New Word-Analysis Part 33

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199. TENE'RE: ten'eo, ten'tum, _to hold_; _French_ Tenir (_radical_ tain), _to hold_.

TEN: ten'able; ten'ant, _one who holds property under another_; ten'antry; ten'ement; ten'et (Lat. _tenet_, literally, "he holds"), _a doctrine held as true_; ten'ure.

TIN (in compos.): ab'stinent; ab'stinence; continent; incon'tinent; per'tinent; imper'tinent.

TENT: content' (-ment); contents'; discontent'; deten'tion; reten'tion; reten'tive; sus'tenance.

TAIN: abstain'; appertain'; contain'; detain'; entertain' (-ment); pertain'; retain' (-er); sustain'.

Tena'cious (Lat. adj. _te'nax, tena'cis_, holding firmly); tenac'ity; appur'tenance, _that which belongs to something else_; contin'ue (Fr. v.

_continuer_ = Lat. _contine're_); contin'ual; contin'uance; continua'tion; continu'ity; discontin'ue; coun'tenance (literally, the contents of a body: hence, of a face); lieuten'ant (Fr. n. _lieu_, a place); maintain' (Fr. n.

_main_, the hand), literally, _to hold by the hand_: hence, _to support, to uphold_; main'tenance; pertina'cious; pertinac'ity; ret'inue, _a train of attendants_.

200. TER'RA, _the earth_.

TERR: ter'race (Fr. n. _terra.s.se_); terra'queous (Lat. n. _a'qua_, water); terres'trial; ter'ritory (-al); ter'rier, _a small dog that goes into the ground after burrowing animals_; Mediterra'nean (Lat. n. _me'dius_, middle); subterra'nean.

Inter, _to put in the earth, to bury_; inter'ment; disinter'.

201. TES'TIS, _a witness_.

TEST: tes'tify; attest' (-ation); contest'; detest' (-able); protest'

(-ation, -ant); prot'estantism.

Tes'tament (Lat. n. _testamen'tum_, a will); testamen'tary; testa'tor; tes'timony (-al); intes'tate, _not having left a will_.

202. TOR'QUERE: tor'queo, tor'tum, _to twist_.

TORT: tort'ure; contort' (-ion); distort' (-ion); extort' (-ion, -ionate); retort'.

Tor'tuous (Lat. adj. _tortuo'sus_, very twisted); tortuos'ity; torment'

(Lat. n. _tormen'tum_, extreme pain).

203. TRA'HERE: tra'ho, trac'tum, _to draw_; _Fr._ Trair, _past part._ Trait.

TRACT: tract (-able, -ile, -ion); ab'stract (-ion); attract' (-ion, -ive); contract' (-ile, -or); detract'; distract'; extract' (-ion, -or); protract'; retract' (-ion); subtract' (-ion).

Trace (Fr. n. _trace_); track (Old Fr. n. _trac_); train; trait; treat (-ise, -ment, -y).

204. TRIBU'ERE: trib'uo, tribu'tum, _to allot, to give_.

TRIBUT: trib'ute (-ary); attrib'ute; contribute (-ion); distrib'ute (-ion, -ive); retribu'tion; retrib'utive.

205. TRU'DERE: tru'do, tru'sum, _to thrust_.

TRUD: detrude', _to thrust down_; extrude'; intrude' (-er); obtrude'; protrude'.

TRUS: abstruse' (literally, thrust away: hence, difficult to be understood); intru'sion; intru'sive; obtru'sive; protru'sion.

206. TU'ERE: tu'eor, tu'itus _or_ tu'tus, _to watch_.

TUIT: tui'tion, _instruction_; intui'tion, _the act or power of the mind by which it at once perceives the truth of a thing without argument_; intu'itive.

TUT: tu'tor; tuto'rial; tu'torage.

207. UN'DA, _a wave_.

UND: abun'dance, literally, condition of overflowing--(_abunda're_, to overflow); abun'dant; superabundant; inun'date (-ion); redun'dant (literally, running back or over: hence, exceeding what is necessary); redundance; redun'dancy.

Un'dulate (Lat. n. _un'dula_, a little wave); undula'tion; un'dulatory; abound'; superabound'; redound' (Old Fr. v. _redonder_ = Lat. _redunda're_, to roll back as a wave or flood).

208. U'TI: u'tor, u'sus, _to use_.

UT: uten'sil (Lat. n. _uten'sile_, something that may be used); util'ity (Lat. n. _util'itas_, usefulness); u'tilize.

US: use (-able, -age, -ful, -less); us'ual (Lat. adj. _usua'lis_, of frequent use); u'sury, _illegal interest paid for the use of money_; u'surer; abuse' (-ive); disabuse'.

209. VAD'ERE: va'do, va'sum, _to go_.

VAD: evade'; invade'; pervade'.

VAS: eva'sion; inva'sion; perva'sive.

210. VALE'RE: valeo, vali'tum, _to be strong, to be of value_; Val'idus, _strong_; Va'le, _farewell_.

VAL: valedic'tory, _bidding farewell_; valetudina'rian (Lat. n.

_valetu'do_, state of health), _a person in ill-health_; val'iant, _brave_, _heroic_; val'or (-ous); val'ue (-able, -ation, -ator); convales'cent, _regaining health_; equiv'alent (Lat. adj. _e'quus_, equal); prev'alent, _very common or general_; prevalence.

VAIL: (Fr. radical): avail' (-able); prevail'.

VALID: val'id; valid'ity; in'valid.

211. VENI'RE: ve'nio, ven'tum, _to come, to go_.

VENT: vent'ure, literally, _something gone upon_; vent'uresome; ad'vent; adventi'tious, _accidental, casual_; advent'ure (-ous); circ.u.mvent'; contraven'tion; con'vent, _a monastery, a nunnery_; conven'ticle, _a place of a.s.sembly_; conven'tion (-al); event'(-ful); event'ual; invent'

(literally, to come upon), _to find out, to contrive_; inven'tion; invent'ive; invent'or; interven'tion; peradvent'ure; prevent' (-ion, -ive).

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New Word-Analysis Part 33 summary

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