New Word-Analysis Part 54

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CIT'Y: Fr. _cite_, from Lat. _civitas_, a state or community.

CIV'ILIZED: Lat. _civilis_, pertaining to an organized community.

CLI'MATE: Gr. _klima, klimatos_, slope, the supposed slope of the earth from the Equator to the poles.

COAST: Old Fr. _coste_ (New Fr. _cote_), from Lat. _costa_, rib, side.

CON'FLUENCE: Lat. _con_, together, and _fluere_, to flow.

CON'TINENT: Lat. _con_, together, and _tenere_, to hold.

CON'TOUR: Lat. _con_, together, and _tornus_, a lathe.

COUN'TY: Fr. _comte_, from Lat. _comitatus_, governed by a count.

DEGREE': Lat. _de_, and _gradus_, a step

DIAM'ETER: Gr. _dia_, through, and _metron_, measure.

EQUA'TOR: Lat. _equus_, equal.

ES'TUARY: Lat. _aestuare_, to boil up, or be furious, the reference being to the commotion made by the meeting of a river-current and the tide.

FRIG'ID: Lat. _frigidus_, from _frigere_, to be cold.

GEOG'RAPHY: Gr. _ge_, the earth, and _graphe_, a description.

GLOBE: Lat. _globus_, a round body.

GULF: Fr. _golfe_, from Gr. _kolpos_, bosom, bay.

HAR'BOR: Anglo-Saxon, _hereberga_, from _beorgan_, to shelter.

HEM'ISPHERE: Gr. _hemi_, half, and _sphaira_, sphere.

HORI'ZON: Gr. _horizein_, to bound.

IN'DIAN (ocean): India.

ISTH'MUS: Gr. _isthmos_, a neck.

LAKE: Lat. _lacus_, a lake.

LAT'ITUDE: Lat. _lat.i.tudo_, from _latus_, broad.

LON'GITUDE: Lat. _longitudo_, from _longus_, long.

MERID'IAN: Lat. _meridies_ (= _medius_, middle, and _dies_, day), noon.

METROP'OLIS: Gr. _meter_, mother, and _polis_, city.

MON'ARCHY: Gr. _monarches_, from _monos_, alone, and _archein_, to rule.

MOUN'TAIN: Fr. _montagne_, from Lat. _mons_, _montis_, a mountain.

OB'LATE: Lat. _oblatus_ (_ob_ and past part. of _ferre_, to bring), brought forward.

O'CEAN: Gr. _okea.n.u.s_, from _okus_, rapid, and _nacin_, to flow.

PACIF'IC: Lat. _pacificus_, from _pax_, _pacis_, peace, and _facere_, to make.

PAR'ALLEL: Gr. _para_, beside, and _allelon_, of one another.

PENIN'SULA: Lat. _penes_, almost, and _insula_, island.

PHYS'ICAL: Gr. _physis_ (_phusis_), nature.

PLAIN: Lat. _pla.n.u.s_, flat.

PLANE: Lat. _pla.n.u.s_, flat.

POLE: Gr. _polos_, a pivot.

POLIT'ICAL: Gr. _polis_, a city or state.

PROM'ONTORY: Lat. _pro_, before, and _mons_, _montis_, a mountain.

RELIEF': Fr. _relever_, from Lat. _relevare_, to raise.

REPUB'LIC: Lat. _res_, an affair, and _publica_, public: that is, a _commonwealth_.

RIV'ER: Fr. _riviere_, from Lat. _ripa_, a sh.o.r.e or bank.

SAV'AGE: Fr. _sauvage_, from Lat. _silva_, a wood.

SEA: Anglo-Saxon, _sae_, the sea.

SOCI'ETY: Lat. _societas_, from _socius_, a companion.


AD'JECTIVE, Lat. _adjectivus_, from _ad_ and _jacere_, to add to: _a word joined to a noun or p.r.o.noun to limit or describe its meaning_.

AD'JUNCT, Lat. _adjunctus_, from _ad_ and _jungere_, to join to: _a modifier or subordinate element of a sentence_.

AD'VERB, Lat. _adverbium_, from _ad_, to, and _verb.u.m_, word, verb: _a word used to modify the meaning of a verb, an adjective, or another adverb_.

a.n.a.l'YSIS, Gr. _a.n.a.lusis_, from _ana_ and _luein_, to unloose, to resolve into its elements: _the separation of a sentence into its const.i.tuent elements_.

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