The Grey Book Part 41

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HERMELINK, HEINRICH. Kirche in Kampf. Stuttgart, 1950; in German.

HERZBERG, ABEL J. Kroniek der Jodenvervolging. Amhem-Amsterdam, 1950; in Dutch.

HEYDENREICH, RENATE MARIA. Versuch Theologischer Wiedergutmachung. In: Der ungekundigte Bund (Goldschmidt - Kraus, Ed.), pp. 183-283.

HILBERG, R. The Destruction of the European Jews. Chicago, 1961.

Hitler's Ten-Year War on the Jews. New York, 1943. Published by the Inst.i.tute of Jewish Affairs of the American Jewish Congress.

HOCHHUTH, ROLF. The Deputy. New York, 1963; third impression.

HOYE, BJARNE, and AGER, TRYGVE M. The Fight of the Norwegian Church against n.a.z.ism. New York, 1943.

ISAAC, JULES. The Teaching of Contempt. New York, 1965.

JANNASCH, W. Deutsche Kirchendok.u.mente. Zurich, 1946; in German.

JASPER, R.C.D. George Bell Bishop of Chichester. London, 1967.

DE JONG, LOUIS. Jews and non Jews in n.a.z.i-occupied Holland. In: On the Track of Tyranny (Ed. Max Beloff), pp. 139-155; London, 1960.

DE JONG, LOUIS. De Bezetting. Vol. III. Amsterdam, 1963; in Dutch.

DE JONG, LOUIS. Een Sterfgeval in Auschwitz. Amsterdam, 1967; in Dutch. An English translation will be published in Yad Vashem Studies, VII (Jerusalem, 1969), pp. 39-55: "The Netherlands and Auschwitz".

Les Juifs en Europe, 1939-1945, Published by the "Centre de Doc.u.mentation Juive Contemporaine. Paris, 1949; in French. <310>

VAN KAAM, B. Opstand der Gezagsgetrouwen. Wageningen, 1966. In Dutch.

KNAP, H. Vreemdeling, Bericht de Spartanen. Amsterdam, 1966. In Dutch.

KNOUT, DAVID. Contribution a L'histoire de la RESISTANCE JUIVE EN FRANCE.

Paris, in French.

KOCH, ANTON. Vom Widerstand der Kirche. Freiburg, 1947; in German.

KRAKAUER, MAX. Lichter im Dunkel. Stuttgart, 1947; in German.

LAPIDE, PINCHAS E. The Last Three Popes and the Jews. London, 1967.

LATTES, SAMY. L'Att.i.tude de l'Eglise en France a l'egard des Juifs pendant la persecution. In: Les juifs en Europe, pp 166-170.

LAVIE, THEODORE. Roumanian Jewry in World War 11. Jerusalem, 1965; in Hebrew.

LEUNER, HEINZ. When Compa.s.sion was a crime. London, 1966.

LEVIEW, MISHO. Nashata BlaG.o.darnost (Our Grat.i.tude). Sofia, 19457; in Bulgarian.

LEWY, G. The Catholic Church and n.a.z.i Germany. London, 1964.

LOWRIE, DONALD A. The Hunted Children. New York, 1963.

LUDWIG, CARL. Die Fluechtlingspolitik der Schweiz seit 1933 bis zur Gegenwart (Bericht an den Bundesrat zuhanden der eidgenossischen Rate). ZU 7347.

Lutheran Directory. Published by the Lutheran World Federation; Geneva, 1966.

MACFARLAND, CHARLES s. Across the Years. The Macmillan Co., 1936.

MARTIN, H. (Ed.). Christian Counter-Attack. London, 1943.

MAYFIELD, GUY. The Church of England. Oxford, 1958.

MEIER, Kurt. Kristallnacht und Kirche - die Haltung der Evangelischen Kirche zur Judenpolitik des Faschismus. In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Karl-Marx-Universitat Leipzig, 13. Jahrgang, 1964; pp. 91-106; in German.

MEYENDORFF, J. The Orthodox Church. London, 1954.

MEYER, PETER (Ed.). The Jews in the Soviet Satellites. Syracuse University Press, MIEGGE, GIOVANNI. L'Eglise sous le joug fasciste. Geneva, 1946; in French.

MOLHO, MICHAEL. In Memoriam. Salonica, 1948; in French.

MOLHO, MICHAEL, and NEHAMA, JOSEPH. The Destruction of Greek Jewry, 1941-1944.

Jerusalem, 1965; in Hebrew.

MOISSIS, ASCHER. La situation des Communautks juives en Grkce. In: "Les Juifs en Europe", pp. 47-54.

MORSE, ARTHUR D. While Six Million Died. London, 1968.

MUNKACSI, ERNO. Hogyan tortent? Adatok es okmanyok a magyar zsidosag trage- diajahoz. Budapest, 1947; in Hungarian.

NEILL, STEPHAN. Anglicanism. London, 1958.

NIEMOLLER, WILHELM. Kamp und Zeugnis der Bekennenden Kirche. Bielefeld, 1946; in German.

NIEMOLLER, WILHELM. Die Bekennende Kirche sagt Hitler die Wahrheit. Bielefeld, 1954; in German.

NIEMOLLER, WILHELM. Die Evangelische Kirche im Dritten Reich. Bielefeld, 1956; in German. <311>

VAN NORDEN, G. Kirche in der Krise. Dusseldorf, 1963; in German.

Nordiska Roster mot Judeforfoljelse och Vald (Doc.u.ments and Commentaries).

Edited by Judisk Tidskrift, Stockholm 1943; in Swedish.

OLDHAM, J.H. (Ed.), The Churches Survey Their Task (The Report of the Conference at Oxford, July 1937, on Church, Community and State).

London, 1937.

OSUSKY, SAMUEL STEFAN. Sluzba Nirodu. Bratislawa, 1947; in Slovakian.

PARIS, EDMOND. Genocide in Satellite Croatia, 1941-1945. Chicago, 1959.

PARKES, JAMES. Anti-semitism. Chicago, 1964.

La Persecution des Juifs en Allemagne: Att.i.tude des Eglises Chretiennes.

Geneva, 1933; in French.

PRESSER, J. Ondergang. 's-Gravenhage, 1965; in Dutch.

POLIAKOV, LEON. Harvest of Hatred. London, 1960.

REITLINGER, G. The final Solution. London, 1953; The Relations.h.i.+p of the Church to the Jewish People, Collection of Statements made by the World Council of Churches and representative bodies of its member Churches.

Geneva, 1964; mimeographed.

ROBINSON, JACOB. And the Crooked Shall be Made Straight. New York, 1965.

VAN ROON, G. Neuordnung im Widerstand. Munich, 1967; in German.

ROSENKRANZ, HERBERT. The Anschluss and the Tragedy of Austrian Jewry 1938-1945.

In: Josef Fraenkel (Ed.), The Jews of Austria. London, 1967.

ROTHKIRCHEN, LIVIA. The Destruction of Slovak Jewry. Jerusalem, 1961; in Hebrew, with an English Summary.

ROTHKIRCHEN, LIVIA. Vatican Policy and the 'Jewish Problem' in 'Independent'

Slovakia (1939-1945). In: Yad Vashem Studies (Jerusalem, 1967), Vol. VI, pp. 27-53.

ROTHKIRCHEN, LIVIA. The Att.i.tude of the Vatican and the Churches in Hungary towards 'The Solution of the Jewish Question'. In: HaUmmah ("The Nation"); Jerusalem, 1967; No. 21, pp. 79-85; in Hebrew.

ROUSE, RUTH, and NEILL, STEPHEN c. (Ed.). A History of the Ec.u.menical Movement 1517-1948. London, 1954.

SAFRAN, ALEXANDRE. L'Oeuvre de sauvetage de la population juive accomplie pendant l'oppression en Roumanie. In: Les Juifs en Europe, pp. 208 - 213.


Copenhagen, 1945; in Danish.

SCHEFFLER, WOLFGANG, Judenverfolgung im Dritten Reich. Berlin-Dahlem, 1960; in German.

SHUB, BORIS (Ed.). Hitler's Ten Year War on the Jews. New York, 1943.

SIMPSON, W.W. Jews and Christians To-day (A Study in Jewish-Christian Relations.h.i.+ps). London, 1940.

SIMPSON, W.W. Co-operation between Christians and Jews, Its Possibilities and Limitations. In: Gote Hedenquist (Ed.), The Church and the Jewish People. London, 1954. <312>

STADLER, KARL. Das Einsame Gewissen. Vienna, 1966; in German.

STEINER, F. La Situation des Juifs en Slovaquie. In: Les Juifs en Europe, pp. 2 16-220.

SIJES, B.A. De Februari-Staking. 's-Gravenhage, 1954; in Dutch, with an English summary.

TARTAKOWER, ARIEH, and GROSSMANN, KURT R. The Jewish Refugee. New York, 1944.

TENENBAUM, JOSEPH. Race and Reich. New York, 1956.

TENENBAUM, JOSEPH. For the Sake of Historical Balance. In: Yad Vashem Bulletin, No. 3; Jerusalem, 1958.

THIEME, KARL (Ed.). Judenfeindschaft. Frankfurt a. M., 1963; in German.

TOUW, H.C. Het Verzet der Hervormde Kerk. 's-Gravenhage, 1946; in Dutch.

Le IIIe Reich et les Juifs, Essai d'une Doc.u.mentation. Anvers, 1933; in French.

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