Secret History of the Court of England Volume I Part 15

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It was during this affecting interview that her royal highness committed some letters of importance to the care of her n.o.ble-minded daughter; and, as it appeared impossible for any _private_ conversation to pa.s.s between them, a letter accompanied the others, addressed to the Princess Charlotte by her afflicted mother, of which the following is a transcript:

"_Copy of a letter to my dear Charlotte, Princess of Wales._

"_1814, June 7th._


"I deposit to your keeping a small parcel, of letters for my much-esteemed friend, Lady *******. I well know her generous disposition will cause her to endure a vast load of sorrow on my account, and, from these doc.u.ments, the nation may one day _be bold_. I must tell you, my dearest child, that in conformity to my father and mother's opinion, I became the wife (so called) of your father. Well do I remember the time when my dear father, the Duke of Brunswick, entered my library, (holding in his hand a letter) saying, 'Caroline, my love, I desire you will give your attention to the request of your most excellent uncle, the King of England, and, without any demur, engage to marry your cousin George. He is undoubtedly the most _elegant man_ and the most ACCOMPLISHED GENTLEMAN in Europe. Very unfortunately, this prince has been captivated by the many beautiful ladies surrounding the court; but although he may have committed himself in _formal engagements_, yet the prince is the most ready, desirous, and expectant supplicant for your hand!' I started, and exclaimed, 'What, my dear sire?' The sequel, however, is sufficient. I came to England. I was received heroically by the people, flatteringly by the persons deputed to attend me, and sarcastically by the queen, my aunt; but most pleasantly by the king, my uncle, and the prince, my destined husband. After my marriage with the prince, your father, I soon had occasion to regret my change of situation. However, I strove to conceal my disappointment and chagrin, and appeared as lively as if I had no cause for regret. Speedily after my marriage, I was informed that the prince was not my _legal_ husband; that, some time previous to our marriage, he had been united to Mrs. Fitzherbert, and therefore our engagement was null and void! I opened the sorrows of my heart to the good king. 'Ah! Ah!' said his majesty, 'I will befriend you, but my family will prove my ruin. They care not for any thing beside their own ease, and they, sooner or later, will _lose the crown_ by such improper conduct. The disposition of my son George is _unrelenting_; but I will tell you, my dear niece, that you may subdue his public injurious mention of your character, if you make use of proper means. My son is so lascivious, that if you would attempt to hide his defects, they would speedily become more apparent.' In the course of conversation, his majesty informed me of the untimely end of his BROTHER EDWARD, and also of the MARRIAGE and ISSUE of that brother, who, he stated, had been educated for the _church_; and also, that he had frequently seen him during his residence at Eton with no small degree of affection and regret, and had even appointed interviews with the individual under whose care he was placed, to adopt plans for his welfare. I confess, my dear Charlotte, I was quite unprepared for this exposition, and I answered with much warmth, 'Does your majesty mean to say, that his royal highness left issue which has never been acknowledged?' 'I do, indeed,' replied the king, 'and though the affair has been hitherto kept from the public, yet I fancy it will, one day or another, be made known.' My dear Charlotte will conceive how much I felt upon these singular explanations. I long to tell you more upon the subject, but as our confidential messenger is waiting, I must conclude by subscribing myself

"Your very affectionate mother, "CAROLINE."

The persecuted wife of the heir-apparent now prepared to leave England.

Her royal highness went to Worthing on the 2nd of August, and on the 9th embarked for the Continent, with a heart heavily charged with the most poignant feelings.

The evening of her departure was spent in rioting and drunkenness by the inhabitants of Carlton House, as they had now attained a portion of their dishonourable object, and, in a great measure, relied upon final success. The entertainments given at this period by the "unparalleled prince" were of the most dazzling and costly description. The ma.s.sive services of richly-chased gold, and the viands served upon them, in addition to every luxurious appendage, were daily superseded by others, still more rare and expensive than the preceding ones. Hundreds of thousands were thus lavished on useless pomp, while, perhaps, a poor tradesman, who had received _the honour_ of an order by command of the prince, and had borrowed the larger portion of the means to enable him to execute it, solicited, in the most humble manner, a portion of his debt; but, alas! solicited in vain; and, after daring to press his dest.i.tute and ruined condition several times, is probably forbidden ever to ask for the settlement again, but to wait the royal pleasure. His impatient creditors, in the interim, arrest him; he is carried to a prison, and, in the agony of his soul, commits suicide. Many a wife and family of children have thus been reduced to a workhouse, and the greater number of them afterwards thrown upon the town! But--these are some of the privileges of royalty!

The reminiscences of the queen were sometimes rather painful; and, shortly after she had driven her daughter-in-law from the country, symptoms of melancholy were observed. Her physicians, therefore, recommended a change of air; and, in order to amuse her majesty, it was proposed that she should repair to Brighton for a short time, accompanied by the princesses.

The Princess Charlotte, after the departure of her much-beloved mother, appeared very unhappy, and, from that time, saw her father and grandmother as seldom as possible. They well knew she was favourable to her mother's cause, in opposition to their's, not only from the very great affection which she naturally felt for her mother, but also from the numberless proofs she had observed of the honourable motives by which the conduct of the Princess of Wales had been influenced. To these might be added the opinion of the virtuous part of the nation upon the subject, and the very great respect at all times paid to her royal highness by those persons who were _independent_ of the royal family and the government.

Upon her majesty's return to Windsor, she found the king something improved in natural spirits, but desirous not to be troubled with unnecessary visiters. This slight improvement was, however, but of short duration; for, in a few days afterwards, this distressingly-afflicted sovereign relapsed into insensibility, and frequently became very boisterous in his conduct.

The amount required for this year's service was upwards of one hundred and sixteen millions, twenty-seven of which were raised by loans.

The year


commenced under numerous public and private difficulties. The regent found himself in a very unpleasant situation, being under a necessity of increasing the number of the various orders of knighthood, in order to preserve himself a sufficiency of adherents. A strange concatenation of events had also placed the rest of the royal family in an uneasy position. The Duke of Kent, some considerable time before, entered into a positive engagement with a foreign princess, by solemnly promising her marriage; yet, upon requesting his mother's approbation of the choice he had made, how great was his surprise and indignation to find that she would not listen to it! But, hastily s.n.a.t.c.hing up the letter a second time, she said, "It is impossible such things can be permitted; we need money too much in our own family to squander it upon these miserably-poor connexions." This indignant lady quite forgot, or did not wish to remember, her own origin, and the _great wealth_ she had brought to this country. Ere this self-important personage had said so much, she should have called to mind the many _n.o.ble_ acts by which she had been distinguished above all other royal ladies, and ought to have reflected, how many thousands had suffered privations and want to permit her royal self and family to live in splendour, and how many had been privately disposed of to satisfy her inordinate ambition and insatiable thirst for power!

Her majesty had also another mortification to endure in the marriage of her hopeful son, the Duke of c.u.mberland, with the Princess of Salms.

Lord Castlereagh, always happy to take from the people, had the audacity to propose an additional grant to the Duke of c.u.mberland upon his alliance with a lady so congenial to the taste and talents of his royal highness! The House of Commons, however, opposed this grant, and several members made the most severe, though _just_, remarks upon the character of Ernest Augustus on this occasion.

"Mr. R. GORDON rose, and declared that he could not reconcile it to his sense of duty to allow this motion to pa.s.s with a silent vote against it. He was astonished at the observation of the n.o.ble lord (Castlereagh) who brought forward this motion last night, that he did not apprehend any opposition, while he agreed with the n.o.ble lord that it must be painful to hear any reflections upon the character of the individual referred to, or any comments whatever at all likely to depreciate the consequence of the ill.u.s.trious family to whom that individual belonged. But ministers alone were to blame in _dragging_ the Duke of c.u.mberland before that House. If any reflections were thrown out against that individual, it was the fault of ministers in _forcing_ him upon the consideration of that House. _After what had_ NOTORIOUSLY Pa.s.sED WITH RESPECT TO THIS INDIVIDUAL, _and his connexions,--after the_ RUMOURS _that were afloat upon the subject,--he could not, by any means, concur with the n.o.ble lord, that this was not to be regarded as a_ PERSONAL _question!_"

"Mr. BENNET said, the Duke of c.u.mberland, of all the branches of the royal family, was the _only one_ who could come to that House, and make an application for money, which he should feel _compelled to oppose_! He appealed to every person in the committee, whether they did not hear, out of that House, _every individual in the country express_ ONE UNIFORM FEELING _with respect to that personage,--a feeling decidedly averse from any disposition to concur in such a grant as was now proposed_. It was impossible even to go to what was called _fas.h.i.+onable_ society, without hearing the _same feeling of disrespect expressed_!!!"

"Lord NUGENT disapproved of the grant proposed, with reference to the time in which, to the manner in which, and to the _person_ for whom, the grant was proposed. He differed with his honourable friend who spoke first in the debate, not in his vote, but in that he did not admit public rumour to influence his vote. For his own part, he voted mainly on evidence which could come before the House only by public rumour,--public rumour uncontradicted and unencountered!!!"

"Lord A. HAMILTON thought the House was called upon to consider the _merits of the individual_ before it a.s.sented to this proposition, unless it were a.s.sumed that, upon the marriage of any branch of the royal family, the House was bound to grant an additional allowance, without any consideration of the nature of the marriage, which was a proposition too preposterous to be maintained! The intimation, too, which he understood to be authentic, that it was the intention of the Duke of c.u.mberland not to reside in this country, furnished another argument against the present measure; nay, it was stated that the grant was brought forward upon the _settled condition that his royal highness should fix his residence_ ELSEWHERE!"

"Mr. METHUEN contended that the House ought to shew, by its vote that night, that it was not inattentive to the _morals_ of the country, and that therefore he should oppose the grant, not from the slightest personal motives, but merely in the conscientious discharge of what he conceived to be his duty."

"Sir H. MONTGOMERY said, that when the present bill was first brought into the House, he voted for it, because he thought the proposed sum was no more than what was necessary; but, from what he had heard since, he almost fancied he had done something very wrong! In the present case, however, he really saw nothing which would warrant the House in putting such a _stigma_ upon his royal highness as _would be conveyed by refusing the grant_!"

The House of Commons DID REFUSE THE GRANT, though only by a small majority. But this majority was sufficient, according to Sir H.

Montgomery, one of his royal highness' _admirers_, to cast a STIGMA on the Duke of c.u.mberland!

As soon as the Princess of Wales was known to have left Brunswick, and while proceeding to Geneva, persons were despatched from the British Court to watch all the movements and pursuits of her royal highness, and to report accordingly, through agents appointed for the mean purpose.

Our country's money was used upon this base business with no sparing hand. Mr. Whitbread, being perfectly aware that these secret contrivances were put into execution, felt more in fear of some evil result to the princess than if she had remained in England. He, as well as many others, knew that was of very frequent occurrence in Italy, and more than once expressed himself anxious to see the princess safely landed again on our But this was not permitted; for, on the 6th of July, this patriot committed suicide, while in a state of mental aberration. He fell a sacrifice to the intensity of his feelings upon several most important subjects.

As a man of firm principles, Mr. Whitbread was justly ent.i.tled to the praise of his countrymen. He never allowed himself to be bribed into dishonourable actions; and we cannot, therefore, attribute his unhappy end to the stings of conscience. The man whose life, or a portion of it, has been spent in furthering the wily schemes and treacherous plans of others may, very probably, in the midst of enjoying the reward of his villanous conduct, be struck by memory's faithful reflection, and, afraid of exposure, prefer instant death; but the patriot who loves his country, and has largely contributed to the defence of justice and liberty, finding his exertions of no available use, and sick at heart at the insults levied against the oppressed, may be driven by despair to rush into the presence of his Maker by his own act. This latter case, no doubt, applies to the patriot whose untimely end we are now lamenting. It was Mr. Whitbread's glory to be an Englishman,--it is his country's boast that he used his energies for her general benefit. He actively and fearlessly investigated the cause and nature of abuses, was the ready advocate of the oppressed, and the liberal friend of all mankind!

The amount required for the service of this year was one hundred and sixteen millions, which was obtained from the heavily-taxed people, earned by the sweat of their brow, and consequently by robbing their starving families of comforts!

From such oppressive exactions, the present _domineering_ TORY ARISTOCRACY has reared its unblus.h.i.+ng and hydra head. It was engendered in Deception, brought forth by Infamy, nursed by Indolence, educated by Sovereign Power, and has long lived the life of an Impostor--daring and hardy! We venture to predict, however, that its reign is drawing to a close; for the eyes of the whole nation are now fixed upon it, and its excrescences are discovered! Yes, the monster has outwitted itself, and from its seat will speedily shoot forth the TREE OF LIBERTY. May its fruits prove healing to nations! Merit will then be rewarded, Industry recompensed, Commerce revive, and Tranquillity reign in society. Kings will learn to do justice, sanguinary laws will be abolished; and thus the millennium of Peace and Joy will be established on a basis ill.u.s.trious and impregnable!

At the commencement of the year


the intended marriage of the Princess Charlotte of Wales with Prince Leopold of Saxe Cobourg was announced, which had received the sanction of the regent. This intended union appeared to us, for many reasons, highly improper, and too closely allied to the circ.u.mstances of George the Third. We knew, for a considerable period before this announcement, that Leopold had been paying the most devoted attentions to a lady of great merit and accomplishments; and, also, that marriage had been promised. We likewise did not believe the prince was a Protestant from conviction, if he professed so to be; and feared that, if finally the husband of the princess, he would only be a convert to our "established religion" from _convenience_, but really and in truth, by inclination and education, a _Catholic_. We do not name the religious sentiments of the prince as any degradation or disqualification to his character as a man or as a prince, but simply to shew that his principles prohibited his entrance, by marriage, into the English royal family; for the royal marriage act expressly declares "such marriages shall be null and void."

While staying at the city of Augsburgh, in the early part of this year, we heard various reports upon the subject in question, and the paper of the day having met our eye, what were our feelings when we read the annexed paragraph!

"_Augsburgh, January 10th._

"The Gazette of this city contains the following article, from Vienna, of January 3rd: 'Yesterday was celebrated, in the Cathedral Church of St. Stephen, in the presence of the reigning Duke of Saxe Cobourg, the MARRIAGE of his brother, _Prince Leopold_, with the young and beautiful Countess of Cohaky, according to the rites of the _Catholic_ church.'"

In contemplating this circ.u.mstance, every honest man must view the conduct of Leopold with indignation. Example is generally considered preferable to precept, and Leopold embraced this opportunity of shewing himself a convert to such doctrine. George the Third committed BIGAMY; his son George did the same; and the remaining Hope of England was destined to be a victim to similar wickedness!

After some formal correspondence, the regent sent a message to both houses of parliament, on the 14th of March, to announce the marriage contract of his daughter, the Princess Charlotte, with his serene highness the Prince Leopold of Saxe Cobourg. Sixty thousand pounds were voted to the ill.u.s.trious couple, annually; and, in case of _her royal highness' demise_, FIFTY THOUSAND POUNDS PER ANNUM were to be paid to the PRINCE _for his life_. Sixty thousand pounds were also granted for their outfit.

Well may foreigners exclaim, "How generous are the great English people!" Alas! it was not the act of the _people_; but the absolute will of Imbecility, Ignorance, and Impudence, which we shall have further occasion to ill.u.s.trate.

We must now refer our readers to the former expectation of marriage between the Princess Charlotte and the Prince of Orange. That union was much desired by the regent, because the Prince of Orange had promised unrelenting opposition to the Princess of Wales. As soon as the Princess Charlotte, however, became aware of this, she determinately refused to see the prince again; and we well know that the d.u.c.h.ess of Oldenburgh took every possible opportunity to press Prince Leopold upon her notice.

Up to the moment of the marriage, the Princess Charlotte did not hear or know a single word about the _former_ serious engagement of her affianced husband, except the mean and paltry report, that "he had been very voluptuous in his gratifications, and was then desirous of bidding an eternal adieu to those who had formerly led him _astray_!" On the other hand, Charlotte was tired of the overbearing and indiscriminate conduct of her grandmother, the queen; and therefore resolved to free herself from such restraint.

Previous to the marriage, Prince Leopold solemnly promised to fulfil every iota of the Princess Charlotte's wish, with respect to her abused and insulted mother; and further engaged, that he never would permit or allow himself to be made a party, directly or indirectly, to injure the Princess of Wales, or to prevent any correspondence between the daughter and mother, of which her royal highness the Princess Charlotte might approve. But of what signification were the promises of such a faithless man!

The former marriage of the prince was not considered by the queen a sufficient impediment to his union with her grand-daughter; and she used her utmost ability to suppress any representation contrary to the interest of his serene highness. "The Augsburgh Gazettes" were, therefore, bought up at an immense expense, to save the character of this prince from public animadversion, and consequent contempt and hatred.

On the 21st of February, Prince Leopold arrived at the Clarendon Hotel.

Lord Castlereagh waited upon his serene highness, and, on the following day, Sir B. Bloomfield arrived from Brighton, with the regent's command to invite the prince to the Pavilion.

Early on the ensuing morning, the prince and Sir B. Bloomfield left town for Brighton; and his serene highness was received with as much warmth and friends.h.i.+p by the regent as if he had been an old acquaintance, or an especial friend in iniquity!

On the 27th, the queen, accompanied by the Princess Charlotte and two of the princesses, arrived at the Pavilion, from Windsor Castle; the interview was short between Leopold and his intended bride. The family resolved that the marriage should take place as soon as possible. The royal ladies returned to Windsor, and the prince remained at Brighton with the regent.

At the time such immense sums were voted for this intended marriage and outfit, large means were also required for the support of our expensive establishments at home, which ought to have prevented any squandering of money upon _foreigners_, for we could never consider Prince Leopold as one of the royal family of _England_.

Mr. Vansittart, however, was very eloquent, _in his way_, in setting forth "the great, the incomparably great" station occupied by this country amongst the nations of the earth! In truth, we will tell the precise state of our _then greatness_. Our jails were crowded with farmers and the best of our tradesmen; our streets and roads swarmed with beggars, nearly dying from filth and want; agriculture languished, and commerce was paralyzed!

After some delay, caused by circ.u.mstances not very _honourable_ to Prince Leopold, the marriage took place on the 2nd of May; and a very general report obtained credit that Prince Leopold p.r.o.nounced his responses very tremulously, scarcely articulating his portion of the ceremony. This could hardly be wondered at, as he well knew the sacrifice of honour he was then making, and the inconstancy of his former sacred vows!

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Secret History of the Court of England Volume I Part 15 summary

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