A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 116

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Side, _adj._ == wide, ample. RG. 117. Wright's L. P. p. 37. AS. sid

Siedh, _sb._ == sinks. Rel. S. iii. 5; 3 s. pres. sih. AS. sigan

Siege, _sb._ == seat, RG. 132

---- _v. a._ == besiege. Alys. 2672

Sigh, _sb._ [syke]. Wright's L. P. pp. 40, 90

---- _v. n._ [syke]. Wright's L. P. p. 85; part. 'sykynde.' RG. 323. AS.


Sighing, _sb._ [siking]. 9 . Wright's L. P. p. 53

Sighingness, _sb._ Ps. ci. 6

Sight, _sb._ == appearance. RG. 6

---- == a spectacle. RG. 539

---- == view, prospect. c.o.k. 46

Sign, _sb._ RG. 180, 193

Signifiance, _sb._ == meaning. Alys. 583

Signify, _v. a._ RG. 345

Signiory, _sb._ RG. 440

Siker, _adj._ == secure. RG. 430, 503

Sikerhede, _sb._ O. and N. 1263

Sikerlich, _adv._ == certainly. O. and N. 1137. HD. 422

Sikerness, _sb._ RG. 434. HD. 2856

Silence, _sb._ 319

Silk, _sb._ Wright's L. P. p. 36. AS. seolc

Silken, _adj._ Alys. 278

Silly, _adj._ RG. 428. Literally, happy, then innocent, foolish, from AS.


Silver, _sb._ RG. 379

---- _adj._ 'silver ore.' RG. 1

Simnel, _sb._ == a biscuit. HD. 779. Lat. 'siminellus,' from 'simila.' Sw.


Simple, _adj._ RG. 97

Simply, _adv._ RG. 125

Sin, _sb._ RG. 195, 405

Sinew, _sb._ 2429 B

Sinful, _adj._ RG. 173, 405

Sinfully, _adv._ RG. 445

Sing, _v. a._ RG. 508. Alys. 1044

---- _v. n._ Wright's L. P. p. 26

Singing, _sb._ Alys. 6745

Sink, _v. n._ Wright's L. P. p. 37. AS sincan

---- _v. a._ == make to sink. pret. 'sanke.' Ps. lxviii. 3. AS. sencan

Sir, as a t.i.tle, 'Syre Geffray.' RG. 440. 'Sir King.' RG. 501

Sire, _sb._ == an appellative. RG. 500, 501

---- == a lord. RG. 321

Sise, _sb._ == a.s.size. Body and Soul, 143

Sisour, _sb._ == a person deputed to hold a.s.sizes. Manuel d. Pecches, 2638

Sister, _sb._ RG. 453

Sit, _v. n._ RG. 535

---- == fit (as a dress). Body and Soul, 199

---- _v. a._ == oppose, for 'at-sitte.' HD. 2567

Sithe, _sb._ == time. 'at the first sithe' HD. 1052. RG. 264; [side]. O.

and N. 299. AS. si

Sithen, _adv._ == afterwards. HD. 2251

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