New Word-Analysis Part 30

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Appren'tice (Old Fr. n. _apprentis_, from v. _apprendre_, to learn); apprise' (Fr. v. _apprendre_, part. _appris_, to inform); comprise' (Fr. v.

_comprendre, compris_), _to include_; en'terprise (Fr. n. _entrepise_, something undertaken); impreg'nable (Fr. adj. _imprenable_, not to be taken); pris'on (Fr. n. _prison_); prize (Fr. n. _prise_, something taken, from _prendre, pris_, to take); reprieve' (Old Fr. v. _repreuver_, to condemn), _to grant a respite_; repri'sal; surprise'.

167. PREM'ERE: pre'mo, pres'sum, _to press_.

PRESS: press (-ure); compress' (-ible); depress' (-ion); express' (-ion, -ive); impress' (-ion, -ive, -ment); irrepres'sible; oppress' ('-ion, -ive, -or); repress' (-ion, -ive); suppress' (-ion).

Print (abbreviated from _imprint_, from Old Fr. v. _preindre_ = Lat.

_prem'ere_); im'print, _the name of the publisher and the t.i.tle page of a book_; imprima'tur (Lat. _let it be printed_), originally, _a license to print a book, the imprint of a publisher_.

168. PRI'MUS, _first_; Prin'ceps, prin'cipis, _chief, original_.

PRIM: prime; pri'mate, _the highest dignitary of a church_; pri'macy; prim'ary; primer; prime'val (Lat. n. _ae'vum_, an age); prim'itive; primogen'itor (Lat. n. _gen'itor_, a begetter); primogeniture (Lat. n.

_genitu'ra_, a begetting), _the exclusive right of inheritance which in English law belongs to the eldest son or daughter_; primor'dial (Lat. v.

_ordi'ri_, to begin), _existing from the beginning_; prim'rose (Lat. n.

_ro'sa_); prin'cess; prince (Fr. n. _prince_ = Lat. _prin'ceps_); prin'; prin'ciple.

Pre'mier (Fr. adj. _premier_, first), _the prime minister_; pri'or (Lat.

adj. _prior_, former); pri'oress, _the female superior of a convent_; pri'ory, _a convent_; prior'ity, _state of being first_; pris'tine (Lat.

adj. _pristi'nus_, primitive), _original, ancient_.

169. PROBA'RE: pro'bo, proba'tum, _to try, to prove_.

PROB: prob'able, _likely, credible_; probabil'ity; improb'able; pro'bate, _the proof of a will_; proba'tion, _the act of trying_; proba'tioner; proba'tionary; probe, _to try by an instrument_; prob'ity, _tried integrity_; approba'tion, _commendation_; rep'robate (adj. literally, proved against), _base, condemned_.

Prove (Old Fr. _prover_, New Fr. _prouver_ = Lat. _proba're_); proof (Old Fr. n. _prove_ = Lat. _pro'ba_, proof); approve' (Fr. v. _approuver_ = Lat.

_approba're_); approv'al; disapprove'; improve', (-ment); reprove'; reproof'.

170. PUN'GERE: pun'go, punc'tum, _to p.r.i.c.k_; Punc'tum, _a point_.

PUNG: pun'gent; pun'gency; expunge', _to mark out_.

PUNCT: punctil'io (Sp. _punctillo_, from Lat. _punc'tum_, a point), _a nice point of exactness in conduct_, etc.; punctil'ious; punct'ual (-ity); punct'uate (-ion); punct'ure; compunc'tion, _remorse_.

Punch (abbreviated from _puncheon_, from Lat. n. _punc'tio_, a p.r.i.c.king), _an instrument for cutting holes_; point (Fr. n. _pointe_ = Lat.

_punc'tum)_; poign'ant (Fr. part. _poignant_, stinging); pon'iard (Fr. n.

_poignard_), _a small dagger_.

171. PUTA'RE: pu'to, puta'tum, _to think, to prune, to count or reckon_.

PUT: compute' (-able, -ation); depute' (Lat. v. _deputa're_, to allot), _to empower to act_; dep'uty; dispute' (-ant); indis'putable; impute'

(literally, to reckon in), _to charge_; repute'; disrepute' (-able).

PUTAT: pu'tative, _supposed_; am'putate, _to cut off the limb from an animal_; deputa'tion; imputa'tion; reputa'tion.

Count (Fr. v. _compter_ = Lat. computa're); account'; discount'; recount'.

172. RAP'ERE: ra'pio, rap'tum, _to seize suddenly, to s.n.a.t.c.h or hurry away_.

RAP: rapa'cious (Lat. adj. _ra'pax, rapa'cis_, greedy); rapac'ity; rap'id (Lat. adj. _rap'idus_, swift); rapid'ity; rap'ids; rap'ine (Lat. n.

_rapi'na_, robbery).

RAPT: rapt, _transported_; rapt'ure (-ous); enrapt'ure; surrepti'tious (Lat. v. _surrip'ere, surrep'tum_, to take away secretly), _done by stealth_.

Rav'age (Fr. v. _ravager_ = to lay waste); rav'ish (Fr. v. _ravir_ = Lat.


173. REG'ERE: re'go, rec'tum, _to rule_; Rec'tus, _straight_.

REG: re'gent; re'gency; reg'imen (Lat. n. _reg'imen_, that by which one guides or governs anything); reg'iment (Lat. n. _regimen'tum_); re'gion (Lat. _re'gio, regio'nis_, a region); cor'rigible (Lat. v. _corrig'ere_ = _con_ + _reg'ere_); incor'rigible.

RECT: rec'tify; rec't.i.tude; rec'tor (-ory); correct' (Lat. v. _corrig'ere_ = _con_ + _reg'ere), to remove faults_; direct' (-ion, -or, -ory); erect'; insurrec'tion; resurrec'tion.

Re'gal (Lat. n. _rex, re'gis_, a king); rega'lia; reg'icide (Lat. v.

_caed'ere_, to kill); reg'ular (Lat. n. _reg'ula_, a rule); reg'ulate; realm (Old Fr. _realme_, from Lat. adj. _rega'lis_, royal); reign (Fr. n. _regne_ = Lat. _reg'num); _corrigen'da (sing. _corrigen'dum_), _things to be corrected_; dress (Fr. v. _dresser_ = Lat _dirig'ere_); address' (Fr. v.

_adresser_, to direct); redress' (Fr. v. _redresser_ = Lat. _re_ + _dirig'ere), to rectify, to repair_; source (Fr. n. _source_, from Lat.

_sur'gere_, to spring up); surge; insur'gent (Lat. v. _insur'gere_).

174. RI'VUS, _a river_.

RIV: ri'val (Lat. n. _riva'lis_, one who used a brook in common with another); ri'valry; outri'val; riv'ulet (Lat. n. _riv'ulus_, diminutive of _ri'vus_); derive' (literally, to receive as from a source); deriva'tion; deriv'ative.

175. ROGA'RE: ro'go, roga'tum, _to ask_.

ROG: ar'rogant, _proud, overbearing_; ar'rogance; prorogue' (Fr. v.

_proroger_ = Lat. _proroga're_).

ROGAT: ab'rogate; _to repeal_; ar'rogate, _to a.s.sume_; arroga'tion; derog'atory, _detracting_; inter'rogate (-ion, -ive, -ory); prerog'ative (literally, that is asked before others for an opinion: hence, preference), _exclusive or peculiar right or privilege_; proroga'tion, _prolonga'tion_; superer'ogate (Lat. _super_ + _eroga're_, to spend or pay out over and above), _to do more than is necessary_; supereroga'tion.

176. RUM'PERE: rum'po, rup'tum, _to break_.

RUPT: rupt'ure, _to part violently_; abrupt' (-ly, -ness); bank'rupt (It.

n. _banco_, a merchant's place of business); bank'ruptcy; corrupt' (-ible, -ion); disrup'tion; erup'tion; interrupt' (-ion); irrup'tion; irrup'tive.

177. SA'CER, sa'cri, _holy_.

SACR: sac'rament (Lat. n. _sacramen'tum_, an oath, a sacred thing); sa'cred (orignally, past p. of Old Eng. v. _sacre_, to consecrate); sac'rifice (Lat. v. _fac'ere_, to make); sac'rilege (literally, that steals--properly gathers, picks up, _leg'ere_--sacred things); sac'ristan (Low Lat.

_sacrista'nus)_, a church officer.

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