A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 135

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Till, _v. a._ == cultivate. RG. 21, 41. AS. tilian

Tilling, _sb._ Pol. S. 149; [talling]. Alys. 5932

Tilth, _sb._ Ps. civ. 12. AS. til

Timber, _sb._ Alys. 2885

Timbre, _sb._ == timbrel. Alys. 191

Time, _sb._ RG. 9, 370. In Ps. cx.x.xi. 5, 'times' is used for 'brows,'

evidently a mistranslation of the Latin 'tempora'

Timeful, _adj._ == suitable. Ps. cxliv. 15

Timely, _adv._ == in good time. RG. 258

Timing, _sb._ == time, season. Frag. in Warton, H. E. P., vol. i. p. 22

Timpan, _sb._ == drum. Ps. lxvii. 26; Ps. cxlix. 3

Tin, _sb._ RG. 1, 6

Tine. See Tende

Tine, _v. a._ == lose. HD. 2023. ON. tna

Tinsel, _sb._ == perdition, destruction. Ps. lx.x.xvii. 12. ON. tna

t.i.te, _adv._ == quickly. Ps. cv. 13; x.x.xvi. 2. AS. tid, tidlice

t.i.the, _v. n._ == pay t.i.thes; pret. 'tethe?ede.' RG. 261

t.i.the, _v. a._ == grant. RG. 114. AS. tiian

t.i.thing, _sb._ == a division of the hundred. RG. 267

t.i.thing, _sb._ == a tenth part [teoing]. Judas, 135

Ti?th. See Te

To, _prep._ 'to this land,' 'to Scotlande.' RG. 367

---- == towards. 'to men.' RG. 369

---- sign of dative case. RG. 370

To, _adv._ == till. Alys. 5902. Ps. xvii. 38

To, _adv._ == too, _q. v._

To, with infin., 'to fle that cas.' RG. 367; [te]. RG. 65

To, == two, _q. v._

Toad, _sb._ == frog; pl. 'tade.' Ps. lxxvii. 45

---- == toad. Body and Soul, 210

To and fro. Body and Soul, 184

Tobeat, _v. a._ == beat violently. O. and N. 1608

Toberste, _v. n._ == burst; part. 'to-borste.' Body and Soul, 159

---- _v. a._ == break in two; pret. 'tobarst.' Alys. 2154

Tobreak, _v. a._ == break in pieces. RG. 288, 419

---- _v. n._ K. Horn, 1109

Tobrede, _v. a._ == enlarge. Ps. iv. 2. AS. to-braedan

Tobrede, _v. a._ == tear in pieces; part. 'tobrode.' O. and N. 1006. AS.


Tobrenne, _v. a._ == kindle. Ps. ii. 13

Tobrise, _v. a._ == bruise; part. 'tobrised.' HD. 1950

Tobune, _v. a._ == strike violently. O. and N. 1164. AS. bana, bona

Tobuste, _v. a._ == batter, bang. O. and N. 1608

Tobuy, _v. a._ == buy; pret. 'tobohte.' Wright's L. P. p. 93

Tochine, _v. a._ == split in pieces. O. and N. 1563; part. 'toc.o.o.n.' Alys.

573. See 'tochon,' in Gloss. to La?. AS. tocinan

Tocleave, _v. a._ pret. 'toclef.' RG. 17, 401

Tocome, _v. n._ == come to, arrive. RG. 367

Tocrush, _v. a._ HD. 1992

Todash, _v. a._ RG. 540

Today, 295

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A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language Part 135 summary

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