Chasing Silver Part 3

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Inside the door, the bright lights made her hesitate, her eyes adjusting to the difference in illumination. The mirror over the counter showed a tall, willowy woman, eyes a pale blue, skin like porcelain. Kirsten grimaced, self-consciously lifting a hand to smooth down her short blond hair. She looked like h.e.l.l. That was something else to complain about once she got home again.

When Kirsten didn't move from the entrance, the cas.h.i.+er offered a tight smile. "Can I help you with something?" she asked, her voice high and wavering with age.

"Actually, yeah." Adopting her friendliest smile, Kirsten walked up to the counter and leaned against it, bringing her down to the shorter woman's level. "I'm looking for a friend of mine. She said to meet her here, but..." She glanced back, making sure Remy wasn't lurking in a corner she hadn't seen from outside. "...I think I might have missed her."

"What does she look like?"

"My age. Ish. Long dark hair, brown eyes. About five-five and a hun-" She stopped. Friends didn't give weights out when looking for each other; that was a cop thing. "Curvy. But still in shape. She likes to wear clothes to show off her ... a.s.sets."

The cas.h.i.+er frowned. "Well, there was a girl in here like that a couple minutes ago. But I don't think it's your friend."

Kirsten tried to hold back her excitement. Maybe she could end this once and for all right now. "Why not?"

"She was with some British guy. They took off in an old Mustang." The cas.h.i.+er patted her hand, as if consoling her. "But, honey, if she's your friend, get her into a program and away from that boyfriend of hers. I'd bet my youngest grandkid she's strung out on something, and I'm pretty sure he's beating her up, too. She had blood all over her clothes."

Though she made noises of disappointment, inwardly, Kirsten was rejoicing. It was Remy, no doubt about it. Just before the b.i.t.c.h had crashed out the gallery's window, Kirsten had sliced her with her best blade. It had been the ultimate in satisfaction until Remy vanished right before her eyes.

Somehow, she'd found an ally already, though it was hardly surprising her new friend was male. Remy knew what her strengths were; she would exploit them to get what she wanted. Chumping a guy into helping was the sort of stunt she would pull.

Thanking the cas.h.i.+er, Kirsten left the store, then stood in the cool night air, debating what to do next. British guy in an old Mustang.

Even out of her element, she knew that one was easy.

Even better, it would lead her straight to Remy Capra.


Nathan became aware of two things. One, the morning sun was much too bright and hot against his face. The shades had been drawn the night before, but now it felt like nothing protected his eyes from the summer light. And two, he was being watched. He felt the weight of her gaze moving along his skin, heard the soft rhythm of her breath, and if he held very still, the whisper of his T-s.h.i.+rt against her legs.

"What do you want?" he asked, without opening his eyes.

"Well, I was was looking for the bathroom." Her voice was even lower than it had been the previous night, still rough from sleep. "But d.a.m.n if this view can't make a girl forget her own name." looking for the bathroom." Her voice was even lower than it had been the previous night, still rough from sleep. "But d.a.m.n if this view can't make a girl forget her own name."

Nathan groped for the towel he had discarded and pulled it over his hips. It had been far too hot to even consider sleeping with a blanket. He didn't even remember falling asleep-his l.u.s.t-fueled thoughts had seamlessly blended into dreams. This could have been another dream. He had two separate fantasies beginning this way with very different outcomes.

Covering his eyes with one arm, he pointed to the hall with the other. "Obviously, you made a wrong turn. It's the door to the left."

"Not so wrong," she countered. A floorboard creaked. "But thanks."

Nathan waited until he heard the bathroom door close to open his eyes and sit up. He had been a little afraid to look at her; it was possible the sight of her would prompt him to throw her to the bed and make all the fantasies and dreams realities. He had never, in his life, devoted so much mental energy to a single girl.

Pulling on a pair of pants, he stumbled into the kitchen, his tongue dry and heavy, his stomach growling. After starting the coffee, he raided his cupboards until he found the almost expired box of pop-tarts tucked behind a very expired box of cereal in the pantry. Grinning, he tore the cellophane wrapper open with his teeth.

Soft footsteps padded into the room behind him. He barely had time to glance back before Remy was standing at the counter, leaning over the coffee pot and inhaling deeply.

"G.o.d, nothing has ever smelled so good," she murmured. The bend of her body forward made the T-s.h.i.+rt she wore ride up in the back, exposing the lower curve of her a.s.s. "What's a girl got to do to get some of this?"

"There are cups..." He paused, forgetting where his coffee cups were. It was difficult to remember minor details when she stood so close. After a second, it struck him. Above the sink. He grabbed two mismatched mugs and handed one to her, along with one of the crumbling pastries. "Did you sleep well?"

His gaze was fixed on the sight of her nimble fingers turning the pop tart over in her hand more than once before breaking off a corner and putting it in her mouth. A crumb lingered on her full lower lip, and he had to turn away before he succ.u.mbed to the desire to go over and lick it off.

"As well as can be expected, I guess," Remy was saying. "Every time I rolled over, I'd wake up. You've got a broken spring that kept sticking in my back. Guess that's why I'm up so early." Flus.h.i.+ng, she busied herself with filling her cup. "Not that I'm not grateful. I am. I'm just p.i.s.sed off I'm hurt in the first place."

Nathan felt a slight pang of guilt. He should have offered his bed. "Yeah, sorry about that." Pouring his coffee, he glanced to her face and noticed she looked pale and a little drawn. "How did you get hurt?"

She smiled. "I thought we agreed somebody attacked me with a knife."

"Yes, I'm quite certain someone tried. What I mean is, why would someone want to skewer you?"

Her humor fled. "Because she's a schiz who thinks she has the right to say who lives and who dies, and I had the sauce to tell her to f.u.c.k off. That's why."

Nathan broke off a piece of his pop tart and dipped it into his coffee. Had the sauce? Who talked like that? And he thought Californians mangled the English language. Had the sauce? Who talked like that? And he thought Californians mangled the English language. "I've met a few of those, and they don't like it when you tell them to f.u.c.k off." "I've met a few of those, and they don't like it when you tell them to f.u.c.k off."

Who did this girl get mixed up with? What sort of s.h.i.+t would he find himself neck-deep in if he let her stay around? And why couldn't she keep that s.h.i.+rt pulled down?

"I imagine she's also the sort to hold a grudge?"

Abandoning the food, Remy cupped her steaming coffee between her hands and headed back to the living room. Nathan trailed after, watching her settle in the far corner of the couch, her legs curling Indian-style in front of her. His mouth went dry as he forced himself to tear his gaze away from the black line of her briefs between her thighs.

"Not only does Kirsten hold a grudge..." Oh. She was talking again. "...she rocks it, feeds it, and tucks the f.u.c.king thing into bed at night." Her dark eyes seemed even larger as she looked up at him. "I think I've managed to shake her once and for all, but I shouldn't stick around for too long. Better to be safe than sorry."

Nathan couldn't disagree with her. She shouldn't stick around. She should go back to whatever pa.s.sed for her life, and he'd go back to whatever pa.s.sed for his, and he'd think of her some dark nights and chastise himself for being the biggest idiot on the planet. He meant to open his mouth to wish her well, but instead asked, "Where will you go?"

It took a second for her to shake her head. Her subsequent smile was meant to be, but he saw straight through it.

"I'll figure something out. I mean, do I look look like the sort of girl who doesn't know how to take care of herself?" like the sort of girl who doesn't know how to take care of herself?"

"I don't know. Last night you looked like a girl who was scared, confused, and bleeding all over herself. Honestly, you don't look that much better this morning." Nathan lifted one shoulder in a half-shrug. "I'm sure you can take care of yourself. Or you'll die trying."

"Way to stroke a girl's ego, big guy." But the front she'd been putting on crumbled right before his eyes, and her smile faded. "Under normal circ.u.mstances, I wouldn't even be sitting here right now. I don't damsel, okay? I've spent too many years having to be the strong one, having to take care of everybody around me. But..." She looked down at her coffee cup, turning it in her hands. "...These aren't normal circ.u.mstances. And what you did for me last night ... well, I know you didn't have to. I'm just ... not used to anybody giving a d.a.m.n."

Nathan wasn't accustomed to giving a d.a.m.n. That particular urge had been beaten out of him over time. And now he was feeling sorry again-though not for for her. Just sorry life had to be the way it was. Sorry, and a little baffled. her. Just sorry life had to be the way it was. Sorry, and a little baffled.

He sat on the opposite edge of the couch, resting his cup on the arm and looking at the floor instead of her. "I don't know why, but I don't want to see this Kirsten person, whoever she is, finish what she started. I think you should talk to a friend of mine. He might be able to help."

Before he finished, she was shaking her head. "No. n.o.body else. I'm sick of people getting killed because they were in Kirsten's way." Abruptly, she rose from the couch, setting her cup down on the floor before scooping up her pants. "I know you're used to getting settled. I don't even know if these are worth anything. But maybe..."

She fished out the coins he'd seen the previous night and proceeded to dump them onto the couch cus.h.i.+on next to him. "Let me hire you, Nate. Just for a few days to watch my back while I let all this heal up. This friend of yours ... you might trust him, but I don't. I trust what I see. What I know."

When she sat back down, her weight tilted the couch so that some of the coins slipped between her leg and the cus.h.i.+ons. Her eyes were solemn when they met his. "I trust you. you. But if you don't want to do this, I'll disappear. You won't have to worry about me any more." But if you don't want to do this, I'll disappear. You won't have to worry about me any more."

Nathan picked up the largest silver coin, surprised by the weight against his palm. He held it up to the light, studying the engravings. They were almost familiar, but he couldn't place them immediately. Examining the gold coin with the same markings, he realized they could fetch a great deal of money. There were a few traders and collectors who might pay top dollar. It would almost make up for the money he lost last night.

Are you really going to take this girl's money?

Nathan silenced the small voice. They could both agree to a job. Services rendered in return for payment. Nothing personal. Nothing but business. It put a wall between them, a s.h.i.+eld he would need if he were going to help her.

Scooping up the rest of the coins, he nodded. "You have a deal."

Her reaction was instantaneous. Beaming, Remy launched herself at Nathan, looping her arms around his neck to knock him off-balance and against the back of the couch. He didn't even have time to push her off before her mouth found his, her tongue pus.h.i.+ng past his feeble defenses to sweep inside and remind him of all the dreams that had plagued his sleep. But just as quickly as it started, it stopped, and she pulled away to gaze down at him with that wicked smile he was learning to recognize.


He couldn't resist sweeping her hair away from her face. Both paused. From the dark depths of her eyes, his reflection stared back at him, and Nathan couldn't look away. Remy might have trapped him like that forever, but she s.h.i.+fted against him, grinding against his growing erection, and it snapped him out of his trance.

His mind told him to push her away, but his body had other plans. He buried his fingers in her hair and smashed his lips against hers. He plundered her mouth, allowing his self-control to slip for a moment-just long enough to kiss her the way he had wanted to kiss her the night before. Just long enough to explore every bit of her mouth, and taste the bitter coffee against her tongue. Just long enough to hold her against him, just long enough to hear her moan.

"G.o.d, Nate..." Her nails scratched at his nape, sending s.h.i.+vers down his spine. Somehow, she wormed her legs around his hips, half-burying them in the back of the cus.h.i.+ons, until all he felt was the heat of her p.u.s.s.y seeping into his c.o.c.k. "Tell me I'm not the only one who dreamt of this. Tell me you couldn't get thoughts of me out of your head last night, too."

"You're not the only one." His hands sliding under her s.h.i.+rt. "I was hard for you all night." The words were hurried, distracted, as he pulled the T-s.h.i.+rt over her head. A piece of cloth had never been so maddening. As soon as she was free of its confines, he pulled away from her mouth and slid his lips down her neck.

Nathan cupped one full breast, moving his palm over her nipple in a slow circle. Remy gasped, arching toward him, grinding against his erection. He'd just have to unzip his pants and he'd be inside her ... ?

The pounding on the door came from a great distance, but it was enough to penetrate the thick layer of fog surrounding his mind. "I am going to kill him."

"Leave it." Her hand slipped between their bodies, nails catching on his bare stomach, and grasped his straining c.o.c.k through his pants. It was his turn to gasp as she squeezed, and his head swam as her hot mouth descended to catch his ear lobe between her teeth.

Nathan moaned, taking her wrist to pull her hand away. "I would. But I have to..." Remy kissed him, cutting off his explanation. Isaac pounded on the door again. Obviously, whatever the other man wanted, it was urgent. Urgent enough he'd break the door down next. Nathan turned, lowering Remy to the couch and tearing his mouth away from hers. "It might be important."

She let him go without further protest, but she didn't look happy about it. "I'm coming," he shouted as he crossed the apartment. Except now I'm not. So, this better be good. Except now I'm not. So, this better be good.

The pounding continued all the way to the door. Nathan had barely opened it when a far-too-chipper Isaac pushed his way inside, a folder in one hand, a bulging bag of warm bagels in the other.

"You are never going to believe the break we got. One of my sources tipped me on a meeting that's supposed to go down tonight between Tian and one of the other gangs. So far, it's holding water, so I've got food, I've got maps, and you and me are going to-whoa."

Nathan followed his friend's widening gaze to see Remy leaning against the corner of the wall. Though she had at least put the T-s.h.i.+rt back on, the mess of her hair and her swollen mouth made it all too obvious what they had had been doing.

"Who's your friend?" she asked.

Isaac's announcement cooled Nathan's ardor, but he was the only one in the room interested in Tian. Remy and Isaac continued regarding each other. Isaac appeared to be awestruck by her. Not that Nathan blamed him.

"Remy, this is Isaac McGuire. Isaac, this is Remy. Now that we have the introductions out of the way," Nathan took the bag of bagels and gestured towards the kitchen, "let's talk about this tip."

"You don't need me then." She jerked her head toward the bathroom. "Mind if I use the shower? I'm feeling a little-" her lashes ducked to glance at his crotch. "-sticky."

"Feel free. There should be a clean towel in the closet." They both watched her saunter out of the room without speaking. When she disappeared down the hall, he looked over his shoulder at Isaac-who was looking at him with accusing eyes. "What? Like you would have been able to resist her?"

"That's not the point. That..." He jabbed a finger at the s.p.a.ce Remy had just filled, like a specter of her still lingered. Nathan wasn't so sure one didn't. " begging for trouble. You're the smart one, remember? Or you were until..." His gaze slid back to where she had disappeared, leaning to the side as if to catch a last fleeting glance of her. "No wonder you didn't want me to come over last night. I'm surprised your knees are still working enough for you to get up and answer the door."

"Nothing happened happened last night. Well, not what you're thinking. We can discuss it after we talk about Tian. When and where's the meeting?" Nathan didn't think Isaac even heard his question. He was still looking down the hall. Water roared through the old pipes behind the thin walls. "She'll be back in a few minutes. You can gawk at her then. Now, Tian?" last night. Well, not what you're thinking. We can discuss it after we talk about Tian. When and where's the meeting?" Nathan didn't think Isaac even heard his question. He was still looking down the hall. Water roared through the old pipes behind the thin walls. "She'll be back in a few minutes. You can gawk at her then. Now, Tian?"

Though Isaac followed him into the kitchen, it took another mention of his original purpose for him to focus enough and answer Nathan's question. "I ran with your info on the grenades. Turns out Tian's courting a new supplier, a group from down by the border. We don't know anything about them except they started down in South America. Argentina, actually, near Buenos Aires. They're trying to expand into the American market, and Tian's looking to be their primary distributor."

Nathan nodded. It made sense. It wouldn't be enough for Tian to dance just out of the reach of the police; he'd want to build his power. Tian had big plans. "So we break up their little tete-a-tete, tete-a-tete, I get my bounty, and you get the new name in town. Works for me. When?" I get my bounty, and you get the new name in town. Works for me. When?"

Isaac pulled apart an onion bagel, stuffing a piece into his mouth. "Ten o'clock. But there's a little problem."

Nathan sighed. "Of course there is."

"You're on your own. I'm on strict orders to keep my nose clean with this one, so I can't back you up."

He sighed. There was no point in arguing. "Well, I appreciate the information anyway. Did your source know how many people would be there? Are we looking at just Tian and his supplier? Or will there be more?"

"So far as we know, it's four guys. Tian, the new supplier, and one muscle apiece. Neither one of them wants a big scene, so the meeting is supposed to go down at Rojo. I guess they're considering the club neutral territory."

Nathan was familiar with Rojo. He considered the layout of the popular nightclub, and thought the small alcoves along the balcony might be the perfect place to bargain over drinks. He could slip in through the back and up the service stairs. "I think I can handle it on my own."

"You sure? It's going to be crowded. The other reason they picked Rojo is because there's some fancy s.h.i.+ndig going on there tonight. Lots of people around. Lots of people with money money. There can't be a scene or this will explode into an even bigger mess." He picked up the folder he'd brought. "That's why I thought we'd go over the maps. You follow Tian out and snag him someplace else."

"If there are as many people as you claim, I might lose him in the crowd." Nathan didn't want to admit Tian could outsmart him, but judging from their last four encounters, it seemed like a real possibility. "Give Tian the chance to run, even a small opening, and he'll take it. Plus, Cesar is never far. He may not be part of the meeting, but he'll be nearby."

"Even more reason not to try and take Tian when you can't see who's there," Isaac argued. "You're good, but let's face it. He's learning your tricks. He's going to antic.i.p.ate that you might make a play for him at the club, and he's going to be prepared. Get him out, get him alone, get him down. That's how this is going to work."

"If Nate says he can handle it," Remy said from the doorway, "maybe you should give him the benefit of the doubt."

Isaac's eyebrow shot up. "Nate?" "Nate?"

Remy folded her arms and leaned against the doorframe. She was wearing a clean s.h.i.+rt from his closet, a white b.u.t.ton-down falling to her knees. The sleeves covered her hands. Despite her near nudity, and despite the fact she was barely a guest in his home, she stared back at Isaac with unwavering eyes, daring him to say something.

"It's okay, Remy. He's right. I do need to get Tian alone, somehow."

After a long moment, her gaze s.h.i.+fted to Nathan. While it was just as bold, something softened in the set of her mouth. "Is this the guy you lost last night because of me?" At his nod, she shrugged. "Then it's royal. Let me get to him. I can have him anywhere you want."

"Hold up." Isaac stepped between them, his head swiveling back and forth before settling on Nathan. "She's your partner partner now? What the h.e.l.l happened here last night, now? What the h.e.l.l happened here last night, Nate? Nate?"

Nathan held up his hands. "She's not my partner. Nothing Nothing happened last night. And no, Remy, I'm not going to let you be bait. It's far too dangerous. Tian isn't the only one learning about tricks, and I don't want you anywhere near him." happened last night. And no, Remy, I'm not going to let you be bait. It's far too dangerous. Tian isn't the only one learning about tricks, and I don't want you anywhere near him."

She snorted. "If you think I can't hold my own, think again."

Chin held high, she marched past both men to the counter and picked up the knife Nathan had used to cut his bagel. Her eyes held his, a hint of a smile curving her mouth, while her arm whipped behind her, releasing the blade.

Both men flinched as it sailed past them and embedded itself in the wooden jamb.

Remy plucked the half-eaten bagel out of Nathan's hands and took a deep bite, chewing while they looked from her to the knife. "Don't worry about me," she said after swallowing. "I've got my own bag of tricks."

"Okay, maybe she can can be my partner," Nathan murmured, looking to Isaac. He knew his friend was impressed with Remy, but not convinced she wasn't bad news. His gaze slipped from Isaac's face to her extremely nice legs. "You'll have to find some different clothes, though." be my partner," Nathan murmured, looking to Isaac. He knew his friend was impressed with Remy, but not convinced she wasn't bad news. His gaze slipped from Isaac's face to her extremely nice legs. "You'll have to find some different clothes, though."

"And here I thought you liked me better out of them." She sauntered past, heading back out of the room. Nathan was sure the sway of her hips was deliberate. "Guess I better make myself presentable for a shopping trip then. Be right back."

Just as before, they were left staring at an empty doorway.

"You are so f.u.c.ked."

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Chasing Silver Part 3 summary

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