Heaven’s Intention c16

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Chapter 16 - Druid Spells (End)

“Eh, you’re still cooking, smells great! “ at this moment, the Druid had returned.

Doubting him, he brought out a wooden spoon to scoop up some soup for a taste. He was shocked.

Praising: “Excellent! “

Rumont didn’t say anything, he also took out a wooden spoon to scoop up a mouthful to taste. He thought that other than being really fresh, it was pretty ordinary. However, the credit laid within the chicken essence, the fis.h.i.+ness removed and the majority of it was the efficacy of the wine.

Yet, it seems in regards to the people of this world, it was pretty good.

A bowl containing a ladle of soup was brought to the awakened Nick, who received it with grat.i.tude. He had never tasted such a delicious fish soup before, his mouth opened wide and not too long later, gulu gulu, he finished drinking it clean.

After the soup, Jeff was comfortably sitting onto of a wooden block, carefully taking measure of the youth.

He didn’t examine him closely before because he was occupied, but now, the green aura on the youth was extremely distinct: a vaguely green core with an extremely thin layer of Nature essence forming a protective covering.

This was the typical characteristic of a Rank 1 Druid. Surprised accompanied this sighting, with a touch of envy.

Jeff himself, was 23 years old before he became a Druid. He had braved through stormy weather and outdoor livings, frequently risking his life with road ambushes from bandits and wild beasts. This kid was only 15 years old and he was a Druid, setting on this path, his future prospects were unlimited.

Even though he thought like this, Jeff still laughed saying: “You’ve become a Druid, what are you plans now? “

Rumont reverently thought it through before saying: “I want to study under Master Druid Jeff, while at the same time, open a small store in town, selling herbs and haemostatic potions. “

This was a pretty normal train of thought, Jeff nodded his head saying: “Not bad, even though you’re currently a Druid, yet you still want to study a few things, eh, from now on, every week, you should stay at my place for a week. Mm, opening a store in town isn’t bad. Let’s do it like this, I’ll give you a letter, recommending you to the Lord Baron, this’ll make things more convenient. “

Rumont expressed his most heartfelt grat.i.tude as he got up: “Many thanks Master. “

Jeff wrote a letter, recounting that Rumont was his disciple and wanting to open a small store. He finished the letter with a few plain words of recommendations. Rumont watched all this before receiving the letter.

Although Rumont wasn’t an extremely bright person, however, he did live in an urban area for 25 years, he always kept his eyes peeled and his ears open, learning quite a bit. He was exceptional in regards to the compet.i.tion in the workplace; especially in this world, where apprentices.h.i.+p relations.h.i.+ps weren’t as important as it was during ancient China.

Finis.h.i.+ng with this affair and witnessing Rumont receiving it, Jeff was feeling happy, saying: “Nick can stay at my place, you return first, finish off your affairs before anything else. “

As Rumont witnessed this he spoke, expressing his thanks and well wishes, afterwards, he took his leave. At this time as he walked out the gate, it was the afternoon. The autumn winds blew. The distance between the forest and town wasn’t far, yet there was still a hill in-between. The bushes were starting to yellow and the beginnings of the evening seasonal mist were everywhere.

Coming down the hill to the wide road, unexpectedly, to his surprise was a caravan. The caravan had roughly 10 people, consisting of 3 horse carriages, racing on the main road.

Although saying it was a main road, it was actually a road covered with gravel.

A middle-aged man was riding on top of a horse.

As Rumont approached closer, a pair at the back immediately raised their guards, their hands holding onto swords. When they saw it was a youth, they relaxed back a touch, although with great effort.

“Mister Banner, are you coming to town? “ Rumont greeted out first.

“Oh…’s only you young Rumont, how’re you so far out here. “ the middle-aged man observed, recalling with difficulty his memories. Seeing that they were acquainted, the pair at the back fully relaxed their guards.

Banner would come to town once a month. According to the scaling of his caravan, he was allowed to use the main road for transporting.

There was a road between every town and city. Patrolling squads, mercenary corps and army troops would be frequently keeping the roads tidy, to ensure a safe thoroughfare. Under normal circ.u.mstances, bandits would avoid in meddling on this road, as this would cause them to be routed.

However, at a few farout roads, the conditions would vary greatly; various races of varying squad sizes, it would be hard to guarantee safety.

“Nothing much, I came looking for Master Jeff. Right now, I’m heading to pay a formal visit to the Lord Baron. I’m a Rank 1 Druid, Master Jeff gave me a reference, to permit me to see the Lord! “ Rumont scratched his head and happily said.

“Oh, you’ve become a Druid? “ Banner who was originally unenthusiastic, immediately showed a glimmer in his eyes, his manners and att.i.tude immediately became several degrees more cordial.

Carefully a.s.sessing, this youth had short hair, a face that could be called handsome, although he vaguely remembered his age was roughly 15 or 16 years old, yet at present, his appearance had quite a few changes, giving off an air of…...experience?

Although it was said that a Druid wasn’t as respected as a Priest or Magician and was often neglected, however, they still ranked over fighters. After all, they had the strength of Nature magic and spells.

“Yup, once I go back to town, I’m planning on running a small store, selling a few medicines and herbs. “ Rumont replied happily: “At that time, perhaps I could conduct business with Mister Banner! “

“Certainly, without a doubt, leave it to me, I won’t let you get the worst of it! “ Banner immediately replied with a businessman’s smile, giving a resounding slap to his chest.

They spoke as they journeyed, hurrying to Ricca before the sun fully set.

This was a small town that sat by the ocean and forest edge. A river meandered through the small town, supplying it with fresh water, eventually joining into the far-off ocean.

Within 500 metres of the small town, was situated a lush forest.

At this moment, looking from the distant, you could already see several hundred threads of smoke slowly wafting up into the air. It was the time when food was being cooked.

Banner gave out a yell, he finally relaxed away his tense nerves. Although there was a certain amount of safety guaranteed on the mainroad, however, it wasn’t impossible to keep their guard up. They could finally rest at ease, they would begin their transactions tomorrow.

The town of Ricca naturally had its own soldiers. They had made out the group in the distance, they let the familiar group pa.s.s after a quick inspection.

Still having a bit of time, Banner directly visited Mort’s Inn. As for Rumont, he went to the G.o.ddess’ Shrine. He wanted to obtain Miss Eleni’s a.s.sistance before seeing the baron.

However, a horse carriage gave him a fright as he arrived at the gates.

This carriage was quite lofty. Although the exterior was plain and simple, yet the top of the carriage was inlaid with a golden insignia. This was the insignia of a n.o.ble, or perhaps the organizations. The carriage sides and wheels were sullied in a thick layer of dirt, letting people know that the carriage had travelled a far distance.

Rumont promptly gave way, standing by the side.

However, atop the carriage, someone pulled open the curtains and looked out saying: “Is this the Agricultural G.o.ddess’ Shrine? “

It was an old man that stuck his head out.

“Yes, milord, this is indeed the Agricultural G.o.ddess’ s.h.i.+ne! “ Rumont respectfully and carefully answered.

The old man nodded slightly. The carriage did not stop at all as a golden shaped object fell down, giving off a sharp and clear sound as it hit the flagstones.

The horse carriage continued onwards.

“What’s the matter, Master Acacia? “ a female voice out.

“Nothing much, Miss Polly, since this place has a shrine to the Agricultural G.o.ddess, to say at the very least, it is a good place to recuperate injuries. We’ll send some people to establish a relation with the shrine. “ the one called Acacia who was a Enchanter said.

“Oh, then the youth from before? “

“A beginning Rank Druid! “ Acacia said carelessly.

“That’s good, we’ll recuperate here for a while, afterwards, we’ll go to the huge magical forest. This matter, we must obtain it at all costs, we can’t keep it a secret, I want to move fast. “

“As you say. “ the carriage continued into the distance.

Rumont at this time, picked up the object. It was a gold coin with a glistening s.h.i.+ne, it was worth 10 silver coins.

Rumont was delighted as he went towards the shrine. There was n.o.body around outside as he walked to the garden at the back. This garden belonged to the shrine, although it did not grow any precious plants, yet it was lush and filled with Ox Horn Flowers, Night Moon Gra.s.s, Blue Gra.s.s and over a hundred types of herbs. These herbs could be used to treat and care for the human body.

“Greetings Mister Anson! “ he quickly went and gave a greeting as he saw an old man coming out of a building.

Anson was an Apothecarist, to the majority of the townsfolk and commoners, he was the master of the herbal garden. The highly rated high-priced healing spells of G.o.d were effective and quick, however, they weren’t comparable to the cheaply-priced herbs.

As a result, Anson with 30 years as an Apothecarist, was extremely well respected by the townsfolk and farmers.

“Mm, so it’s Rumont. “ looking over the youth, Apothecarist Anson laughingly said: “What brings you here today? “

The final lights of the sunset were already s.h.i.+ning, slanting through the windows of the shrine, basking everything in a golden light. The front of the shrine was filled with a flower terrace, it was like spring all year around. Even in winter, the flowers would still bloom, this was the power brought forth by the shrine. Not only were the flowers especially glamorous, even the green leaves were especially verdant.

“I want to see Miss Eleni! Mister Anson, do you know where she currently is? “

“Why are you looking for Miss Eleni? “ a female voiced out as she walked out from behind.

“Lady Salin! “ Rumont humbly bowed.

The female was Lady Salin, the expected age was around 30 more less, she was adorned with a long blue dress.

“I have a letter from Master Jeff, I want to request Miss Eleni to deliver it to the Lord Baron. “ Rumont said. Before even hearing Lady Salin’s response, Miss Eleni appeared from behind.

“What is it? “ she asked.

“Oh, Miss Eleni, I want to meet with the Lord Baron, but I don’t know the means to, can you help me with this? “ Rumont handed the letter over; Miss Eleni received it graciously. She opened the letter to have a look. Shortly she was happily smiling, saying: “oh my, oh my, little Rumont has given us a surprise, becoming a druid. This is worth celebrating! Lady Salin, could you arrange an evening meal, from this point on, little Rumont has the qualifications to join us during a meal. As for an introduction to the Lord Baron, no problems, he’s my father! “

“Oh! “ Rumont was slightly shocked. Miss Eleni being the local Baron’s daughter was no secret, however, it was information that he wasn’t privy to.

Miss Eleni was a gentle and caring person, time pa.s.sed quickly and comfortably with her around. Simply unlike the image of a n.o.bilities’ young miss.

At this time, Priest Dennis appeared as well, seeing that she was full of joy ask: “Eleni, what’s made you so happy? “

As he spoke, he secretly felt some loathing upon seeing Rumont.

“Priest Dennis, Rumont has already become an official Druid, this is a joyous occasion. Tomorrow, I’ll introduce him to my father, once he hears about his, he’ll be so cheerful. “ Miss Eleni laughingly said as she put away the letter carefully.

Upon hearing this news, Priest Dennis’ originally easygoing face, immediately clouded over.

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Heaven’s Intention c16 summary

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