A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 119

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Snache, _v. a._ == pierce? Alys. 6559. AS. snas, a spear, or spit

Snail, _sb._ O. and N. 87. AS. snaegel

Snake, _sb._ Alys. 5972. AS. snacu

Snare, _sb._ Pol. S. 197. AS. sneare

Sneer, _v. n._ Ps. ii. 4. Lat. 'nares,' the nostrils. Cf. Gr. ??t????e??, and Engl. 'sneeze,' from AS. naes. Lat. nasus

---- _v. a._ == scorn. Ps. lxxix. 7

Sneering, _sb._ Ps. lxxviii. 4

Sneipe, _v. n._ == blow the nose. Rel. Ant. ii. 211. Cf. Snyte

Snell, _adj._ == swift. K. Horn, 1517. AS. snel

Snellich, _adv._ == quickly. c.o.k. 161

Snepe, _adj._ == foolish. O. and N. 225. ON. snapr

Snivelling, _part._ Fr. Sci. 279. AS. snofel

Sn.o.bbe, _v. n._ == sob? Rel. Ant. ii. 211. Dut. snof == singultus, Kil.

Snode, _sb._ == a morsel. Ps. cxlvii. 17. AS. snid

Snout, _sb._ K. Horn, 1114. Alys. 6534. ON. snudr

Snow, _sb._ RG. 463

---- _v. n._ Alys. 6450. 3 s. pres. 'snuith.' O. and N. 620

Snub, _v. a._ [snibbe]. Ps. ix. 6. ON. snubba

Snubbing, _sb._ == rebuke. Ps. xvii. 16

Snurpe, _v. n._ == become shrivelled. Rel. Ant. ii. 211. Sw. snorpa

Snyte, _v. a._ == blow the nose. St Dunstan, 85; part, 'ysnyt.' Ib. 91.

ON. snta

So, _adv._ with adj. 'a so gret best.' 674 . 'of so n.o.ble fame.' RG. 367

with adv. 'so that.' 643 . 651 . 'so soon' == as soon as. 635

---- == as if. HD. 594

---- == in such manner. RG. 369

---- == as. Wright's L. P. p. 28, 'wery so water in wore'

---- == how [sa]. Ps. x.x.xiii. 9

So. See See

So, _sb._ == a pail. HD. 933. ON. sar. Dan. saa. Fr. seau

Soap, _sb._ RG. 6

Sobbing, _sb._ HD. 234

Socket, _sb._ == blade. Alys. 4415. Fr. soc, a ploughshare

Soffid, _part._ == sought? Ritson's AS. viii. 209

Soft, _adj._ RG. 475, 557; merciful. Ps. x.x.xiii. 9

---- _adv._ == softly. 2128 B.

Soil, _v. a._ RG. 469. AS. sol

---- _v. n._ == become soiled. O. and N. 1274

Sojourn, _sb._ 1585 B.

---- _v. n._ RG. 469

Sojourning, _sb._ Alys. 5209

Solace, _sb._ RG. 442

---- _v. a._ RG. 552

Solacing, _sb._ Alys. 6746

Soldan, _sb._ Alys. 1781

Solement, _adv._ == solely. 197

Solemnity, _sb._ 2237 B. Ps. lxxiii. 4

Solsecle, _sb._ == the herb solsequium, or heliotrope. Wright's L. P. pp.

26, 53

Somdele, _adv._ RG. 545

Some, _adj._ 'sum holi childe.' 104 B.; used absolutely, 'somme' == some persons. RG. 396, 459

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