A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 125

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Store, _sb._ RG. 395, 396

---- _v. a._ part. 'ystored.' RG. 18

Storm, _sb._ Ps. xlix. 3

Story, _sb._ == tale. HD. 1641

Stot, _sb._ == horse. O. and N. 495. AS. stotte

Stound, _sb._ == a s.p.a.ce of time. RG. 388, 559. AS. stund

Stoup, _sb._ == cup. RG. 268. AS. stoppa

Stour, _adj._ == strong, great. Wright's L. P. p. 87; [stor]. Ps. x.x.xvii.

15. AS. stor

Stout, _adj._ 512 B. Dut. stout

Stoute, _v. a._ == disturb, annoy. Manuel d. Pecches, 2951. AS. strutian

Stover, _sb._ == provision, fodder. Alys. 1866. Fr. estouvier

Stow, _sb._ == a place. Wright's L. P. p. 98. AS. stow

Stowe, _sb._ == went, mounted. See Stie

Straile, _sb._ == a couch. Ps. xl. 4. AS. str?l

Strain, _v. a._ == tighten, stretch; part. 'istrained.' 1479 B.

Strait, _adj._ 260 B.

Straitly, _adj._ == rigorously. RG. 373

Strand, _sb._ (of the sea). K. Horn, 39

Strange, _adj._ HD. 640

Strangeman, _sb._ RG. 254

Strangle, _v. a._ HD. 510

Straple, _sb._ == strap. 1479 B. AS. strapol

Straw, _sb._ [stro]. Pol. S. 152; [strie]. HD. 998. AS. streow

Stream, _sb._ HD. 2687

Stream, _v. n._ == flow. Ps. lxi. 11

Street, _sb._ RG. 7

Strench, _sb._ == strain, stretch. Rel. S. i. 14. AS. strec

Strene, _sb._ == progeny. Alys. 511; [strende]. Ps. ix. 27. AS. strnd

---- _v. a._ == beget. HD. 2983; fornicate. Ps. lxxii. 27. AS. strnan

Strength, _sb._ RG. 377, 490; [strenge]. RG. 302

---- == violence. Pilate, 101

---- _v. a._ == strengthen. Ps. lxviii. 5

Strenkil, _v. a._ == sprinkle. Ps. 1. 9. Cf. Swed. stanka

---- _sb._ == hyssop. Ps. 1. 9

Streon, _sb._ == the knot in the yolk of an egg, the point where generation commences. Fr. Sci. 6. AS. streon

Stride, _v. n._ Wright's L. P. p. 111

---- _sb._ Ritson's AS. viii. 32

Strie. See Straw

Strife, _sb._ RG. 408, 567

Strike, _v. n._ == go on, flow. Wright's L. P. p. 44. AS. strican. See La?amon, i. 171, 397, and the Legend of St Katherine (Abbotsford Club), vv. 2514, 733, for exx. of this sense in Semi-Saxon

---- _v. a._ == strike sail. K. Horn, 1043

String, _v. a._ == pierce. Cf. our phrase, 'string papers together,' i. e.

pierce them, and then unite them by a string. Body and Soul, 207. Another form of 'sting'

---- _sb._ RG. 456; == rope. Ps. civ. 11. AS. streng

---- == direction of going? Ps. cx.x.xviii. 3

Strip, _v. a._ 2242 B. Pilate, 185

Strive, _v. n._ RG. 26; [struen]. Marg. 25. Fr. estriver. Swed. strafwa.

Germ. streben. ON. strita. AS. stri

Striving, _sb._ RG. 467

Stroke, _sb._ RG. 536, 401

Strong, _adj._ RG. 544, 546; comp. 'stronger.' RG. 266; sup. 'strongest.'

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