A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 132

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Thew, _adj._ == in servitude. HD. 262, 221 B. AS. eow

---- _vb._ See Underthewe

Thewes, _sb._ == manners, morals. Wright's L. P. p. 23. AS. eaw

Theymen, _sb._ == thew men or yeomen. RG. 330

Theyn, _sb._ == teen, hurt? Rel. Ant. i. 113

Thick, _adj._ RG. 412; used of air. Alys. 4079

---- _v. n._ == become thick. Alys. 3855. Fr. Sci. 309

Thief, _sb._ RG. 277, 428

Thiefly, _adv._ [theofliche]. 285 . Alys. 4002

Thigg, _v. n._ == beg. Ps. cviii. 10. HD. 1373. AS. icgan, to receive

Thiggand, _sb._ == beggar. Ps. x.x.xix. 18

Thigh, _sb._ [thy], RG. 244; [theo]. O. and N. 1495; pl. 'thyes.' RG. 417; 'thes.' HD. 1903. AS. eoh

Thild, _sb._ == endurance. Ps. ix. 19. AS. yld

Thin, _adj._ Wright's L. P. p. 37; [thunne]. Ibid. p. 47

Thin. See Thou

Thine, _adj._ before a cons. RG. 238

Thing, _sb._ RG. 367, 379. AS. ing

---- == cause, reason; 'for mine thinge' == for my sake. O. and N. 434

Think, _v. n._ RG. 397; [ithenche]. O. and N. 723; pret. 'tho?te.' RG.

369; part. 'itho?t.' 110 B. 1378 B.; AS. encan

Think, _v. n._ == seem. 3 s. pres. 'thunth.' O. and N. 1590; 'thin?th.'

Fr. Sci. 96; 'me thunch.' O. and N. 1647; 'me thuncth.' O. and N. 1670; pret. 'tho?te.' 10 B.; 16 B. AS. incan

Thinking, _sb._ == thought. Ps. xviii. 15

Thinly, _adv._ Alys. 5922

Thinne, _v. a._ == extend. Ps. lix. 10; cvii. 10. AS. enian

Third, _adj._ [rydde]. RG. 397

Thire, _adj._ == thy. O. and N. 429

Thirle, _v. a._ == pierce. Wright's L. P. p. 88. AS. irlian

---- _sb._ == hole, hence a privy chamber. Ps. civ. 30. AS. irel

Thirst, _sb._ [virst]. Body and Soul, 87

Thirteen. RG. 390

Thirteenth, _adj._ [thretteoth], 330

Thirtieth, _adj._ RG. 441

Thirty. RG. 375

This, _dem. p.r.o.n._

_sing._ N. RG. 367

D. 'thisse.' O. and N. 659; 'usse.' M. Ode, 172

A. 'this.' Wright's L. P. p. 50; 'thas.' O. and N. 1440

_plur._ N. This == these. Wright's L. P. p. 42; 'thuse.' Fr. Sci. 122

D. and A. 'thenne.' Wright's L. P. p. 23

Thisterness, _sb._ == darkness. HD. 2191. AS. sternes. Germ. finsterniss

Thit, == that. HD. 2990

Thither, _adv._ [uder]. RG. 543, 387

Thitherward. RG. 387

Thixil, _sb._ == an adze. Ps. lxxiii. 6; but the AS. ixl seems only to mean 'the shaft of a waggon.' In Wright's Vocab. p. 275, we find 'acia'

(i. e. ascia), translated 'a tyxhyl'

Tho, _adv._ == then. RG. 384

---- == when. O. and N. 1688

---- == though, _q. v._

Thole, _v. a._ == endure. RG. 407, 509; part. 'ytholed.' RG. 24. AS.


Tholemod, _adj._ == long-suffering. Alys. 393. Wright's L. P. p. 72. AS.


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