Chasing Silver Part 8

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"You'd cancel out on your buddy to spend the evening with me?"

"I'm sure Isaac will get over the heartbreak of being stood up. Besides, we were supposed to compare notes, and I didn't learn anything today..." Nathan smiled. "Well, nothing that would be appropriate to share with him."

Stretching, Remy caught his bottom lip between her teeth and tugged playfully. "And we'll have a whole ride back to your place for you to learn something else," she said before taking his mouth in a short, demanding kiss. Her lips were tingling when they parted, and she slipped away before she jumped him then and there. "Come on. Let's get out of here."


"We'll go to the Barn tomorrow. It'll be on me, all right? All right. See you then."

Nathan hung up the phone, shaking his head. Isaac had seemed pretty annoyed. He hoped that was because Isaac really wanted those ribs, and not because he was upset Nathan had somebody else to spend time with. Though after five years of only spending time with each other, Nathan supposed the new situation was a little unsettling.

"Come on. They're not going to hold our table."

He glanced up as Remy stepped into the room, then froze as his surroundings tunneled around him, focusing in on her. She had done her hair and make-up much as she had for Rojo the night before. Dark waves tumbled down her back, while smoky eyes and a scarlet mouth highlighted her features. It was the dress she had chosen and how it clung to her curves, however, that left him speechless.

The deepest of blacks, its design was simple, with thin straps curving to a deep vee at the neckline. With her full b.r.e.a.s.t.s so deliciously accentuated, the dress then tucked in at her slim waist before flaring out again, ending at mid-thigh in a swirl of fabric that drew his gaze down her toned legs. Three-inch heels completed the ensemble.

"What?" She fidgeted as she tried to smooth down the skirt. "It's not too bad, is it? I don't do dresses."

"No," Nathan rasped. Clearing his throat, he added, "You should do dresses more often. Wait, you've got a little something." He reached out and picked a piece of lint off her skirt.

"Are you sure?" She sounded unconvinced. "Because I can always change. It's got to be easier to get out of than it was to get into." Sweeping her hair aside, she twisted her upper body to show him the back and the slight gap in the fastenings near her neckline. "I couldn't even finish the f.u.c.king zipper. And I know there's a hook or something there, but d.a.m.ned if I can put it together."

Nathan fingered the smooth material. "Yeah, there's a hook here." He didn't make any effort to fasten it-the bare bit of skin just below her neck was far too distracting. Unable to resist, he leaned over to brush his lips against the small patch. She s.h.i.+vered against his mouth, a slight tremble that seemed to echo in his body. Placing his hands on her hips, Nathan forced her to turn around completely. "I don't want to see you out of it," Nathan murmured, moving his hands down her hips to the hem of her skirt.

Her head tilted to the left, the soft waves of her hair falling away to expose the delicate line of her neck. "And yet, we're not leaving. What happened to worrying about our table?"

"I'm sure it's not going anywhere." His hands snuck beneath her skirt. The tips of his fingers sc.r.a.ped against the lacey tops of her stockings. He couldn't even remember where they had reservations. Some restaurant in Pasadena. It hardly seemed to matter now. His hands moved higher, sneaking over her inner thighs, and eliciting the softest moan from her throat.

With one hand still beneath her skirt, he slid the other up her back to snag the tip of the zipper. "Unless," he said, as he pulled the zipper down, "you're worried about it."

Her no no came out as a mere breath. Slowly, Remy reached back to run her hand up the front of his thigh, brus.h.i.+ng against his erection but not stopping until she found the top of his waistband. There, her fingernails traced inward, causing the muscles in his stomach to twitch, until they reached his belt. came out as a mere breath. Slowly, Remy reached back to run her hand up the front of his thigh, brus.h.i.+ng against his erection but not stopping until she found the top of his waistband. There, her fingernails traced inward, causing the muscles in his stomach to twitch, until they reached his belt.

"You're the one who said he was hungry for food now." He heard the smile in her voice. "I was more than happy to stay in bed a little longer. But if I get to get out of this dress, I'm definitely not going to complain."

"I was was hungry." Nathan smoothed his fingers down her spine, smiling as she arched towards his touch. Skimming his mouth across her shoulders, he inhaled deeply, catching the subtle aroma of honey and flowers. "New soap, too? It's nice." hungry." Nathan smoothed his fingers down her spine, smiling as she arched towards his touch. Skimming his mouth across her shoulders, he inhaled deeply, catching the subtle aroma of honey and flowers. "New soap, too? It's nice."

But it was more than nice. The soap had mingled with the natural musk from her skin to create something sweet, and enticing, and entirely new to him. Curious, he buried his nose in her hair, enjoying the way the heavy silk strands brushed against his face and throat. He couldn't distinguish a single scent, just the combined perfume of soap and shampoo and water.

Nathan moved closer, folding her body against his. Sliding his hands over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and along her stomach, he freed her upper body from the loose material of her dress.

Remy's sigh of relief resonated through her. "You like that word a lot." Her deft fingers had managed to undo his buckle, and now they were pulling his s.h.i.+rt from his pants, sending s.h.i.+vers along his skin from their heat. "Nice. That's what you said last night, too."

"Hmm. What about some of your favorite words? Royal? Sauce? I don't know what you're on about half the time."

"You're just lucky you've got a killer accent. A girl can forgive anything when you put it to work."

He pushed the dress past her hips, watching as it slipped down her thighs to pool at her feet. "I can think of words besides nice. How about delicious? Enticing?" Nathan cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s through her lacy bra, fingering her nipples until they were hard. Moaning, she dropped her head forward. She felt both supple and tense. Her muscles tightened as she grew more aroused, but he knew she could melt around him like b.u.t.ter.

"That's not quite right either." Starting at the nape of her neck, he licked a slow path down her back, following the curve of her spine, and sinking to his knees behind her.

Without being able to touch his stomach any longer, Remy moved her hands to cover his, guiding them as they molded over her stomach and onto her hips. Her satin skin pulsed beneath his touch, and as his fingers traced the smooth edge of her briefs, a long, shuddering sigh escaped her throat.

"Know what else isn't right?" It was a whisper. As if she were afraid speaking louder would shatter the spell surrounding them. "Wanting you more now than I did yesterday. I thought being together like we have been would take the edge off, but..."

She didn't finish the thought. Nathan finished it for her.

"But it's not enough." He dropped soft kisses along the curve of her a.s.s. He reached the top of her thigh and paused to inhale again, enjoying the heady fragrance of her arousal beneath the softer blend of soap. She held his hands tightly, still guiding them over her body, and while he didn't want to pull away from her, he did want to feel the tight heat of her p.u.s.s.y.

Nathan kissed a trail in the opposite direction, pausing as he reached the briefs band. Without warning or hesitation, he slid his tongue down the silk, his mouth moving along her crevice, until he reached the wet material acting as a thin barrier to her slick opening. Nathan teased her with his mouth, sucking, and, and probing her flesh through the flimsy silk.

Her gasp made his c.o.c.k jump. Beneath his palms, her muscles flexed as she parted her thighs, giving him clearer access to her p.u.s.s.y, but the movement caught her heels on the carpet, knocking her off-balance. Their entwined hands kept Remy from stumbling. As soon she was firm again, she let one of his go, leaning forward in order to brace herself against the wall.

"Don't stop," she breathed. "G.o.d, please. Don't stop."

Like he could. He snagged her briefs with his free hand, dragging them down her thigh and the length of her leg, the soft silk gliding against her skin. She lifted one leg, daintily stepping out of the briefs and letting them loop around the heel on her other foot. Nathan never took his mouth from her p.u.s.s.y, his tongue lapping at her hot skin. Remy guided his hand between her thighs, pus.h.i.+ng his fingers against her c.l.i.t.

He pressed his finger against the bundle of nerves, caressing it as he took his time exploring her. Pus.h.i.+ng his tongue into her tight channel, her juices coated his lips as he f.u.c.ked her with his mouth slowly, almost mockingly. Remy tightened against him with each soft thrust, her muscles tight and sweet around him, her c.l.i.t jerking beneath his finger.

It dawned on him there were words buried in her panting breaths. Most were lost, melting into less than the air it took to make them, but enough broke through, took form to reach Nathan's ears, in spite of the taut thighs cus.h.i.+oned against his cheeks.

There was please and more and others he remembered from encounters years ago. But her want you, Nate struck the deepest chord. Every time she said his name, her body trembled, sometimes convulsed, always reacted in some way. And each time her skin flamed hotter.

Nathan's c.o.c.k strained against his pants, jerking with each of her moans. Each small tremor against his tongue sent a quake through his body. Blindly, he reached for his zipper, freeing his erection from the confines growing tighter by the second. He sighed against her skin as he gripped his shaft, stroking himself in time with his thrusting tongue. It didn't help ease the pressure.

When he felt Remy rocking against his face, driving him further, deeper, harder against her c.l.i.t, Nathan knew she was close. Her p.u.s.s.y walls were starting to flutter around his tongue. All he craved at that moment in time was to feel her release. To taste it. To know she was coming because of him. He pushed on, determined to get it.

The cry wrenched from her throat, her thighs tightening around his head as her body went rigid. Her juices coated his chin, and Nathan sucked them down, unwilling to tear his mouth away and lose even a second of her o.r.g.a.s.m. Even as she began to beg for him to stop, he didn't move.

As soon as Remy's muscles went lax, her body spent, he pinched her c.l.i.t. Enough to make her muscles twitch like a bolt of electricity had been shot through the bottoms of her feet. Nathan grunted triumphantly as her muscles clenched around him again, and this time, she began to whimper, incoherent words falling from her mouth. Nathan thought he could torment her like that forever, but his b.a.l.l.s were tight, and his c.o.c.k slick with pre-come.

Grudgingly, he moved his mouth from her, licking his lips as he straightened. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he pressed his chest against her back, pausing for a moment to feel the heat of her skin.

"Remind me to thank whoever it was who taught you how to do that," Remy breathed. She was slick with sweat, already grinding back against his aching c.o.c.k. "As soon as my brain starts working again."

Nathan chuckled as he adjusted himself, the head of his c.o.c.k slipping easily against her wet flesh. Taking a deep breath, he thrust inside her completely, putting his hand out to brace himself against the wall. He steadied himself, preparing to slide out and slam into her again, but her soft sigh stopped him short.

He rested his brow against her head. "Please tell me I'm not hurting your back. Because, Remy, I'm about to lose it."

"No, it doesn't hurt," she confirmed in a voice so low he had to strain to hear her. Her hand ran up his tensed arm before settling over his, their fingers entwining without breaking his contact with the wall. "It's just..."

She stopped. Nathan waited for her to speak, his body bowstring tight. He was sure he was going to break before she said what was on her mind.

"I keep forgetting how right you feel," she whispered. "And then you get inside me again, and I wonder how it is I could ever ever forget." forget."

Nathan knew what she meant, but it still felt like she had elbowed him in the stomach. Being with her, being inside her, did feel right right. But the fact he felt it at all, that she felt it too, overwhelmed him.

"I know." He thrust into her again. "I know." He increased his tempo gradually until he found a rhythm to satisfy the blistering l.u.s.t rolling through his body. "I know," he panted as he pounded into her, losing himself in her exquisite heat, and the chorus of moans, and the burn in his muscles and chest, and her slick skin, and the erratic beat of his own heart thudding in his ears.

She began spasming around his c.o.c.k far too soon. Cries too incoherent to be words carried with every thrust, and Remy's head fell back, her free hand reaching around to cup the back of his neck. She pulled Nathan down so that his lips skimmed the saturation of her skin, his name tumbling from her mouth, her p.u.s.s.y clamping around his shaft, but beneath it all echoed her earlier words.

Nathan was unable to withstand the force of her third o.r.g.a.s.m as it swept through her. He wasn't ready to stop, wasn't ready to let her go, but it was out of his control. He was at her mercy, and as the heat rolled from her skin to suffuse through his flesh, he thrust into her a final time. He came with a deep shudder, his body shaking with the needed, but not quite welcome, release.

Twisting her neck, Remy's mouth sought his, finding first the corner and then the full press as she kissed him with her breath catching in her throat. It was possible he imagined the quivering in her lips, though in the wake of his o.r.g.a.s.m, Nathan realized that could have been his own lips trembling. Regardless, the caress swept them both back down from their peaks.

"Think we can forget dinner and head straight to your bedroom for dessert?"

"We'll order in," Nathan said, somehow finding the strength to pull away from her. He began tugging at the b.u.t.tons of his s.h.i.+rt, adding, "Dessert is nice, but we've got to keep your strength up."

Without his body pinning her, Remy turned around in order to lean against the wall. Her skin was flushed a rosy pink, the hard tips of her nipples prominent through her lacy bra. His mouth watered with the sudden desire to lean down and pull one between his teeth.

Reaching for his s.h.i.+rtfront, she pulled him back, guiding his hands to her plush hips. "Better get me off my feet then."

Nathan smiled, tilting his head to tease her lips with his tongue. "With pleasure." He lifted her up, waiting until her arms and legs were locked around him before carrying her back to his bed.

Nathan's cancellation soured Isaac's already foul mood. Snapping his cell phone shut, he marched away from the noisy entrance of the Barn, his footsteps heavy against the sidewalk as he headed back to his car. Nothing to tell, my a.s.s. Nathan was f.u.c.king the girl, and he didn't have the b.a.l.l.s to admit it. Under any other circ.u.mstances, Isaac would have been the first to wave the flag and lead the parade; G.o.d knew, if there was anybody who needed some companions.h.i.+p, it was Nathan.

But these weren't other circ.u.mstances. These were f.u.c.ked up beyond all belief circ.u.mstances. And Isaac would choose the life of his best friend over a civilian any day of the week.

The girl didn't exist. Fingerprints had turned up nothing; every database he fed information into had come back blank. He had gone as far as he could with the name she claimed to have, but everything ended at a stone wall. It had to be an alias, because nothing else made sense.

Her ID card was an interesting twist, though, he had to give her that. Remy had argued more about giving the card up than she had the prints, which lent some weight to Nathan's insistence it was important. The dates on it had made Isaac scoff out loud, but questioning her had led to more walls when she refused to answer them, and he had been left watching their retreating backs while they went and did ... something Nathan refused to elucidate. Find answers, Find answers, he'd said cryptically. he'd said cryptically.

Remembering the conversation as he s.n.a.t.c.hed open the door of his Toyota deepened Isaac's scowl. If he found out they spent the day f.u.c.king back at Nathan's apartment, there was going to be h.e.l.l to pay. He'd lock Remy up, whether Nathan wanted him to or not.

To add to the confusion of the girl's real ident.i.ty were the blood samples Nathan had given him. There wasn't much you could tell from the quicker tests; DNA testing would take at least a few days and, without any cause to make it a priority, a number of weeks. The techs had been half-a.s.sed with what tests they had done claiming she had antibodies for infectious mononucleosis to indicate a vaccination at some point in her life. But according to them, that was impossible since there were no available vaccinations for the disease. Isaac was writing it off as a contaminated sample. What did he care what kind of shots Remy Capra had gotten as a kid anyway?

Beyond Remy was the issue of Kirsten Henryk. That, more than anything, was why he wanted to speak to Nathan. After palming the ID off on one of the few tech guys he knew could stay discreet, Isaac had spent as much time trying to figure out her story as he had Remy's. She was convincing; that was the big problem. Plus, she had money. The contact information she had left for him had her holed up in one of the sw.a.n.kiest Beverly Hills hotels.

The only thing was, she was as much of a ghost as Remy. No records with any government office he could find, no credit reports, nothing to suggest she was in any way affiliated with any type of security back in DC. He'd even contacted a friend at the FBI to see if maybe she was working something covert that wouldn't leave a trail, but that had come back cold as well.

It didn't make sense. His gut screamed at him that she was a cop of some sort, and he didn't like to ignore his instincts. He didn't want to ignore them now. But Isaac wasn't sure what other alternative he had left.

Waiting at a red light, his fingers drummed along the steering wheel while he weighed his options. Part of him was tempted to drive by Nathan's and interrupt, just for the perverse pleasure of witnessing his friend's lips disappear from how tightly he would purse them at seeing Isaac. That would be fun. There was also the fact that, dangerous or not, Remy was hot as h.e.l.l. One more look at her shapely legs, maybe a flash of t.i.t, could be worth it.

A better idea came to him as the light turned green.

It took half an hour to get through traffic to the posh hotel in Beverly Hills Kirsten Henryk had claimed to be staying at. Flas.h.i.+ng his badge at the valet, Isaac waited on the curb long enough to make sure they treated his car as they would any of the more expensive models that rolled through the drive, then pushed his way inside, heading straight for the front desk.

The wonders of being a cop got him into the night manager's office within two minutes. Within five, he had everything Kirsten Henryk had supplied them in order to secure a room. Within ten, he was standing outside her door, waiting for the manager to let him in.

The room was empty.

She had slept there, he was certain. But beyond some fresh toiletries and a single bag from the hotel's laundry hanging on the closet door, there was no other sign of her. No luggage. No litter. Another dead end.

He took the few strands of blond hair entangled in the brush before he left. He would have taken the brush itself, but with so few belongings marking her territory, Isaac knew anything else would be missed.

"Is this woman dangerous?" the manager asked as they waited at the elevator to go back downstairs. "Should I alert the staff?"

"No, don't talk to anyone about this," Isaac warned. "Right now, she's not considered a threat, and I don't want her to find out she's under suspicion. She could be a flight risk."

"So ... do you want me to call you if she checks out?"

"Definitely." He handed over his card as the doors slid open. "And remember, mum's the word."

He saw her as he stepped off the elevator, her chin high, back ramrod straight as she came out of the small sundry store near the front desk. For a moment, Isaac debated ducking out of sight, but then her eye caught his and he knew it would be pointless. They both froze. No emotion flickered across her porcelain features, but somehow he knew she realized what he had been doing.

Kirsten was the first to move. Long strides took her to the closest doors, and she was already melting into the darkness on the street by the time his feet took flight. Isaac reached the exit a few seconds later. Jerking his head in both directions, he saw a flash of blond hair disappear around the far corner of the hotel, and took off at a dead run in pursuit. f.u.c.k protocol. He was going to arrest the b.i.t.c.h and figure out what the deal was later.

He had his gun ready in his hand as he rounded the corner, but the night swallowed any stray light from the streets. Slowing to a walk, he pressed further, eyes darting around as he tried to figure out where she was hiding.

He never heard the shot. He only knew he'd been hit by the sudden searing pain across his shoulder.

Slumping against the wall, Isaac fired on instinct. Her gasped cry was the only indication he'd hit her at all, but no more shots went whizzing by. All he heard were running footsteps, growing fainter as she fled the scene.

He banged his head against the wall, his eyes squeezing shut. d.a.m.n it. The b.i.t.c.h got away and and he got shot. The perfect ending to his oh-so-perfect day. he got shot. The perfect ending to his oh-so-perfect day.


Nathan fumbled through the darkness for his phone, his stomach growling and his head full of cotton. Remy had expressed a desire for pizza before falling into a light doze. He had forgotten about ordering food as he watched her sleep, captivated by the soft rhythm of her breath, the gentle rise and fall of her bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s, and the slight parting of her full lips. The spell was only broken when she smiled sleepily and asked where her dinner was.

He sorted through the stack of junk mail and flyers resting on the floor near the door until he found one promising delivery until two in the morning. Nathan began to dial the number, only to have a minor heart attack as his phone lit up and began to howl. Cursing under his breath, he brought the phone up to his ear.

"What do you want?" Nathan snapped, his voice low.

"Well, gee, a fine h.e.l.lo to you, too." Sarcasm laced Isaac's greeting. In the distance, traffic rumbled through the line. "Let me guess. I'm interrupting."

Nathan regretted his harsh tone, especially now his heart rate was back to normal. "No, not interrupting anything except my ongoing quest for food. But, well, what do you want?"

"World peace, the perfect steak, and, oh yeah, to stop bleeding from this f.u.c.king gunshot wound."

As soon as Nathan heard bleeding, bleeding, he was moving back to the bedroom, gathering up the clothes he had discarded earlier and dressing quickly. A dozen questions came to mind, but he focused on the important one. "Where are you?" he was moving back to the bedroom, gathering up the clothes he had discarded earlier and dressing quickly. A dozen questions came to mind, but he focused on the important one. "Where are you?"

Isaac gave him the name of an exclusive hotel in Beverly Hills. "Not inside, though. In the southside alley. I go back in and there's going to be a scene, and I don't need that right now."

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Chasing Silver Part 8 summary

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