few humble thoughts in regard to what I have done since my entrance to the spirit world. My battles here were to put down aristocracy and the expenses of our government. I fought hard for that. I did not believe in drinking ice tea at the expense of the government. I was satisfied with a good old fas.h.i.+on tea like my mother made, and a suit of blue jeans. I am still at work in our spiritual congress to that end. If there is not something done speedily our government of our forefathers is gone, and instead a stronger one, or monarchy. Capitalists gnawing at its vitals, and it must inevitably succ.u.mb. Spirit world is constantly at work to change the influence. We are coming to every channel we can to speak, and our prayers are that we may be heard and heeded. With my blessing on you both, I bid you good day.


"A. Lincoln, J. A. Garfield, O. P. Morton, A. P. Willard, Emanuel Swedenborg, Fredrika Ehrenborg, Madam Amalia de Frese, Polheim, Wilberforce and Otto Jacob Natt-och-Dag are present.


December 12th came the following:

"Kind friends: I am with you this morning to encourage you by the utterance of a few thoughts. The authority of the priesthood over the consciences and judgments of men is fast losing its hold, and creeds are in the course of ultimate extinction. The overthrow of the inst.i.tution of slavery in the United States was precipitated by war, and I shudder to contemplate even the possibility that the final conflict between the prevalent creeds predicated on false theology, and succored by superst.i.tion on the one hand, and an enlightened rationalism, etc. on the other, may unhappily eventuate in b.l.o.o.d.y issues. Creeds are doomed to perish. G.o.d grant they may pa.s.s away without the costly sacrifice of blood. The pages of both sacred and profane history record crimes of the darkest and deepest magnitude enacted in the holy name of religion. In her fair name the soil of the earth has been crimsoned with the precious blood of martyrs, and the ghastly horrors of the inquisition have been feebly and imperfectly told. The real truth of those horrid deeds has been faithfully chronicled in the archives of the spirit world. Without malice, and in all charity, I speak of them to-day, but the truth must be boldly stated. The history of the Christian system of religion is, in part, a history of foul, bloodshed and rapine, and all under the impious pretext of advancing the kingdom of heaven and magnifying the glory of the Lord. Not only have the brave souls who dared to lift voice or hand against the hideous monster of religious fanaticism and tyranny been sacrificed as heretics, but n.o.ble and queenly women--yea, innocent and unoffending children--have fallen victims to its merciless cruelty and gluttonous rapacity for greed and power. Religion and tyranny have marched hand in hand together along the highways of the past, and with the stake, the javelin, the executioner's ax, and every conceivable instrument of torture, have left behind them ruin, desolation and death as fitting and enduring monuments of their utter unrighteousness. Does this terrible history, so replete with evil, offer us evidences of G.o.dlike excellence?

Can such a religious system, founded in falsehood, fostered by superst.i.tion, nourished by the blood of innocence, and pre-eminently distinguished by so frightful a history, much longer command the tolerant and kindly consideration of the advanced intelligence of the world, or continue to inspire the conviction that it emanated from G.o.d, and has been sustained all these centuries by the fostering care of his goodness and love? In view of all this, is it surprising to any one that He who taketh cognizance of the minutest details of human conduct has commissioned his angels and the spirits who have escaped the environments and pa.s.sed beyond the limitations of the flesh to return to those in mortal on the redemptive mission of demonstrating a continued life beyond the grave, and revolutionizing the religious thought, moral tendencies and spiritual conceptions of mankind. I repeat, creeds are doomed to perish, and this angel ministry, fraught with freedom, truth and righteousness, will erect her gorgeous temples over their buried ruins. Thanks be to G.o.d that I obeyed the majestic voices wafted from the spirit world, inducing, as they did, the liberation in our land of four millions of the enslaved children of chattel bondage. Enjoying the communion with spirits, and learning of them and their bright homes, the heritage of the father's love, I was, while yet inhabiting the tabernacle of clay, made glad and filled with superhuman joy, and in consequence was the recipient of strength and happiness in this glorious land of the spirit. Go ye, therefore, and do likewise. Good day.




The 29th of December, 1881, I received with many others the following communication:

"Good morning, my dear friends, for such I will call you, although I have never had the pleasure of seeing you in the body, but as magnetic attraction seems to be the topic, I will write a few lines to you. Some years ago I corresponded with this medium's husband, and I had the pleasure of calling her my pupil, because her mediums.h.i.+p was so much like that of mine and my daughter Laura. I took so much interest in her and her future success, and predicted that she would be a wonderful medium in time, and now I come as her teacher to congratulate her on her success and to give her words of cheer, and to tell her that she has only ascended half way up the ladder of fame as a spirit medium; and, also, that I have come to-day by magnetic attraction, and will be here often to aid her in her development. With my prayers for you both and for your success, I bid you good morning.


The 2d of January, 1882, in the forenoon, came on the slate the following:

"Good morning, dear papa. We are all here with our happy New Year's greetings--Emil, Charles, Gustaf, Mary, Julia, Grandpa and Grandma h.e.l.leberg, Grandpa Natt-och-Dag, Swedenborg, Madam Ehrenborg, Madam de Frese, and a host of others. Dear Emil forgot me; I am last, but I hope not the least, in sending you a happy New Year's greeting. He says I am able to do that myself, and so I am, and happy to do so. Nothing affords me more real pleasure than to communicate to you. Wis.h.i.+ng you many beautiful spirit communications this coming year, I bid you good day.


After this came the following from a highly esteemed n.o.ble lady, who recently pa.s.sed to the higher life, leaving an only daughter remaining in the form. Madam de Frese was distinguished in her native land--Sweden--for her literary tastes and labors and the purity of her character. It was a great surprise by reason of her having pa.s.sed on so recently:

"Good morning, my dear friend. With the a.s.sistance of Mr. Swedenborg and our kind friend Madam Ehrenborg, and with the aid of this medium's very highly gifted and intelligent band, I am able to write a few more lines to those I love who are yet in the body." (At this moment I said to the medium, "It is my impression that this communication is from my friend, Amelia de Frese, and it may be a help to convince the New Church people in Sweden, and her daughter, of the spiritual truth and power.")

And then came:

"Yes, that is my object, to send them a New Year's greeting from my beautiful spirit home, and to tell my dear daughter that I am not far from her, but able to advise her and control affairs mundane, and that by impression. She will be directed in the right way, and although she does not imagine that I am with her, still it is a reality. Tell her to have no fear, she will be directed to do my will, and now that the dark pall is before her, and that to penetrate through it seems an impossibility, but 'ere long she will get glimpses of the summer land and of the loved ones gone before. Though the clouds may lower and thicken fast and the mutterings of the storm king is heard, fear not, mother is near to ward off danger. She will know my meaning. She is in mental trouble, the weight is almost overpowering. This will help to remove it somewhat, and what she longs for. She thinks, 'Oh, if mother could tell me what to do.' As a parting word, tell her that the suns.h.i.+ne of Spiritualism will scatter the clouds and mists that now surround her, and that she will be made doubly happy by its introduction into her troubled heart, and every pulsation of that member of the body will beat with joy. With the blessings of Swedenborg and Madam Ehrenborg, and with my heart full of love for her and highest regards for yourself and companion, and thanks for this privilege of communicating, I bid you adieu.

"MADAM AMALIA DE FRESE, of Stockholm, Sweden."

January 9th I received the following from the same spirit:

"Thanks, my dear old friend, Mr. h.e.l.leberg, for sending the communication to my daughter. I will be there when she reads it, and make her feel my presence. I am your friend,




Jan. 26, 1882. And the following came on the slate, which I then copied word for word, and herewith reproduce _verbatim et literatum_:

"My dear old friend. According to promise I am here, and I will endeavor to write you a prayer:

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A Book Written by the Spirits of the So-Called Dead Part 10 summary

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