Autobiography of Sir George Biddell Airy Part 36

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of Accuracy in the usual process for Forming a Plane Surface.

1871 Nov.16 Corrections to the Computed Lengths of Phil. Trans.

Waves of Light for Kirchhoff's Spectral Lines.

1871 On a supposed alteration in the amount R. Soc. (Proc.) of Astronomical Aberration of Light, produced by the pa.s.sage of the Light through a considerable thickness of Refracting Medium.

1871 Nov. 29 Biography of G.B. Airy. (Probably Daily Telegraph.

corrected by himself.)

1871 Dec. 8 Note on a special point in the R. Astr. Soc.

determination of the Elements of the (Month. Not.) Moon's...o...b..t from Meridional Observations of the Moon.

1871 Dec. 26 Proposed devotion of an Observatory to R. Astr. Soc.

observation of the phenomena of Jupiter's (Month. Not.) Satellites.

1872 Jan. Address to the Council of the Royal Society on the propriety of continuing the Grant to the Kew Observatory for meteorological observations.

1872 Feb. 8 Experiments on the Directive Power of Phil. Trans.

large Steel Magnets, of Bars of magnetized Soft Iron, and of Galvanic Coils, in their Action on external small Magnets--with Appendix by James Stuart.

1872 Feb. 12 Further Observations on the state of an Camb. Phil. Soc.

Eye affected with a peculiar malformation.

1872 Mar. 20 Notes on Scientific Education, submitted to the Royal Commission on Scientific Instruction and the Advancement of Science.

1872 May 9 On a Supposed Periodicity in the R. Soc. (Proc.) Elements of Terrestrial Magnetism, with a period of 26-1/4 days.

1872 Nov. 30 Address (as President) delivered at the Anniversary Meeting of the Royal Society.

1872 Dec. 19 Magnetical Observations in the Phil. Trans.

Britannia and Conway Tubular Iron Bridges.

1873 Feb. 25 Remarks on Mr Thornton's Paper on Inst. C.E.

"The State Railways of (Minutes.) India"--chiefly in reference to the proposed break of gauge.

1873 Mar. 12 Note on the want of Observations of R. Astr. Soc.

Eclipses of Jupiter's First Satellite (Month. Not.) from 1868 to 1872.

1873 Mar. 14 Letter to the Secretary of the R. Astr. Soc.

Admiralty on certain Articles which (Month. Not.) had appeared in the Public Newspapers in regard to the approaching Transit of Venus.

1873 Additional Note to the Paper on a R. Soc. (Proc.) supposed Alteration in the Amount of Astronomical Aberration of Light produced by the pa.s.sage of the Light through a considerable thickness of Refracting Medium.

1873 Apr. 10 List of Candidates for election into the Royal Society--cla.s.sified.

1873 On the Topography of the "Lady of Private.

the Lake."

1873 June 7 Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors.

1873 Nov. 14 On the rejection, in the Lunar R. Astr. Soc.

Theory, of the term of Longitude (Month. Not.) depending for argument on eight times the mean longitude of Venus minus thirteen times the mean longitude of the Earth, introduced by Prof.

Hansen; &c.

1873 Dec. 1 Address (as President) delivered at the Anniversary Meeting of the Royal Society.

1874 Jan. On a Proposed New Method of treating R. Astr. Soc.

the Lunar Theory. (Month. Not.)

1874 May 4 British Expeditions for the Observation of the Transit of Venus, 1874, December 8. Instructions to Observers.

1874 June 6 Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors.

1874 Aug. 6 Regulations of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. Appendix to the Greenwich Observations, 1873.

1874 Oct. 3 Science and Art. The Moon as carved Athenaeum.

on Lee church.

1874 Nov. 13 Preparations for the Observation of the R. Astr. Soc.

Transit of Venus 1874, December 8-9. (Month. Not.)

1874 Nov. 17 Remarks on the Paper "On the Nagpur Inst. C.E.

Waterworks." (Minutes.)

1874 Dec. Telegrams relating to the Observations R. Astr. Soc.

of the Transit of Venus 1874, Dec. 9. (Month. Not.)

1875 Feb. 2 Remarks on Mr Prestwich's Paper on the Inst. C.E.

Origin of the Chesil Bank. (Minutes.)

1875 Feb 25 Letter to the Rev. N. M. Ferrers, on the subject of the Smith's Prizes.

1875 Mar. 12 On the Method to be used in Reducing R. Astr. Soc.

the Observations of the Transit of (Month. Not.) Venus 1874, Dec. 8.

1875 Mar. Report on the Progress made in the R. Astr. Soc.

Calculations for a New Method of (Month. Not.) treating the Lunar Theory.

1875 June 5 Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors.

1875 June 7 Apparatus for Final Adjustment of the Horolog. Journ.

Thermal Compensation of Chronometers, by the Astronomer Royal.

1875 Nov. Chart of the Apparent Path of Mars, 1877, R. Astr. Soc.

with neighbouring Stars. Also (Month. Not.) Spectroscopic Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. Also Observations of the Solar Eclipse of 1875, September 28-29, made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich.

1876 Jan. Report by the Astronomer Royal on the R. Astr. Soc.

present state of the Calculations in his (Month. Not.) New Lunar Theory.

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