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"Pilot of the Galilean Lake," 49
"Plymouth Brethren," resemblance of Milton's views to, 133
Powell, Mary, Milton marries, 86; she leaves him, 87; returns to him, 95; her family live with Milton, 98; her death, 116; probable bad influence on her daughters, 163
"Prelatical Episcopacy" pamphlet, 72
"Pro Populo" pamphlet, 113
Ptolemaic system followed by Milton in "Paradise Lost," 157
Puckering, Sir H., gave Milton's MSS. to the University of Cambridge, 129
Reading, surrender of to Parliamentary army, 91
"Ready way to establish a Commonwealth," 136
"Reason of Church Government" pamphlet, 72
"Reformation touching Church Discipline" pamphlet, 72
Restoration, consequences to Milton of the, 138-141
Richardson, J., on Milton's later life, 186
Rome, Milton in, 62
Rump, burning of the, 136
St. Bride's Churchyard, Milton lodges in, 65
St. Giles's Cripplegate, Milton's grave in, 194
St. Paul's school, Milton at, 19
Salmasius, Claudius, his character, 109; author of "Defensio Regia," 111; Milton's controversy with, 112, 114
Samson, Vondel's, 170
"Samson Agonistes," 141, 178; criticism on, 180-185
Satan, the hero of "Paradise Lost," 155
Shakespeare, 2; Milton's panegyric on, 33, 38; his view of tragedy compared with Milton's, 183
Sh.e.l.ley, on poetical inspiration, 41; his estimate of Milton, 156; on tragedy and comedy, 183; quoted, 17, 197
Skinner, Cyriack, his loan to Milton, 138
Skinner, David, endeavours to publish "State Letters" and "Treatise on Christian Doctrine," 191
Sonnet, "When the a.s.sault was intended to the City," 84; from the Italian, 85; on Vaudois Protestants, 124; to his second wife, 125; to Henry Lawrence, 126; inscribed on a window-pane, 175
"State Letters," 191
Stationers' Company and Milton, 92
Symmons, S., publisher of "Paradise Lost," 149, 175
Symonds, Mr. J.A., on metre of "Paradise Lost," 166
Tennyson, on Milton's Eden, 162
"Tenure of Kings and Magistrates," 100
"Tina," by Antonio Malatesti, 68
Tomkyns, Thomas, licenses "Paradise Lost," 151; and the poems, 178
Tovey, Nathaniel, Milton's college tutor, 25
Treatise on Christian Doctrine, 190
Ulster Protestants, Milton's subscription for, 83
Vernon Lee, 57
Vondel, Milton's indebtedness to, 170
Wakefield, E.G., on the champions of great causes, 135