Autobiography of Sir George Biddell Airy Part 29

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1846 Nov. 13 Account of some circ.u.mstances historically R. Astr. Soc.

connected with the Discovery of the (Memoirs.) Planet exterior to Ura.n.u.s.

1847 Jan. 8 Reduction of the Observations of Halley's R. Astr. Soc.

Comet made at the Cambridge Observatory in (Memoirs.) the years 1835 and 1836.

1847 Jan. 8 On a proposed Alteration of Bessel's Method R. Astr. Soc.

for the Computation of the Corrections by (Memoirs.) which the Apparent Places of Stars are derived from the Mean Places.

1847 Feb. On Sir David Brewster's New a.n.a.lysis of Phil. Mag.

Solar Light.

1847 Feb. 20 On the Name of the New Planet. Athenaeum.

1847 Feb. 27 Mr Adams and the New Planet. Athenaeum.

1847 Plan of the Buildings and Grounds of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, with Explanation and History.

1847 May 14 Explanation of Hansen's Perturbations of R. Astr. Soc.

the Moon by Venus. (Month. Not.)

1847 June 5 Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors.

1847 Nov. 30 Address to the Individual Members of the Board of Visitors of the Royal Observatory.

(Zenith Tube.)

1847 Dec. 10 Results deduced from the Occultations of R. Astr. Soc.

Stars and Planets by the Moon, observed (Memoirs.) at Cambridge Observatory from 1830 to 1835.

1848 Feb. 11 Abstract of Struve's "etudes d'Astronomie R. Astr. Soc.

Stellaire." (Month. Not.)

1848 Mar. 13 Syllabus of Lectures on Astronomy to be delivered at the Temperance Hall, Ipswich.

1848 Apr. 10 Remarks on Prof. Challis's Theoretical Phil. Mag.

Determination of the Velocity of Sound

1848 May 8 Supplement to a Paper on the Intensity of Camb. Phil. Soc.

Light in the neighbourhood of a Caustic.

1848 May 12 Address to Individual members of the Board of Visitors. (New Transit Circle, Reflex Zenith Tube, &c.)

1848 June 3 Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors.

1848 June 9 Corrections of the Elements of the Moon's R. Astr. Soc.

Orbit, deduced from the Lunar (Memoirs.) Observations made at the Royal Observatory, of Greenwich from 1750 to 1830.

1848 Aug. 9 Explanation of a proposed construction of Zenith Sector: addressed to the Board of Visitors of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich.

1848 Oct. 14 On the Construction of Chinese b.a.l.l.s Athenaeum.

1849 Description of the Instruments of Process used in the Photographic self-registration of the Magnetical and Meteorological Instruments at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich.

1849 Description of the Alt.i.tude and Azimuth Instrument erected at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, in the year 1847.

1849 Astronomy. (Tract written for the Scientific Manual.)

1849 Mar. 9 Substance of the Lecture delivered by the R. Astr. Soc.

Astronomer Royal on the large Reflecting (Month. Not.) Telescopes of the Earl of Rosse and Mr La.s.sell.

1849 June On a difficulty in the problem of Sound. Phil. Mag.

1849 June 2 Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors.

1849 June 8 On Instruments adapted to the Measure of R. Astr. Soc.

small Meridional Zenith Distances. (Month. Not.)

1849 Nov. 9 Results of the Observations made by the R. Astr. Soc.

Rev. Fearon Fallows at the Royal (Memoirs.) Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, in the years 1829, 1830, 1831.

1849 Nov. 9 On Bell's Calculating machine, and on R. Astr. Soc.

Lord Rosse's Telescope. (Month. Not.)

1849 Nov. 10 On the Exodus of the Israelites. Athenaeum.

1849 Dec. 14 On the Method of observing and recording R. Astr. Soc.

Transits, lately introduced in America, &c. (Month. Not.)

1850 Jan. 10 On a problem of Geodesy. Phil. Mag.

1850 Feb. 8 Address on presenting the Medal of the R. Astr. Soc.

R. Astr. Soc. to M. Otto von Struve. (Month. Not.)

1850 Mar. 15 On the Present State and Prospects of the R. Inst.

Science of Terrestrial Magnetism.

1850 Mar. 16 On the Exodus of the Israelites Athenaeum.

1850 Mar. 30 On the Exodus of the Israelites. Athenaeum.

1850 May 10 Statement concerning a.s.sistance granted R. Astr. Soc.

by the Admiralty to Hansen--Also on (Month. Not.) Henderson's numbers for the teeth of wheels.

1850 May 10 On the Weights to be given to the separate R. Astr. Soc.

Results for Terrestrial Longitudes, (Memoirs.) determined by the observation of Transits of the Moon and Fixed Stars.

1850 June 1 Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors.

1850 June 14 Letter from Hansen on his Lunar Tables.--Valz R. Astr. Soc.

on an arrangement of double-image (Month. Not.) micrometer.--On the Computation of Longitude from Lunar Transits

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