Spain Part 7

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Per square Provinces. Inhabitants. Kilometer.

Alava 93,191 30 Albacete 219,122 14 Alicante 408,154 75 Almeria 349,854 41 Avila 180,457 23 Badajoz 432,809 19 Barcelona 835,306 108 Burgos 332,461 23 Caceres 306,594 15 Cadiz 430,158 59 Castellon 283,961 45 Ciudad-Real 260,641 13 Cordova 385,582 28 Corunna 595,585 75 Cuenca 237,497 14 Gerona 299,002 51 Granada 477,719 37 Guadalajara 201,288 16 Guipuzcoa 167,207 88 Huelva 210,641 20 Huesca 252,165 17 Jaen 422,972 32 Leon 350,210 22 Lerida 285,297 23 Logrono 174,425 34 Lugo 410,387 42 Madrid 593,775 77 Malaga 500,231 68 Murcia 451,611 39 Navarre 304,184 29 Orense 388,835 55 Oviedo 576,352 54 Palencia 180,785 22 Pontevedra 451,946 100 Salamanca 285,500 23 Santander 235,299 44 Saragossa 400,266 23 Segovia 149,961 21 Seville 505,291 36 Soria 153,654 15 Tarragona 330,105 52 Teruel 242,296 17 Toledo 334,744 23 Valencia 679,030 60 Valladolid 247,453 31 Vizcaya 189,954 86 Zamora 250,004 23 ---------- -- 16,053,961 32 Balearic Isles 289,035 60 Canaries 280,388 37 ---------- -- 16,623,384 33 ---------- --

In area of surface Spain ranks the 5th of European States.

In number of population 7th "

In density of population to the square mile 14th "

In extent of colonies 5th "

Rates of women to men, 1044 to 1000.

The infantile mortality is said to be 24-1/2 per cent. in first year.

Expectation of life at 2 years old is said to be 49 years; the average 41.




Visigoth kings rule from 414 to 711 Entry of Moors, battle of Guadelete, death of last Visigothic king 31 July, 711 Reconquest begun by Pelayo at Covadonga in the Asturias 719 Toledo captured by Alphonso VI. 1085 Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa 1212 Final union of Leon and Castile 1230 Alphonso X. (Law Codes: The Fuero Real and Las Siete Partidas) 1252 Union of Aragon with Castile under Ferdinand and Isabella 1474 Inquisition established (first Auto de Fe, 1488) 1484 Conquest of Granada 1492 Discovery of America 1492 Expulsion of Moors from Castile, 1501; from Granada 1502 Conquest of Naples and Sicily 1504 _Austrian Dynasty_:--Philip I. and Joanna 1504 Charles I. (Emperor of Germany, Charles V.) 1516 War of Comunidades of Castile, Battle of Villalar 1521 Battle of Pavia, Francis I. prisoner 1525 Capture of Tunis 1535 Abdication of Charles I. 1556 Philip II.:--Greatest extension of Spanish monarchy, comprising Spain, Portugal, Naples, Sicily, Sardinia, Milan, Roussillon, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Franche-Comte, Tunis, Oran, the Canaries, Fernando Po, St. Helena, The Americas, Philippine Isles, &c.

Insurrection of Low Countries 1566 First rebellion and expulsion of Moriscos 1568 Battle of Lepanto 1571 League of Provinces and independence of Holland, 25 Jan., 1579 Conquest of Portugal (1580-1640) 1580 Defeat of Armada 1588 Death of Philip II. 1598 Final expulsion of Moriscos 1609 Insurrection of Catalonia 1640 Loss of Portugal 1640 Battle of Rocroy 1643 Peace of the Pyrenees and marriage of Louis XIV. 1659 Death of Charles II., last of Austrian dynasty 29 Oct., 1700

_Bourbon Dynasty_:--War of Succession between Archduke Charles and Philip V., 1701-13 Loss of Gibraltar 1704 Treaty of Utrecht 1713 Salic Law voted in Cortes 1713 Abolition of Const.i.tution of Catalonia 1716 Charles III. 1759 Family Pact 1761 Expulsion of Jesuits 1767 Siege of Gibraltar 1782 Charles IV. 1788 G.o.doy, Prince of Peace 1795 Battle of Trafalgar 1805 Abdication of Charles IV. 1808 Ferdinand VII., Renunciation at Bayonne 1808 Joseph Bonaparte, King (1808-14) Uprising of Spain 2 May, 1808 Peninsular War, 1808-14 Expulsion of French 1814 Cortes of Cadiz, suppression of Inquisition, of Feudal Rights, and establishment of Const.i.tution 1812 Return of Ferdinand VII., Inquisition re-established, and Const.i.tution abolished 1814 Insurrection of Riego, new Const.i.tution (1820-23) 1820 Invasion of French, violation of Const.i.tution 1823 Loss of American colonies. Buenos Ayres 1811 Chili 1818 Columbia 1819 Mexico 1821 Peru 1824 Absolutism till death of Ferdinand VII. (1823-33).

Birth of Isabella II., abolition of Salic Law, expulsion of Don Carlos 1830 Death of Ferdinand VII. 1833 Regency of Christina, the queen-mother, 1833; expelled 1840 1833 First Carlist War, 1833-39.

Majority of Isabella II. 1844 War with Morocco 1860 Insurrection and expulsion of Isabella 1868 Provisional Government, 1868-70 1868 Amadeo I., November, 1870, to February, 1873 1870 Republic, Cantonalist insurrections 1873 Second Carlist War, 1873-76.

Alphonso XII. Dec., 1874 Don Carlos entered France, February, 1876 1876 Abolition of Basque Fueros 1876 Downfall of Canovas del Castillo 1881




La Nouvelle Geographie Universelle, par Elisee Reclus, series 5 and 6. Hachette, Paris, 1876.

Spanien und die Balearen. Willkomm, Berlin, 1879.

The Balearic Isles, by T. Bidwell. London.

Boletin de la Sociedad Geografica de Madrid, various years.

Introduccion a la Historia Natural y a la Geografica Fisica de Espana, por Don Guillermo Bowles. Madrid, 1775.

Espagne, Algerie, et Tunisie, par P. de Tchikatchef. Paris, 1880.

Libro de Agricultura, por Abu Zaccaria. Spanish translation Seville, 1878.


Reports of the Meteorological Society of Madrid, various years.

Revista Contemporanea, tomo x.x.x. 4. December, 1880.


Grammaire des Langues Romaines, par F. Diez, 2nd German edition.

French translation, Paris.

etudes sur les Idiomes Pyreneenes, par A. Luchaire. Paris, 1879.

Various articles in Spanish Literary and Provincial Journals.

_History, General_:--

Dunham's History of Spain and Portugal, 5 vols. Lardner's Cabinet Encyclopaedia.

Resumen de Historia de Espana, por F. de Castro, 12th edition.

Madrid, 1878.

Compendio Razonado de Historia General, por Sales y Ferre, last edition, 4 vols. Madrid, 1880.

History of Civilization, by Buckle, 3 vols. London.

_Particular Histories_:--

Investigaciones sobre la Historia de Espana, por Dozy, Spanish translation, 2 vols. Seville, 1877.

Los Mudejares de Castillo, por Fernandez Gonzalez. Madrid, 1866.

Vida de la Princesa Eboli, by G. Muro, with introductory letter by Canovas del Castillo. Madrid, 1877.

Text of various Fueros, and of the Const.i.tutions since 1812.

Espagne Contemporaine, par F. Garrido. Bruxelles, 1865.

_Ecclesiastical History_:--

Die Kirchengeschichte von Spanien, von P. B. Gams, 5 vols. Berlin, 1879.

Historia de los Heterodoxos Espanoles, por M. Menendez Pelayo, tomos i. and ii. (Tomo iii. not yet published.) Madrid, 1880.

_History of Property, &c._:--

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Spain Part 7 summary

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