Chasing Silver Part 5

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"Yeah, I've got it right here in my pocket."

The only reason he knew she had thrown the knife at all was because the streetlight caught the blade and sent slivered reflections dancing across the lot.

Cesar's scream of pain shocked Tian more than Nathan. His head whipped around to see the knife protruding from the other man's back.

Nathan took advantage of Tian's distraction, moving to pull his gun free. His finger was slick against the trigger, and there were no obstacles between the bullet and his target's chest. But Tian wasn't even looking at Nathan. All his attention was on his fallen friend. Nathan had lost sight of Remy, but he hoped Tian hadn't caught a glimpse of her. Just as Nathan was about to fire, somebody shouted, "Look out!"

Whether the warning was meant for him, or for Tian, Nathan didn't know. His body moved on instinct, the gun shooting bullets rapidly even as he rolled behind a nearby car. Tian had thrown himself to the ground at the warning, his body covering Cesar's. The Cadillac roared by him, its headlights like angry eyes, its tires only an inch from Nathan's feet.

The driver braked hard just as the b.u.mper of the car loomed over Tian. Tian didn't hesitate. He jumped to his feet, shooting in Nathan's direction as he dragged Cesar's body with one arm to the open pa.s.senger door. Nathan stayed low as the bullets whizzed by, shattering the windows of the BMW to his right. He looked up as the barrage ended, in time to catch the red taillights of the Cadillac disappearing down the road.

Pounding footsteps grew louder, and then warm hands were tugging at his jacket, pulling him back and upright. "Are you okay? Did he get you?" Her fingers slid beneath his coat, seemingly everywhere at once as they searched for signs of blood. "The b.a.s.t.a.r.d took off as soon as Cesar came up to him. I didn't even get a chance to talk to Tian. He didn't hit you, did he?"

Nathan caught her wrists, holding her against him. "No, no, I'm fine."

His first impulse was to doubt her story. Tian even had backup in the car. It felt more like a trap they'd sprung instead of his plan. But she was looking at him with genuine concern. And more, he wanted to believe her. He didn't want to push her away, didn't want to walk away from her.

"Did Tian see you at all?"

She shook her head. At least she wasn't fighting him. "I only wish I'd had two knives." Something caught in her voice. "I would've taken them both down for you then."

"You did enough. If you weren't there, I'd be..." He didn't need to finish the sentence, they both knew. And he knew then she hadn't betrayed him. Or he wanted to believe that enough that he convinced himself it was true. The end effect was the same.

Nathan knew they needed to get out of the area, in case Tian came back with his entire gang, but at the moment, the danger didn't matter. He held the back of her head, guiding her mouth to his, and kissed her without hesitation.


Remy's legs were tight around his waist, her hands buried in his hair, her mouth hungry on his. Nathan clutched his keys with one hand, stabbing at the general area of the doork.n.o.b, but he couldn't pull away from her to find the lock, resenting even the bare seconds it took to breathe. He had never tasted anything like her, never tasted anything so sweet, never felt anything as soft as her lips.

Her nails raked down the back of his neck before one hand disappeared entirely. Slipping between their bodies, it scratched down his stomach until it found the hard outline of his c.o.c.k wedged against her p.u.s.s.y. One squeeze was all it took for him to gasp and break away from her mouth.

Her eyes were black with desire as her tongue skated over her lower lip. "I think you're hard for me again," she murmured.

"I think you're right." Despite his trembling fingers he fitted the key into the lock on the first attempt, but without the latch holding the door in place, the weight of Remy leaning against it made it fly open.

They fell into the apartment, her laughter pealing through the silent room. Kneeling, Nathan kicked backward to close the door while his hands moved to the waistband of her pants. "How do you get these off?"

With a wicked grin, Remy pushed him away and rolled onto her stomach, exposing the nearly hidden zipper running down the middle of her a.s.s. Her hair spilled into a soft curtain over her shoulder when she looked back at him, but she didn't say a word as she bent her knee and ran her foot along the inside of his thigh.

Nathan moaned at the novel contact, his muscles tightening. It burned everywhere she touched him, either deliberately or incidentally, until all lingering doubts drifted away like smoke. He didn't hesitate to cup her a.s.s with both hands, flexing his fingers around her tight flesh, feeling the heat of her skin through the thin material. She pushed against him as he found the zipper glittering in the dim light. He pulled it down, revealing her firm, round cheeks.

Nathan skimmed his fingers over the curve of her a.s.s and up to the small of her back, coming to a stop at the band of her s.h.i.+rt. He unsnapped the material with a flick of his wrist, and, unable to resist the urge to taste her skin, ran his tongue down the smoothness of her spine, along the top edge of her briefs, and down to the sensitive skin of her inner thigh.

The faintest of tremors in her leg accompanied Remy's sigh of satisfaction. "You have no idea how badly I wanted you to do this last night. When I woke up this morning, and you were still asleep-" She shuddered when he began to nibble along the swell of her a.s.s. "-I almost said to h.e.l.l with it and climbed on right then."

Nathan thought climbing on climbing on sounded like an exceptionally good idea. Possibly, the best idea in human history. He tugged off her boots before dragging her pants and underwear down her legs, leaving them in a pile at her feet, before focusing on his own pants. He sighed with relief as he freed his erection, and stretched out on the floor beside Remy, pulling her onto him. She straddled him without hesitation, their mouths coming together once again. sounded like an exceptionally good idea. Possibly, the best idea in human history. He tugged off her boots before dragging her pants and underwear down her legs, leaving them in a pile at her feet, before focusing on his own pants. He sighed with relief as he freed his erection, and stretched out on the floor beside Remy, pulling her onto him. She straddled him without hesitation, their mouths coming together once again.

Nathan didn't know what he was doing. He didn't understand the raw hunger running through his body like bolts of electricity. He couldn't think. Somehow, it would all make sense once he was inside of her.

"Can't wait," Nathan said against her mouth. "Can't..."

"Then don't." Without breaking the contact with his lips, she lifted just enough to allow the tip of his c.o.c.k to slide down her wet slit, then sheathed him in one long, drowning stroke.

Nathan pulled on the string keeping her flimsy camisole clinging to her body, whisking it away as soon as the knot was untied. Her hard nipples sc.r.a.ped against his chest, sending a low thrill through his blood. Her hair fell around him, tickling his shoulders. Her tongue moved against his in slow strokes, and beneath the lingering smell of sweat and alcohol from the club was the tantalizing scent of her arousal and skin-the same soft smell that had haunted his dreams.

But the reality was better than his fevered fantasies. The reality of her hot skin, her tight flesh, her pounding pulse was beyond his imagination. Remy felt so right right. Like they fit each other.

He didn't know why, but she kept slowing, hips rocking in longer slides, hands skimming over his shoulders, until the only thing moving was the deliberate sweep of her tongue. Then her tongue stopped as well, and she was sitting up, leaving him stripped of everything she'd given him. Everything but the fierce heat of her p.u.s.s.y around his c.o.c.k.

Her fingers traced the line of b.u.t.tons down the middle of his s.h.i.+rt. Even in the dusky light, he saw the high color in her cheeks. "I don't get this," she whispered. The bottom b.u.t.ton came free, and her hands began to slide upward, undoing each as she spoke. "I don't do this, you know? I don't look at guys and throw caution to the wind. I don't..."

She stopped. The delicate line of her throat rose and fell as she swallowed, but her fingers continued to peel his s.h.i.+rt away until the cool air made his exposed nipples tighten.

It relieved Nathan to know he wasn't the only one who felt out of control. Her behavior might be out of the ordinary, but his was so far out of character he wasn't even sure he recognized himself. Placing his hand against her back, he forced her down until her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were pressed against his chest. The sultry fire of her flesh still astonished him, her warmth seeping from her body to spread through his skin. Is it always like this? Nathan couldn't remember. It had been too long. He moved his hand down her body to her hip, encouraging her to rock against him.

"I don't do this either," Nathan murmured, drawing his mouth along her jaw and down her neck. "But I just..." Needed this. Needed you. Needed this. Needed you. "Never had a chance." "Never had a chance."

"So maybe that's what this is for us. A chance."

She squeezed around his aching shaft before accommodating his urge for more, keeping her upper body still as she began to slide up and down his length. Her tongue dragged along the rough edge on his neck where stubble met skin before coming to a stop at his ear. When her breath hitched, Nathan's fingers dug into the soft flesh of her hips, guiding her, holding on, keeping her steady when a tremor rippled through the muscles beneath his palms. The seconds stretched longer and longer while he waited for Remy to speak.

Her whisper came on an exhalation. "A fresh start."

The promise behind her words sent something hot and sharp through his chest, like an electrified dagger. A fresh start was not something he had ever considered, or hoped for. His life had been in limbo, stuck in the gray, shapeless place before the end. A fresh start. Her madness was catching, because he almost believed it.

The echo thrummed through him, pulsing to the rhythm she was setting. Nathan needed more from her, needed her to move faster, needed to feel the glorious burn of her body as they broke and came together again. He was sure she saw the desperation in his eyes, and if he had the energy he would have tried to mask it, would have tried to hide it from her. She sat up, her back arching, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s thrusting forward. Her flesh trembled beneath his hand as she clenched, moving harder, moving faster, drawing him deeper into her body.

"G.o.d..." The rest of it was lost in a breathy stream as Remy braced her hands against his chest, clinging to his sweat-slicked skin as her hips slammed against his. Nathan couldn't discern the individual words, but he didn't need to. All he needed was to see the fiery hunger in her eyes, feel the ever-quickening strokes of her p.u.s.s.y around his c.o.c.k.

When her fingernails curled into his skin, he gasped, but the ensuing cry ripped from her throat distracted him from the momentary sting. With a single, violent drive, Remy buried him inside her quivering heat, her spine bowing impossibly back, her inner muscles fluttering around him. The word falling from her lips then was more than understandable. Nate. Nate.

Nathan's skin felt tight and hot, his b.a.l.l.s ached, and his heart thundered in his ears. Each convulsion sent a series of tremors though his flesh, pus.h.i.+ng him closer to the edge. He struggled to hold the last threads of his control, prolonging the moment, because he didn't know what was on the other side. But Nathan couldn't resist the swell of physical need mingled with unfamiliar and confusing emotions sweeping through him, burning him.

Remy fell forward, capturing his lips just as he groaned. He thrust his tongue into her mouth as he pushed forward one final time. His muscles constricted and then everything seemed to expand for a scant moment before collapsing. Nathan relaxed against the rough carpet, Remy's weight pus.h.i.+ng him into the floor.

"Oh, G.o.d..."

"I thought that was my line." A faint note of laughter undercoated her words, but when she lifted her head to look down at him, there was nothing mocking in her eyes. "Is it redundant to say that was f.u.c.king unbelievable?" She smiled. "Or unbelievable f.u.c.king. Take your pick."

"I don't think it needs to be said," Nathan sighed. His fingers slid down her spine, and her soft sigh of pleasure made his c.o.c.k twitch. It wouldn't be long until he was ready for her again, but he'd rather the second round be in his bed.

It was hard to not stare at him.

Sweat gleamed on Nathan's brow, and his eyes were impossibly blue even in the dim light. Beyond his heavy lids, though, lurked something darker, something deeper. Remy thought if she only watched long enough, she'd be able to understand what it was. If she asked, he wouldn't tell her; of that, she was certain. What she wasn't so sure about was whether he would even know what it was she meant.

Though his c.o.c.k was still inside her, he had gone half-soft in the aftermath of his o.r.g.a.s.m. If she moved, their contact would be broken, but the prospect of spending the night on the floor was far from appealing.

"I don't want to sleep on the lounger again," she blurted.

Nathan chuckled. "I'm sure something else can be arranged." He brushed the hair away from her face. "If you let me up, we can arrange something else now."

A playful smile curved her lips. "Don't tell me the big bad bounty hunter is pinned by a girl. girl." She tightened her thighs around his hips. "Maybe all those muscles I saw this morning were just for show."

"Maybe." Nathan rolled and pinned her shoulders to the floor. "Or maybe not." Dipping his head, he licked the swell of her breast, his mouth falling over her nipple. She moaned as he pulled it between his teeth, and his c.o.c.k responded, growing hard inside her once again. He moved back, as if he were pulling away, then thrust forward, driving into her even more deeply. "What were we talking about?"

Between his teeth on her t.i.t and the fresh grind against her c.l.i.t, Remy wasn't sure what they had been talking about either. But then another thrust slid her back against the carpet, and a sharp sting made her cry out in pain.

Immediately, Nathan froze, his eyes clearing. "Oh, s.h.i.+t. I forgot." He pulled out of her and sat up, kneeling between her legs. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." She couldn't curb a small wince as the knife wound on her back pulled as she sat up. "But maybe I should be on top for awhile."

Remy took his hand when he offered it, allowing Nathan to help her rise to her feet. Her legs felt like rubber, and it took a moment of unsteadiness to feel like she could walk again, but she flashed him a rea.s.suring smile. "Just have to get my sea legs again. I think you f.u.c.ked them offa me."

He gripped her waist and lifted her off the floor. "Let me help with that."

She wrapped her legs around him, the tip of his c.o.c.k nudging against her wet folds. His mouth was all over the place, moving over her lips, along her jaw, and down her neck.

"You've got to stop doing this," she murmured, though she tilted her head to allow him better access. "At this rate, we're never going to make it to the bedroom."

He didn't answer, too busy tasting as much of her as he could reach. Remy whimpered when he nibbled at her breast, but when he began to slide her back down onto his c.o.c.k, she tightened her legs around his hips, stopping the motion.

"Bed," she prompted, her voice a rough whisper. "And I can satisfy all those naughty thoughts I had about eating you up this morning."

Nathan navigated down the dark hallway to his bedroom without pausing to turn on any lights. She felt the tension under his skin, feel the muscles tremble beneath her fingers. Nathan sat on the bed without releasing her, holding her against his chest as he fell back onto his single blanket. "You were having those sorts of thoughts too?"

Every time he gave voice to his own desires, Remy relaxed a little bit more. It was hard enough coming to grips with the intensity of her attraction to him; knowing he was as much awash in confusion as she was gave her an anchor to grasp.

"Yeah." Fighting against the power in his arms, she pushed herself up to see his features shadowed in the dark. "My head was a pretty interesting place last night. I had all these dreams, and I think every one of them had my mouth on you in some way."

As if to prove her point, Remy bent her head to run the flat of her tongue along his shoulder, dragging it up to his neck. When she felt the texture change, going from smooth to rough and back to smooth again, she stopped, pulling back far enough to notice the thin scar running across the base of his throat.

Her fingers were gentle as she reached up and skimmed them along the raised skin. "Someone got a piece of you." Beneath her, Nathan stiffened, and her eyes flew to his face, fearful she'd said something wrong.

He was frowning, but she didn't think it was anger marring his features. Catching her fingers, he pulled them away from the scar and brought them to his lips. He kissed her knuckles before placing her hand over his heart, covering it with his own. "It happened a long time ago," Nathan murmured.

The slight melancholy in his voice kindled the sudden desire in her to find out more, to hear the story of who he would allow to get so close and then hurt him so viciously. But just as suddenly as the want appeared, Remy tamped it down. That kind of probing went beyond a simple physical attraction, and the implication terrified her. Better to focus on the here and now, on the sinuous muscles stretched out beneath her, on the fact he wanted her.

And she wanted him.

Beneath her palm, Remy felt his heart battering to escape. Slowly, she lowered her tongue back to his neck, skating past the scar to the hollow at the base of his throat. His skin was salty and sleek from their coupling on the floor, and the combination of taste and memory made her groan as her mouth watered.

"f.u.c.k, but I don't think I can get enough of you." She continued to lick downward, finding the taut tips of his nipples and circling them with the tip of her tongue. If at all possible, they grew even harder at the contact. "How the h.e.l.l did I let you walk away last night?"

Nathan arched towards her, moving against her mouth.

His hands were busy exploring her body, covering her back. "It feels like it's been longer," he said, his long fingers skimming the curve of her a.s.s. "Doesn't it?"

Slipping between her thighs, he teased the sensitive skin, probing her slick channel before removing his hand. Without looking away from her, Nathan brought his fingers to his lips, his tongue darting out to lick his damp skin clean.

The sight of him tasting her sent a jolt of electricity straight to her c.l.i.t. Remy barely had the breath to agree with him before she was slithering further down his body, over the ripple of his abdomen, past and around the wiry hair thickening at the base of his c.o.c.k. She was desperate to get him into her mouth, feel him slide past her lips, taste the lingering evidence of his come and her juices drying on his shaft. She almost wanted it more than she had wanted him inside her earlier.


Nathan jerked forward as soon as she wrapped her lips around the head of his c.o.c.k. His body was taut, the hard muscles in his thighs flexed and bulging. He reached for her as she slowly moved the length of his shaft past her lips and into her throat, but his hands brushed against her hair before falling away. Remy watched him through her lashes, noting the tendons standing out in his neck. He looked at her with fathomless eyes, watching her, as though he was afraid she was just a figment of his imagination.

That's when it hit her.

This wasn't about what she wanted. This was about Nathan, about making it good for him him. He looked at her, and Remy didn't feel worthless or less than human like she had back in DC. He didn't see labels or have expectations that she couldn't be like she professed. He hadn't even pushed the issue of her ID. He saw her. her.

How was it possible that she had only known him for twenty-four hours?

Remy didn't care. This was their fresh start. f.u.c.k if she was going to mess it up.

Her lips tightened around his c.o.c.k, sliding down the velvet shaft as her hand slipped between his legs to cup his b.a.l.l.s. They were heavy and hard, and the moment her fingertips grazed over the soft skin behind them, Nathan bucked further into her mouth. It drove the head to the back of her throat, but when his muscles tensed to draw back, Remy closed her eyes and swallowed.

"Remy..." Her name was a plea, cloaked in a whimper. His fingers were brus.h.i.+ng against her hair again, getting tangled in the sweat-dampened tresses. "G.o.d, that feels amazing, Remy. You feel ... amazing..." His last word was nothing but a soft breath, as though he had lost the ability to speak.

It was enough. Shallow inhalations through her nose allowed her to suck down the rest of his c.o.c.k, keeping him in her throat for long, heavy seconds. Then she began the slow slide back up the pulsing length, her tongue outlining every vein and every ridge until her lips caught on the head. Dipping her tongue into the dripping slit, she savored the pre-come collecting there and breathed in the scent of s.e.x clinging to his skin. Was that her? Did she smell like that? As many b.l.o.w. as she'd given in her lifetime, she couldn't remember her senses being as attuned as they were with Nathan. She tasted and smelled and heard and felt every little twitch and whisper from his body. And it only made her want him more.

"Remy ... f.u.c.k ... I can't..." He sucked his breath in and gently tugged on her hair. "I don't want to come. I want to f.u.c.k you."

She looked at him with wide eyes as she let his length slip from her mouth. Nathan sat up with his legs stretched in front of him, reaching for her. As she straddled his thighs, he pressed his body against hers, tangling his hands in her hair and thrusting his tongue in her mouth.

Her arms wrapped around his shoulders, crus.h.i.+ng her b.r.e.a.s.t.s to his chest, as she answered the demands of his hungry tongue. It took only a slight s.h.i.+ft to position his c.o.c.k at her ready opening, and even less to bury him inside, dropping her weight onto his thighs until she felt his b.a.l.l.s against her a.s.s. Both of them sighed at the same time.

"Okay." Her brow rested against his while she adjusted to his thickness. "You were right. This is better."

"Better," Nathan breathed. "Much better." He brushed her hair from her neck, drawing his mouth along her shoulder to the soft skin beneath her ear. He smoothed his hands down her back to cup her a.s.s, guiding her into a slow rhythm.

His strong grip kept her spread as she began riding his c.o.c.k again, leaving her more exposed and open than she had felt sprawled across him in the living room. Every slide sc.r.a.ped her pebbled nipples across his chest, and every stroke back down ground her c.l.i.t into the coa.r.s.e hair at the base of his shaft, and still she wanted more. More. More of him, more of his mouth, more of his c.o.c.k.

Just more. more.

Gradually she picked up the pace, clenching hard enough on every stroke to have Nathan groaning into her skin. "Like that?" she asked, and was shocked at how hoa.r.s.e she sounded.

"Yes, yes, yes..."

The words fell heedless from his lips. His eyes were clouded, laying bare how close to the edge he was, and his hands tightened against her with almost bruising pressure. Remy thought he would have agreed to anything.

She was rapidly reaching the same pinnacle. The relentless pounding against her c.l.i.t had her scrabbling not to collapse against him, every thrust sinking him deeper, harder, flooding her p.u.s.s.y anew. It would take so little to push him over, to feel him cras.h.i.+ng with her when they came, but all she could do was forge ahead, try not to believe too much in the glimpses of emotion she kept catching in his eyes.

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Chasing Silver Part 5 summary

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