Mediaeval Lore from Bartholomew Anglicus Part 8

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PERSPECTIVA SCIENCIA. I cannot say whether this is Bacon's, Peckham's, or Albertus Magnus', but I believe it to be Peckham's, who was an Englishman, and afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury.

PETRUS COMESTOR (d. 1198). Named MAGISTER HISTORIARUM or Master of Histories, wrote an account of the world from the Creation, which, when translated into French, was called the "Mer des Histoires." A favourite Medieval book.

PHILARETUS (1100). A writer on Medicine.

PHYSIOLOGUS. A Syriac compilation of moralities on animal myths. It first appears in Western Europe as THEOBALDUS DE NATURIS XII.

ANIMALIUM. Of Alexandrian origin, it dates from before the fourth century, and appears to have been altered at the will of each writer.

PLATEARIUS SALERNITa.n.u.s (circ. 1100) was Johannes, one of a family of physicians at Salerno. His work is called the PRACTICA. A book on the virtues of herbs. [Lugd., 1525, etc.]

PLATO (430-348 B.C.). The TIMAEUS is quoted, probably from Chalcidius.

PLINY (d. 79). Natural History. This and Isidore's work are the two chief sources of medieval knowledge of Nature.

PRISCIAN (circ. 525). Grammarian and physicist.

PTOLEMY (circ. 130). An Alexandrian astronomer, known through Arabic translations only at that time. [Ven., 1509, etc.]

RABa.n.u.s MAURUS (776-856) of Fulda, pupil of Alcuin. A Benedictine, afterwards Archbishop of Mayence, who wrote DE UNIVERSO MUNDO. [1468; Col., 1627, etc.]

RASIS (d. 935). An Arab physician, perhaps the greatest of the School.

[Ven., 1548, etc.]

REMIGIUS (d. 908). A teacher of Grammar in the School of Paris. His grammar remained in use there four centuries. He wrote a gloss on Marcia.n.u.s Capella.

RICARDUS DE ST. VICTOR (d. 1173). A Scottish theologian, Prior of St.

Victor. A mystic of considerable acuteness. [Ven., 1506, etc.]

RICARDUS RUFUS (circ. 1225). A Cornishman who was a doctor in great renown, both at Oxford and Paris. He afterwards joined the Franciscans.

ROBERTUS LINCOLN., GROSTeTE (d. 1253), the celebrated Bishop of Lincoln and patron of Bacon. Taught at Paris and at Oxford.

Commentaries on Aristotle.

SAl.u.s.tIUS (d. 363?). DE DIIS ET MUNDO. A geographer.

SCHOLA SALERNITANA (circ. 1100). A treatise on the preservation of health in leonine verse for popular use, said to be addressed to Robert of England. It has been translated and commented on hundreds of times. The Middle Age very sensibly thought preservation from disease a branch of medicine equally important with the cure of it.

SECUNDUS. A writer on Medicine.

SOLINUS (circ. 100). Wrote an account of things in general-- POLYHISTORIA.

STEPHa.n.u.s (circ. 600). Commentary on Galen.

STRABUS (d. 847). A Benedictine, Abbot of Reichenau, near Constance.

One of the authors of the Gloss.


VARRO, M. T. (116-26 B.C.). Most celebrated grammarian.

VIRGIL (70-19 B.C.).

WILLIAM CONCHES (d. 1150). Lectured at Paris, 1139, on Grammar, wrote DE NATURA.

ZENO (circ. 400), A writer on Medicine, and teacher at Alexandria.

_This list of Authorities cited is that given at the end of the complete work of Bartholomew._


_Latin Editions_

Date. Place Printer. Remarks.

HC *2500 Pr 8530 Pell 1867 1480 July 29 Lyon . Philippi & Reinhard.

HC 2501 1048 1868 1481 Koln . Koelhoff HC 2502 8573 1869 1482 Nov. 21 Lyon . Petrus of Hungary HC 2503 8531a 1870 1482 Dec. 10 Lyon . Philippi & Reinhard.

HC *2504 1055 1871 1483 Jan. 19 Koln . Koelhoff.

H 2505 2036 1872 1483 May 30 Nurnberg Koberger H *2506 592 1873 1485 Feb. 14 Stra.s.sburg Press xv.

HC *2507 3130 1874 1488 May 23 Heidelberg Press i.

H 2508 .. .. 1488 Stra.s.sburg (Panzer I 36, 139) HC *2509 665 1875 1491 Aug. 11 Stra.s.sburg Press xv.

HC *2510 2073 1876 1492 June 20 Nurnberg Koberger H 2511 .. .. 1495 Stra.s.sburg (Panzer I 52, 286) HC *2498 1105 1865 n.d. Koln Press viii. [circ 1473]

formerly attributed to Zell.

HC *2499 7452 1866 n.d. Basel Ruppel.[circ 1468]

10003 .. 1505 Aug. 11 Stra.s.sburg Husner.

11131 .. 1519 May 11 Nurnberg Peypus f.J.Koberger .. 1571 Venezia (Graesse III. 92) .. 1574 Paris. (Graesse III. 92) .. 1575 Stra.s.sburg (Graesse III. 92) .. 1601 Frankfurt Richter B.M.

.. 1609 Frankfurt Stein Bib. Nat.

_Dutch Version_

H 2521 1479 ? ?

HC 2522 9173 1886 1485 Haarlem Bellaert

Note--Pr. = Proctor.

_French Version by Jehan Corb.i.+.c.hon in_ 1372

Date Place Printer Remarks HC 2514 Pr 8556 Pell 1880 . 1482 Nov.12 Lyon Huss.

HC 2518 8561 1882 . 1485 Oct.23 Lyon Huss.

HC 2515 .. 1881 . 1485-[6],Jan.26 Lyon Le Roy H 2516 .. 1883 . 1487, April 7 Lyon Huss.

HC 2517 8564 1884 . 1491-[2],Mar.15 Lyon Huss.

.. 1885 . 1496-[7] Lyon Huss. (Cop. II 884) HC 2519 .. .. . 1500 Lyon Le Diamantier HC 2513 8540 1879 . n.d. Lyon Siber (c.1482) .. 1877 . ? Lyon? Imperfect HC 2512 .. 1878 . n.d. Paris for A. Verard .. 1510 Paris for Pet.i.t& Lenoir (Brunet II 1622) .. 1512 Rouen n.p. (Brunet II 1622) .. 1518 Paris for Pet.i.t & Lenoir Bib.Nat.

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Mediaeval Lore from Bartholomew Anglicus Part 8 summary

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