The Daily Record of Secretly Loving the Male Idol Chapter 19

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Well, Minodayz the newbie is having her first attempt posting. Fingers crossed it’ll be posted so we can get onto our group of friends and their antics!

National English compet.i.tion preps, possibly another confession, LEQ + ADULT romance novels = ??? – our group of friends just keep bringing it on. Enjoy!

Chapter 19 – He Thinks

Translated by Minodayz

Edited by Maripaz

Those selected to partic.i.p.ate at the English National compet.i.tion had to sit for extra English exams every day, and finally, only eight students were selected to represent the school at the regional compet.i.tion.

While Li Erqin was working on her English exam, she kept worrying about her Physics.  After her last Physics grade, she had sensed that Rong Si wasn’t too pleased with her result. He didn't smile at all and kept stoically spinning his pen. It was a long time before he raised his head, and he didn’t even react when the teacher praised him.

However, after cla.s.s, he praised her effort.

Thinking back, it’s all been very strange! Li Erqin pursed her lip unhappily. She had not even considered that she could actually pa.s.s physics.  When her mum had heard about her results, she was so happy that she went to temple to offer thanks.

"Rong Si." She turned back and saw Rong Si resting his head on his left hand, while his right hand was holding a pen and carelessly ticking away the answers on the exam paper. His expression read: "totally bored to death".

Hearing her call out to him, he lifted his eyes, "Yeah?"

Most updated and accurate translations are from MerakiTranlsations
"There isn't any Physics tutorial today."

"You’re done with the English exam?"

"No, not yet." Li Erqin shook her head.

Rong Si ticked yet another answer. "Me neither."

"How many questions have you completed?"

"I’m down to my last three."

"Last three?" Li Erqin took a deep breath. "I’ve only completed three."

After checking with Su Zi, she took some comfort. "Su Zi just started on the third question."

Su Zi looked over with a pitiful expression, "I feel like I won't be sleeping.  There are too many words that I don't recognise. I feel like I can't quite 'handle' this. (Su Zi uses the English word "handle".)"I can't seem to get a 'handle' on them

Peng Zige, who had been sulking the whole day, finally started to feel some elation, "I’m down to this last question and I'll be done for the day! After that, I can do whatever I feel like doing~"

"Go memorize your English vocabulary." Li Erqin and Su Zi chorused in unison.

Li Erqin and Su Zi took their English exam paper back to their hostel. After everyone had gone to bed, they coc.o.o.ned themselves under their blankets and, with their heads facing each other, continued to work on their papers.

After writing for awhile, Su Zi raised her head from her tiny light to look across at Li Erqin on the neighboring bed. "Erqin."

Most updated and accurate translations are from MerakiTranlsations

"What is it?" Her voice sounded muddled, as if she were half asleep.

Su Zi bit her lower lips hesitantly, "I'd like to tell you something."


"If I make it to the Nationals," Su Zi paused for a moment, "I plan to confess my feelings to Rong Si."

Li Erqin had not completely absorbed the news, only to repeat, "Confess your feelings?"

"I’ve liked Rong Si for a long time now." Su Zi felt a little shy. "What do you think. What’s the best way to profess my feelings?"

Li Erqin stared blankly, unsure as to why her chest felt a tad stifled. Perhaps she had lain down too long. She threw her exam paper to one side before turning over, "How can you prove that you really like Rong Si?"

Su Zi laughed in spite of herself; only Li Erqin would ask something like that. "I just like him. There's no need to confirm or prove means like (if you like then you like), there is no reason to find proof/reason for it?"

"I still don't understand."

Su Zi had also lost interest in doing her paper. She turned off her small lamp and copied Li Erqin in lying down. "Haven't you ever read any of those young adult romance novels?"

"I’ve come across some."

"Then how come you don't understand?"

Li Erqin was unsure how to explain herself. "Perhaps it was too abstract."

Su Zi could only laugh softly.

While everyone was busy preparing for the English national compet.i.tion, Li Erqin was reading those romantic novels that covered new love, heartbreak, angst and relations.h.i.+ps, a supposed "literary masterpiece". Su Zi was a little embarra.s.sed to face this Li Erqin, who had taken to secretly reading these romance "masterpieces" during cla.s.s.Su Zi couldn't come to terms that Li Erqin would actually be secretly reading such a "masterpiece" in cla.s.s,  After all, she was the one who had piqued Li Erqin's interest in the subject.  That night, after talking to Li Erqin about the beauty of romance novels set in schools, she had fallen asleep. The next morning, she had woke to find that Li Erqin had somehow ama.s.sed these books to read.

Peng Zige thought that he had already grown accustomed to Li Erqin’s various quirky behaviors and that nothing could shock him.  However, this time, he couldn’t resist asking, "Erqin, are you not going to do your (practice) tests?"

"Huh? Oh, yup, I'm not doing it." Li Erqin replied simply and lowered her head to resume reading.

"The selection is the day after; you’re not going to prepare for it?" Su Zi finally found the opportunity to jump in and quickly advised her.

Most updated and accurate translations are from MerakiTranlsations

Li Erqin thought for awhile. "I don’t think I’ll have any problems with it."

"Since when did you get such a huge dose of self confidence!" Peng Zige laughed at her.

Li Erqin spoke deadpan, "Last year at the Middle School National English compet.i.tion, I placed second in the nation."

"Are you playing with me?" Peng Zige didn't believe her and turned to Rong Si, "Do you remember her?"

"Last year there was a clash between the English National compet.i.tion and the model aircraft compet.i.tion, so I didn’t partic.i.p.ate."

Peng Zige and Su Zi shared a look. They felt like all of them had drank the same "cafeteria cold soup", yet why did it feel like they were not all living in the same world?

Li Erqin was also depressed. "So that would mean that in reality, I placed third."

"WHAT?" Peng Zige was unable to keep up with her line of thought.

Li Erqin depressingly stuffed her romance novel into her desk. Shooting an indignant look at Su Zi, she said, "Su Zi, these novels are out to trick young girls. If you read them too much, you will develop strange ideas about your own inflated self-worth-notions of self inflation (to over inflate one's self worth and capabilities). Just look at what I just did."

Translation: she firmly suggests that in the future, it's still best not to read these romance novels. Understanding the meaning behind her words, she firmly suggest that it’s for the best not to read them.

Minodayz : Don’t know how LEQ equated romance novels, confessions and self inflation under the same category! lol

Su Zi was totally dumbfounded, panicking for a second that Li Erqin would leak her explosive news unwittingly. Fortunately, Li Erqin just took out her test papers and began working on them.

Su Zi shot Rong Si a fleeting smile, feeling a tad guilty.

Peng Zige shrugged his shoulders, noticing that Li Erqin had started working on her test. However, then Rong Si started to do his own thing, and, succ.u.mbing to his great need to be inquisitive, he asked, "Ah Si, you finished your tests already?"

"Nope." Rong Si's pen never stopped twirling. Knowing that Peng Zige was not finished with his inquiry, he decided to just answer the question. "It doesn't really matter if I do those tests or not."

" Pfft…(Alas)!" Peng Zige sighed. "Whatever, I will never understand your world….."

Most updated and accurate translations are from MerakiTranlsations

Before he could finish his spew, a stack of test papers was placed on his desk top. Rong Si stoically said, "Try doing these papers, and you'll get it eventually."

"Who’d want to!" Peng Zige pushed the papers aside in disdain.

Rong Si merely ignored him and concentrated on answering the test questions.

Peng Zige hesitated for a while and then opened a test paper and got hit with a wall of unfamiliar words. He shut his eyes from the horror but then opened his English dictionary and began slowly working through the questions, one at a time.

Why was he forcing himself?! Peng Zige couldn’t quite put his finger on it. It was just that he resented the feeling of being left behind and being an outsider more than the feeling of forcing himself.

Maybe this is the reason why Li Erqin was seriously working so hard on her physics, he thought.

Minodayz : Poor PZG being left out of the compet.i.tion!

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The Daily Record of Secretly Loving the Male Idol Chapter 19 summary

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