Bu ni Mi wo Sasagete Hyaku to Yonen. Elf de Yarinaosu Musha Shugyou Bu Ni Mi [Vol.2] Chapter 26.5 – Bonus: A Different Battle

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“Well then, shall we go, Cheryl-chan?”
“……Yup. Hot spring, fun”

 The beautiful moon brightened the area like a spotlight in the dark mountains.

 Both of them were only wearing a towel and the limps which were illuminated by the moonlight were beautiful in an artistic sense rather than a s.e.xual one.
 From their appearance, one could a.s.sume they were about to take a bath. One could also say, walking around the cold mountain dressed like that was rather reckless.

 That girl who swung her golden thread like hair from side to side barely covering anything of her body despite– No, because she usually concealed those abundant curves from the public under her robe, now seemed like she was flaunting her magnificent beauty.
 In contrast to that golden haired girl, the white haired girl accompanying her possessed a childish body with close to none curves whatsoever. However, on the other hand, through her gracefulness and reserved nature, a certain majesty is born which made her fascinating while still being a little girl.

 They were two girls who would even put a G.o.ddess’ beauty to shame.
 The golden haired girl was called Sonia and the white haired girl’s name was Cheryl.

“……But is that really fine? Grandfather told me to never show my naked body to a man”

 Among those two, Cheryl seemed puzzled and sent questioning looks towards Sonia.

 Because of that effect the elven sense of virtue differed greatly from their outward appearance and was firmly rooted in their culture.

“Right, normally one shouldn’t do that. But Cheryl-chan……Eehm, have you ever taken a bath together with your grandfather?”

“Hm hm, so if it’s with siblings, parents and people you’re close with then you don’t have to mind it.

“That’s……Right. But I’m a year older so I’m the big sister……”

 Sonia smiled at Cheryl who proudly stuck out her non-existent chest and snorted.

“Fufu, well, anyway, it’s okay with people like him. So, if you understood shall we continue? Our bodies will get cold”
“……Hot spring!……Huh? But what about Sonia?”

 When she said the word “hot spring”, for which she held high expectations as she never saw one before, Cheryl threw up her right hand while still holding onto her towel.
 ……However, despite her still being a child she seemed to have noticed the incongruity in Sonia’s words.

 Certainly, Salva and Cheryl were close childhood friends. Their relations.h.i.+p was like that of a parent and child or siblings, very close.

 Cheryl looked doubtful as she felt this was a little unconvincing somehow.

 Sonia who got asked something like this by a child softened her eyes for just an instant.
 However, she quickly recovered.

“Me, you ask?……I’m, let’s see. I’d want to be his future wife, just kidding.”

 She covered her cheeks dyed in vermilion with both her hands.
 Young Cheryl didn’t really know if that was the answer to her question but– she didn’t like it for some reason.

“Come on, let’s hurry. If we don’t hurry Salva-kun might leave before we get there, you know?


 But Cheryl was still just a child for an elf blessed with longevity. She seemed to have decided to give priority to spending time with her favourite boy without being swayed by some pa.s.sing emotion.

 Despite the small steps Cheryl took, their destination wasn’t far anymore and it soon entered those two’s field of vision.

 What they saw was — Not sure if one could cla.s.sify him as a boy– the elven boy they were talking about just now.

“Yes, good, good. Looks like he just entered……”

 Sonia who spotted Salva unconsciously hid behind a bush and lowered her voice.
 Cheryl, who didn’t quite understand why she did this, copied her. Feeling embarra.s.sed in front of the opposite gender dressed like this was natural after all.

“Fufu, “Aah~”, he said. He’s an old man on the inside after all, huh?”

 Usually, Salva would have noticed those two but as he was bathing in the hot spring, which he professed to love, he let his guard down.
 Still, Salva was a slightly special boy who would instantly get ready for battle if any of those two emitted any malicious intent. Those two observed Salva without being that careless.

“Still……If you look closely, he looks cool even though he’s young”

 Sonia muttered as if she looked at a completely different person than before when she looked at Salve from that angle.

 Certainly, his face, while still being childish, was well formed.

 ……What Sonia liked the most, however, were his eyes.
It was precisely because she knew Salva’s circ.u.mstances that she noticed the charm of those aggressive and solemn eyes which normally couldn’t be found on a young boy’s face. And yet, those eyes seemed to contain some sorrow mixed with deep affection.

 An elf’s lifespan is long. However, because of that life ends up feeling dull.
 Sonia hated that. She didn’t want to live a meaningless life. That’s why Salva’s eyes, which harboured a great variety of emotions, and inevitably his mind as well seemed attractive to her.

 What was he thinking about now?

 If possible I’d like to watch him like this forever. The moment she thought that a strong pull on her arm brought Sonia back to reality.

“……Right. If we stay here we’ll get cold.”

 It was Cheryl who pulled at her arm. Cheryl, who tilted her head and directed questioning eyes towards Sonia, seemed to be a little cold.

 That’s right, they were here dressed like this to bath together with the boy who was soaking in the hot water.
 Sonia who was reminded of that became slightly red again.

 It was embarra.s.sing for her to expose her skin in front of the man she fell in love with. That was only natural, as Sonia hadn’t really experienced love before she met Salva.

 But the men who made advances towards her always only wanted to get to know her after seeing her face. Before she noticed, Sonia got a really dull impression of that thing called love.

 A special kind of boy who, while still being an elf, had a very strong air about him. The more Sonia spoke and listened to him the more interested she got in him.

 And — that absurd strength. Salva’s fist which broke Sonia’s mask smashed in the door which closed off the maiden’s heart within her.

 ──If I miss him here I’ll have to spend this long life always compromising. Sonia having such conviction was a matter of course.
 Be a.s.sertive, don’t regret anything, live strongly! Like that this reckless a.s.sault came to be.

“A, alright, let’s go, Cheryl-chan”

 She was embarra.s.sed to go out just as is so she circled around and approached Salva from behind.

 As she encountered Salva under the moonlight, seeming calm, they exchanged their mutual intentions with each other.

 Before long, that surprisingly pleasant time pa.s.sed and Salva, who was soaking in hot water, stood up.

 Sonia hastily covered her eyes.
 ──However, Being interested in s.e.x for the first time (Cheryl had yet to understand that concept) Sonia felt restless and spread out her fingers.

 At that time, a cracking sound containing some moisture, sounding like a palm strike, was reverberating through the mountains.

 When Sonia opened her eyes behind her hands she saw–

 The figure of Salva hitting his back with a slightly wet towel, which he wore on his head up until a while ago, through his crotch.

 ”Like an old man….” is the impression it gave of and reaffirming the fact again that Salva is an old man who’s a hot spring enthusiast.

 ……However, love is said to be blind, isn’t it? As this gesture seemed cute to her, for some reason, Sonia let out a sigh.

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Bu ni Mi wo Sasagete Hyaku to Yonen. Elf de Yarinaosu Musha Shugyou Bu Ni Mi [Vol.2] Chapter 26.5 – Bonus: A Different Battle summary

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