Christianity - The First Three Thousand Years Part 29

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77 The most comprehensive overview of this period is A. Woolrych, The most comprehensive overview of this period is A. Woolrych, Britain in Revolution 1625-1660 Britain in Revolution 1625-1660 (Oxford, 2002). (Oxford, 2002).

78 II Samuel 16.7. II Samuel 16.7.

79 The remarkably bitter modern controversy about the existence of the Ranters is judiciously surveyed in G. E. Aylmer, 'Did the Ranters Exist?', The remarkably bitter modern controversy about the existence of the Ranters is judiciously surveyed in G. E. Aylmer, 'Did the Ranters Exist?', PP PP, 117 (November 1987), 208 - 20.

80 D. Hirst, 'The Failure of G.o.dly Rule in the English Republic', D. Hirst, 'The Failure of G.o.dly Rule in the English Republic', PP PP, 132 (August 1991), 33-66. On popular attacks on Quakers during the 1650s, see J. Miller, ' "A suffering people": English Quakers and Their Neighbours c. 1650-c. 1700', PP PP, 188 (August 2005), 71 - 105.

81 J. Maltby, 'Suffering and Surviving: The Civil Wars, the Commonwealth and the Formation of "Anglicanism", 1642-1660', in C. Durston and J. Maltby (eds.), J. Maltby, 'Suffering and Surviving: The Civil Wars, the Commonwealth and the Formation of "Anglicanism", 1642-1660', in C. Durston and J. Maltby (eds.), Religion in Revolutionary England Religion in Revolutionary England (Manchester and New York, 2006), 158-80. (Manchester and New York, 2006), 158-80.

82 Good discussion of Lat.i.tudinarian ident.i.ty in J. Spurr, ' "Lat.i.tudinarianism" and the Restoration Church', Good discussion of Lat.i.tudinarian ident.i.ty in J. Spurr, ' "Lat.i.tudinarianism" and the Restoration Church', HJ HJ, 31 (1988), 61-82.

83 For O'Malley's own defence of the usage amid much stimulating discussion, see his For O'Malley's own defence of the usage amid much stimulating discussion, see his Trent and All That: Renaming Catholicism in the Early Modern Era Trent and All That: Renaming Catholicism in the Early Modern Era (Cambridge, MA, 2000), esp. 7-9, 140-43. (Cambridge, MA, 2000), esp. 7-9, 140-43.

18: Rome's Renewal (1500-1700) 1 J. Edwards, 'Kindred Spirit? Alfonso de Valdes and Philip Melanchthon at the Diet of Augsburg', unpublished paper, and see also J. M. Headley, 'Rhetoric and Reality: Messianic, Humanist and Civilian Themes in the Imperial Ethos of Gattinara', in M. Reeves, J. Edwards, 'Kindred Spirit? Alfonso de Valdes and Philip Melanchthon at the Diet of Augsburg', unpublished paper, and see also J. M. Headley, 'Rhetoric and Reality: Messianic, Humanist and Civilian Themes in the Imperial Ethos of Gattinara', in M. Reeves, Prophetic Rome in the High Renaissance Period Prophetic Rome in the High Renaissance Period (Oxford, 1992), 241-69. An excellent overview is M. Firpo, 'The Italian Reformation and Juan de Valdes', (Oxford, 1992), 241-69. An excellent overview is M. Firpo, 'The Italian Reformation and Juan de Valdes', SCJ SCJ, 27 (1996), 353 - 64.

2 See the foundation doc.u.ment of the Genoese Oratory in J. C. Olin (ed.), See the foundation doc.u.ment of the Genoese Oratory in J. C. Olin (ed.), The Catholic Reformation: Savonarola to Ignatius Loyola The Catholic Reformation: Savonarola to Ignatius Loyola (New York, 1992), 18-26; note especially the 'Addition' on the administration of the a.s.sociated syphilis hospice, the (New York, 1992), 18-26; note especially the 'Addition' on the administration of the a.s.sociated syphilis hospice, the Incurabili. Incurabili. On syphilis, MacCulloch, 630-33. On syphilis, MacCulloch, 630-33.

3 For the Theatine Rule, Olin (ed.), For the Theatine Rule, Olin (ed.), The Catholic Reformation The Catholic Reformation, 128-32.

4 MacCulloch, 644-6. For new light on the early years of the Ursulines, see Q. Mazzonis, MacCulloch, 644-6. For new light on the early years of the Ursulines, see Q. Mazzonis, Spirituality, Gender, and the Self in Renaissance Italy: Angela Merici and the Company of St Ursula (1474 -1540) Spirituality, Gender, and the Self in Renaissance Italy: Angela Merici and the Company of St Ursula (1474 -1540) (Was.h.i.+ngton, DC, 2007). (Was.h.i.+ngton, DC, 2007).

5 F. A. James III, F. A. James III, Peter Martyr Vermigli and Predestination: The Augustinian Inheritance of an Italian Reformer Peter Martyr Vermigli and Predestination: The Augustinian Inheritance of an Italian Reformer (Oxford, 1998), Part II. On the whitewas.h.i.+ng in Naples, M. Firpo, (Oxford, 1998), Part II. On the whitewas.h.i.+ng in Naples, M. Firpo, Gli affreschi di Pontormo a San Lorenzo: Eresia, politica e cultura nella Firenze di Cosimo I Gli affreschi di Pontormo a San Lorenzo: Eresia, politica e cultura nella Firenze di Cosimo I (Milan, 1997), 415: I am indebted to Professor Firpo for drawing this to my attention. (Milan, 1997), 415: I am indebted to Professor Firpo for drawing this to my attention.

6 P. Caraman, P. Caraman, Ignatius Loyola Ignatius Loyola (San Francisco, 1990), 80. (San Francisco, 1990), 80.

7 For the connections between the 1540 Bull and the Pope's family affairs, see O. Hufton, 'Altruism and Reciprocity: The Early Jesuits and Their Female Patrons', For the connections between the 1540 Bull and the Pope's family affairs, see O. Hufton, 'Altruism and Reciprocity: The Early Jesuits and Their Female Patrons', Renaissance Studies Renaissance Studies, 15 (2001), 328 -53, esp. at 336, 340-41. For further examples of Ignatius's female diplomacy, MacCulloch, 641.

8 For more evidence of the links between Jesuits and For more evidence of the links between Jesuits and Spirituali Spirituali, see ibid., 222.

9 This point was made to me by Professor Ma.s.simo Firpo, and I am most grateful for our conversations. This point was made to me by Professor Ma.s.simo Firpo, and I am most grateful for our conversations.

10 P. McNair, 'Benedetto da Mantova, Marcantonio Flaminio, and the P. McNair, 'Benedetto da Mantova, Marcantonio Flaminio, and the Beneficio di Cris...o...b..neficio di Cristo: A Developing Twentieth-Century Debate Reviewed', Modern Language Review Modern Language Review, 82 (1987), 614-24. Pole's biographer Thomas Mayer makes out a rather hazy case for Cardinal Pole's direct involvement in preparing the Beneficio Beneficio: T. F. Mayer, Reginald Pole: Prince and Prophet Reginald Pole: Prince and Prophet (Cambridge, 2000), 119-21. (Cambridge, 2000), 119-21.

11 On Pole and the satanic nature of the Inquisition, D. Fenlon, 'Pietro Carnesecchi and Cardinal Pole: New Perspectives', On Pole and the satanic nature of the Inquisition, D. Fenlon, 'Pietro Carnesecchi and Cardinal Pole: New Perspectives', JEH JEH, 56 (2005), 529-33, at 532. On Pole's general pa.s.sivity or belief in his special providential role and its relation to his defeat in the 1549 conclave, the evidence may with a little effort be gathered from Mayer, Reginald Pole Reginald Pole, e.g. 45, 84, 93, 98-100, 176-7, 186-7, 195, 216-17. Somewhat clearer accounts of the conclave may be found in T. Mayer, Cardinal Pole in European Context: A Cardinal Pole in European Context: A via media via media in the Reformation in the Reformation (Aldershot, 2000), Ch. 4, owing much to the text he introduces in Ch. 5. (Aldershot, 2000), Ch. 4, owing much to the text he introduces in Ch. 5.

12 Firpo, Firpo, Gli affreschi di Pontormo a San Lorenzo Gli affreschi di Pontormo a San Lorenzo, esp. 13-20, 92-102, 311-27, and see plates between pp. 200 and 201.

13 For further discussion of this, MacCulloch, 644-5. For further discussion of this, MacCulloch, 644-5.

14 J. W. O'Malley, J. W. O'Malley, The First Jesuits The First Jesuits (Cambridge, MA, 1993), 299-300. (Cambridge, MA, 1993), 299-300.

15 Ibid., 274-5, 278. Ibid., 274-5, 278.

16 The muted tones are noted by J. W. O'Malley, The muted tones are noted by J. W. O'Malley, Four Cultures of the West Four Cultures of the West (Cambridge, MA, 2004), 113-14. This was the era before the large-scale eastern European unions culminating in Brest in 1596 (see pp. 533-5), but there were already Armenian, Maronite, Chaldean and Syriac Churches in communion with Rome, and sections of the liturgy in Dalmatia were customarily in Slavonic. For the tangled situation in the Church of the East at this time, see Baumer, 248-49, and for the part played by the Glagolitic Rite in the council's discussions of the vernacular, see F. J. Thomson, 'The Legacy of SS Cyril and Methodios in the Counter-Reformation', in E. Konstantinou (ed.), (Cambridge, MA, 2004), 113-14. This was the era before the large-scale eastern European unions culminating in Brest in 1596 (see pp. 533-5), but there were already Armenian, Maronite, Chaldean and Syriac Churches in communion with Rome, and sections of the liturgy in Dalmatia were customarily in Slavonic. For the tangled situation in the Church of the East at this time, see Baumer, 248-49, and for the part played by the Glagolitic Rite in the council's discussions of the vernacular, see F. J. Thomson, 'The Legacy of SS Cyril and Methodios in the Counter-Reformation', in E. Konstantinou (ed.), Methodios und Kyrillos in ihrer europaischen Dimension Methodios und Kyrillos in ihrer europaischen Dimension (Frankfurt am Main and Oxford, 2005), 85-247, at 102 - 53. (Frankfurt am Main and Oxford, 2005), 85-247, at 102 - 53.

17 MacCulloch, 278. MacCulloch, 278.

18 Now cla.s.sic a.n.a.lysis of Mary's religious experiment is E. Duffy, Now cla.s.sic a.n.a.lysis of Mary's religious experiment is E. Duffy, The Stripping of the Altars: Traditional Religion in England, c.1400-c.1580 The Stripping of the Altars: Traditional Religion in England, c.1400-c.1580 (New Haven and London, 1992), 524-63; see also essays in E. Duffy and D. Loades (eds.), (New Haven and London, 1992), 524-63; see also essays in E. Duffy and D. Loades (eds.), The Church of Mary Tudor The Church of Mary Tudor (Aldershot, 2005). (Aldershot, 2005).

19 On the On the Exercises Exercises adapted by William Peryn, W. Wizeman, adapted by William Peryn, W. Wizeman, The Theology and Spirituality of Mary Tudor's Church The Theology and Spirituality of Mary Tudor's Church (Aldershot, 2006), 33 and (Aldershot, 2006), 33 and pa.s.sim pa.s.sim.

20 The best survey of this topic is J. Bossy, The best survey of this topic is J. Bossy, The English Catholic Community, 1570-1850 The English Catholic Community, 1570-1850 (London, 1975). On the major step in dismantling the discrimination, see pp. 838-9. (London, 1975). On the major step in dismantling the discrimination, see pp. 838-9.

21 A superb account of these events with a much wider reference than its t.i.tle suggests is R. Portner, A superb account of these events with a much wider reference than its t.i.tle suggests is R. Portner, The Counter-Reformation in Central Europe: Styria 1580-1630 The Counter-Reformation in Central Europe: Styria 1580-1630 (Oxford, 2001). See also M. A. Chisholm, 'The (Oxford, 2001). See also M. A. Chisholm, 'The Religionspolitik Religionspolitik of Emperor Ferdinand I (1521- 1564): Tyrol and the Holy Roman Empire', of Emperor Ferdinand I (1521- 1564): Tyrol and the Holy Roman Empire', European History Quarterly European History Quarterly, 38 (2008), 551 - 77.

22 R. Taylor, 'Architecture and Magic: Considerations of the R. Taylor, 'Architecture and Magic: Considerations of the Idea Idea of the Escorial', in D. Fraser, H. Hibbard and M. J. Levine (eds.), of the Escorial', in D. Fraser, H. Hibbard and M. J. Levine (eds.), Essays in the History of Architecture Presented to Rudolf Wittkower Essays in the History of Architecture Presented to Rudolf Wittkower (London, 1967), 81-109, at 89-97. (London, 1967), 81-109, at 89-97.

23 E. Garcia Hernan, E. Garcia Hernan, Francisco de Borja, grande de Espana Francisco de Borja, grande de Espana (Valencia, 1999), esp. 165-75, 179 - 81. (Valencia, 1999), esp. 165-75, 179 - 81.

24 J. Edwards and R. Truman (eds.), J. Edwards and R. Truman (eds.), Reforming Catholicism in the England of Mary Tudor: The Achievement of Friar Bartolome Carranza Reforming Catholicism in the England of Mary Tudor: The Achievement of Friar Bartolome Carranza (Aldershot, 2005), esp. 177-204; on the basis of the Tridentine Catechism in Carranza's Catechism, ibid., 24; Wizeman, (Aldershot, 2005), esp. 177-204; on the basis of the Tridentine Catechism in Carranza's Catechism, ibid., 24; Wizeman, The Theology and Spirituality of Mary Tudor's Church The Theology and Spirituality of Mary Tudor's Church, 11-12, 26-7.

25 V. Lincoln, V. Lincoln, Teresa: A Woman. A Biography of Teresa of Avila Teresa: A Woman. A Biography of Teresa of Avila (Albany, NY, 1984), 75. (Albany, NY, 1984), 75.

26 T. Johnson, 'Gardening for G.o.d: Carmelite Deserts and the Sacralization of Natural s.p.a.ce in Counter-Reformation Spain', in W. Coster and A. Spicer (eds.), T. Johnson, 'Gardening for G.o.d: Carmelite Deserts and the Sacralization of Natural s.p.a.ce in Counter-Reformation Spain', in W. Coster and A. Spicer (eds.), Sacred s.p.a.ce in Early Modern Europe Sacred s.p.a.ce in Early Modern Europe (Cambridge, 2005), 193-210, at 196. (Cambridge, 2005), 193-210, at 196.

27 'Method for the visitation of convents', qu. and tr. A. Weber, 'Method for the visitation of convents', qu. and tr. A. Weber, Teresa of Avila and the Rhetoric of Femininity Teresa of Avila and the Rhetoric of Femininity (Princeton and London, 1990), 6. (Princeton and London, 1990), 6.

28 'Camino de perfeccion', ibid., 41. 'Camino de perfeccion', ibid., 41.

29 E. Allison Peers (ed.), E. Allison Peers (ed.), St. John of the Cross: Dark Night of the Soul St. John of the Cross: Dark Night of the Soul (London, 1976), 2 [Prologue, Stanzas of the Soul, 5-8]. (London, 1976), 2 [Prologue, Stanzas of the Soul, 5-8].

30 The Spiritual Canticle The Spiritual Canticle 22.4: K. Kavanaugh and O. Rodriguez (eds.), 22.4: K. Kavanaugh and O. Rodriguez (eds.), The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross (Was.h.i.+ngton, DC, 1964), 497. (Was.h.i.+ngton, DC, 1964), 497.

31 Ascent of Mount Carmel Ascent of Mount Carmel Bk 1, Ch. 1, sect. 2, qu. Allison Peers (ed.), Bk 1, Ch. 1, sect. 2, qu. Allison Peers (ed.), St. John of the Cross St. John of the Cross, ix.

32 Ibid., 3 [Bk 1, preliminary exposition]. Ibid., 3 [Bk 1, preliminary exposition].

33 E. K. Rowe, 'St Teresa and Olivares: Patron Sainthood, Royal Favourites and the Politics of Plurality in 17th-century Spain', E. K. Rowe, 'St Teresa and Olivares: Patron Sainthood, Royal Favourites and the Politics of Plurality in 17th-century Spain', SCJ SCJ, 37 (2006), 721-38.

34 Statistic from M. P. Holt, Statistic from M. P. Holt, The French Wars of Religion The French Wars of Religion (Cambridge, 1995), 94. (Cambridge, 1995), 94.

35 On the quotation's lack of authenticity, see M. Wolfe, 'The Conversion of Henri IV and the Origins of Bourbon Absolutism', On the quotation's lack of authenticity, see M. Wolfe, 'The Conversion of Henri IV and the Origins of Bourbon Absolutism', Historical Reflections/Reflexions Historiques Historical Reflections/Reflexions Historiques, 14 (1987), 287-309, at 287.

36 G. Champeaud, 'The Edict of Poitiers and the Treaty of Nerac, or Two Steps towards the Edict of Nantes', G. Champeaud, 'The Edict of Poitiers and the Treaty of Nerac, or Two Steps towards the Edict of Nantes', SCJ SCJ, 32 (2001), 319-33.

37 N. Davies, N. Davies, G.o.d's Playground: A History of Poland. 1: The Origins to 1795 G.o.d's Playground: A History of Poland. 1: The Origins to 1795 (Oxford, 1981), 413-25. (Oxford, 1981), 413-25.

38 A brilliant summary exposition of this paradox is P. Stolarski, 'Dominican - Jesuit Rivalry and the Politics of Catholic Renewal in Poland, 1564-1648', A brilliant summary exposition of this paradox is P. Stolarski, 'Dominican - Jesuit Rivalry and the Politics of Catholic Renewal in Poland, 1564-1648',JEH(forthcoming). Similar tensions, which were felt all over Counter-Reformation Europe, might be much less productive wherever Catholicism was weak, as for instance in Elizabethan and early Stuart England. For an absorbing case study on the results there, see M. C. Questier, Catholicism and Community in Early Modern England: Politics, Aristocratic Patronage and Religion, c. 1550-1640 Catholicism and Community in Early Modern England: Politics, Aristocratic Patronage and Religion, c. 1550-1640 (Cambridge, 2006). (Cambridge, 2006).

39 S. Ditchfield, 'Text before Trowel: Antonio Bosio's S. Ditchfield, 'Text before Trowel: Antonio Bosio's Roma sotteranea Roma sotteranea Revisited', in R. N. Swanson (ed.), Revisited', in R. N. Swanson (ed.), The Church Retrospective The Church Retrospective ( (SCH, 33, 1997), 343-60; T. Johnson, 'Holy Fabrications: The Catacomb Saints and the Counter-Reformation in Bavaria', JEH JEH, 47 (1996), 274-97, esp. at 277-81.

40 On locking churches, A. Spicer, On locking churches, A. Spicer, Calvinist Churches in Early Modern Europe Calvinist Churches in Early Modern Europe (Aldershot, 2007), 228. Benedict, 436, provides a dramatic example of reduction in clerical numbers: in 1500 the bishopric of Utrecht had around eighteen thousand clergy, but in the seventeenth century the Protestant parish system in the same area had 1,524 ministers. (Aldershot, 2007), 228. Benedict, 436, provides a dramatic example of reduction in clerical numbers: in 1500 the bishopric of Utrecht had around eighteen thousand clergy, but in the seventeenth century the Protestant parish system in the same area had 1,524 ministers.

41 W. de Boer, W. de Boer, The Conquest of the Soul: Confession, Discipline and Social Order in Counter-Reformation Milan The Conquest of the Soul: Confession, Discipline and Social Order in Counter-Reformation Milan (Leiden, 2000). (Leiden, 2000).

42 D. Gentilcore, ' "Adapt yourselves to the People's capabilities": Missionary Strategies, Methods and Impact in the Kingdom of Naples, 1600-1800', D. Gentilcore, ' "Adapt yourselves to the People's capabilities": Missionary Strategies, Methods and Impact in the Kingdom of Naples, 1600-1800',JEH, 45 (1994), 269-95.

43 For further discussion, see MacCulloch, 549-50. On Gregory's Constantinian agenda, N. Courtright, For further discussion, see MacCulloch, 549-50. On Gregory's Constantinian agenda, N. Courtright, The Papacy and the Art of Reform in 16th-century Rome: Gregory XIII's Tower of the Winds in the Vatican The Papacy and the Art of Reform in 16th-century Rome: Gregory XIII's Tower of the Winds in the Vatican (Cambridge, 2003), 33-40, 65-8. (Cambridge, 2003), 33-40, 65-8.

44 M. Sharratt, M. Sharratt, Galileo: Decisive Innovator Galileo: Decisive Innovator (Oxford, 1994), and see further summary discussion of Copernican astronomy and the Galileo affair in MacCulloch, 685-8. (Oxford, 1994), and see further summary discussion of Copernican astronomy and the Galileo affair in MacCulloch, 685-8.

45 For further discussion of Protestants and Jews in the Reformation, see ibid., 688-91. For further discussion of Protestants and Jews in the Reformation, see ibid., 688-91.

46 For summary discussion and critique, see ibid., 604-7, but the question is magisterially discussed by the essayists of H. Lehmann and G. Roth (eds.), For summary discussion and critique, see ibid., 604-7, but the question is magisterially discussed by the essayists of H. Lehmann and G. Roth (eds.), Weber's Weber's Protestant ethic Protestant ethic: Origins, Evidence, Contexts (Cambridge, 1993). (Cambridge, 1993).

47 MacCulloch, 650, and for discussion of marriage and the family, ibid., 651-4. MacCulloch, 650, and for discussion of marriage and the family, ibid., 651-4.

48 There is at last a decent scholarly edition of the There is at last a decent scholarly edition of the Malleus Malleus with English translation: H. Inst.i.toris and J. Sprenger, ed. C. S. Mackay, with English translation: H. Inst.i.toris and J. Sprenger, ed. C. S. Mackay, Malleus Maleficarum Malleus Maleficarum (2 vols., Cambridge, 2006). For further comment on the (2 vols., Cambridge, 2006). For further comment on the Malleus Malleus, MacCulloch, 565-8.

49 For the English profile, see M. Gaskill, For the English profile, see M. Gaskill, Crime and Mentalities in Early Modern England Crime and Mentalities in Early Modern England (Cambridge, 2000), 48-66, at 78. K. Thomas, (Cambridge, 2000), 48-66, at 78. K. Thomas, Religion and the Decline of Magic Religion and the Decline of Magic (2nd edn, London, 1973), 660-69, made the suggestion that witchcraft accusations generally arose from tensions over the breakdown of traditional hospitality obligations to the marginal. This may have some justification, but will not do as a general mode of explanation. For the vulnerable position of widows, see A. Rowlands, 'Witchcraft and Old Women in Early Modern Germany', (2nd edn, London, 1973), 660-69, made the suggestion that witchcraft accusations generally arose from tensions over the breakdown of traditional hospitality obligations to the marginal. This may have some justification, but will not do as a general mode of explanation. For the vulnerable position of widows, see A. Rowlands, 'Witchcraft and Old Women in Early Modern Germany', PP PP, 173 (November 2001), 50-89, esp. 65, 70, 78.

50 C. Larner, C. Larner, Enemies of G.o.d: The Witch-hunt in Scotland Enemies of G.o.d: The Witch-hunt in Scotland (London, 1981), esp. 63, 107. (London, 1981), esp. 63, 107.

19: A Worldwide Faith (1500-1800) 1 For doc.u.ments on these intolerances, see Koschorke et al. (eds.), 15-16, 27-9. For doc.u.ments on these intolerances, see Koschorke et al. (eds.), 15-16, 27-9.

2 Qu. in S. G. Payne, Qu. in S. G. Payne, A History of Spain and Portugal A History of Spain and Portugal (Madison, 1973), 239. (Madison, 1973), 239.

3 D. Abulafia, D. Abulafia, The Discovery of Mankind: Atlantic Encounters in the Age of Columbus The Discovery of Mankind: Atlantic Encounters in the Age of Columbus (New Haven and London, 2008), Chs. 4-8, esp. 49-51, 67, 71, 97-8; F. Fernandez-Armesto, (New Haven and London, 2008), Chs. 4-8, esp. 49-51, 67, 71, 97-8; F. Fernandez-Armesto, The Canary Islands after the Conquest The Canary Islands after the Conquest (Oxford, 1982), 10-12, 39-40, 125-9, 201-2; comment by P. E. Russell, (Oxford, 1982), 10-12, 39-40, 125-9, 201-2; comment by P. E. Russell, JEH JEH, 31 (1980), 115.

4 C. R. Johnson, 'Renaissance German Cosmographers and the Naming of America', C. R. Johnson, 'Renaissance German Cosmographers and the Naming of America', PP PP, 191 (May 2006), 3-44.

5 Cf. the remarks of F. Cervantes, reviewing L. N. Rivera, Cf. the remarks of F. Cervantes, reviewing L. N. Rivera, A Violent Evangelism: The Political and Religious Conquest of the Americas A Violent Evangelism: The Political and Religious Conquest of the Americas (Louisville, KY, 1992), (Louisville, KY, 1992), JEH JEH, 45 (1994), 509.

6 Koschorke et al. (eds.), 292-3. Koschorke et al. (eds.), 292-3.

7 A. Hastings, 'Latin America', in Hastings (ed.), 328-68, at 340. A. Hastings, 'Latin America', in Hastings (ed.), 328-68, at 340.

8 Estimates respectively in R. Bireley, Estimates respectively in R. Bireley, The Refas.h.i.+oning of Catholicism, 1450-1700 The Refas.h.i.+oning of Catholicism, 1450-1700 (Houndmills, 1999), 147, and P. N. Mancall, ' "The ones who hold up the world": Native American History since the Columbian Quincentennial', (Houndmills, 1999), 147, and P. N. Mancall, ' "The ones who hold up the world": Native American History since the Columbian Quincentennial', HJ HJ, 47 (2004), 477-90, at 478.

9 This is the suggestion of J. H. Elliott, This is the suggestion of J. H. Elliott, Empires of the Atlantic World: Britain and Spain in America, 1492-1830 Empires of the Atlantic World: Britain and Spain in America, 1492-1830 (New Haven and London, 2006), 79-81, 86-7. (New Haven and London, 2006), 79-81, 86-7.

10 T. c.u.mmins, 'A Sculpture, a Column and a Painting: The Tension between Art and History', T. c.u.mmins, 'A Sculpture, a Column and a Painting: The Tension between Art and History', Art Bulletin Art Bulletin, 77 (1995), 371-7, at 373-4.

11 J. Lara, J. Lara, Christian Texts for Aztecs: Art and Liturgy in Colonial Mexico Christian Texts for Aztecs: Art and Liturgy in Colonial Mexico (Notre Dame, IND, 2008), 20, 24, 32, 37, 81. On Augustine's mission, see pp. 336-40. (Notre Dame, IND, 2008), 20, 24, 32, 37, 81. On Augustine's mission, see pp. 336-40.

12 Lara, Lara, Christian Texts for Aztecs Christian Texts for Aztecs, 87, with ill.u.s.tration of a possible further example.

13 Elliott, Elliott, Empires of the Atlantic World Empires of the Atlantic World, 20.

14 J. Lara, J. Lara, City, Temple, Stage: Eschatological Architecture and Liturgical Theatrics in New Spain City, Temple, Stage: Eschatological Architecture and Liturgical Theatrics in New Spain (Notre Dame, IN, 2004), esp. 17-21. (Notre Dame, IN, 2004), esp. 17-21.

15 Ibid., esp. 111-50, and see also J. A. Licate, Ibid., esp. 111-50, and see also J. A. Licate, Creation of a Mexican Landscape: Territorial Organisation and Settlement in the Eastern Puebla Basin, 1520-1605 Creation of a Mexican Landscape: Territorial Organisation and Settlement in the Eastern Puebla Basin, 1520-1605 (Chicago, 1981). (Chicago, 1981).

16 R. Ricard, R. Ricard, The Spiritual Conquest of Mexico: An Essay on the Apostolate and Evangelising Methods of the Mendicant Orders in New Spain, 1523-1572 The Spiritual Conquest of Mexico: An Essay on the Apostolate and Evangelising Methods of the Mendicant Orders in New Spain, 1523-1572 (Berkeley, 1966), 31-6. (Berkeley, 1966), 31-6.

17 Lara, Lara, Christian Texts for Aztecs Christian Texts for Aztecs, 187, 194-9.

18 I. Clendinnen, I. Clendinnen, Ambivalent Conquests: Maya and Spaniard in Yucatan, 1517-1570 Ambivalent Conquests: Maya and Spaniard in Yucatan, 1517-1570 (Cambridge, 1987), 40-41, 72-109; Ricard, (Cambridge, 1987), 40-41, 72-109; Ricard, The Spiritual Conquest of The Spiritual Conquest of Mexico, 264-5. Mexico, 264-5.

19 Bireley, Bireley, The Refas.h.i.+oning of Catholicism, 1450-1700 The Refas.h.i.+oning of Catholicism, 1450-1700, 153-4, 158.

20 Ricard, Ricard, The Spiritual Conquest of Mexico The Spiritual Conquest of Mexico, 122-3.

21 Hastings, 'Latin America', 346. Hastings, 'Latin America', 346.

22 On 'anima', see L. M. Burkhart, 'The Solar Christ in Nahuatl Doctrinal Texts of Early Colonial Mexico', On 'anima', see L. M. Burkhart, 'The Solar Christ in Nahuatl Doctrinal Texts of Early Colonial Mexico', Ethnohistory Ethnohistory, 35 (1988), 234-56, at 242. On h.e.l.l, note the recommendations of Don Bartolome de Alva in his Guide to Confession Large and Small in the Mexican Language Guide to Confession Large and Small in the Mexican Language: see the review by S. Schroeder of the modern edition of Alva's work by B. D. Sell and J. F. Schwaller with L. A. Homza (Norman, OKL, 1999), Ethnohistory Ethnohistory, 48 (2001), 361-3, at 362. See also Ricard, The Spiritual Conquest of Mexico The Spiritual Conquest of Mexico, 49-50.

23 Ibid., 183-7. Ibid., 183-7.

24 K. Burns, K. Burns, Colonial Habits: Convents and the Spiritual Economy of Cuzco, Peru Colonial Habits: Convents and the Spiritual Economy of Cuzco, Peru (Durham, NC, 1999), 2-21, 27-37, 80, 113. (Durham, NC, 1999), 2-21, 27-37, 80, 113.

25 D. Brading, D. Brading, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Image and Tradition 1531-2000 Our Lady of Guadalupe, Image and Tradition 1531-2000 (Cambridge, 2001), 58-70, 361-8. (Cambridge, 2001), 58-70, 361-8.

26 Koschorke et al. (eds.), 17-18, 24-6; P. K. Thomas, Koschorke et al. (eds.), 17-18, 24-6; P. K. Thomas, Christians and Christianity in India Christians and Christianity in India (London, 1954), 51-4. (London, 1954), 51-4.

27 Koschorke et al. (eds.), 26, 45-6, 55-6. Koschorke et al. (eds.), 26, 45-6, 55-6.

28 J. Brodrick, J. Brodrick, Saint Francis Xavier (1506-1552) Saint Francis Xavier (1506-1552) (London, 1952), 239-40; on the burning of Jeronimo Dias, see Koschorke et al. (eds.), 16. (London, 1952), 239-40; on the burning of Jeronimo Dias, see Koschorke et al. (eds.), 16.

29 V. Cronin, V. Cronin, A Pearl to India: The Life of Roberto de n.o.bili A Pearl to India: The Life of Roberto de n.o.bili (London, 1959); Koschorke et al. (eds.), 36-8. (London, 1959); Koschorke et al. (eds.), 36-8.

30 K. S. Latourette, K. S. Latourette, A History of the Expansion of Christianity A History of the Expansion of Christianity (7 vols., London, 1938-47), III, 336-66. (7 vols., London, 1938-47), III, 336-66.

31 J. D. Spence, J. D. Spence, The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci (London, 1984), is illuminating on Ricci's (London, 1984), is illuminating on Ricci's mentalite mentalite, and V. Cronin, The Wise Man from the West The Wise Man from the West (London, 1955), is still worth reading. (London, 1955), is still worth reading.

32 Baltasar Teles (my italics): M. Brockey, Baltasar Teles (my italics): M. Brockey, Journey to the East: The Jesuit Mission to China, 1579-1724 Journey to the East: The Jesuit Mission to China, 1579-1724 (Cambridge, MA, 2007), 212, 218. (Cambridge, MA, 2007), 212, 218.

33 Statistics: Latourette, Statistics: Latourette, A History of the Expansion of Christianity A History of the Expansion of Christianity, III, 344, 348. For a judiciously sceptical view of Jesuit myth-making about their Chinese mission, see Brockey, Journey to the East Journey to the East, 47-56.

34 Ibid., 134 -41, 172-4, 350-65, and on 'Chinese virgins', R. G. Tiedemann, 'China and Its Neighbours', in Hastings (ed.), 369-415, at 384. Ibid., 134 -41, 172-4, 350-65, and on 'Chinese virgins', R. G. Tiedemann, 'China and Its Neighbours', in Hastings (ed.), 369-415, at 384.

35 Brockey, Brockey, Journey to the East Journey to the East, 179-203; for the 1704 decree, Koschorke et al. (eds.), 39 - 41.

36 The best single account of the mission is C. R. Boxer, The best single account of the mission is C. R. Boxer, The Christian Century in j.a.pan, 549-1650 The Christian Century in j.a.pan, 549-1650 (Berkeley, 1967). (Berkeley, 1967).

37 G. Schurhammer, G. Schurhammer, Francis Xavier: His Life, His Times Francis Xavier: His Life, His Times (4 vols., Rome, 1973-82), IV, 269, 440, 447, 547, 555. (4 vols., Rome, 1973-82), IV, 269, 440, 447, 547, 555.

38 Boxer, Boxer, The Christian Century in j.a.pan, 1549-1650 The Christian Century in j.a.pan, 1549-1650, 72-83, 89.

39 For the edict decreeing closure and the 'oath of apostasy' of 1645, see Koschorke et al. (eds.), 31-3. For the edict decreeing closure and the 'oath of apostasy' of 1645, see Koschorke et al. (eds.), 31-3.

40 S. Turnbull, 'Diversity or Apostasy? The Case of the j.a.panese "Hidden Christians" ', in R. N. Swanson (ed.), S. Turnbull, 'Diversity or Apostasy? The Case of the j.a.panese "Hidden Christians" ', in R. N. Swanson (ed.), Unity and Diversity in the Church Unity and Diversity in the Church ( (SCH, 32, 1996), 441-54.

41 Sundkler and Steed, 46. Sundkler and Steed, 46.

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