The Court c8

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Chapter 8

That day, the weather is good.
Wei Cai looked out the window —— blue sky without clouds, everything was beautiful just like life in the eyes of a young girl.

Maybe the reason was the good weather, Yang Xin’s spirit looked much better compared to two days ago.

He leaned against the bed and saw Wei Cai came out from the bathroom and slightly revealed a smile.

“Wei Cai, do you have a phone? Can you lend it to me for a while?” His voice was light, yet his face was blus.h.i.+ng, which was rarely seen.

“Sure.” Wei Cai opened the drawer beside his bed, took out the phone inside and gave it to him.

Actually his phone was still at his house, this was Li Jia De forced on him.

“Thank you.” Yang Xin took the phone, softly thanked Wei Cai.

Wei Cai saw him dialed a number, put the phone next to his ear, yet did not speak for a long time, could not help it was a little strange ——
“What happen? Cannot get through?” He asked with concerned.

Yang Xin shook his head, pressed the ‘end’ b.u.t.ton, and dialed again.
Holding the phone, he still remained the silent, only his eyes faintly showed a complex expression.

After an interval of three, four minute, he finally sighed lightly, hung up the phone and silently handed the phone back to Wei Cai.

Wei Cai kept the phone, saw him still sitting about, finally cannot bear the concern,“Is it got urgent matters?”

“Urgent matters…….?” Yang Xin turned his head, using an expression almost at loss and no focus in his eyes. Yan Xin looked at Wei Cai, slowly shook his head, said: “No… urgent matters…..”

Wei Cai gave him a smile,“If there is anything, don’t be polite, just say it.”

“En——” Yang Xin softly reply, and smiled at him.
Wei Cai saw that he did not wish to say anything, also felt not good to be over concerned, quickly took the legislatives series on the side to read pretended that he is engrossed in it.

At the corner of his eyes, he saw Yang Xin seem to be utterly bored and sway back and forth on the bedside.

His eyes looked at the ceiling and randomly folded the blanket.

A look of absorbed in thoughts, unknowingly grieved slightly in his heart —— he and Yang Xin were already room-mates for a week, except for Lao Zhao visiting twice, he did not saw others people coming to visit him ——but also luckily most of the time he was sleeping.

Found out Wei Cai was looking at him, Yang Xin turned his head, suddenly opened his mouth,“Wei Cai, I ask you something ——If say wrongly please do not be angry?”

Wei Cai nodded his head,“You ask ba.”
Yet Wei Cai’s heart already vaguely knew what he wanted to ask, can’t helped to be tense about it.

Sure enough, Yang Xin hesitated for a moment before finally opened his mouth,

“Wei Cai, is it Lawyer Li and you…..are both of you……a couple……” His voice was already very soft, when said the last two words, suddenly his voice became more softer, almost cannot be heard what he was asking.

But Wei Cai heard it.

He hesitated for a short while, finally laughed and shook his head,“How can it be? Li Jia De is my cousin, our family is at the outland, only have him as a relative in Shang Hai, of course can only let him come and take care of me.”

The optimistic voice almost made himself believed that this was the truth.
“This ah……” Yang Xin seem to be disappointed, “I’m sorry……. my bad…..I misunderstood.”

Seeing he lowered his head in apology, Wei Cai also felt his heart did not felt very well, almost cannot helped but to tell him the truth, but his intellect still prevented his impulse —— Yang Xin himself was the prime example of the exposed truth.

Yang Xin sat silently for a while, finally unable to stand it ——his rosy face also slightly becoming pale.

“I sleep for a while….when it’s time for lunch, could you wake me up?”
He asked Wei Cai with a slight apologetic look, tried his best to push a smile on his lips.

Wei Cai feeling regretful quickly nodded,“No problem, you go and sleep well. When it’s time for lunch, I’ll wake you up.”

Seeing Yang Xin laid down, he also buried himself in the specialized field of study books.
“Bed 33, eat medicine.”

The nurse’s clear voice pulled Wei Cai backed to reality from the world in the book. He took the medicine in her hand and saw her walked towards Yang Xin while holding the medicine.

“Bed 32, eat medicine——”
She called, but Yang Xin did not gave any reaction. Wei Cai looked at them nervously——

The nurse gently reached out and shook the pale Yang Xin,“Yang Xin……Yang Xin…..”
Yang Xin still laid motionless. The nurse pushed open his eyes and she quickly walked out with a solemn look.

After a while, the head doctor came in together with the a.s.sistant following behind the nurse.

The doctor walked towards Yang Xin’s bed. As he skillfully examined, while commanding the a.s.sistant to take all kinds of medical equipment.

“Prepare for defibrillation1” The alert light on the appliance lighted up. In Wei Cai’s eyes, it was a shrilling red.

“Doctor…..”He hesitated to speak, casted an inquiry look to Yang Xin’s pale face that looked dead.

The doctor coldly looked at him,“It’s nothing——could I trouble you to leave for a while?”
“Oh——” Wei Cai quickly agreed, walked to the balcony.

Looking at them starting to insert all kinds of tubes into Yang Xin’s body through the gla.s.s windows——maybe because they saw too many lifes and deaths, the doctors had no expression, as though they were facing a lifeless body.

Wei Cai silently sighed ——
Suddenly,a phone ringtone rang loud enough to shake the heavens in the silent room, where only exist the sound of running appliance and doctor’s whispered instruction.

Wei Cai felt a bit awkward walking into the room, took out the still ringing non-stop phone from the drawer and quickly walked back to the balcony under the stares of the doctor’s blaming eyes as he pressed the ‘answer’ b.u.t.ton,

“h.e.l.lo, who are you?”

There was an unfamiliar male voice on the other line, young and slightly laced with fury,“Are you the one who call me just now? Why didn’t you speak?”

“Ah ——?” Wei Cai was unable to react at that moment, can only randomly reply.

“I was in a meeting just now, and still had to specially run out to answer the call, in the end it is actually a silent call ——who are you ah? What is the matter?”

The male voice on the other end was clearly unsatisfied with his reply, his voice started to increase.

“May……may I ask who are you?” Wei Cai stupidly unable understand. He froze for a moment before he finally asked in a low voice.

“You have problem ah? Don’t even know the name, blindy call for what——I am Qiao Wen Hao.”

Wei Cai abruptly realized, his line of sight move towards the stiffed Yang Xin lying on the bed——His two silent calls were actually for Qiao Wen Hao……

Was it to hear his voice?

His high spirit in the morning is probably what it was called as the last radiance of the setting sun——
And Qiao Wen Hao’s phone should probably had a call display function.

Once the meeting was over, he straight away rushed to trace who call him before.
Wei Cai quickly responds calmly, “Oh…..I’m Sorry, so you are Mr. Qiao……yes, I called you just now……”

Through the gla.s.s windows, he saw the doctors were currently busy injecting unknown and different kinds of drugs into that unresponsive body, while the red light on the equipment continued to flicker, the trembling heart rate gradually became flat…..

“Then why just now you didn’t say anything? And, who are you exactly?” Hearing Wei Cai seem to have manner, Qiao Wen Hao;s anger also started to calm down.
“Oh—— I am a friend of Yang Xin…the call just now is a bit not that good, maybe you cannot hear what I say——Sorry…..”

Once he heard Yang Xin’s name, Qiao Wen Hao was obviously taken back. After a long silence, he finally spoke. His voice sounded a bit weak,“Is Yang Xin friend ah…..What can I do for you?”

“Nothing….Are you free tomorrow? Can I invite you…..”

Wei Cai words suddenly stopped halfway——

The machine connected to Yang Xin suddenly shrieked out, the forlorn and bitter sound made Wei Cai’s eyes to cast a look at the heartbeat line on the screen as it turned to a cold green line.

His eyes saw the doctors were in mess panic……
Qiao Wen Hao’s voice rang beside his ears, in panic and disorder: “Ah ——Sorry…..recently I am busy——Tomorrow I still have to accompany my wife to do pre-natal examination……Really is not free…..sorry……”

“Pre-natal examination ah…..” Wei Cai felt a bit strange as his voice was actually sounded so calm, “Then it can’t be help…..”

Both of them went silent for a while. Qiao Wen Hao seem to hesitate again as he gently asked, “Yang Xin……Yang Xin…..he still okay?”

Wei Cai silently touch the gla.s.s windows, silently watching the doctor shaking his head and stopped his busy hands—— The nurses quickly removed the different color tubes on Yang Xin’s body, taking a white sheet and covered that pale young face……

“Good——he is very good. Actually——” Wei Cai purposely paused, his voice shaking with ambiguous, heard the tense breathing over the phone,

“Actually I am his newly made friend….you understand?”
Heard Qiao Wen Hao hollow laugh, he continued, “I stubbornly asked your phone number from him——Actually I wanted to ask you not to meet him again in the future…..”

He deliberately made his tone sounded like a jealous husband.

“Of course——” Qiao Wen Hao’s voice sounded somewhat vague and without any emotion. “That is of course——” He seemed to ignore and relied on his instinct to reply.

Wei Cai smiled coldly at the phone and pressed the ‘end’ b.u.t.ton.

He scolded himself.

He hold onto the phone, walking from the balcony to the ward—— Yang Xin’s bed had already been tidy and cleaned.

The upturned bedding and the empty bedside cabinet looked like no one had stayed here before——the so-called life had pa.s.sed.
To the people who were involved, it was a stop of everything, and in regards to people who had nothing to do with it, it was just an uncertain, imaginary and doubtful dreamy experience only.

Yang Xin was dead——
Wei Cai cannot telled what was his feelings.

He and Yang Xin’s relations.h.i.+p was in fact, was no more than just a friend that he had made while staying in the same hospital ward for seven days.

They had no understanding of each other ——but Wei Cai always felt that he and Yang Xin’s relations.h.i.+p was more than that.

Maybe it was because of this strange relations.h.i.+p, Wei Cai felt his heart was heavy. This whole day became an illusion.

In the afternoon, Li Jia De came and saw Wei Cai sitting on the bed. His hands clutching a book but his eyes were staring outside the window.

“What happen? What are you thinking that made you be in a trance?” Li Jia De came in smiling,as he put down the fruits in his hands and asked while deeply concerned.

Wei Cai put aside the book in his hand, looked at him, said, “Where got….. it just nothing to do only.”

At this moment, Li Jia De then noticed Yang Xin’s bed was empty, he said “Aiya”, and looked at Wei Cai with inquiry eyes.

Wei Cai nodded without saying anything. Li Jia De showed an expression of sympathy and immediately did an action that made Wei Cai unable to comprehend —— he moved a step and hugged him.

“Poor Cai Cai….” He said to himself. His hands gently patted Wei Cai’s s.h.i.+ny black hair.
Wei Cai’s entire face was buried in his chest.

He felt very uncomfortable and struggled, “What….it’s not like the one dead is me…..”

“Your heart must be in pain right? If you want to cry then cry it out.”

“Crazy! Only ghost want to cry.” Wei Cai snappily laughed, while pus.h.i.+ng him away, “Quickly let me go la, others will see.”

“Who want to see then let them see—— I love men, so what? I’m not like that Qiao Wen Hao, a coward!”

Li Jia De’s tone was hard-cold and sharp. “I’m not afraid to let other people know——It’s not a big deal to be seen….. Tch!”

His words had a great disdain. Wei Cai knew that it was aimed at Qiao Wen Hao.

Remembering Yang Xin’s final infatuation, he felt somewhat hurt.

For a moment, he forgot to struggle and only quietly leaned against Li Jia De’s warm embrace. Letting him to softly caressed his neck and shoulder.

Both of them hugged quietly for a while. Li Jia De finally release Wei Cai and they looked at each other and smiled, as though both of their heart had borrowed the hug and became closer.

“I go and buy food for you, let’s eat together.” Li Jia De’s voice sound exceptionally gentle and soft at this moment. Wei Cai who also rarely being submissive, lightly nodded his head.

Sometime later, Li Jia De bought something and put the food on the nightstand. Both of them faced each other while eating.

“He——” Li Jia De pointed at Yang Xin’s bed, “That time he was alone?”

“En.” Wei Cai nodded, buried himself in eating.
“His parents are also really ruthless, their son is almost dying, they didn’t even come and see him——” Li Jia De seemed to feel a little lament, “Then did he say anything?”

Wei Cai swallowed the food in his mouth with strength and spoke,

“Did not say anything special ——just only called two times to that surname Qiao….but he did not speak up……”

He picked up a piece of pork in his lunch packet, munched a few times before swallowing it whole,then added, “that Qiao person called in the afternoon to ask but I told him I’m Yang Xin’s new boyfriend. I also told him to never meet Yang Xin again….”

Thinking about Qiao Wen Hao’s resentful tone, Wei Cai was a little pleased.
Li Jia De also laughed: “You b.a.s.t.a.r.d ——” He saw Wei Cai eating like a horse2, he felt a bit strange, “Cai Cai, why are you eating so fast, I will not s.n.a.t.c.h your food away.”

The corner of Wei Cai’s mouth pulled up into a smile, “I just suddenly feel…..being able to live properly to eat a meal is also not really easy ——better enjoy when I still can enjoy, do not pretend to be hard to get along again.”

The clever Li Jia De immediately became aware of Wei Cai underlying message.

He desperately pressed the rising secret happiness deep in his heart.

He acted liked he paid no attention to what Wei Cai had said and spoke,“Cai Cai, I think I will not go back today, a person just pa.s.sed away in this room, leaving you alone is not so good…..”

Wei Cai looked at him,“The doctor will never agree ——I’m not even a critically ill patient.”

“Hah! You do not have to worry about this——” Li Jia De laughed. Seeing that Wei Cai did not have the intention of opposing him staying for the night, his heart was secretly pleased.

“Really?” Wei Cai refused to comment and looked at him. Suddenly he looked like he thought of something,

“You know? I originally wanted that Qiao Wen Hao to come and see Yang Xin, you know what kind of reason he used to reject it?”

“What reason?” Li Jia De did not understood the purpose of Wei Cai asking this.

“Say he have to accompany his wife for a prenatal examination…..hey, his wife is pregnant ah….. luckily Yang Xin did not hear it ——I say, Li Jia De, are you not the only son of your family? Not ready to continue the family line?”

Being asked this question, Li Jia De became speechless and almost laughed out loud——

Wei Cai was really worthy of having the prosecutor background, knew very well the importance of beating around the bush to find out about the topic——

Said half already but turned out he wanted to ask if he will marry a woman in this critical issue.

“Cai——Do not torture me okay——You obviously know that there is now way I will go to bed with a woman……”
He gently told Wei Cai, unaware that his tone was in a spoiled manner.

Wei Cai raised his head and stared at his eyes for a moment, finally nodded,

“Okay! I believe you… can stay for tonight.”

Although Wei Cai was already mature in term of age but when it came to such an undisguised hint, he could not helped but to blush.

Li Jia De just felt his entire heart jumping out from excitement.

His voice cannot helped but to be in higher pitch,“Then I go and tell the doctor now ——”

Seeing Li Jia De rushed out in haste, Wei Cai could not helped but to place his hands on both of his burning cheeks.

He felt his heart was thumping nervously ——Although Yang Xin unexpected death made him decided that he will not disobeyed the real feeling deep in his heart, but for what could happened……..made him nervous to death.

What he knew towards male and male situation was that one will be entered from behind only.

The last time when he was doing procuratorial work in prison, he had seen miserable condition of a sodomize male prisoner and that experience made him a bit afraid from the bottom of his heart.

Did not knew what type of method Li Jia De used, not only he successfully persuaded the doctor-on-duty to let him stayed for the night, but to actually sent a nurse to his ward and set up a temporary bed when it was going to be 9pm.

After their dinner, they played chess to pa.s.s time and to wait for the nurse to leave after setting up the bed.

They kept playing the chess, silently watched each other’s faces for a while. Wei Cai desperately tried to find a topic to dilute the tense atmosphere,

“How did you manage to persuade the doctor?” He forcibly pulled a smile, trying his best to use a relaxed tone and asked Li Jia De.

“It’s nothing….” Li Jia De can understood Wei Cai’s nervous feeling, therefore he also tried his best to use this conversation to reduce his resistance mentality——

made a twirling notes gesture, he laughed, “Only this…… after that agree to help him to made a testimony for free…..”

“Then aren’t you the one at a big loss……” Wei Cai shook his head, “Actually….actually…..there is no hurry……” He already started to regret his previous impulse.

Li Jia De understood Wei Cai’s reluctance.

He gently stood up and sat next to Wei Cai,“I am afraid you will regret in the future…..” He placed his hand gently on Wei Cai’s back.

Wei Cai nervously pulled back his hands, but because of Li Jia De’s strong grip he unable to do so.

While fl.u.s.tering and struggling to pull his hands, he whispered,“I won’t…..hey, I think wait until I’m discharge then we talked……”

“Cannot! A man words are worth nine sacred tripods3.”

While Li Jia De firmly rejected, he silently said in his heart: Finally Wei Cai loosen his mouth, if he don’t make use of this opportunity when the rice is cooked and still wait for him to change his mind, it won’t do.”

Since the heart had such thoughts, he was no longer polite on his manner —— he pushed Wei Cai’s shoulder backwards.

He used his upper body’s strength and pressed on Wei Cai. His lips also quickly blocked Wei Cai lips that still wanted to say something.

“Ah……Ah…….” Wei Cai dodged around the tongue that pa.s.sed through the hall into the inner chamber, yet he still felt Li Jia De’s hands that tried to reach out towards his waist between them, attempting to pull up his own sleeping attire——

Wei Cai quickly pulled his hands, his consciousness had dispersed. Li Jia De took this opportunity and tried to pry opened Wei Cai’s lips……

As though wanting to get the sweetest honey from his mouth, Li Jia De seductively licked his cavity walls, and nimbly probed into root of Wei Cai’s tongue. His skill excited Wei Cai’s salivary gland and forcing Wei Cai to exchange more juice with him.

Wei Cai had never once kissed so pa.s.sionately like this before. He practically had no energy to resist, allowing Li Jia De to writhed inside his mouth.

His scattered consciousness was not enough to let him have the strength to resist Li Jia De. Le Jia De had used the pa.s.sionate hot kiss as an opportunity and beginning to use his finger to explore Wei Cai’s chest——

That slender fingers had teased his most sensitive——the gentle yet not losing the roughness caressed had fully revealed Li Jia De’s dominance of this head-to-head battle.

“Don’t….don’t touch——quick…..quickly finish is enough……” Wei Cai was practically afraid of facing this situation.

If it wasn’t for the promise of his own initiative, this had already made him regretted to the extreme of having s.e.x. Li Jia De only afraid that he would shouted ‘Stop’ loudly, pushed him away and threw full punches at him.

“Shhhhhh——you also do not want to be heard by others right……” Li Jia De smiled pervertedly.

He used his strength and pinched Wei Cai’s sensitive belly side thus m.u.f.fled Wei Cai’s scream—— after shutting off the lights, the ward was very dark.

Each short breaths were the loudest sound that can be heard—— if Wei Cai voice was slightly louder, definitely patients from other wards will be aware.

Wei Cai can only tightly bit his lips, clenched tight his fist and resisting the peak-like pleasure that Li Jia De’s wet and hot lips on his body was making——His chest was hot and stuffy. It had been a long time for him having s.e.x. That bizarre hot and dry feeling made Wei Cai became extremely sensitive…….

When he was in a trance, he felt there are lips that were traveling all the way down towards his waist and below….

Aware that both of his legs were trembling without putting up a fight, Wei Cai can only borrowed support from his knee and covered that weak and soft point—— Li Jia De was obviously aware of his little movement.

He took the opportunity to move his position to move closed towards Wei Cai’s chest. His entire body buried in the s.p.a.ce between Wei Cai’s legs.

Wei Cai’s inner thigh rubbed against Li Jia De’s strong muscular body. This situation made Wei Cai almost insane.

He tried to draw in his leg, yet in the end it only made him and Li Jia De to stick closer.

Without the strength to spread his legs and being caressed by Li Jia De’s hands and tongue, Wei Cai already felt he was quickly dying in shame——

With both hands pressed against his eyes, he tried to pressed down his voice and said while trembling, “Please! Faster do finish ——Don’t do foreplay anymore okay…….”

His begging made Li Jia De laughed. He gently leaned towards Wei Cai’s ears and said,“This is what you said o——”

The weight on Wei Cai body was slightly reduced. Wei Cai’s ears heard the sound of cloth friction.

The red tide once again emerged on his cheek, even his neck was tinted with red —— stubbornly closed his eyes tightly, but the not-up-to-expectations imagination let the swaying Li Jia De that was in front of Wei Cai to have a pleased smile while removing the clothes.

Feeling that Li Jia De had once again attached himself to Wei Cai’s body, his pajama was rolled up and came in contact with Li Jia De’s equally exposed skin.

Wei Cai starting to sway from the bottom of his heart……

“Is it cold?……” Li Jia De’s caring tone at this moment, to Wei Cai, it sounded like there was a hint of sarcasm ——he obviously know it was not cold…..

Fear along with pleasure flowed towards the outside of the pore.

Between the stimulation of strange and surprising sense, Wei Cai suddenly felt there’s a tremor along his spine to his brain.

He haven't figured out that his intuition was trying to signal him the danger message. He already felt his lower body cooling down.

The elastic-waist of the pajama pants completely had no room to resist and thus got pulled down and was casually was threw on the floor---- each other’s naked-sensitive area came in contact, made Wei Cai unable to keep his cold war of in-and-out s.h.i.+ver——

His consciousness want to tighten up his knee,yet if Li Jia De knew, he will laughed and held on him.......

"So cute......" He bantered. He was lowering his body and lightly licked Wei Cai.

Using the corner of his eyes to transmit the teasing messages, looking at Wei Cai’s shame and annoyance on his red face, he still did not changed his grinning cheeky face: ' Aiya, don't be shy Ma-- actually the day we met I already saw it.....'

It's was still good if he did not mentioned this matter but once he mentioned, Wei Cai almost had no resistance,'You---- ....honestly tell me.... that time how do you see my.... my....." His face became even more redder, half a day also did not said anything else.

“Is it this?” Li Jia De lightly sucked on Wei Cai’ lower organ, deliberately asked ambiguously.

Wei Cai already cannot heard what he was saying—— his s.e.x in Li Jia De’s mouth was treated like his most treasured candy, being repeatedly sucked on again and again——

The long suppressed sensual pa.s.sion, Wei Cai already cannot bear his repeatedly licking and stirring, his desire unable to resist, engulfed his entire reason……

This was just only a physiological reaction—— he consoled the embarra.s.sed him.

“If you dare to say anything weird, I absolutely will kill you……” Wei Cai forced out a ferocious sentence that was not suitable in such circ.u.mstance from the depths of his throat.

Obviously he had already laid down one arm and surrendered, yet his mouth refused to be weaken by a half.

“En…..” Clearly, Li Jia De also had no time to say the dalliance words that were sufficient to pick on Wei Cai’s temper.

His tongue nimbly poked about, revealing the skill that let Wei Cai became furious.

“You...exactly….did this kind of stuff with how many guys….” The pleasure was like the running water seeping through the crack, that started with just a strip of thin flowing water, then with the increased width of crack, the rush was like an engulfing tide, Wei Cai cannot even spoke properly.

Entire head was stuffed in-between Wei Cai’s thighs. Li Jia De never lifted his head. Only one finger was upright, conveniently pointed at Wei Cai—— showing he only done it with Wei Cai…..

Anger and pleasure rose together, Wei Cai’s body violently unable to control himself, in a moment his desire spurted out.

With one leg placed on Li Jia De’s body and Wei Cai conveniently used this to release his anger—— Wei Cai deliberately lowered his voice that sounded ominous,“ You dare to lie to me——last time i saw you with a guy…..”

Even being cruelly stomped with a leg, Li Jia De did not get angry, yet he smiled and wipe the c** flowing out of his mouth,

pretending that he did not saw Wei Cai got scared by his action and had a shocked expression, Li Jia De said,“It was them who helped me to do it.”

His hand gently probed into Wei Cai’s backside that was stucked tightly on the cotton mattress, trying to separate his b.u.t.t.

Wei Cai refused to lift up his body so badly, “They——How many person?”

“Please…..” Li Jia De’s heart was filled with excitement by the contact and teasing from before, thus, “ this question it can be discuss in the future, can you please lift up your prideful b.u.t.tocks…..”

“Pei4…..What pride……” Wei Cai was furious by Li Jia De’s undisguised words to the point that his whole body was trembling. He relaxed his cautious body and Li Jia De using this opportunity to enter——

Although Wei Cai already done some preparation in his heart, but still, the strange feeling of being penetrated made his whole body shrunk——

“Don’t be afraid! I will be very careful…..”

Li Jia De tried to pacify him, while using one of his finger and gently probed into that tightly closed small bud.

Wei Cai swiftly widen his eyes, “G.o.d……”

His body trembled violently.

Li Jia De pressed a place several centimetres from his entrance. A kind of pa.s.sionate pleasure that he had never experience before, let him unable to bear and forgot the topic from before,“You…..”

Li Jia De laughed. His finger continued skillfully pressing inside him. After a few moment, the still-satisfied and weak organ gradually had a reaction…..

“There’s a sensation right?” He tried to add one more finger——

“It hurts…..” Wei Cai tried to stop his moving arm, that pumping gesture made him extremely not used to it.

Like a woman——being….. the same……

“Sorry…..there is not much preparation…..”
What preparation—— Wei Cai was quite confused and stupefied. He unable to think what was Li Jia De referring to……

But the next moment he understood ——

That thing that trying to penetrate was using his own body fluids serving as an lubrication.

Afterwards, the two of them only had naked contact —— in this way there will be no barrier……

“Don’t…..okay?” Wei Cai gripped Li Jia De’s hand with hesitation and weakly. The tears ,because of pain, started to fill that pair of eyes which were unwilling to show any signs of weakness.

Li Jia De also felt a bit heart pain——but the desire to find the exit made him to do attempts a few times——Wei Cai’s body tightened unexpectedly. His advice to Wei Cai before the first penetration,“Just wait for a while… will be okay…..”.

Pus.h.i.+ng forward with power, and the next moment Wei Cai cried out in pain ——Li Jia De at the same time practically felt the blazing liquid flowed until to the place where the two interlinked with each other……

Do not be mistaken —— that was not the pa.s.sionate juice —— it was only the reaction of the pain….

Lowering his head ——the striking dark-red caught his eyes.
“d.a.m.n…..” Li Jia De cursed to himself.

Pain feeling till he was hovering between life and death, Wei Cai’s fierceness and toughness had long ran to don’t know where.

Only knew to tightly pulled onto Li Jia De’s body, with the words cannot be voice and beggedm“ Please…..Don’t…… Don’t…….”

Li Jia De hugged Wei Cai’s seldom-submissive body in confusion. The person that always calmed and cool intellect already ran to don’t know where.

Because he cannot attend to the desire that cannot be relieve, he can only tenderly patted and comforted the body that pain till spasm. “Sorry….sorry…..”

Li Jia De instantly pulled out the raw semi-hard and not-soft thing out of Wei Cai.

To Li Jia De, it was a fresh experience for him and did not wish to experience again——

last time when he bedded some people, indeed occasionally will have some bleeding event, but never because felt sorry of the opponent and stopped——

Li Jia De once again deeply felt that Wei Cai had a different position in his heart.

The two persons intertwined powerlessly together—— Wei Cai because of the pain from his body, while Li Jia De because of his vexed desire was dissatisfied—— Wei Cai can only lowered his head, stubbornly refused to look at Li Jia De……

“Okay okay….. next time won’t ever be perverse….” Li Jia De gently pulled Wei Cai into his arms, patted on his back and pacified him.

“En……” the tears that contain humiliation, Wei Cai has already lost that 30years old man shadow long ago, cuddled in Li Jia De arms and nodded blurry……

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The Court c8 summary

You're reading The Court. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Xin Bao Er. Already has 725 views.

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