New, Old, and Forgotten Remedies Part 61

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"July 21st.--Much improved in every way, and was all right in a day or two. Did not take any more of the remedy.

"July 26th.--At 1:30 P.M. commenced to feel chilly, with intense headache and aching all over the body. The chilliness rapidly increased until at 2 o'clock had a worse chill than ever, which lasted until 4 o'clock, when fever came on, temperature soon reaching 103; sweating commenced almost simultaneously with the fever; headache was the most prominent symptom, which was terrific; intense, congestive headache; eyes extremely sensitive; bones of the face sensitive to touch; could not move the head a hair's breadth without intense agony; thought I should go mad from the intensity of the pain. This lasted until 10:30, when there was a sensation of faintness, due evidently to lack of food, and which pa.s.sed away after eating some cream toast; the headache then also began to grow less, and I pa.s.sed a fairly good night.

"July 27th.--Was much better, but was too nervous to remain in bed; felt very weak all day; retired early, but did not sleep a moment all night long.

"July 28th.--Arose at 6 A.M.; was weak and dizzy all day; had to lie down every little while. Slept well this night.

"Have been fairly well ever since. (August 7, 1896.)


Dr. Martin took the thirtieth decimal dilution. (S.)

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New, Old, and Forgotten Remedies Part 61 summary

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