A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 110

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Salt, _adj._ RG. 1

Saltmarsh, _sb._ Ps. cvi. 34

Salve, _sb._ HD. 1835

Samded, _adj._ == half dead. RG. 163. AS. sam, Lat. semi, with 'dead'

Samen, _adv._ == together. HD. 2251. ON. saman

---- _v. a._ == collect together; pret. 'samened.' Ps. xlvi. 10; part.

'samenand.' Ps. x.x.xii. 7; 'samened.' HD. 2890

Samfayle, == without fail. RG. 405. Fr. sans faille

Samyte, _sb._ == a kind of silk. Alys. 1027; a robe of silk. Alys. 2095.

Fr. sami, samit

Sand, _sb._ HD. 708

Sanglic, _adj._ == fit for song. Ps. cxviii. 54

Sanne, _sb._ == sun? Wright's L. P. p. 26

Sans, _prep._ == without. Pol. S. 215. Fr. sans

Sapphire, _sb._ Wright's L. P. p. 25 807 B.

Saturnight. RG. 557

Sauf, _adv._ == save. _q. v._

Saufe. See Safe

Sauhting, _sb._ == peace, reconciliation? Wright's L. P. p. 23

Saut, _sb._ == leap. RG. 564. Fr. sault, saillir

Savage, _adj._ Alys. 2088. Fr. sauvage. Ital. selvaggio. Lat. silva

Save, _adv._ [sauve, sauf]. 434, 435 B.

---- _v. a._ RG. 449, 519, 550

Savour, _sb._ Wright's L. P. p. 87

Saw, _sb._ == saying, opinion. Wright's L. P. pp. 31, 47; [saye]. O. and N. 1036

Sax, _sb._ == short sword. RG. 125. AS. seax

Say, _sb._ == silk. RG. 390. Fr. saie. Lat. sagum

Say, _v. a._ pres. 'segge.' RG. 501; plur. 'segeth.' RG. 502; pret.

'seyde.' RG. 390; 'sede.' RG. 418; part, 'ysaid.' RG. 11; 'ysed.' RG. 420

Saygyng, _sb._ == omens as to land, air, &c. Alys. 61

Saylyng, _sb._ == a.s.sailing. Alys. 7392, 676

Scab, _sb._ [shabbe]. Pol. S. 239. AS. sceabb

Scabbard, [scaubert]. RG. 273. ON. skalpr. Dut. schabbe, Kil. Connected with 'sheath,' and the AS. sc?, scadan

Scabbed, _adj._ HD. 2449

Scald, _v. a._ Marg. 59. Ps. cxx. 6

Scaldand, _sb._ == a torrent. Ps. cxxv. 4; cxxiii. 5. Probably formed in imitation of 'torrent,' from 'torreo,' and AS. 'byrna,' a burn, or brook, from 'byrnan'

Scalding, _adj._ == hot. Ps. lx.x.xii. 10

Scalp, _sb._ Ps. vii. 17. ON. skalpr, a sheath

Scape, _v. n._ == escape. Pol. S. 152

Scarce, _adj._ RG. 334. Fr. escars. Lat. excarpere

Scarcely, _adv._ == in small quant.i.ties. Alys. 1012

Scarcity, _sb._ Alys. 5495

Scarlet, _sb._ Alys. 6376

Scathe, _sb._ == harm. HD. 1352. AS. sceaan

Scathing, _sb._ Ps. cv. 30

Scatter, _v. a._ Ps. xvii. 15; x.x.xiv. 16; part. 'stakered,' by a metathesis in Ps. cxl. 7. AS. scateran

Scenche, _sb._ == a cup. M. Ode, st. 167. AS. scenc

Sceptre, _sb._ Alys. 6716

Schamel, _sb._ == footstool. Ps. xcviii. 5. AS. scamel. Lat. scamnum

Schamil, == shambles, _q. v._

Schare, _sb._ == p.e.n.i.s. Fr. Sci. 322. AS. scaru. 'Schere' is given as the translation of '' in Wright's Vocabb. p. 246

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