Sisters Violated Many Times in Dream and Reality… c2 part2

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Part 1


While Ares’ consciousness was faint, he was hearing a sound.
It was a sound similar in the past when he fed a stray dog and then it licked his face.
It wasn’t only the sound. The sensation was also similar.。
However the part that was currently being licked was different.
Something warm could be felt on his lower half.

[ nn…❤ nfu…❤ Ares-saan…❤]


Next he heard familiar voices.
Hurriedly opening his eyes, Grace and Sharley who were stark-naked were sucking his c.o.c.k as if it was a natural thing to do.


To that unbelievable spectacle Ares doubted his own eyes.
The sisters were indifferent towards Ares’ bewilderment and continued to caress his p.e.n.i.s with the tip of their tongues.
Compared to the time that they met Grace wear an obscene expression.
s.h.i.+rley with regards to her usual impression, shamefully and timidly stuck out her tongue.

Ares gave a moan.
He was receiving pleasure, and for those two lovely girls to lick his p.e.n.i.s he felt aroused from this situation.

He wanted to stop them but somehow his body wouldn’t move.


(TL Note: chu – sound of giving a kiss)

This time a kiss on the tip of his p.e.n.i.s. Furthermore they drew out their tongue and started licking the pole as if scooping it.

(Those girls…we’ve only just met so they shouldn’t be doing this kind of thing and yet…)

[I want more] that desire rose halfway.

Grace saw that, and her dark irises giggled.
Sharley stared downwards as her face rapidly reddened.

[Then…I will service your more okay.]

Right after saying that Grace bent her body forwards, stuffed her mouth with Ares’ p.e.n.i.s, and held it until the deeps of her throat.


Grace started moving her face up and down.
While sucking she also moved her tongue inside her mouth.

Ares’ own p.e.n.i.s was wrapped in a warm, soft, and numbing feeling.

Together with a rhythmical sound he felt that he was nearing his climax.

[Wai…Grace-san, it’s bad…stop…it!]

Even so Grace didn’t stop.
With upturned eyes she peeped at Ares’ expression, and *nii* smiled with a bewitching look.


At the moment of his e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n the inside of Grace’s mouth was filled with a cloudy liquid.


Because she couldn’t catch everything, when she removed her mouth her face was splattered with s.e.m.e.n.
Not only her face but s.e.m.e.n also clung onto her hair and

[nnha❤…how warm…❤]

To her action of licking the s.e.m.e.n near her mouth, Ares’ p.e.n.i.s once again got hard.

[A,Ares-san…This time I’ll…]

With a fawning expression this time s.h.i.+rley bent her body forwards.

[First would be…cleaning right❤]

(TL Note: chupu – sound of swallowing then releasing
rero – sound of rolling her tongue)

She gave a reserved smile and then started licking the s.e.m.e.n which clung on the tip of his p.e.n.i.s.


She then sucked out the remaining s.e.m.e.n from the head of his p.e.n.i.s.
Although she didn’t show an obscene expression like Grace, to that figure with flushed skin and earnestly serviced his p.e.n.i.s, as expected Ares’ erection reached its limit.

[It became bigger…this time…please give it to me…❤]

Bending her body further, she slowly inserted Ares’ p.e.n.i.s between her chest.
The boy’s p.e.n.i.s was swallowed into her white abundant swelling.
To that excessive softness Ares gave a pleasant moan.

She then moved back and forth and her twin hills jiggled and distorted their shape.

(My p.e.n.i.s is really sinking into Sharley’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s…)

Furthermore Sharley crawled her tongue to the glans that appeared and disappeared between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.
Ares’ moaning raised even higher.

[Sharley’s so unfair…even I can use my b.r.e.a.s.t.s…!]

To that statement which threw away her usual intellectual mood, Grace thrust out her own b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Colliding against Sharley’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s, their four b.r.e.a.s.t.s drooped and shook.
They then competed on getting Ares’ p.e.n.i.s.

[You’re also unfair onee-chan…even though it’s my turn right now…]

Sharley *gyumu* squeezed her armpits to drive her b.r.e.a.s.t.s stronger.

[It’s because Ares who’s feeling good…is just so cute…❤]

Grace increased the pressure on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

To that mincing movement Ares moans were wrapped with pain.

[c.u.m❤ Ares-san…]

[Please c.u.m…Ares-saan…❤]

As if responding to the two’s desire, Ares’ p.e.n.i.s sprouted s.e.m.e.n which reached up in the sky like a fountain.
The sisters were completely in ecstasy as they basked to that.
Ares thought that scene was awfully obscene, and yet very lovely―――


Part 2


Ares sprang up from the bed.
After confirming his current condition, he felt greatly perplexed for a while.

(To have that kind of dream to girls that I’ve only just met…just why did that happen…)

For a while he fell into self-hatred.

Although in the first place, the capital city Reveria of the mercenary kingdom where the Society Headquarters was situated and also where Ares grew up, was larger than here and had a lot of red-light districts.

That place had numerous temptations and yet he had never been aroused.

(Is it because those two are special…?)

Grace was certainly charming, while Sharley was…
Just thinking about her his heart started beating harder.

A while after his p.e.n.i.s had calmed down, he heard sounds and voices of people from the vacant house next door.

The house next door seemed to be a hospital before; it was arranged for them to use since it became a private house but as expected it was too big for only 3 people to live in.

Peaking through the window he saw many luggages being brought.
For some reason a lone woman was giving out directions.

She had bob cut hairstyle and its color was close to ultramarine.

She possessed long-slitted blue eyes, and carried a slightly slender ritual sword (Kuritot) on her waist.
Though her b.r.e.a.s.t.s weren’t big her overall style was great, she was an owner of beautiful legs.

The woman who was looking down from the 2nd floor window noticed Ares, waved her hand while wearing a friendly smile, and now started grandly beckoning him.
Ares who noticed himself being pinpointed inclined his head, and then descended downstairs.

[You’re, Ares right?]

Inquired the woman while peering at Ares’ face when the two came close.

[That’s right…are you the reinforcement from the Society…?]

Just seeing the ceremonial sword on her waist it could be figured out that she was an Undead Hunter.

―――As the name suggests ritual sword (Kuritot) was a sword used for rituals, which compared to ordinary swords had designs added on it, and that resulted on its power somewhat dropping.

However it had the advantage of being easier to use the undead hunter magic 『Sun Arts・Holy Slash』.
Obviously it was impossible for people to possess this except for undead hunters.

[I’m Raiza. Besides me 10 Society members have come.  Today onwards this will be the temporary Undead Hunter Society・Kuoteram Branch. And starting today I will be taking command.]

*ehen* Raiza proudly puffed up her chest.
In contrast Ares’ face turned sour from hearing that.

(It was still fine that I heard about the reinforcements being late. But in the first place I was supposed to take command.)

[…is that an order from the headquarters or a branch of the Society?]

He calmly asked while holding back his displeasure.

[Nope. It’s my decision.]


[…any complaints?]

The woman inquired Ares while bending her head to one side.

She bear no ill will but Ares who had just been dispatched was dissatisfied.

[Ares, did you want to take command?]

[…That was my plan which is why I was sent here.]

For that reason he received training from the headquarters.

[But I am the same you know….then, let’s settle this by any means.]

[…in what way?]

[Let’s have a match.]


Part 3

The temporary Kuoteram branch building has a wide courtyard, and that place was used for training and can be easily prepared.
Although in reality there was only a white line drawn and training armors.

Two people held a training training swords that had its blade withdrawn and wore a part of a simple training armor, and were facing each other.
In the surroundings was a referee and spectators composed of Undead Hunter Society members, making a total of 12 people.
Of the two people was of course Ares who was the undead hunter that had arrived first.

[―――When should we start?]

Asked Raiza while turning her head.

[I’m fine any time. Even if we start already…wha!]


Raiza attacked first.
She unleashed a thrust while Ares was in the middle of answering.
However this was easily caught.

Raiza’s sword continued to entwine with Ares’ sword and in response he pulled it back.

(This guy…isn’t he sufficiently calm.)

In her mind Raiza was astonished by his skills.
Both his feet *tan, tan* started to take steps.

(He doesn’t have a large built…so he has mobility huh…but…I wonder how he is compared to me?)

In one step she approached him and  swung her left hand greatly in a feint.
However far from reading that action, her opponent also faced her with the same speed.

Not liking her opponent’s movement her feet stopped and withdrew for a moment, which was according to his expectation.

Ares chased after the retreating Raiza and attempted to knock her down.
Unexpected she was able to endure his blow.
However, even more surprising was the degree of shock which shook her whole body.
An unimaginable physical strength contrary to his outward appearance―――

A skillful, quick, and heavy blow.
She completely tasted that firsthand.

(How…for this physique to have this kind of…
Is this the true ability of a person recognized by the headquarters―――?
But still…even I went to every branch and got my ability to be recognized―――)

Raiza held her ground, and paused for a while.
She drew out her speed to the limit and unleashed a combo attack.
According to martial arts her technique could be called as her trump card.

Ares calmly took on a defensive stance, and perfectly stopped each and every blow.

(Not yet, there’s still more―――!)

That moment when she flinched because of accelerating―――
Ares’ weapon was already thrust before Raiza’s throat.
Forcibly speeding up her combo attack because of too much impatience resulted in her movement becoming messy.

[…It’s my win.]

[…It…seems so…]

Raiza took a breath, and then released a long sigh.

[When I was thinking if you’re a speed type or a technique type it turns out you’re also a power type huh…]

[I guess so. I’m not smart so I need to do this much.]

To this words Raiza twitched in reaction.

[Huh? Are you not good at using magic?]

[Certainly I’ve learned to use 『Sun Arts・Holy Slash』. But it doesn’t change the fact that I’m not good at it…]

Ares answered with a discouraged expression.

[…Is that your strong point?]

[Well that’s certainly my strong point…should we have a match on magic this time?]

[…Let’s stop. However there’s no doubt your strength is needed for this investigation.]

[Okay. Then I’ll provide you with my a.s.sistance since I understand that matter.]

Raiza had only just lost and yet Ares had immediately started talking about their field of expertise; her muddy feelings cleared up and she showed a smiling face.

Seeing that expression Ares’ chest throbbed for a bit.

[…Thanks, Ares.]

[…About what.]

[…Obviously for paying attention to my feelings.]


[Once again please allow me to introduce myself. I’m Raiza・Esteol. I’ll be your subordinate starting today okay.]


[Yup, my parents’ house is pretty much in this place.]

[Don’t tell me, you’re――


Just when did she come, Sharley had entered the courtyard.

[Oh, Sharley! My younger sister! As usual you’re so cute!]

[Welcome home! How was your training?]

The sisters embraced each other, and Sharley rubbed her cheeks against her elder sister’s chest.
On the other hand Raiza kissed her younger sister’s cheek.
Although Sharley’s mouth showed reluctance she received it with a not all bad expression.


Ares finally comprehended Grace’s words about her knowing properly one of the reinforcements.

Although it was too late to say this the 3 sisters of the Esteol house was a famous thing in Kuoteram.
(By the way all Society members except Ares knew this.)

Well informed in theories regarding 『Sun Arts・Heal』 and able to display its power in practice, the eldest daughter who is equipped with knowledge, Grace.

Unskillful on 『Sun Arts・Heal』 so she abandoned that path but instead has a deep understanding of 『Sun Arts・Holy Slash』 and even gifted with bravery, the second daughter who the Society acknowledged her superiority, Raiza.

Having a gift on magical power,  the third daughter who possessed a 『Sun Arts・Heal』 that has an immense effect and multiple uses, Sharley.

The three were born under the lineage of Recover Users who master 『Sun Arts・Heal』,  which as a result displayed their talents on their respective Sun Arts, they were thus called 『The three sisters loved by the sun』 .

(No way…for those three to be actually related…)

And now Ares couldn’t look at s.h.i.+rley’s face directly because he remembered his secret dream.


Part 4

―――――After that, days and months pa.s.sed by for a while.

Ares divided the undead hunters into two groups, and including the adventurers a total of three groups conducted their respective investigation.

Grace reported the investigation to the society, and discussed their subsequent plans.

The three people, i.e. Ares, Grace, and Raiza, joined their heads together to figure out the cause of the outbreak of undead and lower cla.s.s evil spirits.

Their guesses towards the outbreak were:
[A: It was a natural outbreak]
[B: A gate to the Underworld unexpectedly opened]
[C: There was a powerful evil spirit and they were lured and gathered by its power]
[D: A sorcerer or a necromancer summoned them]

They lacked adequate information so they couldn’t discard the possibilities from B~D.
At the end of the day, they couldn’t deduce the cause.
Incidentally a sorcerer was a pract.i.tioner which uses darkness magic, while a necromancer was a pract.i.tioner which used magic to summon undead.

The three investigation groups first started in the vicinity of the city, and were currently investigating an abandoned villa of a n.o.ble, a cave, and a ruins.
Obviously they encountered monsters besides undead on their way, and somehow repelled them.

―――Either way the results were unfavorable.

Nevertheless since they exterminated the undead and lower cla.s.s evil spirits which they encountered, this could be added to their results since the city’s security was tied to part of their job.

[We can guarantee the security of the area since their numbers have decreased, but since the place where they appear are scattered, their types are also scattered…]

[We’ve finished reducing their numbers, but it looks like investigation from now on will be difficult…]

In the strategy room of the temporary branch, Ares and Raiza were discussing while sitting side by side on the sofa.

[Since there’s no traces of invasion in the cemetery, just where are they gathering…as expected a gate to the underworld had opened huh.]

[Should we widen the scope of investigation…?]

[…hey, the cause being inside the city…is that possible?]

[Inside the town?…if that’s the case wouldn’t it be caught by the 『Evil Detection (Sense・Unholy)』.

The undead hunters have a spell called 『Evil Detection (Sense・Unholy)』.

It was an elementary spell that any Society member could learn.
It was a useful spell that enables one to see  「negative energy」 of undead and evil spirits.
Incidentally it doesn’t mean that it could detect  「a being that has evil thoughts.」

[Then if we used 『Magic Sensing(Sense・Magic)』―――I guess it can’t detect right…

Incidentally 『Magic Sensing (Sense・Magic)』  is a spell usable by a magician of an adventurer party which was literally a spell that detects magical power.

However, it wasn’t possible to specify  [What spell was used].
Sun Arts were used everyday throughout this city.
It wasn’t possible to identify a spell even if many recovery users did their best and chanted the spell today.

Raiza joined her hands together and spoke.

[Okay. About our hypothesis of the cause being inside the city, let’s first figure out if its an evil spirit or an undead that has intelligence…we can agree to that since this much undead and evil spirit had gathered from the surroundings. Although if that was true the criminal should’ve been already caught by the 『Sense Unholy』.]

[…That’s correct.]

[Then what if the criminal was a human sorcerer or necromancer. If eventually he performed summoning inside the town then it would be caught by 『Sense Unholy』 right?]

[Hmm…what if the criminal was constantly moving outside? The investigation wouldn’t by some chance get stuck right?]

Pondered Ares with a troubled face.
Seeing Ares like that Raiza shortened their distance and entwined her arms.
Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s weren’t big but Ares’ arm came in contact with finely-shaped b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

[Hey, Ares. A new cake shop was built near the park, would you like to go together after this?]

Invited Raiza with her cheeks slightly blus.h.i.+ng.
Ares’ face on the other hand was, far from a bit, completely blus.h.i.+ng as he panicked.

[I,I get it! I get it already so don’t stick closely to me! You’re a girl so please have a bit more decency!]

[Okay…if Ares says so.]

Raiza’s eyes turned moist as she gazed at Ares.


(Why are you looking at me with those eyes) Ares fell into confusion.

Thereupon a knocking sound was heard.
The two separated in a panic.

[…Ares-san. It’s Sharley.]

[O,oh…you may come in.]

Sharley entered the strategy room.

[Umm…are you still having a meeting?]

[It’s fine, we’ve already finished. I guess we should proceed with the investigation the same way as before,]

As a matter of fact Grace and Sharley also joined the investigation, though not every  time.

That was how much of a valuable existence a powerful recovery user was.

[Well…actually a new cake shop was built near the park, I wonder if everyone would like to go together…]

Sharley bashfully asked the two.

[Ah, then why don’t the two of go! Since I’ll be staying at home…]

[Oi weren’t you originally――]

[I,it’s not good if onee-chan doesn’t come! Besides I’ve already invited Grace onee-chan!]

During the confusion Sharley pulled their hands and in the end the three people went outside.
Raiza’s expression became unusually embarra.s.sed as she failed to hand over Ares to his younger sister who was pulling them.

(Having blood-related sibling is also a good thing huh…)

Ares came to recognize that he will be spending his time together with these three sisters for a while.

These three sisters had impressions which were different from their appearance, and he came to understand their gap inside, the troubles they carry, and their complex.

The eldest sister Grace was an intelligent and calm woman but was unexpectedly a careless person.
Since she was an avid-reader she knew plenty of topics because of reading books but she had few young acquaintances.
A perfect talented woman, might be one of the causes.

Although Ares was not in the least a bookworm, he was able to some extent match her conversation since he had a very curious mind.

In addition since her father was the director of a famous hospital, as the eldest daughter, the pressure she carried in being a recovery user was heavy.
On that topic, casted away her path as a recovery user and joining the Society, and having a younger sister who trained on various places on that direction, Raiza felt envious in the bottom of her heart.

The second daughter Raiza was an lively and sociable woman, and she had a lot of acquaintances from the opposite s.e.x.
However the majority of them didn’t treat her as a girl, [An individual that I can a.s.sociate comfortably despite being a girl] was a thought that they didn’t have.

But because Ares was conscious to that Raiza as being a woman, from her part while openheartedly accompanying him she developed favorable impression towards him.

Raiza who abandoned the path of a recovery user contrary to Grace, and escaped to the path of an undead hunter felt a bit guilty.

The third daughter s.h.i.+rley was an obedient and tidy girl, but she was weak towards men.
Being born with huge magical power, for that reason the 『Sun Arts・Heal』 which she learned could produce incredible results.
Furthermore, she could chant a lot more than most people.
But the person herself took pride on that and the same time felt unpleasant on that.

For her elder sisters to spent a lot of effort and yet she was bestowed with this kind of magical power, she felt guilty towards Grace who practiced the same magic and to Raiza who gave up that path.

Ares was able to learn this things from his a.s.sociation so far with these three sisters.
Nevertheless, he―――
[How do I appear to them] was a bit ignorant to this.


Part 5

After a few days.
Defeating the undead and lower cla.s.s evil spirits which now appeared scarcely and irregularly, Ares again came to Grace’s private room in the medical library to report.

As always Grace welcomed Ares with pleasure, and brought out tea and sweets.

After listening to his report, Grace invited Ares until the bookshelf inside her room, and started talking about the movement of evil spirits based on a newly obtained book.

On that moment―――in trying to get the book which was in a high place, upon touching it the book fell on top of her head and she fell on her backside.

[Are you oka―――ah.]

[That hurts―――hmm?]

What appeared through the panty stockings that can be seen because of her open legs was her white underwear.


She fl.u.s.teredly hid it with her robe.
(Incidentally the panty stockings were modeled after the one’s from the middle ages of the real world, but in this world’s case it was unexpectedly made through magic.)

[D,did you see it..?]

The blus.h.i.+ng Grace looked up at Ares.

[No, well…m,more than that are you alright? Can you stand?]

While changing the subject Ares presented his right hand.
When Grace took his hand she also held out her right hand―――
And suddenly started talking about an unexpected thing.

[Ares-san…to tell you the truth, I’m being made to attend a marriage interview in the future.]

[Eh!?―――ah, i,is that so…]

Ares couldn’t find the words to say to that abrupt statement.
However he had mixed feelings in his heart.

(That Grace-san will have a marriage interview with a man―――)

Although usually Ares only saw her as a charming woman, he felt awfully devastated to that news.

[I guess my father who is on a sickbed is worried about me…since I’m already 20-years-old…]

Incidentally in this world (although depending on the country and region) individuals from 15-years-old are treated as adults.
That was to say 20-years-old was regarded as already late for marriage.

[…I think father will also bring up this kind of talk to Sharley and Raiza…]


[Ares-san…I’m aware that you have feelings for Sharley.]

[Even so…I don’t want to lie to my own feelings…]

Grace brought Ares’ hand to her chest.
From beyond her robe a soft sensation filled the palm of his hand.

[It’s fine even if we’re just playing…even once is enough…]

She slowly stood up while wearing a feverish and flushed expression, and wrapped her hands on the back of Ares’ neck.

She then drew close to Ares’ ear and whispered.

[Ares-san…please make love with me…]

To those words Ares’ line of reasoning snapped and covered Grace’s lips with his own.
As if losing herself Grace also responded in ecstasy by thrusting in her tongue.


His hand on Grace’s breast made circling motions, and before long moved towards her lower half, and ma.s.saged her lovely a.s.s.
They both devoured the inside of each other’s mouth in bliss.
Eventually Ares couldn’t be satisfied with only that much, and so he poured a storm of kisses on Grace’s ear and neck.

[Ah❤…that place is❤…]

Grace’s body trembled each time she was kissed.

Soon Ares’ couldn’t take it anymore, he lifted Grace’s body with his arms.


Their pose became the so-called princess carry.
It was one of Grace’s dream to be carried like this by the opposite s.e.x.
Her chest throbbed faster even more.

Grace was carried up to the sofa and then she started taking off her robe.
Soon she was reduced into nothing but her white underwear and panty stockings.
Ares who was still aroused tore off her bra.
His usual gentlemanly behavior towards Grace disappeared.

*purun*…emerged her white beautiful twin hills.
Ares grabbed them as if he was possessed by something.
While diligently ma.s.saging them he held in his mouth one of their pointed tips.

[Haaan…❤ noo❤ Ares-san❤ suddenly doing…ah❤…to suck it that much…]

While wearing an enduring expression she allowed Ares to continue.

Ares continued to deeply caress her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

[Fuun❤…Ares-san…are my b.r.e.a.s.t.s….nn❤…to your liking…?]

[Ah…yup…I’m crazy about them…]

He toyed with Grace’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s as he breathe heavily, and rolled her nipples with the tip of his tongue.

[nn❤…I’m glad…please…touch them more…❤]

Her body trembled blissfully from each of his caress.

From just her b.r.e.a.s.t.s being fondled Grace’s underwear had become drenched, and that could be seen across her stockings.

Ares touched Grace’s stockings while taking off his clothes.

[Ah!…that place is…]

A s.h.i.+vering voice.

Ares tore off the panty stockings over her secret place, and brought out his erection from his pants.

[It’s my…first time…so I might not be skillful―――]

[I,I’m sorry…]

Grace suddenly began to cry.

[M,me too…even though I’m older…to still be a virgin―――]

To her words and expression once again Ares’ line of reasoning snapped.

s.h.i.+fting her panties with his fingers, Grace’s dripping wet p.u.s.s.y came in sight.
Spreading that with his fingers, while having no idea which place was correct he thrusted in his p.e.n.i.s.



Unexpectedly he was able to insert it smoothly, Ares’ p.e.n.i.s was for the first time enveloped by the sensation of a v.a.g.i.n.a.
When he thrusted deep inside with all his strength his reasoning slightly returned.

[Grace-san…doesn’t it…hurt…?]

[I’m al…right…n…so please…when it’s just the two of us…]

The two were out of breath as they experienced their first time.

[Grace…please call me that…]

With her eyes across her moist, she gazed painfully at Ares.

Ares nodded and piled both of their lips.
The two competed in caressing the inside of each other’s mouth with their tongue, and before long Ares’ hips begun to move.


To his push and pull Grace’s face distorted in pain, and her b.r.e.a.s.t.s jiggled and shook.
Simply seeing that the youth’s excitement rose.
Without knowing any kind of technique, Ares just swung his hips back and forth.


Bewildered by the sensation she was given, she leaked out a feminine voice.

At that time Ares’ p.e.n.i.s was urged by a surging feeling by her v.a.g.i.n.a.

(S,so this is a woman’s body―――th,this is bad…I,i’m already―――)

He was just barely able to withdraw his p.e.n.i.s when he came.

The cloudy liquid that he shoot sullied Grace’s belly and b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

[Haa❤…So this…is Ares’…s.e.m.e.n…❤]

Grace gazed at that with an entranced expression.
Nevertheless in Ares’ side, since he hasn’t made her come yet, he continued to vigorously f.u.c.k her.


Having only e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed once Ares still had margin.
He held Grace’s legs and strongly thrust his hips.

[Haa…this time…is more amazing…❤]

Although Grace had composure before, her voice now started to be mixed with sweetness.

(In the first place for her to get easily wet like that…then she should be very sensitive…)

He wholeheartedly moved his hips.
At the same time the sofa’s creaking sound resounded.

[Haa❤…I love you❤…Ares-san…I love youu❤]

Clearly Grace had started feeling it.
They glued their bodies together and entwined each other’s tongue.
There was already no sign of the usual intelligent and calm recover user.

Grace’s drooping ripe b.r.e.a.s.t.s distorted as they were pressed by Ares’ chest.

His hip’s thrusting speed accelerated.
s.e.xual fluids started to ooze from Grace’s secret place.

[nn❤…nn❤…I’m coming❤…something is coming❤]

[Come…Grace…go come this time!]


While in a sprawled posture Grace’s body stretched as she climaxed for the first time.
Ares’ 2nd e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n soiled Grace’s, and even dripped across her b.r.e.a.s.t.s which were squeezed together by her two arms.

[Haaa❤…haaa❤…amazing…so this is…s.e.x…❤]

While taking a breath she gazed with a satisfied expression at her s.e.m.e.n-splattered self.
Eventually the two embraced and exchanged a kiss, as they both enjoyed the aftertaste.


Part 6

After the deed the two lied down on the sofa and nestled close to each other.


Ares continued to call her given name which was exclusively for when it was just the two of them.

[About the marriage interview…turn it down.]

[ !……then that means…it won’t end with just…one time you know?]

[…I can’t let it end from mere playing…]


Grace snuggled into Ares’ chest with a blissful expression.

[But still…to have this kind of affectionate relations.h.i.+p towards my little sister’s crush…]

[Sharley too…to me…?]

[I haven’t heard it from her firsthand but…she always talks about you with a delightful face you know…]

Ares became silent as he stared at the ceiling.
Grace also stared at it with a worried face.

[Won’t Ares-san…confess to Sharley?]

[If that girl answers with Yes…I have no problems with backing out…]

Ares didn’t answer, he started stroking Grace’s long beautiful hair.
Grace didn’t say anything anymore, she surrendered herself to that pleasant feeling.

The two, were just reminded of Sharley’s reserved smile―――

Part 7

Under the cloudy weather―――From a certain hospital in Kuoteram a single corpse was being carried out.
Two male staff members that were looking at that scene were conversing.

[Did he die without being treated?]

[Nah, it seems he was already in a critical condition.]

[It seems he was extremely suffering. His expression in his last moments, stiffened in horror you know.]

[It seems a few days before he died he was having difficulty sleeping. Because of that his condition worsened.]

Listening to that story from a slightly far place, was a girl that can be found anywhere.
She had brown skin and silver short hair.
She had a cat’s ear and tail, she was from what was called beast race.
Her attire was a maid outfit that can be found anywhere.
On her shoulder was a crow.

She left that place when the two men’s conversation ended.

[Belkut-sama. It seems to be a success huh?]

While the girl from the beast race was walking, she started talking towards someone for no reason.
There wasn’t anyone besides the crow.

[Should I see the other case?]

After saying that, the cat girl displayed their races trait of physical ability by das.h.i.+ng up the wall, to the top of the roof of a private house.

Her skirt fluttered up, and her beautiful tanned legs and blue striped panties appeared.

She then looked at the opposite direction and pointed her finger.
The crow gazed at that direction.

Beyond her finger was the inside of a building that had its window not closed by curtains, where a pair of man and woman can be seen intensely making love.

[This is also…a success right?]

This time she addressed the crow.

[So about Suu…praise her okay?]

While tilting her head to one side, the girl sadly laughed.


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Sisters Violated Many Times in Dream and Reality… c2 part2 summary

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