New Word-Analysis Part 48

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HANGIAN, _to hang_--hang, hanger, hinge, unhinge, overhang.

HaT, _heat_--heat, heater, hot.

HEALDAN, _to hold_--halt, halter, hilt, hold, behold, uphold, upholsterer, withhold.

HEARD, _hard_--harden, hardihood, hards.h.i.+p, hardware, hardy.

HEBBAN, _to lift_--heap, heave, heaven, heavy, upheaval.

HeDAN, _to heed_--heed, heedful, heedfulness, heedless, heedlessness.

HEORTE, _the heart_--hearten, heartless, hearty, heartburn, heart's-ease, dishearten.

HLaF, _bread_--loaf.

HLEAPAN, _to leap_--leap, overleap, elope, elopement.

HOL, _a hole_--hole, hold (_of a s.h.i.+p_), hollow, hollowness.

HRISTLAN, _to make quick sounds_--rustle, rustling.

HUNTIAN, _to rush_--hunt, hunter, huntsman.

HuS, _house_--housewife, husband, hustings.

HWEORFAN, _to turn_--swerve, wharf.

HRAN, _to hear_--hear, hearer, hearsay.

L?DAN, _to lead_--lead, leader, loadstar, loadstone, mislead.

LaeFAN, _to leave_--left, eleven, twelve.

L?RAN, _to teach_--learn, learner, learning, lore, unlearned.

LANG, _long_--long, length, lengthen, lengthy, linger.

LECGAN, _to lay_--lay, layer, lair, law, lawful, lawless, lea, ledge, ledger, lie, low, lowly, outlaw.

LEOFIAN, LYBBAN, _to live_--live, lively, livelihood, livelong, alive, outlive.

LEOHT, _light_--lighten, lightsome, lighthouse, enlighten.

LiC, _like_--like, likely, likelihood, likeness, likewise, unlike.

LOCIAN, _to stretch forward_--look.

LOMA, _utensils_, _furniture_--loom, hand-loom, power-loom.

LOSIAN, _to lose_--lose, loser, loss.

LuF, _love_; LUFIAN, _to love_--lover, lovely, loveliness, lief, beloved, unlovely.

LYFAN, _to permit_--leave (_permission_), belief, believe, believer, misbelieve.

LYFT, _the air_--loft, lofty, aloft.

MACIAN, _to make_--make, maker, match, matchless, mate, inmate.

MaeNGAN, _to mix_--among, mingle, commingle, intermingle, mongrel.

MAGAN, _to be able_--may, might, mighty, main, mainland, dismay.

MEARC, _a boundary_--mark, marksman, marches, remark.

METAN, _to measure_--meet, meeting, meet (_fit_), meetness.

MUND, _a defence_--mound.

MURNAN, _to murmur_--mourn, mourner, mournful.

MYND, _the mind_--mind, mindful, mindfulness, remind.

NaeS, _a nose_--naze, ness.

NAMA, _a name_--name, nameless, namesake, misname.

NEAD, _need_--need, needful, needless, needs, needy.

NEAH, _nigh_--near, next, neighbor.

NIHT, _night_--night, nightfall, nightless, nightmare, nightshade.

OGA, _dread_--ugly, ugliness.

PaeTH, _a path_--pathless, pathway, footpath.

PLEGAN, _to exercise_, _to sport_--play, player, playful, playmate.

RaeCAN, _to reach_--reach, overreach, rack, rack-rent.

R?DAN, _to read_--read, readable, reader, reading, riddle.

READ, _red_--red, redden, ruddy.

REAFIAN, _to seize_--bereave, bereavement, raven, ravenous, rive, rob, robber, robbery, rove, rover.

RECAN, _to heed_--reck, reckless, recklessness, reckon, reckoning.

RiDAN, _to ride_--ride, rider, road, roadster, roadstead.

RINNAN, _to run_--run, runner, runaway, outrun.

RIPAN, _to reap_--reap, reaper, ripe, ripen, ripeness, unripe.

RUH, _rough_--rough, roughness.

SaeGAN, _to say_--say, saying, hearsay, unsay.

SAR, _painful_--sore, soreness, sorrow, sorrowful, sorry.

SCACAN, _to shake_--shake, shaky, shock, shocking.

SCEADAN, _to shade_--shade, shady, shadow, shed (_a covered enclosure_).

SCEDAN, _to scatter_, _to shed_--shed (_to spill_), watershed.

SCEOFAN, _to push_--shove, shovel, scuffle, shuffle, sheaf.

SCEoTAN, _to shoot_--shoot, shot, sheet, shut, shutter, shuttle, overshoot, undershot, upshot.

SCeRAN, _to cut_--scar, scarf, score, share, sharp, shear, sheriff, s.h.i.+re.

SCiNAN, _to s.h.i.+ne_--sheen, outs.h.i.+ne, moons.h.i.+ne, suns.h.i.+ne.

SCREOPAN, _to, sc.r.a.per, swap, sc.r.a.p-book.

SCROB, _a bush_--shrub, shrubbery.

SCYPPAN, _to form_--shape, shapeless, landscape.

SELLAN, _to give_--sale, sell, sold.

SEON, _to see_--see, seer, sight, foresee, oversee, unsightly, gaze.

SETTAN, _to set_; SITTAN, _to sit_--set, setter, settle, settler, settlement, set, beset, onset, outset, upset.

SiDE, _side_--side, sideboard, aside, beside, inside, outside, upside.

SINGAN, _to sing_--sing, singer, song.

SLaeC, _slack_--slack, slackness, slow, sloth, slothful, sluggard, sluggish.

SLEaN, _to slay_--slay, slaughter, sledge (_a heavy hammer_).

SLIDAN, _to slide_--slide, sled, sledge.

SLIPAN, _to glide_--slip, slipper, slippery, slipshod.

SMITAN, _to smite_--smite, smiter, smith, smithy.

SNICAN, _to creep_--snake, sneak.

SOCC, _a shoe_--sock, socket.

SOFT, _soft_--soften, softly, softness.

SOTH, _true_--sooth, soothsayer.

SPECAN, _to speak_--speak, speaker, speech, bespeak.

SPELL, _a message_--spell (_discourse_), gospel.

SPINNAN, _to spin_--spinner, spider.

STaN, _a stone_--stony, stoneware.

STANDAN, _to stand_--standard, understand, understanding, withstand.

STEALL, _a place_--stall, forestall, install, pedestal.

STEORFAN, _to die_--starve, starvation, starveling.

STICIAN, _to stick_--stake, stick, stickle, stickleback, sting, st.i.tch, stock, stockade, stocking.

STIGAN, _to ascend_--stair, staircase, stile, stirrup, sty.

STRECCAN, _to stretch_--stretch, stretcher, straight, straighten, straightness, outstretch, overstretch.

STRAN, _to steer_--steer, steerage, steersman, stern (_the hind part of a s.h.i.+p_), astern.

STRIAN, _to stir_--stir, bestir.

SuR, _sour_--sour, sourish, sourness, sorrel, surly, surliness.

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New Word-Analysis Part 48 summary

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