Heaven’s Intention c20

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Chapter 20 – Bison (End)

There was a resemblance between the bisons of this world and the bisons back on Earth. Ordinarily, an adult bison’s length was approximately 2 metres, with 2 bulky sharp horns arching. The only difference was unlike the bisons on Earth, their fur weren’t a dark hue. Instead, s.h.i.+ning under the sunlight their hairs gave off an appearance of glossiness that could move people, similar to a golden brocade; a beauty that captivated people.

To be more precise, it was because of this beautiful hair that brought these animals an endless amount of disasters. This beautiful hair could be made into furs. Because it’s pricing was higher compared to the cheaper furs from other animals, it was therefore, usually desired by the few females of a richer households.

As for the quality of the bison meat, it was much more tastier than the regular cla.s.s of beef. As a result, for the large amount of money there was always people hunting it within the forest. In anycase, wanting to catch a bison wasn’t that relaxing of an issue.

First of all, although the bison dwelled within the boundaries of the forest, only a small herd would move about the forest. Each herd would be of no less than 10. Next, even if they did move about a lot during twilight or at night and rested in shady areas during broad daylight, they still however had sensitive hearing and noses. Although their temperaments were usually of the docile kind, they were dauntless the moment they met any enemies. They would quickly flee the moment they detected anyone nearing. The moment anyone tried killing them, hurting them or leaving them at an, they would become vicious, charging towards them. Therefore, those that hunted bisons were usually Warriors under Rank 6, without any responsibilities. If worse, it was usually a group of experienced hunters with robust physiques.

If Feivel and Rumont, a couple of youths whose bodies were several times smaller were able to hunt down a bison, they would immediately become awe inspiring to the opposite party.

Only, at this moment both Feivel and Rumont did not have time to entertain these thoughts. They were currently crawling forward on their stomachs in the gra.s.s, carefully watching the bisons drinking at the river bank.

Although they did not have plenty experience in hunting, this didn’t represent that they could not see the strength of the 3 bisons. Their movements were slow and they all seemed a touch weak without strength. Obviously the 3 were the weakest out of the herd of bisons! Even more so, was that it was only 1 big with 2 small bisons!

The pair looked at each other, both seeing delight in the counterpart’s eyes.

“Rumont, it’s 3 bisons left behind by the herd! This’ll make us rich! “ a bright red was showing on Feivel’s fervent expression. It was as if he saw a big pile of coins sitting right in front of him. He happily reached for an arrow behind his back, readying his bow to fire, except, he was then obstructed by Rumont .

“Let’s leave first. “ Rumont was clearly looking at the 3 bisons drinking by the river, as he said in a low voice. “It’s not very easy to run into bisons ditched by the herd, better not startle them into fleeing. “

He quickly licked over his lips before continuing the discussion: “at this far distance, arrows won’t be very effective. Let’s do it like this, I’ll crawl over, strike out unexpectedly at the big one, while I’ll leave the 2 small ones to you. You’re carrying some rope right. If we manage to capture them alive we can bring them along, tied up. That way, the prices for the bisons would be even higher, in addition killing the adult bison wouldn’t be a problem, but if we can spare the young ones, then we’ll let them live……”

This discussion, simply did not allow Feivel to object. He then kept crouched, heading through the, carefully creeping towards the 3 bisons.

As he approached closer he discovered, the 2 smaller bisons seemed to be just recently born calves; their 4 legs seem to be shaking as they were drinking water.

The adult bison’s appearance also seemed to be weak, it’s body was entirely covered in injuries as well as suppuration. It was quite clear since being deserted, that as well as needing to protect the young calves, it had also met with several murderous situations———it was unknown which carnivorous animal had taken an interest in the deserted bisons, nor was it known how many struggles it have been through.

When Rumont had gone over, they had just finished drinking, wearily wagging their tails as they headed towards the sh.o.r.e.

A good opportunity!

Rumont grasped the sword in his hand even tighter while lightly carried himself towards them. This sword was the one that was made by the Blacksmith Old Vyell. Even though hunting during this period, using a machete would perhaps be more suitable. Yet, in this world, weaponry originally isn’t as cheap, more so was that he was shouldering a debt of over a hundred silver coins, as a result, he was improvising now with this sword.

As for the machete stored within the spatial region, it couldn’t be used. Even more so was that although it was more suitable for hunting, yet, according to the current swordsmans.h.i.+p pract.i.tioners, a sword was more capable for protecting one’s self.

Because Rumont was a Druid, it was therefore natural that his body would possess a type of Nature related aura. Not only was this aura useful for plants, it was also pretty good at masking against animals. After all, who would be wary against plants? Therefore, when the bisons walked towards the thickets that he previously strolled through, they were ignorant of him because of this. As a result, the bisons were unaware since the very start.

It was right until when he was already in front of them, wielding the sword towards them and bursting with killing intent, when finally, the adult bison discovered the danger and panickedly wanted to flee. Yet, why would Rumont let this prey go!

Raising his sword arm, he fiercely thrusted his sword towards the bison. The weapon was excellent, stabbing deeply; causing the bison to madly cry out, forcing it turn around to face the opponent.

Rumont jumped in fright, quickly leaping away. He was outstandingly nimble; bursting forth quickly.

Rumont discovered as he leaped a few steps away, that the bison’s movement was extremely slow and sluggish, caused by the scarings while incessantly crying out in grief.

Immediately, Rumont hurtled towards the bison while still grasping his sword. Fresh blood splattered. Finally, the bison released some tears, evidently it knew its time of death was approaching.

Upon seeing these tears, Rumont was moved. Yet, he then thought of Nick and hardened his resolve. Finis.h.i.+ng it with his sword, he stabbed into the bison’s heart.

Rumont looked at the bison’s collapsed body on the ground, feeling pleased about his recent days of swordsmans.h.i.+p training and increase in strength. He then scrubbed at the few drops of blood that splashed on him.

When he finished cleaning, he stood up in time to see Feivel laughing merrily, herding the two young bisons towards him.

Afterwards, the duo was busy skinning the leather off the bison’s body on the ground. At the same time, placed the already separated meat into a sack that they had prepared beforehand.

It wasn’t that Rumont didn’t want to save himself some ha.s.sles, placing the stuff into his inner region, but currently there was someone present. Even though Feivel was his best friend, yet the fact that he possessed a spatial region was better off when less people knew about it.

“This time we’re really lucky! Finished skinning? “ Feivel looked at the remaining meat on the skeleton frame on the ground, begrudgingly saying: “we’re not keeping these? “

Rumont laughed has he reached for the bag on the ground. “Don’t look at it, merely all this will take all our strength to bring back. It’ll be midday soon . We’ll need to hurry home quickly. If it’s still early when we return, take some home with you; you might even be able to eat a meat patty!

Feivel thought it over and no longer said anything.

Of the pair, one was leading the bisons, the other struggling with the meat, both rushed back.

You could say, that this time’s hunting operation was a big success. Not only was n.o.body hurt, they also managed to hunt the difficult and rarely seen bisons. This was of great fortune.

Even Rumont couldn’t help but hum out a tune. This tune was a popular song back on Earth.

“Rumount, what song are you humming? It’s really good! “ Feivel admired by his side. “Could you teach it to me? “

Rumont was slightly startled as he look at him. “Don’t you normally dislike this sort of thing? “

Feivel blushed as he scratched his head. “I have to go through the adult rites next year……”

“Oh oh, I understand now! You want a girl don’t you? Ha ha ha! “ Rumont immediately understood, bursting into laughter.

Feivel’s face was even redder, feeling a bit enraged from the humiliation: “If you don’t want to teach then say so! Really! “

Angrily rus.h.i.+ng forward afterwards.

Rumont resisting the urge to laugh, went ahead and patted on his shoulder. “No need to be upset, I’ll teach you properly after we get back. “

Feivel recovered from his emotions. However quite quickly, his expression was unsightly. “Rumont, there seemed to have been a shadow that moved just then. “

“Really? “ Rumont was serious, carefully observing the surroundings. “There’s noone. Are you sure you weren’t just seeing things? “

“Maybe. “ Feivel wasn’t quite sure: “right, I heard Miss Eleni was quite good to you, you’re going to join the church later on aren’t you? “

Seeing the envy towards him on his companion’s face, Rumont cuffed Feivel’s head, wryly saying: “what’s that got to do with me entering the church or not? Although……“

Eleni’s elegant and peaceful face seemed to appear in front of him, as well as her exquisite tall figure: “……Miss Eleni is indeed really good. “

Feivel laughingly said: “you wouldn’t have a crush on Miss Eleni right? “

This wasn’t something that could be casually said, after all, Miss Eleni was an aristocrat as well a Priest. There was a large gap between her ident.i.ty and the few ordinary people. Even if Rumont was a Druid, it was still difficult climbing the social ranks.

However presently there was only those two. More so, Feivel was only making up a scenario trying to make fun of other guy.

“If you could marry Miss Eleni you would have really struck it! Not only is Miss Eleni beautiful, her temperament is gentle and soft, as well as kind-hearted, would later become a priest, even still is that she’s the Lord Baron’s daughter. Tell me honestly, you don’t like her at all? “

However, he was greatly disappointment at Rumont’s display. His expression was serene; as if the relations.h.i.+p with the heaven sent angel didn’t concern himself.

“Rumont, did you listen to who I just talked about? It was about Miss Eleni, the beautiful and kind-hearted Miss Eleni. The one that’s exactly like an angel, you really don’t like her? “

Rumont cuffed Feivel’s head once again. “Stop talking nonsense eh, this is simply an impossibility, don’t tell me you forgot about her ident.i.ty? Pfft. “

Rumont quickly walked off after showing a disdaining look.

“Hey hey! Wait for me Rumont! “ Feivel quickly chased after while towing the two calves.

“If you really didn’t like it why would you deliberately show such an expression, it’s too obvious! Come on, we’re like brothers after all, I wouldn’t have laughed at you……”


The pair quarrelled noisily into the distance. Leaving behind them countless drops of blood on top of the road from the bag that Rumont struggled with. All the way to the far off distance.

Right when their figures could no longer be seen; a youth in a big gown walked out from the sides.

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Heaven’s Intention c20 summary

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